280 resultados para ignorance
The dichotomy between two groups of workers on neuroelectrical activity is retarding progress. To study the interrelations between neuronal unit spike activity and compound field potentials of cell populations is both unfashionable and technically challenging. Neither of the mutual disparagements is justified: that spikes are to higher functions as the alphabet is to Shakespeare and that slow field potentials are irrelevant epiphenomena. Spikes are not the basis of the neural code but of multiple codes that coexist with nonspike codes. Field potentials are mainly information-rich signs of underlying processes, but sometimes they are also signals for neighboring cells, that is, they exert influence. This paper concerns opportunities for new research with many channels of wide-band (spike and slow wave) recording. A wealth of structure in time and three-dimensional space is different at each scale—micro-, meso-, and macroactivity. The depth of our ignorance is emphasized to underline the opportunities for uncovering new principles. We cannot currently estimate the relative importance of spikes and synaptic communication vs. extrasynaptic graded signals. In spite of a preponderance of literature on the former, we must consider the latter as probably important. We are in a primitive stage of looking at the time series of wide-band voltages in the compound, local field, potentials and of choosing descriptors that discriminate appropriately among brain loci, states (functions), stages (ontogeny, senescence), and taxa (evolution). This is not surprising, since the brains in higher species are surely the most complex systems known. They must be the greatest reservoir of new discoveries in nature. The complexity should not deter us, but a dose of humility can stimulate the flow of imaginative juices.
O cenário competitivo e globalizado em que as empresas estão inseridas, sobretudo a partir do século XXI, associados a ciclos de vida cada vez menores dos produtos, rigorosos requisitos de qualidade, além de políticas de preservação do meio ambiente, com redução de consumo energético e de recursos hídricos, somadas às exigências legais de melhores condições de trabalho, resultaram em uma quebra de paradigma nos processos produtivos até então concebidos. Como solução a este novo cenário produtivo pode-se citar o extenso uso da automação industrial, fato que resultou em sistemas cada vez mais complexos, tanto do ponto de vista estrutural, em função do elevado número de componentes, quanto da complexidade dos sistemas de controle. A previsibilidade de todos os estados possíveis do sistema torna-se praticamente impossível. Dentre os estados possíveis pode-se citar os estados de falha que, dependendo da severidade do efeito associado à sua ocorrência, podem resultar em sérios danos para o homem, o meio ambiente e às próprias instalações, caso não sejam corretamente diagnosticados e tratados. Fatos recentes de catástrofes relacionadas à sistemas produtivos revelam a necessidade de se implementar medidas para prevenir e para mitigar os efeitos da ocorrência de falhas, com o objetivo de se evitar a ocorrência de catástrofes. De acordo com especialistas, os Sistemas Instrumentados de Segurança SIS, referenciados em normas como a IEC 61508 e IEC 61511, são uma solução para este tipo de problema. Trabalhos publicados tratam de métodos para a implementação de camadas SIS de prevenção, porém com escassez de trabalhos para camadas SIS de mitigação. Em função do desconhecimento da dinâmica do sistema em estado de falha, técnicas tradicionais de modelagem tornam-se inviáveis. Neste caso, o uso de inteligência artificial, como por exemplo a lógica fuzzy, pode se tornar uma solução para o desenvolvimento do algoritmo de controle, associadas a ferramentas de edição, modelagem e geração dos códigos de controle. A proposta deste trabalho é apresentar uma sistemática para a implementação de um sistema de controle para a mitigação de falhas críticas em sistemas produtivos, com referência às normas IEC 61508/61511, com ação antecipativa à ocorrência de catástrofes.
Se presenta un análisis de las publicaciones de la colección «Al Servicio de España y del Niño Español», aparecidas entre 1938 y 1952 en relación con la salud maternal, el discurso de género, el trabajo femenino y las prácticas del cuidado de niños. La mayor preocupación del régimen franquista en este ámbito fue la política pronatalista y combatir los elevados índices de mortalidad infantil, de los que la ignorancia femenina se consideraba una de las principales causas. Las campañas de divulgación sanitaria estuvieron dirigidas a mejorar la capacitación de las mujeres en la denominada «ciencia materna», culpabilizándolas de esas muertes. La salud de la mujer preocupó porque de ella dependía la salud del niño. El discurso de género favoreció el modelo ideológico de mujer de la Sección Femenina de Falange, Auxilio Social y de la Iglesia Católica.
The English language and the Internet, both separately and taken together, are nowadays well-acknowledged as powerful forces which influence and affect the lexico-grammatical characteristics of other languages world-wide. In fact, many authors like Crystal (2004) have pointed out the emergence of the so-called Netspeak, that is, the language used in the Net or World Wide Web; as Crystal himself (2004: 19) puts it, ‘a type of language displaying features that are unique to the Internet […] arising out of its character as a medium which is electronic, global and interactive’. This ‘language’, however, may be differently understood: either as an adaptation of the English language proper to internet requirements and purposes, or as a new and rapidly-changing and developing language as a result of a rapid evolution or adaptation to Internet requirements of almost all world languages, for whom English is a trendsetter. If the second and probably most plausible interpretation is adopted, there are three salient features of ‘Netspeak’: (a) the rapid expansion of all its new linguistic developments thanks to the Internet itself, which may lead to the generalization and widespread acceptance of new words, coinages, or meanings, hundreds of times faster than was the case with the printed media. As said above, (b) the visible influence of English, the most prevalent language on the Internet. Consequently, (c) this new language tends to reduce the ‘distance’ between English and other languages as well as the ignorance of the former by speakers of other languages, since the ‘Netspeak’ version of the latter adopts grammatical, syntactic and lexical features of English. Thus, linguistic differences may even disappear when code-switching and/or borrowing occurs, as whole fragments of English appear in other language contexts. As a consequence of the new situation, an ideal context appears for interlanguage or multilingual word formation to thrive: puns, blends, compounds and word creativity in general find in the web the ideal place to gain rapid acceptance world-wide, as a result of fashion, coincidence, or sheer merit of the new linguistic proposals.
La aparición de Internet ha cambiado los medios de comunicación. En un primer momento, el desconocimiento de las posibilidades que ofrecía marcaron el paso del mundo analógico al mundo digital, pero después los diarios, las radios y las televisiones se han introducido masivamente en la Red y también han aparecido nuevos medios creados específicamente para Internet. Estos cambios han sido objeto de estudio de los investigadores y se ha hecho necesaria la consolidación de una nueva terminología. Se explican en este trabajo las cuestiones terminológicas que afectan el ciberperiodismo, se define el concepto de estudio, para hacer después un breve recorrido por la historia de la ciberprensa y las diferentes etapas y tipologías de cibermedios que han establecido los investigadores.
Objetivo: Explorar el conocimiento de los hombres procedentes de países donde se realiza la mutilación genital femenina sobre las consecuencias negativas en la salud de las mujeres afectadas. Métodos: Metodología cualitativa con enfoque etnometodológico, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas individuales y grupales a 25 hombres, en relación con la mutilación genital femenina, seleccionados mediante triple muestreo. Se entregó una carta de presentación del estudio a los participantes y la declaración del consentimiento informado, y se les solicitó permiso para grabar la entrevista en audio. El análisis de los datos se realizó con el software informático Atlas. Ti7. Resultados: Los participantes contrarios al corte son conscientes de la diversidad de complicaciones físicas, obstétricas, psicológicas, sobre la sexualidad y sociales en las mujeres sometidas a mutilación. Sin embargo, los hombres que tienen un posicionamiento favorable muestran en general un desconocimiento de los problemas secundarios a esta práctica. Conclusiones: Los participantes procedentes de países donde se realiza la mutilación genital femenina, contrarios a mantener esta práctica, muestran un mayor conocimiento de las consecuencias negativas que los que se manifiestan a favor. El diseño de herramientas y programas de sensibilización destinados a la lucha contra la mutilación genital femenina debe visibilizar las complicaciones sobre la salud de las mujeres y las niñas, e incluir intervenciones familiares que impliquen a los hombres en el proceso de erradicación de esta práctica.
Enquadramento: A segurança do doente é um problema internacional e uma prioridade das políticas de saúde de múltiplos organismos/instituições nacionais de saúde. Neste âmbito, surgem os sistemas de notificação de incidentes. Objetivo: Conhecer a perceção dos enfermeiros sobre a notificação de incidentes e sobre a segurança do doente. Métodos: Recorremos a uma triangulação metodológica constituída por um estudo quantitativo (estudo A) e outro qualitativo (estudo B). O estudo A é analítico, transversal, realizado com 182 enfermeiros. Os dados foram recolhidos por questionário, constituído por variáveis sociodemográficas e profissionais e escalas para avaliar doze dimensões da notificação e segurança do doente. O estudo B é exploratório, realizado com 18 enfermeiros, através de entrevista semiestruturada. Resultados: Para os enfermeiros todos os incidentes devem ser notificados, mas a frequência de notificação é baixa e diminui com a gravidade do dano, 65,0% não registou qualquer ocorrência no último ano e 82,3% desconhece o sistema de notificação. Os principais obstáculos à notificação são o receio de punição e os principais fatores facilitadores são os benefícios que advêm da notificação para o doente, a ausência de retaliações no trabalho, uma relação positiva com os superiores hierárquicos, o anonimato e a perceção de resultados da notificação. Aproximadamente 60,0% dos enfermeiros tem uma perceção geral da segurança do doente positiva. Conclusão: A perceção dos enfermeiros sobre a notificação de incidentes reflete desconhecimento da temática, elevado receio de punição, originando baixa frequência de notificação. A perceção sobre a segurança do doente é positiva. É necessário melhorar a cultura de segurança da organização e o conhecimento dos enfermeiros sobre o papel da notificação. Palavras-Chave: segurança do doente, notificação de incidentes, enfermeiros.
All but the last three works are by William Penn.
The gentle reader.--The enjoyment of poetry.--The mission of humor.--Cases of conscience concerning witchcraft.--The honorable points of ignorance.--That history should be readable.--The evolution of the gentleman.--The hinter-land of science.--The gentle reader's friends among the clergy.--Quixotism.--Intimate knowledge and delight.
Descriptive models of social response are concerned with identifying and discriminating between different types of response to social influence. In a previous article (Nail, MacDonald, & Levy, 2000), the authors demonstrated that 4 conceptual dimensions are necessary to adequately distinguish between such phenomena as conformity, compliance, contagion, independence, and anticonformity in a single model. This article expands the scope of the authors' 4-dimensional approach by reviewing selected experimental and cultural evidence, further demonstrating the integrative power of the model. This review incorporates political psychology, culture and aggression, self-persuasion, group norms, prejudice, impression management, psychotherapy, pluralistic ignorance, bystander intervention/nonintervention, public policy, close relationships, and implicit attitudes.
Most people presenting with rheumatoid arthritis today can expect to achieve disease suppression, can avoid or substantially delay joint damage and deformities, and can maintain a good quality of life. Optimal management requires early diagnosis and treatment, usually with combinations of conventional disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). If these do not effect remission, biological DMARDs may be beneficial. Lack of recognition of the early signs of rheumatoid arthritis, ignorance of the benefits of early application of modern treatment regimens, and avoidable delays in securing specialist appointments may hinder achievement of best outcomes for many patients. Triage for recognising possible early rheumatoid arthritis must begin in primary care settings with the following pattern of presentation as a guide: involvement of three or more joints; early-morning joint stiffness of greater than 30 minutes; or bilateral squeeze tenderness at metacarpophalangeal or metatarsophalangeal joints.
We articulate the role of norms within the social identity perspective as a basis for theorizing a number of manifestly communicative phenomena. We describe how group norms are cognitively represented as context-dependent prototypes that capture the distinctive properties of groups. The same process that governs the psychological salience of different prototypes, and thus generates group normative behavior, can be used to understand the formation, perception, and diffusion of norms, and also how some group members, for example, leaders, have more normative influence than others. life illustrate this process across a number of phenomena and make suggestions for future interfaces between the social identity perspective and communication research. We believe that the social identity approach represents a truly integrative force for the communication discipline.
The oharaoter of right-wing extremism in the Federal Republic has undergone extensive transformations in the seventies. As electoral support for the extreme Right declined, a whole range of new groupings emerged pursuing a militant extra-parliamentary strategy. Essential charaoteristics are an increasing tendency to use violence and a close ideological affinity to the NSDAP. They attract a growing number of young people. The increasing susceptibility of young people to rightist ideologies coincides with an economic recession of which young people especially are the victims. Widespread ignorance about Nazism and the prevalence of anti-democratic political attitudes constitute important contributary factors and point to a considerable potential for right-extremism in the Federal Republic., This potential can be attributed. to the negative effects of much of the material dealing with the NS past, to serious deficiencies in the area of historical-political education in schools and, above all, to the absence of any :real process of "coming to terms with the past" in the postwar period. Neo-Nazism is not completely isolated from other trends in West German society. Rightist elements within the established party system and broad sections of the population hold similar views and attitudes. This similarity, linked with an over-exaggerated concern with a perceived threat from the extreme Left may explain the absence of any concerted effort to deal with nee-Nazi tendencies. The response of the courts exemplifies a widespread tendency to under-estimate the significance of the extreme Right. Opposition to the Right is restricted primarily to those circles which suffered most under the Nazi regime. The analysis suggests that one must reject the simplistic view that at the present time the Right does not constitute a serious threat to West German democracy. The study evaluates the wide range of views to be found in secondary sources on the subject of neo-Nazism and is :intended, to contribute to the ongoing discussion conceming the potential for right-extremism in West Germany.
It’s just not an option Sustainability literacy should by now be woven into the fabric of our educational culture. Our present ignorance and lack of engagement is nothing short of shameful, says John Blewitt.
Ignorance of user factors can be seen as one of the nontechnical issues contributing to expert system failure. An expert advisory system is built for nonexpert users; the users' acceptance is a very important factor for its successful implementation. If an expert advisory system satisfactorily represents the expertise in the domain, there still remains the question: "Will the end-users use the system?" This paper aims to address users' issues by analysing their reactions towards an expert advisory system called ADGAME, developed to help its users make better decisions in playing a competitive business game. Two experiments with ADGAME have been carried out. The research results show that, when the use of the expert advisory system is optional, there is considerable reluctance to use it, particularly amongst the "worst" potential users. Users also doubt the potential benefits in terms of improved learning and confidence in decisions made. Strangely, the one positive expectation that users had, that the system would save them time, proved not to be the case in practice; ADGAME appears to improve the users' effectiveness rather than their efficiency. © 1995.