773 resultados para health services accessibility


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"The report ... summarizes the major points of discussion at the meeting as well as integrating other pertinent information"--P. iii.


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The study investigates the inbound and outbound health tourism in the United Kingdom (UK) to determine if the UK can be considered as a net exporter of health services. Although there is an increasing number of studies analysing the phenomenon of health tourism, little empirical data are available. This paper contributes to reducing this gap by providing reliable data on health tourism flows for the British case. Using microdata drawn from the International Passenger Survey (IPS) for the period 2000-2014, we estimate the flows, number of nights and expenditure of tourists looking for medical treatment who complete international visits of less than 12 months’ duration to and from the UK. In addition, we analyse the main destinations of UK residents (outbound health tourists), and country of origin of overseas residents (inbound health tourists). The results show the upward trend of inbound and outbound patients (163 and 364% during the period 2000-2014, respectively), the strong seasonality in outbound patients (lower during the summer), and the significant increase in the levels of expenditure of overseas residents since 2005. Poland, France, India and Hungry are the chosen countries by UK residents to be treated, whereas Irish Republic, Spain, United Arab Emirates and Greece are the main countries providing inbound health patients. Public policy considerations are given.


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Description based on: Oct. 16, 1979.


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Background The study upon which this paper is based was undertaken to understand users’ and non-users’ perceptions concerning facilitators and barriers to equitable and universal access to health care in resource-poor countries such as Malawi. In this study, non-users of health services were defined as people who were not in need of health services or those who had stopped using them due to significant barriers. Methods A total of 80 interviews with non-users of health services were conducted in Rumphi, Ntchisi, Phalombe and Blantyre Districts of Malawi. Interviews focused on why informants were not using formal health services at the time of data collection. In order to identify non-users, snowballing was used health surveillance assistants, village headmen and community members also helped. One focus group discussion was also conducted with non-users of health services who were members of the Zion Church. Results Informants described themselves as non-users of health services due to several reasons: cost of health services; long distances to health facilities; poor attitude of health workers; belief in the effectiveness of traditional medicines; old age and their failure to walk. Others were non-users due to their disability; hence they could not walk over long distances or could not communicate effectively with health providers. Some of these non-users were complete non-users, namely members of the Zion Church and those who believed in traditional medicine, and they stated that nothing could be done to transform them into users of health services. Other non-users stated that they could become users if their challenges were addressed e.g. for those who were non-users of health services due to poor attitudes of health workers, they stated that if these health workers were transferred they would be able to access health services. Conclusions Public health education targeting both health workers and non-users, ensuring a functional outreach program and addressing other health system challenges such as shortage of drugs and human resources would assist in transforming non-users into users of health services.


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Purpose: To evaluate psychometric properties of Quinn’s leadership questionnaire (CFV questionnaire; 1988) to the Portuguese health services. Design: Cross-sectional study, using the Quinn’s leadership questionnaire, administered to registered nurses and physicians in Portuguese health care services (N = 687). Method: Self-administered survey applied to two samples. In the first (of convenience; N = 249 Portuguese health professionals) were performed exploratory factor and reliability analysis to the CFV questionnaire. In the second sample (stratified; N = 50 surgical units of 33 Portuguese hospitals) was performed confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL 8.80. Findings: The first sample supported an eight-factor solution accounting for 65.46% of the variance, in an interpretable factorial structure (loadings> .50), with Cronbach’s α upper than .79. This factorial structure, replicated with the second sample, showed reasonable fit for each of the 8 leadership roles, quadrants, and global model. The models evidenced, generally, nomological validity, with scores between good and acceptable (.235 < x2/df < 2.055 e .00 < RMSEA < .077). Conclusions: Quinn’s leadership questionnaire presented good reliability and validity for the eight leadership roles, showing to be suitable for use in hospital health care context. Key-Words: Leadership; Quinn’s CVF questionnaire; health services; Quinn’s competing values.


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Zeinu Hizkuntza (ZH) da Gor kulturaren bereizgarri nagusiena, baita mundu entzulearekin komunikatzeko traba handiena suposatzen duena. Gorrek hainbat arazo aurkitzen dituzte Osasun Sisteman entzuleekin komunikatzeko, nahiz eta zerbitzu publikoek komunikazio erraztasunak ahalbidetu behar dizkietela araututa egon. Helburua: Gorren ezaugarri kulturalak ezagutu, Osasun Sisteman dituzten zailtasunak identifikatu eta erizainek Gorren beharrei erantzuteko estrategia eraginkorrak zehaztu. Metodologia: Errebisio bibliografiko honetan, PIO estruktura erabili da. Barneratze eta baztertze irizpideak finkatuta, Biblioteca Virtual de la Salud, PubMed eta Scopus-en burutu da bilaketa, 2005-2010 urte tarteko artikuluak aztertuz. Emaitzak: Gortasuna ikuspuntu medikotik bereizten du Gor kulturak, izan ere, beraien ezaugarri naturaltzat dute. Gorrek komunitate bat eratzen dute, beraien artean elkar identifikatu eta kulturaren garapenean laguntzen dutelarik. Hizkuntza ezberdina darabiltenez, Osasun Sisteman zailtasunak aurkitzen dituzte, honek ezaguera ezera eta gaixotasunak pairatzeko arrisku handiagora eramanez. Arrazoietako bat, profesionalek kultura hau ezezagun izatea da, heziketa gabeziagatik, batik bat. Gainera, ez dute pazientziarik, honek Gorretan konfiantza eza eta beldurra eraginez. Horrenbestez, funtsezkoa da erizainak Gor kulturaren inguruan heztea, pertsona hauekin eraginkorki komunikatzeko nahiz arreta kalitatea ahalik eta hoberena izateko. Halaber, ezinbestekoa da Gorrentzako informazioa egokitzea. Ondorioak: Osasun Sisteman komunikazio zailtasunak dituzte Gorrek eta ondorioz, osasun gaietan ezaguera baxuagoa dute, gaixotasunak pairatzeko arrisku handiagoarekin bat. Horregatik, sentikorra den informazioa ahalbidetu behar zaio biztanleria honi. Halaber, profesionalek Gor kulturaren inguruko heziketa jaso behar dute, baita komunikazio eraginkorrerako erraztasunak ahalbidetu ere.


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BACKGROUND: Outpatient palliative care, an evolving delivery model, seeks to improve continuity of care across settings and to increase access to services in hospice and palliative medicine (HPM). It can provide a critical bridge between inpatient palliative care and hospice, filling the gap in community-based supportive care for patients with advanced life-limiting illness. Low capacities for data collection and quantitative research in HPM have impeded assessment of the impact of outpatient palliative care. APPROACH: In North Carolina, a regional database for community-based palliative care has been created through a unique partnership between a HPM organization and academic medical center. This database flexibly uses information technology to collect patient data, entered at the point of care (e.g., home, inpatient hospice, assisted living facility, nursing home). HPM physicians and nurse practitioners collect data; data are transferred to an academic site that assists with analyses and data management. Reports to community-based sites, based on data they provide, create a better understanding of local care quality. CURRENT STATUS: The data system was developed and implemented over a 2-year period, starting with one community-based HPM site and expanding to four. Data collection methods were collaboratively created and refined. The database continues to grow. Analyses presented herein examine data from one site and encompass 2572 visits from 970 new patients, characterizing the population, symptom profiles, and change in symptoms after intervention. CONCLUSION: A collaborative regional approach to HPM data can support evaluation and improvement of palliative care quality at the local, aggregated, and statewide levels.


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Gender-based violence increases a woman's risk for HIV but little is known about her decision to get tested. We interviewed 97 women seeking abuse-related services from a nongovernmental organization (NGO) in Johannesburg, South Africa. Forty-six women (47%) had been tested for HIV. Caring for children (odds ratio [OR] = 0.27, 95% confidence interval [CI] = [0.07, 1.00]) and conversing with partner about HIV (OR = 0.13, 95% CI = [0.02, 0.85]) decreased odds of testing. Stronger risk-reduction intentions (OR = 1.27, 95% CI = [1.01, 1.60]) and seeking help from police (OR = 5.51, 95% CI = [1.18, 25.76]) increased odds of testing. Providing safe access to integrated services and testing may increase testing in this population. Infection with HIV is highly prevalent in South Africa where an estimated 16.2% of adults between the ages of 15 and 49 have the virus. The necessary first step to stemming the spread of HIV and receiving life-saving treatment is learning one's HIV serostatus through testing. Many factors may contribute to someone's risk of HIV infection and many barriers may prevent testing. One factor that does both is gender-based violence.


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While policies often target malaria prevention and treatment - proximal causes of malaria and related health outcomes - too little attention has been given to the role of household- and individual-level socio-economic status (SES) as a fundamental cause of disease risk in developing countries. This paper presents a conceptual model outlining ways in which SES may influence malaria-related outcomes. Building on this conceptual model, we use household data from rural Mvomero, Tanzania, to examine empirical relationships among multiple measures of household and individual SES and demographics, on the one hand, and malaria prevention, illness, and diagnosis and treatment behaviours, on the other. We find that access to prevention and treatment is significantly associated with indicators of households' wealth; education-based disparities do not emerge in this context. Meanwhile, reported malaria illness shows a stronger association with demographic variables than with SES (controlling for prevention). Greater understanding of the mechanisms through which SES and malaria policies interact to influence disease risk can help to reduce health disparities and reduce the malaria burden in an equitable manner.


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Infectious and parasitic diseases create enormous health burdens, but because most of the people suffering from these diseases are poor, little is invested in developing treatments. We propose that developers of treatments for neglected diseases receive a "priority review voucher." The voucher could save an average of one year of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) review and be sold by the developer to the manufacturer of a blockbuster drug. In a well-functioning market, the voucher would speed access to highly valued treatments. Thus, the voucher could benefit consumers in both developing and developed countries at relatively low cost to the taxpayer.


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Parkinson's disease (PD) is a chronic, progressive, degenerative disorder of the nervous system, causing substantial morbidity and has the capacity to shorten life. People with PD and their families can find the disease devastating. Nevertheless, this population of patients is not usually considered a group to be supported by palliative care specialists. But the nature of the illness and the challenges of managing its many physical and psychological effects raises questions about the potential benefits of a palliative care approach. The purpose of this project was to describe the experience of PD and consider the relevance of palliative care for this population. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight people with PD, 21 family caregivers and six health professionals. Five themes were developed from the data analysis: (1) emotional impact of diagnosis; (2) staying connected; (3) enduring financial hardship; (4) managing physical challenges; and (5) finding help for advanced stages. These data revealed that people with PD and family caregivers are confronted with similar issues to people with typical palliative care diagnoses, such as advanced cancer, and that a palliative approach may be helpful in the care of people with PD and their families.


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This literature review exposes the nature and extent of physical and psychosocial morbidity and economic disadvantage, home palliative caregivers suffer as a direct result of their caregiving role. Research has demonstrated that caregivers providing support to individuals receiving palliative care report unmet needs for information, communication, service provision and support from health and community services. Three sets of challenges are highlighted in this literature review which help explain why the needs of home palliative caregivers are largely unmet: (i) barriers to seeking help; (ii) a dearth of research-based interventions focused on reducing the negative aspects of caregiving; and (iii) a number of impediments to effective policy and service development for family caregivers. Furthermore, invited submissions from caregivers echoed and confirmed the issues reported in the literature. Recommendations for enhancing caregiver support are outlined.


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Le projet "prestations de l'assurance-maladie sociale" est l'un des projets partiels élaborés par l'Office fédéral des assurances sociales (OFAS) dans le cadre de l'analyse des effets de la LAMal. Deux approches complémentaires sont adoptées pour répondre à la question du caractère suffisant du "catalogue" suisse des prestations à charge de l'assurance-maladie sociale: d'une part, la comparaison des "catalogues" des prestations remboursées en Suisse et à l'étranger et, d'autre part, l'examen de la couverture par le "catalogue" des prestations de problèmes de santé utilisés comme traceurs. [Table des matières] 1.1. Contexte. 1.2. Définition et limites du mandat. 1.3. Le "catalogue" des prestations : composition actuelle, participation d'autres assurances sociales et des pouvoirs publics. 1.4. Approches méthodologiques : comparaison internationale, étude de conditions-traceurs. 2. Analyse par comparaison internationale. 2.1. Recherche de documentation et collaborations. 2.2. Résultats : Suisse, France, Allemagne, Israël, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, comparaison internationale des prestations générales, par catégorie, et des prestations spéciales. 3. Analyse par conditions traceurs. 3.1. Stratégie de la recherche documentaire. 3.2. Critères de choix des documents. 3.3. Variations méthodologiques et particularités. 3.4. Résultats : Accident vasculaire cérébral (ischémique), fracture de hanche, obésité, leucémie aigüe (LA), grossesse normale et nouveau-né en bonne santé. 3.5. Discussion.


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Non-urgent cases represent 30-40% of all ED consults; they contribute to overcrowding of emergency departments (ED), which could be reduced if they were denied emergency care. However, no triage instrument has demonstrated a high enough degree of accuracy to safely rule out serious medical conditions: patients suffering from life-threatening emergencies have been inappropriately denied care. Insurance companies have instituted financial penalties to discourage the use of ED as a source of non-urgent care, but this practice mainly restricts access for the underprivileged. More recent data suggest that in fact most patients consult for appropriate urgent reasons, or have no alternate access to urgent care. The safe reduction of overcrowding requires a reform of the healthcare system based on patients' needs rather than access barriers.