957 resultados para identity - women
The paper aims to (1) assess the prevalence of leaking urine and to (2) explore associations between leaking urine and a variety of other symptoms, conditions, surgical procedures and life events in three large cohorts of Australian women, who are participants in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health. Young women aged 18-23 (N = 14,000), mid-age women, 45-50 (N 13,738) and older women, 70-75 (N = 12,417), were recruited randomly from the national HIC/Medicare database. Leaking urine was reported by approximately one in eight young women [estimated prevalence 12.8% (95% CI: 12.2-13.3)] and one in three mid-age women [36.1% (CI: 35.2-37.0)] and older women [35.0% (CI: 34.1-35.9)]. Leaking urine was significantly associated with parity, conditions which increase the pressure on the pelvic floor such as constipation and obesity, past gynecological surgery and conditions which can impact on bladder control. The study showed that fewer than half the women had sought help for the problem and that younger women were less likely to be satisfied with the help available for this problem. Strategies for continence promotion, including opportunistic raising of the issue at the time of cervical screening and pregnancy care are suggested, so that the health and social outcomes of untreated chronic incontinence in women might be improved.
An exploratory study was conducted to examine whether the relationships between psychological stress and disordered eating, reported in many studies using American samples, would be found in a sample of young Australian women. A total of 212 women aged 18-22 years completed a questionnaire assessing a number of women's health issues, including life events stress, perceived stress levels, psychological distress, disordered eating behaviours, and concerns about weight and eating. While results showed few strong relationships between stress and eating variables for the sample overall, those women with high psychological stress levels appeared to be more likely to engage in disordered eating behaviours than women with low levels of stress. Results suggest that further investigation, targeting subgroups of women scoring highly on measures of psychological stress or disordered eating, may help clarify our understanding of the relationships between these factors in young Australian women.
The purpose of this study was to examine factors which affect driving behaviour and accident rates in women in Australia. Two groups of women (aged 18-23 and 45-50 years) participating in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health, completed a mailed questionnaire on driver behaviour and road accidents. Self reported accident rates in the last 3 years were 1.87 per 100 000 km for the young drivers (n = 1199) and 0.59 per 100 000 km for the mid-age drivers (n = 1564); most accidents involved damage only, not injury. Mean scores for lapses obtained using the Driver Behaviour Questionnaire, were similar in the two age groups and similar to those found in other studies. In contrast, scores for errors and violations for the young women were higher than for the mid-age group and previous reports using the same instruments. Riskier driving behaviour among young women was associated with stress and habitual alcohol consumption. In the mid-age group, poorer driver behaviour scores were related to higher levels of education, feeling rushed, higher habitual alcohol consumption and lower life satisfaction scores. Accident rates in both groups were significantly related to lapses. Women born in non-English speaking countries had significantly higher risk of accidents compared to Australian-born women: relative risk = 3.40, 95% confidence interval (1.93, 5.98) for the young drivers; relative risk = 1.77, 95% confidence interval (1.11, 2.83) for mid-age drivers. These findings support the need for road safety campaigns targeted at young women to reduce dangerous driving practices, such as speeding,'tail gating' and overtaking on the inside. There is also a need for further research to understand how lifestyle characteristics are associated with higher risk of accidents and to explore factors which might account for the higher risk for women drivers who were born overseas. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
More than 41,000 women aged 18-23, 45-50, and 70-75 years in 1996 are participating in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health (Women's Health Australia). Baseline surveys were conducted for all three cohorts in 1996, and the first follow-up survey of the mid-age group in 1998 has achieved a response rate exceeding 90%. The main findings so far reflect the large differences in the life experiences of the three cohorts. The young women report high levels of stress. The physical and mental health of those with young children is worse than for those without children, but confounding by sociodemographic characteristics may account for the differences. Two thirds of young women in the healthy weight or underweight range would like to weigh less, and early onset of dieting is associated with poorer physical and mental health. Most of the women in the mid-age group have multiple roles-in paid work, home duties, and caring for children and other dependents. The potential of the study to investigate the long-term impact of such busy lives on health outcomes is considerable. At this stage, the main health issues for these women relate to tiredness, weight gain, and menopause. The older cohort presents a picture of positive aging. These women are heavier users of health services than the mid-age and younger women, and they are also more satisfied with these services. Although their physical health is poorer, their mental health is better, and they report less stress than women in the other two cohorts. The follow-up survey of this group, planned for 1999, will focus on the coping strategies used by these women. An overall goal of the project is to understand the interactions among social roles, life events, and women's health in order to provide a basis for improved health policies and services. Analysis of these interactions, which relies on both quantitative and qualitative data, poses many challenges that will be addressed as the longitudinal data become available.
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to assess quantitative ultrasound (QUS) parameters in collegiate female gymnasts, a population whose training incorporates high-impact loading, which is particularly osteogenic, and to determine the discriminative capacity of this relatively new radiation-free technique compared with bone densitometry in a young healthy population. Methods: We studied 19 collegiate gymnasts and 23 healthy controls undergoing regular weight-bearing activity, matched for age (gymnasts 19.2 +/- 1.2, controls 19.9 +/- 1.6 yr) and body weight (gymnasts 56.7 +/- 3.7, controls 57.7 +/- 7.8 kg). QUS parameters of the calcaneus (broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA), bone velocity (BV), and speed of sound (SOS)) were measured by a Walker Sonix UBA 575+. Bone mineral density (BMD; g.cm(-2)) of the lumbar spine, hip (Femoral neck, trochanter. Ward's triangle) and whole body was assessed by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA, Hologic QDR 1000/W). Data analysis included unpaired two-tailed Student's t-tests, analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment, and Spearman rank-order correlations. Results: Regional and whole body BMD of gymnasts was greater than controls (P < 0.001), with the difference being 7-28%. Average QUS parameters of the right and left calcaneus were also higher (P < 0.001) in the gymnasts. BUA, BV, and SOS were significantly (P < 0.001) correlated to each bone site with r = 0.54-0.79. Analysis of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves indicated no significant difference in sensitivity and specificity for QUS and DXA measures. Conclusions: These results indicate that QUS parameters of the calcaneus are higher in young women gymnasts compared to individuals who undergo regular weight-bearing activity and that QUS parameters are able to discriminate between these two groups in a similar manner as does regional and whole body BMD.
HIV infection among women admitted to the gynaecology service of a district hospital in South Africa
Our objective was to determine the prevalence of HIV infection and disease-specific HIV prevalence among women admitted to the gynaecology service of a district hospital in South Africa over a 3-month period in 1997. This was done with the goal of developing HIV education and counselling services in this setting. HIV status was determined among 196 (96%) of 205 consecutive admissions; 82 (42%) tested HIV positive. The HIV-infected women were younger than the HIV uninfected women (mean age 27 vs 33 years, P=0.001). The disease-specific HIV prevalence was greater than or equal to 40% among women who had had abortions, pelvic inflammatory disease, or ectopic pregnancy. The length of hospital stay (mean 5.4 days) and mortality (1%) were similar in the 2 groups. Inpatient gynaecology services may be act important setting in Africa, within which to provide HIV education, counselling and care.
The Women's Health Australia project provided the opportunity to examine the prevalence of leaking urine and associated variables in three large cohorts of Australian women 18-23 years of age (young N = 14,761), 45-50 (mid-age N = 14,070), and 70-75 (older N = 12,893). The proportion of women reporting leaking urine was 12.8% (95% CI: 12.2-13.3), 36.1% (35.2-37.0), and 35% (34.1-35.9) in each of the three cohorts, respectively. Logistic regression analysis showed significant associations between leaking urine and parity in the young and mid-age women, and between leaking urine and constipation, other bowel symptoms, body mass index, and urine that burns or stings in all three groups. in the mid-age and older cohorts, women who reported having both hysterectomy and prolapse repair, or prolapse repair alone, were also more likely to report leaking urine. Lower scores on the physical and mental component summary scores of the medical outcomes survey short form (36 items) questionnaire suggest lower quality of life among women who report leaking urine, compared with those who do not. (C) 1999 Wiley-Liss,Inc.
People typically perceive negative media content (e.g., violence) to have more impact on others than on themselves (a third-person effect). To examine the perceived effects of positive content (e.g., public-service advertisements) and the moderating role of social identities, we examined students' perceptions of the impact of AIDS advertisements on self, students (in- group), nonstudents (out-group), and people in general. Perceived self-other differences varied with the salience of student identity. Low identifiers displayed the typical third-person effect, whereas high identifiers were more willing to acknowledge impact on themselves and the student in-group. Further, when influence was normatively accept able within the in-group, high identifiers perceived self and students (us) as more influenced than nonstudents (them). The theoretical and practical implications of this reversal in third-person perceptions are discussed.
Although aspects of social identity theory are familiar to organizational psychologists, its elaboration, through self-categorization theory, of how social categorization and prototype-based depersonalization actually produce social identity effects is less well known. We describe these processes, relate self-categorization theory to social identity theory, describe new theoretical developments in detail, and show how these developments can address a: range of organizational phenomena. We discuss cohesion and deviance, leadership, subgroup and sociodemographic structure, and mergers and acquisitions.
Two studies examined relations between groups (humanities and math-science students) that implicitly or explicitly share a common superordinate category (university student). In Experiment 1, 178 participants performed a noninteractive decision-making task during which category salience was manipulated in a 2 (superordinate category salience) x 2 (subordinate category salience) between-groups design. Consistent with the mutual intergroup differentiation model, participants for whom both categories were salient exhibited the lowest levels of bias, whereas bias was strongest when the superordinate category alone was made salient. This pattern of results was replicated in Experiment 2 (N = 135). In addition, Experiment 2 demonstrated that members of subgroups that are nested within a superordinate category are more sensitive to how the superordinate category is represented than are members of subgroups that extend beyond the boundaries of the superordinate category.
A unique collaborative, sociological study undertaken during 1995-7, explored the social construction of drought as a disaster, looking at farm families in two Australian states: Queensland (beef producers) and New South Wales (sheep/wheat producers). A. decision was made to interview the women and men separately to test our hypothesis that there would be gender issues in any analysis of a disaster, but particularly one which has had so much long-term impact on individuals, families and communities, Such as drought, interviews were conducted with over 100 individuals male and female, We conclude that drought as a disaster is a gendered experience. The paper draws on the narratives of some women involved in the study to identify 'themes of difference' which confirm the necessity to maintain gender as a variable in all studies of the social impacts of disaster.