851 resultados para healthcare, mHealth, BSN, sensori, attuatori, mobilità, eHealth
The Thesis title” Healthcare services in cloud computing” discusses the healthcare services available in the new converging technology called cloud computing. This computing technology had craved its path in the desirable market field healthcare. Healthcare is an extensive and a massive mission of maintenance and providing a complete treatment to the person suffering from ailments. In the olden days well equipped healthcare surveillance is not accessible to all communities of people due to several reasons like, geographical locations, equipment cost, and infrastructure, and skilled medical practitioners, now due to the advancement of the medicine in cloud technology has reached some of its barriers making it more viable to all the people (communities) with all the robust technologies and techniques. This study will give an overview of the healthcare transformation of different approaches of cloud computing over information technology and its strategic usage. Further enhancing better healthcare to ensure scalable, compatible functions supporting the well-being, this study also considers the techniques of cloud computing and its application, advancement in healthcare.
The issue of selecting an appropriate healthcare information system is a very essential one. If implemented healthcare information system doesn’t fit particular healthcare institution, for example there are unnecessary functions; healthcare institution wastes its resources and its efficiency decreases. The purpose of this research is to develop a healthcare information system selection model to assist the decision-making process of choosing healthcare information system. Appropriate healthcare information system helps healthcare institutions to become more effective and efficient and keep up with the times. The research is based on comparison analysis of 50 healthcare information systems and 6 interviews with experts from St-Petersburg healthcare institutions that already have experience in healthcare information system utilization. 13 characteristics of healthcare information systems: 5 key and 7 additional features are identified and considered in the selection model development. Variables are used in the selection model in order to narrow the decision algorithm and to avoid duplication of brunches. The questions in the healthcare information systems selection model are designed to be easy-to-understand for common a decision-maker in healthcare institution without permanent establishment.
Internet of Things or IoT is revolutionizing the world we are living in, similarly the way Internet and the web did few decades ago. It is changing how we interact with the things surrounding us. Electronic health and remote patient monitoring are the ways of utilizing these technological improvements towards the healthcare. There are many applications of IoT in eHealth such as, it will open the gate to provide healthcare to the remote areas of the world, where healthcare through traditional hospital systems cannot be provided. To connect these new eHealth IoT systems with the existing healthcare information systems, we can use the existing interoperability standards commonly used in healthcare information systems. In this thesis we implemented an eHealth IoT system based on Health Level 7 interoperability standard for continuous data transmission. There is not much previous work done in implementing the HL7 for continuous sensor data transmission. Some of the previous work was limited to sensors which are not continuous in nature and some of it is only theatrical architecture. This thesis aims to prove that it is possible to implement an eHealth IoT system by using sensors which require continues data transmission, such as respiratory sensors, and to connect it with the existing eHealth information system semantically by using HL7 interoperability standard. This system will be beneficial in implementing eHealth IoT systems for those patients, who requires continuous healthcare personal monitoring. This includes elderly people and patients, whose health need to be monitored constantly. To implement the architecture, HL7 v2.5 is selected due to its ease of implementation and low size. We selected some open source technologies because of their open licenses and large developer community. We will also review the most efficient technology available in every layer of eHealth IoT system and will propose an efficient system.
The purpose of this study was to explore how transgender individuals were supported to navigate the healthcare system to achieve positive healthcare experiences. A single case study was conducted in Southern Ontario, which included ten individual interviews. Data was analyzed through thematic analysis, allowing for seven themes to emerge within macro (large-scale system), meso (local/interpersonal), and micro (individual/internal) levels of healthcare system support. Themes that emerged within the levels of system support included: 1) existing deficits with hope for change; 2) significant external supports; 3) importance of informal networking; 4) support from local area family physicians and walk-in clinics; 5) navigating the healthcare system alone; 6) personality traits for successful healthcare experiences; and 7) the development of strategies to achieve positive healthcare experiences. This study outlined factors that contributed to positive healthcare experiences for transgender individuals, showing that meso and micro level support are compensating for large-scale healthcare system deficits.
Rapport de recherche
Lorraine Sheremeta, Research Associate, Health Law Institute, University of Alberta
Les facteurs explicatifs de la mobilité ascendante selon le sexe dans le secteur bancaire au Canada.
Cette étude porte sur la distance parcourue pour commettre un crime à Gatineau en 2006. Peu d’études canadiennes récentes ont porté sur le sujet. De plus, il existe un vide de connaissances sur la mobilité des délinquants dans les petites villes et les banlieues. La présente recherche vise à comparer trois mesures de distance différentes, à vérifier si la distance parcourue varie en fonction du type de crime et à voir si les variables de temps (jour de la semaine, moment de la journée et saison) de même que certaines caractéristiques des suspects (âge, sexe et lieu de résidence) ont un impact sur la distance parcourue. Pour chaque crime, l’adresse du suspect et le lieu du crime ont été géocodées pour ensuite calculer la distance entre les deux points. Il ressort de l’analyse de la forme des courbes de distances que seules les agressions sexuelles présentent une zone tampon. Les résultats des analyses statistiques indiquent que les jeunes sont plus mobiles que les suspects plus âgés et que les hommes parcourent une distance plus élevée que les femmes. Étonnement, la distance parcourue ne diffère pas significativement selon la saison et le moment de la journée. Enfin, comparativement aux autres criminels, les délinquants qui ont commis un vol qualifié sont ceux qui ont parcouru les plus grandes distances.
Notre étude s’intéresse à la façon dont les entreprises multinationales utilisent et gèrent la mobilité internationale de leurs employés. Plus précisément, nous cherchions à déterminer l’importance que les entreprises multinationales accordent à leur stratégie internationale au moment de décider de la façon d’utiliser l’expatriation et de la gérer au moyen des programmes de mobilité internationale. Bien que l’objet principal de notre recherche soit d’observer l’influence de la stratégie internationale sur ces programmes, nous avons cherché également à identifier d’autres caractéristiques de chaque entreprise et de son environnement susceptibles de les influencer. Cette démarche nous a permis de déterminer si les entreprises multinationales qui adoptent des programmes de mobilité internationale similaires partagent une même orientation stratégique au niveau international ou plutôt d’autres caractéristiques. Notre étude, effectuée auprès de professionnels de la GRH responsables de la gestion de la mobilité internationale, visait, dans un premier temps, à identifier le type de stratégie internationale privilégiée par les entreprises, ainsi que l’approche de la gestion internationale des ressources humaines qu’elles favorisent. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons cherché à identifier le type de programme de mobilité internationale en place dans chaque entreprise à partir de l’analyse de leurs composantes (politiques et pratiques RH). Nous avons tiré deux conclusions principales de notre étude. Premièrement, la mobilité internationale, plus particulièrement l’expatriation, constitue toujours un important outil d’expansion et de survie des entreprises multinationales. Deuxièmement, les entreprises multinationales l’utilisent différemment en fonction de leurs objectifs stratégiques et la gèrent de façon très pragmatique, en tenant compte d’une panoplie de facteurs tels le nombre d’expatriés, la culture managériale de l’entreprise, les caractéristiques de leur secteur d’activité, leur expérience et les difficultés rencontrées en cours de route.