342 resultados para heavenly ascent
This paper describes the chemical variability of the Late Precambrian Itu Rapakivi Province (IRP), State of São Paulo, SE Brazil, based on 187 selected analyses from the Itu, São Francisco, Sorocaba, Campina do Veado and Sguario/ Correa granites. The IRP has an almost uniform petrographic character conferred by the overall dominance of subalkaline biotite granites. Monzogranites (adamellites), granodiorites, quartz syenites, quartz monzonites are rare to very rare rock types and tonalites and quartz diorites are almost restricted to enclaves. Typical chemical features are the high FeO*/MgO ratio, a clustering of the K2O values between 4.5 and 6.0 wt.% and K2O/Na2O ratios which define the IRP as mildly potassic although more potassic rocks also occur. The overal Peacock Alkalinity Index is 54 defining the Province as alkali-calcic. In the Shand diagram the data cluster near the metaluminous/peraluminous boundary. Relationships between Nb, Rb and Y stress the within plate character of the IRP and the relationships between Rb, Ba and Sr reveal the importance of feldspar fractionation in magma evolution. The data also show an interbody and an intrabody chemical variability due to the variation in the composition of the crustal magma protoliths, as assigned by K/Rb relations. The presence of several magmatic cycles which built up the major intrusions reflects a magma ascent from collecting chambers successively drained and recharged, a feature in agreement with the clear link between the bodies and long lived, successively reactivated, transcurrent faults. Most of the chemical features of the IRP correspond to those of the classical Finnish rapakivi granites.
The Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS), has a multifactorial etiology and affects approximately 7 to 15% of the population, mostly women, youth, adults and active persons. PFPS causes anterior or retropatelar pain that is exacerbated during functional motor gestures, such as up and down stairs or spending long periods of time sitting, squatting or kneeling. As the diagnostic evaluation of this syndrome is still indirect, different mechanisms and methodologies try to make a classification that distinguishes patients with PFPS in relation to asymptomatic. Thereby, the purpose of this investigation was to determine the characteristics of the electromyographic (EMG) signal in the frequency domain of the vastus medialis oblique (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) in patients with PFPS, during the ascent of stairs. 33 young women (22 control group and 11 PFPS group), were evaluated by EMG during ascent of stairs. The VMO mean power frequency (MPF) and the VL frequency 95% (F95) were lower in symptomatic individuals. This may be related to the difference in muscle recruitment strategy exerted by each muscle in the PFPS group compared to the control group.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
Em Janeiro de 1980, foi realizada a Operação Bode Verde I do Projeto CENTRATLAN, que constou da coleta de dados geofísicos e geológicos na área central da Cadeia Mesoatlântica (CMA), a sul da Ilha de Ascensão. Esta operação fez parte de um convênio firmado entre a Marinha Americana e a Marinha Brasileira, cujo objetivo era investigar o Oceano Atlântico Sul, especialmente a área onde se estende a província fisiográfica da Cadeia Mesoatlântica. Com o objetivo de estudar a Zona de Fratura Dupla Bode Verde, e assim conhecer melhor esta feição tão marcante no fundo oceânico e margem continental, foram tratados e interpretados os dados batimétricos, gravimétricos e magnéticos colhidos na operação anteriormente citada. A análise dos dados batimétricos permitiu uma definição para esta zona de fratura, com o seu caráter duplo marcado pela presença de duas calhas contínuas, paralelas entre si, e separadas por um alto que tem o seu próprio "rift-valley". As anomalias gravimétricas encontradas confirmam o caráter duplo, com os dois mínimos observados correspondendo às duas calhas da fratura. Estas calhas separam um bloco crustal de aproximadamente 40 km de largura. Com base nos dados gravimétricos, foram construídas nove seções crustais sobre a zona de fratura, que permitiram observar que a interface crosta-manto sofre um afinamento crustal embaixo das paredes da fratura. Esta interface, que encontra-se normalmente a uma profundidade de 8-9 km, passa a atingir profundidades de 5.5-6.0 km abaixo das paredes da fratura, com a crosta apresentando uma espessura de 2.0 km nestas partes. Este afinamento crustal é causado pela subida de material do manto. A extensiva alteração hidrotermal que ocorre na depressão central da fratura, pode ser a responsável pelo menor afinamento crustal observado nesta parte da zona de fratura. Para a interpretação dos dados magnéticos, foi usada uma escala de tempo de polaridade magnética entre o Cretáceo Inferior e o Cenozóico, e uma taxa de espalhamento oceânico de 2.0 cm/ano. Para a camada de basalto, que é responsável por parte das anomalias magnéticas observadas, foi usada uma espessura média de 0.5 km. Nas paredes da zona de fratura, ocorre uma diminuição na espessura desta camada, havendo uma interrupção da mesma na depressão central da fratura.
As formações Sobreiro e Santa Rosa são resultado de intensas atividades vulcânicas paleoproterozoicas na região de São Félix do Xingu (PA), SE do Cráton Amazônico. A Formação Sobreiro é composta por rochas de fácies de fluxo de lava andesítica, com dacito e riodacito subordinados, além de rochas que compõem a fácies vulcanoclástica, caracterizadas por tufo, lapilli-tufo e brecha polimítica maciça. Essas rochas exibem fenocristais de clinopiroxênio, anfibólio e plagioclásio em uma matriz microlítica ou traquítica. O clinopiroxênio é classificado predominantemente como augita, com diopsídio subordinado, e apresenta caracterísiticas geoquímicas de minerais gerados em rochas de arco magmático. O anfibólio, representado pela magnesiohastingsita, foi formado sob condições oxidantes e apresenta texturas de desequilíbrio, como bordas de oxidação vinculadas à degaseificação por alívio de pressão. As rochas da Formação Santa Rosa foram extravasadas em grandes fissuras crustais de direção NE-SW, têm características de evolução polifásica e compõem uma fácies de fluxo de lava riolítica e riodacítica e uma fácies vulcanoclástica de ignimbritos, lapilli-tufos, tufos de cristais félsicos e brechas polimíticas maciças. Diques métricos e stocks de pórfiros graníticos e granitoides equigranulares completam essa suíte. Fenocristais de feldspato potássico, plagioclásio e quartzo dispersos em matriz de quartzo e feldspato potássico intercrescidos ocorrem nessas rochas. Por meio de análises químicas pontuais dos fenocristais em microssonda eletrônica, foram estimadas as condições de pressão e temperatura de sua formação, sendo que o clinopiroxênio das rochas intermediárias da Formação Sobreiro indica profundidade de formação variável entre 58 e 17,5 km (17,5 - 4,5 kbar), a temperaturas entre 1.294 e 1.082 ºC, enquanto o anfibólio cristalizou-se entre 28 e 15 km (7,8 - 4,1 kbar), o que sugere uma evolução polibárica. Assim, propõe-se um modelo de geração de magma basáltico hidratado com base na fusão parcial de cunha mantélica e no acúmulo na crosta inferior em uma zona quente, a partir da qual os magmas andesíticos e dacíticos são formados pela assimilação de crosta continental e cristalização fracionada.
Population growth, together with the gradual social ascent in Brazil, reflects at the growing need for better use of urban spaces. In this context, the amount of new buildings to meet the demand in property market, the needs for creating new roads and highways, among others, make the use of geotechnical works and, more specifically, retaining walls, more and more common. One of the simplest solutions for underground works is the use of retaining structures using tie back walls for soil support, therefore, the present work deals with this kind of structures. This paper proposes the use of FTOOL software testing in predicting deformations in tie back walls, by comparing simulations of the presented model to a real and measured deformation case in Guabirotuba Formation (PR). The results showed the importance of defining the parameters such as stiffness and curtain geometry, as well as the definition of representative loads acting on it. Also, it was pointed out that the passive response of the steel rods depends on the horizontal displacement of the wall. The study concluded that the program generates very representative results when compared to field data and seems to be a promising tool for tie back structures displacement predictions
This paper aims to show the beginning of habitus and the bodily hexis construction of male ballet dancer and female player soccer. Firstly, the habitus and the bodily hexis are established by the cultural inheritance of families (advices, likes, choices, prohibitions, and work divisions). After, they are restructured by the most diverse fields where this people act, mainly in the school, specifically at Physical Education classes (in the specialized places where these classes occur). Thus, it is possible to verify the success or the failure of their path lives and the possibility of a social ascent by the choice of these practices as professional career.
Stair ascent is an activity that exacerbates symptoms of individuals with patellofemoral pain. The discomfort associated with this activity usually results in gait modification such as reduced knee flexion in an attempt to reduce pain. Although such compensatory strategy is a logical approach to decrease pain, it also reduces the normal active shock absorption increasing loading rates and may lead to deleterious and degenerative changes of the knee joint. Thus, the aims of this study were (i) to investigate whether there is reduced knee flexion in adults with PFP compared to healthy controls; and (ii) to analyze loading rates in these subjects, during stair climbing. Twenty-nine individuals with patellofemoral pain and twenty-five control individuals (18-30years) participated in this study. Each subject underwent three-dimensional kinematic and kinetic analyses during stair climbing on two separate days. Between-groups analyses of variance were performed to identify differences in peak knee flexion and loading rates. Intraclass correlation coefficient was performed to verify the reliability of the variables. On both days, the patellofemoral pain group demonstrated significantly reduced peak knee flexion and increased loading rates. In addition, the two variables obtained high to very high reliability. Reduced knee flexion during stair climbing as a strategy to avoid anterior knee pain does not seem to be healthy for lower limb mechanical distributions. Repeated loading at higher loading rates may be damaging to lower limb joints.
The elevated Q-angle seems to be one of the most suggested factors contributing to patellofemoral pain. Females with patellofemoral pain are often evaluated through static clinical tests in clinical practice. However, the adaptations seem to appear more frequently in dynamic conditions. Performing static vs. dynamic evaluations of widely used measures would add to the knowledge in this area. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the reliability and discriminatory capability of three Q-angle measurements: a static clinical test, peak dynamic knee valgus during stair ascent and a static measurement using a three-dimensional system. Twenty-nine females with patellofemoral pain and twenty-five pain-free females underwent clinical Q-angle measurement and static and dynamic knee valgus measurements during stair ascent, using a three-dimensional system. All measurements were obtained and comparisons between groups, reliability and discriminatory capability were calculated. Peak dynamic knee valgus was found to be greater in the patellofemoral pain group. On the other hand, no significant effects were found for static knee valgus or clinical Q-angle measurements between groups. The dynamic variable demonstrated the best discriminatory capability. Low values of reliability were found for clinical Q-angle, in contrast to the high values found for the three-dimensional system measurements. Based on our findings, avoiding or correcting dynamic knee valgus during stair ascent may be an important component of rehabilitation programs in females with patellofemoral pain who demonstrate excessive dynamic knee valgus. Q-angle static measurements were not different between groups and presented poor values of discriminatory capability.
Topics covered are: Cohen Macaulay modules, zero-dimensional rings, one-dimensional rings, hypersurfaces of finite Cohen-Macaulay type, complete and henselian rings, Krull-Remak-Schmidt, Canonical modules and duality, AR sequences and quivers, two-dimensional rings, ascent and descent of finite Cohen Macaulay type, bounded Cohen Macaulay type.
Background: The progression of diabetes and the challenge of daily tasks may result in changes in biomechanical strategies. Descending stairs is a common task that patients have to deal with, however it still has not been properly studied in this population. Objectives: We describe and compare the net joint moments and kinematics of the lower limbs in diabetic individuals with and without peripheral neuropathy and healthy controls during stair descent. Method: Forty-two adults were assessed: control group (13), diabetic group (14), and neuropathic diabetic group (15). The flexor and extensor net moment peaks and joint angles of the hip, knee, and ankle were described and compared in terms of effect size and ANOVAs (p<0.05). Results: Both diabetic groups presented greater dorsiflexion [large effect size] and a smaller hip extensor moment [large effect size] in the weight acceptance phase. In the propulsion phase, diabetics with and without neuropathy showed a greater hip flexor moment [large effect size] and smaller ankle extension [large effect size]. Conclusion: Diabetic patients, even without neuropathy, revealed poor eccentric control in the weight acceptance phase, and in the propulsion phase, they showed a different hip strategy, where they chose to take the leg off the ground using more flexion torque at the hip instead of using a proper ankle extension function.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar e delimitar formas de interação e disputas sociais presentes no movimento paralímpico brasileiro, relativos aos processos de classificação de atletas, com base em conceitos de Pierre Bourdieu. A metodologia utilizada fundamentou-se em entrevistas semiestruturadas com quatro atletas (com deficiência física ou visual, praticantes de diversas modalidades: natação, goalball, rugby e basquete em cadeira de rodas) e quatro dirigentes (2 atuantes em funções técnicas e 2 em funções administrativas do Comitê Paralímpico Brasileiro). A análise de dados apoiou-se no método Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo e suas ferramentas metodológicas (expressões-chave; ideias centrais; ancoragens; instrumentos de análise de discurso). Destacam-se como resultados: os protocolos de classificação, assim como a atuação e formação de novos classificadores, são motivo de tensões sociais neste espaço; Os classificadores exercem importante poder simbólico no subcampo; Demais agentes, como treinadores e atletas, têm suas possibilidades de ascensão diminuídas por condições sociais desfavoráveis..