1000 resultados para grupos populares
A simple chemical method has been developed to quantify the silanol groups (º Si-OH) in silica as well as in coated chromatographic supports for use in packed - column Gas Chromatography. After adsorption of 10 mg/mL methylene blue, centrifuging action and filtration, the absorbance of the solution was inversely proportional to the silanol quantity. The difference between the absorbance of the pure solution and that of the solid - free filtrate was related to the silica weight, yielding a quantitative analysis of these groups.
La gestión del conocimiento es una práctica organizativa que se está extendiendo a todo tipo de organizaciones, incluidas las universidades. Su estudio cuenta con distintos marcos basados en alguno, o en todos los procesos del ciclo de gestión del conocimiento. La presente investigación centra su atención en las prácticas de gestión del conocimiento dentro de los grupos de investigación de una universidad colombiana, así como en las características de dichos grupos, tomando como base el marco holístico del ciclo de gestión del conocimiento. Para captar el contexto de dichas prácticas, la metodología sigue la teoría fundamentada, por lo que se realizan entrevistas en profundidad dirigidas a los coordinadores de los grupos de investigación, de una muestra seleccionada aleatoriamente. Los resultados apuntan la necesidad de desarrollar en los grupos de investigación actividades que incidan en la identificación, el almacenamientoy el uso del conocimiento. Para ello se requiere, entre otras cosas, cualificar y asesorar a los investigadores en la planificación de las acciones de gestión del conocimiento cuando investigan y gestionan proyectos. Es preciso profundizar en el estudio de las etapas del ciclo vinculado con las dinámicas de los grupos de investigación, para fortalecer las capacidades de generación y transferencia de conocimiento.
The solution fluorescence of N-alkyl-2,3-naphthalimides (1-4) in polar protic and aprotic solvents was compared to the emission from solid samples resulting from the imide complexation with b-cyclodextrin or adsorption on the surface of microcrystalline cellulose. Solid samples of the inclusion complex 2,3-naphthalimides/b-cyclodextrin show maximum for fluorescence emission significantly different to the observed in methanolic solution. Beside this, a clear effect on the alkyl chain length could be observed for these samples which is probably due to differences in probe location inside the cyclodextrin cavity. The constancy for fluorescence quantum yield and fluorescence lifetime for the imides 1 - 4 adsorbed on microcrystalline cellulose suggests that, independently of the polarity of the solvent used for sample preparation, the probe is preferentially located on the cellulose surface. An increase of fluorescence quantum yield and fluorescence lifetime for solid samples, when compared to the values obtained in solution for the different solvents employed in this study (acetonitrile, methanol and water), is fully in accordance with a decrease of the probe mobility due to inclusion in b-cyclodextrin or to adsorption on cellulose.
La idea general inicial se basa en desarrollar una app para dispositivos Android que permita promocionar a artistas y grupos musicales. Lo que se pretende es crear una red socialespecializada tipo consumidor/productor donde los artistas o grupos podrán publicar su proyecto musical y los fans o usuarios en general podrán seguir la trayectoria de cualquier grupo o artista. En consecuencia, esta app contemplará dos tipos de usuarios: activos, los que generan contenido, y pasivos, que sólo consumirán servicios sin interactuar con el sistema.
Una de las bases de la innovación es elconocimiento. Éste se genera mediante una serie deprocesos que conforman el denominado ciclo delconocimiento. Para soportar la Gestión del Conocimientohan surgido diferentes herramientas y plataformastecnológicas. En este contexto surge el actual trabajofocalizado en los grupos de investigación en el área deInformática en la Ciudad de Montería (Colombia). Laparte empírica está basada en metodologías cualitativas, yla recogida de datos se ha efectuado mediante entrevistasen profundidad realizadas a ocho personas, representantesde los grupos de investigación. El objetivo es doble: a)presentar el mapa del conocimiento de los grupos deinvestigación, identificando las Áreas de Conocimiento deestos grupos y la terminología asociada; b) obtenerelementos para el diseño de una plataforma tecnológicaque soporte la Gestión del Conocimiento entre los grupos.Por último se señalan líneas futuras de investigación paracontribuir al desarrollo regional.
El artículo expone la competencia en materia de consultas populares que Cataluña asume como competencia exclusiva 'con excepción de lo previsto en el artículo 149.1.32 de la Constitución'.
Introduction: in the present study several collectives with knowledge of the reality of family care of the elderly assessed several socia and healthcare resources and suggested several possibilities for improvement. Method: four discussion groups were used as a data collection technique. The groups were composed of caregivers, representatives-users of associations for the elderly, experts in geriatrics, and social services professionals. Results: the various discussion groups positively evaluated the Home Help Service, the Support Teams of the Home Service Programs, Interdisciplinary Community Health Workers Units, Daytime Care Centres, and the Family Rest Programme but suggested some changes to all of them. The discussion groups also indicated the need to improve the material, economic and emotional assistance given to caregivers and asked for training, institutional coordination, anddissemination of information about available resources and assistance. Conclusions: some changes are required to improve the current social and health resources available to families caring for the elderly within the family unit. Among the suggestions for improvement proposed by the participants, many are useful and could easily be applied, whereas others provide an interesting starting point for debate and reflection. Knowledge and understanding of the situation of caregiving families, based on their own experiences and those of the people who know them, is in itself sufficient to initiate and implement changes to provide resources appropriate to their needs
Silica gel was chemically modified with the aromatic amines p-anisidine, p-phenytidine and p-phenylenediamine, using grafting reactions. The resulting modified silicas were characterized by infrared spectroscopy and N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms. The organic groups were covalently immobilized in a monolayer form. These modified silicas were investigated as adsorbents for Pb2+, Cu2+, Cd2+ and Ni2+ in aqueous and ethanol solutions. In a general way, the adsorption capacity values for all adsorbents presented the following sequence: Pb2+ >> Cu2+ @Cd2+ @ Ni2+. Adsorption studies for all adsorbents, in competitive medium, showed better selectivity for Cu2+ and Pb2+ in aqueous medium and for Pb2+ in ethanol solution. Desorption studies were carried out using HCl and HNO3 as eluents.
Monitoring of the 'ecological water quality' in 'Aiguamolls de l’Empordà' Natural Park was carried out between September 1996 and August 1997 . The aim of this sampling programme was to design a simple method for rapid detect changes in water quality due to human activity. These include flow regulation by the Park management, nutrient entries from effluents of a nearby wastewater treatment plant or agricultural fertilising. The proposed method is based on the analysis of the abundance of characteristic taxonomic groups of aquatic invertebrates (heleoplankton). The simplicity of the method is ensured by the use of large taxa which are easier to recognise than species. The functioning of aquatic systems has been modelled by means of correspondence analysis between samples and taxa. Results can be summerized in five environmental conditions with a regular community structure. Dominated by one taxon: cladocerans, ostracods, calanoids, cyclopoids and harpacticoids. The dynamics of both freshwater and brackish lagoons can be modelled as displacements between these five groups of environmental conditions. Nevertheless, the “calanoids situation” and the “harpacticoids situation” occur mainly in brackish lagoons, whereas the “cladocerans situation” occurs mainly in freshwater. The four principal axes of data variation have been respectively identified as nutrient turnover rate, hypertrophy, degree of mineralization of the organic matter and eutrophy. The use of these taxa has been validated by comparison with a model obtained from the species. We conclude that in a highly fluctuating system such as the one here, only persistent situations of eutrophy or hypertrophy must be equated to low 'ecological water quality'
This article provides a short review of the chemistry of stannylenes and their derivatives, including the preparation, spectroscopic properties, molecular structure and reactivity of the various species. The organometallic chemistry of Sn(II) is far less explored than that of its much more common Sn(IV) counterpart. Organometallics of main group metals have become increasingly important in recent years, which prompted us to present an overview of the situation regarding the case of Sn(II).
This work shows routes to recover some elements from their laboratory wastes and broken apparatus (thermometers and densimeters). Most elements chosen present a chemical behavior in aqueous solution which is not currently studied in the ordinary experimental classes. The routes were based on the previous knowledge of the qualitative composition of the wastes treated. Wastes containing chromium were the most difficult to treat. The elements were recovered in good yields and can be reused in new experiments. This work was a very good experience in chemistry for students and shows the need of managing wastes for a better environment.
This paper presents an IR and Raman experiment executed during the teaching of the course "Chemical Bonds" for undergraduated students of Science and Technology and Chemistry at the Federal University of ABC, in order to facilitate and encourage the teaching and learning of group theory. Some key aspects of this theory are also outlined. We believe that student learning was more significant with the introduction of this experiment, because there was an increase in the discussions level and in the performance during evaluations. This work also proposes a multidisciplinary approach to include the use of quantum chemistry tools.
Espécies de Rhizoctonia causam queima foliar em brotações de jardim clonal e podridão de estacas durante o enraizamento, que podem limitar a clonagem do eucalipto, por estaquia. Diante da importância do patógeno para a cultura e da falta de estudos sobre a diversidade de isolados, esse trabalho objetivou caracterizar isolados e relatar novos grupos de anastomose de Rhizoctonia spp. em jardim clonal de eucalipto. Os isolados obtidos nas diferentes fases de propagação por estaquia foram caracterizados quanto ao número de núcleos nas células vegetativas, agrupados segundo as características morfológicas das colônias e identificados quanto aos grupos de anastomose, incluindo auxotrofia por tiamina. Avaliou-se, também, a virulência ao eucalipto e o efeito da temperatura no crescimento micelial dos isolados. Não se detectou correlação entre os agrupamentos morfológicos e reações de anastomose. Constatou-se, também, que a população de Rhizoctonia spp., nos solos de jardins clonais, é constituída por ampla gama de isolados, predominantemente binucleados, com diferentes graus de virulência a eucalipto. Os isolados binucleados e os multinucleados, tiveram a mesma tendência de crescimento em relação à temperatura, com ótimo para a taxa de crescimento entre 25-30 ºC. Observou-se, pela primeira vez, isolados de R. solani AG2-2 IIIB e os binucleados de Rhizoctonia spp., AG-P e AG-O, como agentes etiológicos da podridão de estacas em casa de vegetação, e os isolados binucleados AG-A e AG-L em solo de jardim clonal de eucalipto.
A hibridação é uma estratégia eficiente de se obter ganhos genéticos seletivos visando ao controle de doenças em plantas. Na cultura do mamoeiro, trabalhos comprovam que a resistência genética a mancha-de-phoma pode ser incrementada via hibridação, entretanto, há necessidade de estudo sobre a manifestação da heterose em híbridos provenientes de cruzamentos de genitores entre e dentro de grupo heterótico. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar híbridos de mamoeiro provenientes de cruzamentos em dialelo completo, envolvendo oito genitores elite, sendo quatro do grupo heterótico 'Solo' e quatro do grupo 'Formosa'. O experimento foi conduzido em lavoura comercial, segundo delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições e quantificou-se em duas épocas, março e maio de 2010, a severidade da mancha-de-phoma na folha, com auxílio de escala diagramática. Com a média de cada tratamento foi estimada a heterose e heterobeltiose. Os híbridos 'Waimanalo x Golden', 'Golden x Maradol', 'Golden x Waimanalo', 'Golden x Sunrise Solo 72/12', 'Golden x São Mateus', 'Sunrise Solo 72/12 x Waimanalo', 'Sunrise Solo 72/12 x Golden' foram os que mais se destacaram, com estimativas negativas de heterose e heterobeliose para redução da severidade da doença, nas duas épocas de avaliação. Vislumbrou-se a seleção de híbridos provenientes tanto de cruzamentos dentro do grupo 'Solo' quanto entre grupos heteróticos ('Solo' x 'Formosa'), visando o controle genético da mancha-de-phoma em mamoeiro.