844 resultados para gibel carp Carassius auratus gibelio


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Vast barren lands are lying vacant in the semi-arid zone of India, which can effectively be utilised for fish farming. Experiments conducted in semi-arid conditions at Damdama indicated that it is possible to breed Indian major carps and common carp under controlled conditions of modern carps hatchery CIFE D-80 without depending on rain.


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A bioassay study was conducted using three organic pesticides to determine their comparative toxicity to fingerlings of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix. There was wide variation in the toxicity of different pesticides with 24 hr LC sub(50) values ranging from 0.000403 to 0.294 mg/l. Endosulfan appeared to be the most toxic, whereas BHC was the least.


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Available of carp breeders in their prim state of maturity is a major constraint in hypophysation. Experiments conducted in a fish farm at Naihati, West Bengal, for two consecutive years, 1983-84 and 1984-85, clearly prove that by manipulation of environmental parameters such as metabolites, dissolved oxygen, running water conditions, as also of stock densities and quality and quantity of feed. Catla catla, Hypophythalmichthys molitrix, Labeo rohita, Cirrhina mrigala and Ctenopharyngodon idella can be made to attain better maturity and spawning stage much earlier than normal i.e. even in summer months and the entire stock spawned during the period from March to September. Percentage of successful breeding, quantities of eggs released and fertilised in relation to the body weight of all the species, were also found to be more in comparison to the brood stock raised through the conventional methods.


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Ethylestrenol (17β Hydroxy-17alpha-ethyl-estr-4-en-3-one) and Stanozolal (17β-Hydroxy-17alpha-methyl 1-5 alpha-androstano-(3,2-C)-pyrazole), both synthetic androgenic steroids, were fed via diet at 3ppm to the fry of catla, rohu and silver carp which were reared up to fingerling stage over a period of 167-172 days in earthen ponds. Ethylestrenol enhanced growth in silver carp and rohu but retarded growth in catla. Stanozolal depressed growth in all the 3 species. Length-weight relationship for these fry had been worked out and the relative condition factor in all the cases was very close to or slightly above 1.0.


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The success of breeding of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) using hormonal inducement and environmental stimuli was evaluated considering different sex ratios, and natural and artificial substrates. A total of 18 females (weighing 250 to 2200g) divided into 6 treatments were investigated. A successful spawning was observed in all the treatment groups, only. 66.66% female responded successfully to LHRH-A combined with dompheridone and 83.33% female in natural stimuli. Females induced with LHRH-A and dompheridone found prompt ovulation than that of natural stimulation. A significant variation (F=7.45, P<0.05) was found among the different treatment groups. The number of eggs released appear to depend on body weight (t=15.72, P<0.05), sex ratio (t=7.96, P<0.05) and percentage of ovulated females (t=5.34, P<0.05). Although environmentally stimulated females released more eggs than injected female (t=5.18, P<0.05) but their survival rate was similar (t=1.77, P<0.05). Comparison between the two approaches under the conditions of AIT hatchery shown that both are suitable for spawning induction in common carp. However, environmental stimulation is advantageous because of the less labor and lower cost required for ovulation.


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Culture of gulsha (Mystus cavasius) with rajpunti (Puntius gonionotus) and silver carp ( Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) was undertaken to assess the growth and production potential of these species under polyculture system. Fingerlings of gulsha, rajpunti and silver carp were stocked at a density of 18.000, 10.000 and 4.000/ha respectively. Two treatments were tested in this experiment. Treatment-I was conducted with rice bran and mustard oil cake and treatment-II with rice bran and duck weed. All the ponds were fertilized with urea and TSP at fortnightly intervals. After six months' rearing, the gross production was estimated to be 3,582 and 3,125 kg/ha from treatment-I and treatment-II respectively. Total yield showed non-significant differences (P>0.05) between the treatments.


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The effects of periphyton, grown on bamboo substrates, on growth and production of Indian major carp, rohu, Labeo rohita (Hamilton), were studied in 10 ponds during July to October '95 at the Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. Five ponds were provided with bamboo substrates (treatment I) and the rests without bamboo substrates (treatment II). It was revealed that there had been no discernible difference in the water quality parameters between treatments. A large number of plankton (30 genera) showed periphytic nature and colonized on the bamboo substrates. The growth and production of fish was significantly (p<0.05) higher in the ponds with bamboo substrates as compared to the ponds without substrates. The net production of rohu in treatment I was about 1.7 times higher than that of treatment II. Fish production was as much as 1899 kg/ha over a culture period of 4 months in the periphyton-based production system.


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Resting metabolism in Indian major carp, Catla catla Ham. fingerlings were investigated. For this purpose a water recirculatory system in the laboratory was used. The metabolic energy losses were determined by the indirect method of oxygen consumption by the fish and were then multiplied by an oxycalorific coefficient (Q-ox). Five metabolism chambers in the experimental system were used where there were two same treatment runs in quadruplicate of mean total weight of fish fingerlings of 109.5, 110.4, 112.8 and 111.6g/chamber. The water temperature in the system was 28±0.5°C. The mean metabolic rate in the replicates showed no significant variation (p>0.05) and was found to be 151.66, 153.91, 150.25, 152.74 mgO-2/kg/h respectively. This showed an equivalent energy loss 5.40, 5.52, 5.51 and 5.56 KJ/chamber/day (35.60, 35.92, 36.67 and 36.40 KJ/kg/day) respectively. Energetics of resting metabolism in an Indian major carp (Catla catla Ham.)


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The length-weight relationship and condition factor of Mylopharyngodon spiceus were determined. The result of the study showed the dependence of weight (W) on the total length (L) in the following form: W= 0.006L(super 3.156) or in the logarithmic form Log W=- 2.1851 + 3.156 Log L. Standard errors of length and weight were 0.674 cm and 3.214 g respectively. The co-efficient correlation "r" was found to be 0.972 which indicated that the relationship between length and body weight of the fish was highly significant. The t-test also indicated that the correlation between length and weight was significant. The range and mean value of condition factor (K) were 0.865 to 1.041 and 0.958 respectively.


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An investigation on length-weight relationship, length-frequency distribution, catch per unit of effort (CPUE) and stocking and harvesting status of three Indian major carps: rohu Labeo rohita, catla Catla catla and mrigal Cirrhinus mrigala and three exotic carps: silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella) and common carp Cyprinus carpio was carried out in Nasti baor (oxbow lake) for the harvesting season from August to December 1995. The length-weight relationship for six carp species was established for the harvesting months of November and December 1995. The b values for different species respectively for the months of November and December were 2.95 and 2.58 for rohu, 3.06 and 2.98 for catla, 2,84 and 2.90 for mrigal, 2.75 and 2.60 for silver carp, 2.51 and 1.97 for grass carp and 2.38 and 2.50 for common carp. In CPUE study, the CPUE was 0.58 kg/ha/hr while the catch per gear was 0.08 kg/ha/hr/purse-seine. The recovery percentage of mrigal was highest (63.57%) and it was lowest (16.81%) in case of silver carp. The density of submerged macrophytes (Hydrilla, Utricularia, Ceratophyllum and Vallisneria) was highest (4.39 kg/sqm) in November and was lowest (0.76 kg/sqm) in September.


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Abrasion, feeding, injection and immersion methods were used to evaluate the pathogenicity of five different strains of Aeromonas hydrophila viz. RG (rui gill), ML (mrigal lesion), SG (sharpunti gill), F1K (mrigal kidney), GFL (gold fish lesion) and Ah-19 (Aeromonas hydrophila-19, Ref. Strain) against C. mrigala H. Bacterial suspension containing viable cells of 7.5x 10⁵ per ml was found to be very effective in intramuscular injection and feeding resulting 100% mortality after 96hr of inoculation. The strain RG, ML and F1K produced scale loss with erosion of the skin surface with/without hemorrhagic lesion after 48hr of inoculation following abrasion method. The strains SG and Ah-19 resulting scale loss with erosion of the skin surface with/without hemorrhagic lesion after 72hr of inoculation following abrasion and injection methods. SG and F1K caused reddening in mouth region after 72hr of feeding inoculation, whereas RG resulted frank ulcers from eroded dermal layer exposing underlying musculature which was hemorrhagic after 96hr of inoculation by abrasion method.


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The distribution pattern of exocrine pancreas in Labeo rohita besides its general location along the course of intestinal mesentery was studied. It is evenly distributed within the liver around portal vessels and also within the spleen near a blood vessel. On ultrastructure, two cell types of different degrees of staining intensities containing abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, pre-zymogen and zymogen granules were marked. During aflatoxicosis, the mesenteric pancreas and hepatic pancreas were mostly affected revealing necrotic changes to acini. The zymogen granular activities were markedly reduced. Ultra structurally, the rough endoplasmic reticulum was fully dilated and formed whorled pattern. The damage to the exocrine pancreas might be affecting digestive enzymes' secretion which may be one of the causes of aflatoxin-induced anorexia in fish.


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Heterologous murrel gonadotropic hormone (m-GtH) binds to common carp oocyte plasma membrane and enhances steroid secretion. With increasing concentration of radio-labelled hormone the receptor binding is also found to increase linearly up to a certain concentration and then decrease. The [¹²⁵I] murrel GtH binding characteristics to a preparation of common carp ovarian plasma membrane shows saturability with high affinity. Scat chard plot analysis gave dissociation constant (Kd) of 0.81 X 10(super -9) M and maximum binding capacity (MBC) of 22.05 f mole/mg protein.


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Feeding metabolism in an Indian major carp, Catla catla fingerlings of 10.8+0.56g was investigated in a flow-through water recirculating system. The metabolic energy loss in resting metabolism and feeding metabolism were determined by the indirect method of oxygen consumption followed by multiplication by suitable oxycalorific coefficient. This was done in four metabolic chambers of a respirometer system. Ten fish fingerlings of mean total weight of 109.5, 110.4 and 112.8g/chambers respectively each in two experimental runs of three treatments a, b and c were used. The mean resting metabolic rate during unfed condition showed no significant variation in different treatments. The fish in three treatments a, b and c fed on diets containing 28, 33 and 38% crude protein had significantly different (p<0.05) post-fed SDA magnitude of 497.7, 638.7 and 735.5 mgO2/chamber/day having an equivalent energy loss of 12.68, 14.68 and 15.86 KJ respectively. The SDA co-efficient in three treatments a, b and c were 14.95, 19.00 and 22.36% respectively whereas, respiratory energy - 'R' as % of mean total ingested energy in three treatments were 26.93, 31.17 and 34.74% respectively showing a significant increase (p<0.05) with increase of protein. Feeding metabolism in an Indian major carp (Catla catla Lin.) fed on different protein diets.


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An experiment was conducted with Labeo rohita fingerlings in an indoor static fish rearing water system of glass made aquaria. Five experimental diets A, B, C, D and E were formulated containing 33% dietary protein level in five treatments each having two replicates containing 12 fingerlings of mean total initial weight of 13.00±0.2g. Sixty days of feeding trial in this experiment showed that fish fed on diet 'A' containing fish meal and diet 'E' containing mixed plant sources protein had significantly highest and lowest growth respectively. However, no significant difference of growth was found in fish fed on diets C and D containing meat and bone meal, and mix of animal protein source diets respectively. The result showed that the apparent protein digestibility (APD) of diets 'A' and 'E' had significantly best and least values respectively. Food conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) ranged between 1.37 to 2.17 and 1.38 to 2.18 respectively. On the basis of observed FCR and PER diets 'A' and 'E' produced significantly highest and lowest growth respectively.