954 resultados para gear clutch
Se realiza este trabajo por medio del análisis estructural, interno y competitivo de la empresa Automundial S.A. para conocer su estado actual frente a sus propias actividades y funciones para de esta forma, poder dictaminar una serie de propuestas que contribuyan al mejoramiento de la empresa y conlleven a que el direccionamiento de las estrategias empresariales se enfoquen a un proceso de internacionalización. Con la necesidad de utilizar intermediarios que los introduzcan en las economías de los países extranjeros y obtener todo el conocimiento del mercado para reducir los riesgos de perdidas, al momento de instaurar una planta de producción en ese país. Para lograr tal fin se plantea la comparación de dos empresas participantes en el sector del reencauche de llantas en Colombia, como las multinacionales Michelín y Goodyear, quienes son los competidores directos de Automundial S.A. Dicho análisis funciona como paralelo para relacionar las actividades y los procesos de dichas empresas respecto al comportamiento y trayectoria que lleva Automundial S.A. en sus 100 años de funcionamiento, siendo la empresa pionera en la producción del reencauche de llantas en Colombia. De esta forma, se logra plantear un modelo de internacionalización a través de diversas teorías de la internacionalización expuestas en este trabajo, de las cuales se apoya y da sustento académico a la ruta de exportación que debe seguir la empresa Automundial S.A. Al final de este proceso efectuado por la misma, se podrá tomar este modelo de internacionalización como un patrón de exportación conformado por etapas y pasos a ejecutar, teniendo en cuenta el crecimiento y la madurez de la empresa perteneciente al sector frente al mercado local. Dicha empresa interesada en internacionalizarse, deberá contar con un direccionamiento a querer lograr un proceso de exportación de productos o servicios a mercados extranjeros hasta la etapa de llegar a producir localmente en dicho país objetivo.
Las actividades de mantenimiento automotriz en el sector de autopartes conlleva el uso de agentes químicos bajo diversas circunstancias de exposición, tanto en las condiciones de manipulación de productos químicos como a las características propias de cada actividad de mantenimiento asociado a las tareas específicas del trabajo. Tradicionalmente la evaluación de contaminantes químicos desde la visión de la Higiene Ocupacional incluye la evaluación cuantitativa de la exposición mediante técnicas instrumentales concretas y estandarizadas, determinando el nivel de concentración en aire a la cual un trabajador se ve expuesto y que, en comparación con valores límites permisibles (VLPs), inducen el establecimiento de medidas de control y vigilancia, según el nivel de riesgo caracterizado. Sin embargo es evidente la limitación de la implementación de esta sistemática en particular en micros y pequeñas empresas que carecen de los recursos suficientes para abordar la problemática de forma objetiva. En este contexto diversas metodologías de evaluación cualitativa o subjetiva se han desarrollado por distintas organizaciones en el mundo con el fin de disminuir la brecha entre el establecimiento de medidas de control y la valoración del riesgo, ofreciendo alternativas confiables para la toma de decisiones preventivas sin la necesidad de acudir a mediciones cuantitativas. Mediante la presente investigación se pretende validar la efectividad en el uso de una herramienta de evaluación simplificada del riesgo químico propuesta por el INRS (Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité Francés) mediante la determinación del perfil de exposición potencial a contaminantes químicos de la población laboral de 36 almacenes de autopartes ubicados en el barrio la Paz de la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia, divididos según énfasis de actividades en Partes Externas, Partes Eléctricas e Inyección, Partes Mecánicas, Partes Múltiples, a través de un estudio de corte transversal. El estudio permitió Jerarquizar el riesgo potencial, valorar el riesgo vía inhalatoria y dérmica para finalmente construir el perfil de exposición potencial a contaminantes químicos de trabajadores. La información de las variables de análisis fue consolidada en una herramienta informática diseñada para tal fin, la cual facilito la administración de los datos y su respectivo análisis. Con base en los hallazgos fue posible establecer los productos químicos que de acuerdo a las condiciones de trabajo y circunstancias de exposición sugieren medidas específicas para la disminución del riesgo potencial de acuerdo a la calificación global de los agentes, permitiendo deducir la viabilidad de la aplicación de herramientas de valoración cualitativa para la evaluación del riesgo químico como estrategia de prevención primaria.
Los principales aeropuertos del mundo han cambiado radicalmente su vocación de simples máquinas de transporte aéreo para integrarse a los territorios y ser ejes de engranajes productivos, que impulsan la economía de las ciudades contemporáneas. En ese sentido, la presente investigación busca examinar cómo ha sido el modelo de planificación desarrollado para el Aeropuerto Internacional El Dorado (AIED) y cuál es el rol que juega su entorno inmediato en dicho modelo. ¿Se ha concebido el AIED como un espacio físico que cohesiona el territorio y cataliza encadenamientos productivos y actividades económicas supraregionales? Este trabajo de grado intentará demostrar a través de un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo, que a diferencia de las tendencias globales, el modelo de planificación del AIED aún se basa en la visión tradicional y sectorial, lo que genera un impacto económico negativo en el desarrollo económico de la ciudad de Bogotá y su área metropolitana.
El proyecto JVS está enfocado al sector de la seguridad industrial, específicamente en el desarrollo, producción y comercialización de Equipos de Protección Personal como Chaqueta, pantalón y capucha, con unos elementos innovadores sumamente interesantes como lo es prendas cosidas y selladas a mano, sin utilizar termo selladores como es comúnmente visto, y asignación de tallas adecuadas para el usuario, enfocados al rendimiento del usuario y su comodidad protegiéndolo al 100%, facilitando las diversas labores que realiza.
We tested the hypothesis that cryptically colored eggs would suffer less predation than conspicuous eggs in the ground-nesting red-legged partridge, Alectoris rufa. We used A. rufa as a model species because it has a wide range of natural egg colors, the eggs are widely available from breeding farms, and nests are easily mimicked because they are scrapes containing no vegetation. The study was conducted in the spring of 2001 in forest and fallow fields of central Spain in Castilla La Mancha, Ciudad Real. We used 384 clutches of natural eggs that were white, white spotted, brown, or brown spotted. Within clutches, eggs were consistent in color and size; among clutches, color differences were distributed across habitats. Clutches were checked once after 2 wk of exposure. Cryptic coloration had a survival advantage that was dependent on the local suite of predators. Rodent predation was nonselective with respect to clutch color; however, avian predation was significantly higher for conspicuous clutches. In addition, there was an interaction of landscape and egg color for avian predation. In forest landscapes, the clutches with highest survival were brown spotted, whereas in fallow landscapes, brown and brown spotted clutches had higher survival than white and white potted clutches. Thus, both the predator suite and the landscape had significant effects on the value of cryptic egg coloration. Our study is relevant for conservationists and managers in charge of restocking programs in hunting areas. The release of other partridge species or their hybrids could result in hybridization with wild partridges, potentially leading to nonoptimal clutch pigmentation and reduced survival of the native species. We therefore recommend that local authorities, managers, and conservationists be cautious with the use of alien species and hybrids and release only autochthonous species of partridges within their natural ranges.
Populations on the periphery of a species' range may experience more severe environmental conditions relative to populations closer to the core of the range. As a consequence, peripheral populations may have lower reproductive success or survival, which may affect their persistence. In this study, we examined the influence of environmental conditions on breeding biology and nest survival in a threatened population of Loggerhead Shrikes (Lanius ludovicianus) at the northern limit of the range in southeastern Alberta, Canada, and compared our estimates with those from shrike populations elsewhere in the range. Over the 2-year study in 1992–1993, clutch sizes averaged 6.4 eggs, and most nests were initiated between mid-May and mid-June. Rate of renesting following initial nest failure was 19%, and there were no known cases of double-brooding. Compared with southern populations, rate of renesting was lower and clutch sizes tended to be larger, whereas the length of the nestling and hatchling periods appeared to be similar. Most nest failures were directly associated with nest predators, but weather had a greater direct effect in 1993. Nest survival models indicated higher daily nest survival during warmer temperatures and lower precipitation, which may include direct effects of weather on nestlings as well as indirect effects on predator behavior or food abundance. Daily nest survival varied over the nesting cycle in a curvilinear pattern, with a slight increase through laying, approximately constant survival through incubation, and a decline through the nestling period. Partial brood loss during the nestling stage was high, particularly in 1993, when conditions were cool and wet. Overall, the lower likelihood of renesting, lower nest survival, and higher partial brood loss appeared to depress reproductive output in this population relative to those elsewhere in the range, and may have increased susceptibility to population declines.
Objective - Platelet stimulation by collagen and collagen-related peptides (CRPs) is associated with activation of protein tyrosine kinases. In the present study, we investigated the role of Src family tyrosine kinases in the initial adhesion events of human platelets to collagen and cross-linked CRP. Methods and Results - Under arterial flow conditions, a glycoprotein VI - specific substrate, cross-linked CRP, caused rapid (<2 second) platelet retention and protein tyrosine phosphorylation that were markedly decreased by the Src family kinase inhibitor pyrozolopyrimidine (PP2) or by aggregation inhibitor GRGDSP. CRP-induced platelet retention was transient, and 90% of single platelets or aggregates detached within seconds. PP2, although having no effect on RGD peptide-binding to CRP, completely blocked aggregation and tyrosine phosphorylation of Syk and phospholipase Cγ2 (PLCγ2). In contrast, PP2 weakly (<30%) suppressed firm adhesion to collagen mediated primarily by the alpha(2)beta(1) integrin. Although PP2 prevented activation of Syk and PLCgamma2 in collagen-adherent platelets, tyrosine phosphorylation of several unidentified protein bands persisted, as did autophosphorylation of pp125(FAK). Conclusions - These findings indicate that activation of Src-tyrosine kinases Syk and PLCgamma2 is not required for the initial stable attachment of human platelets to collagen and for FAK autophosphorylation. However, Src-tyrosine kinases are critical for glycoprotein VI - mediated signaling leading to platelet aggregation.
There is ample evidence that the use of safety behaviour can interfere with the progress of therapy, particularly if exposure is involved. As a result, it is widely asserted that safety behaviour is anti-therapeutic. However, an unqualified rejection of safety behaviour should be reconsidered because we now have theoretical justification, experimental evidence and clinical observations showing that the judicious use of safety behaviour, especially in the early stages of treatment, can be facilitative. Experiments in which escape behaviour facilitated fear reduction, and others in which the use of safety gear facilitated fear reduction, are reviewed. It also appears that safety behaviour does not necessarily prevent disconfirmatory experiences. We propose that additional investigations of the judicious use of safety behaviour will help to elucidate therapeutic uses of safety behaviour in the treatment of anxious and related types of psychopathology. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aim We provide a new quantitative analysis of lizard reproductive ecology. Comparative studies of lizard reproduction to date have usually considered life-history components separately. Instead, we examine the rate of production (productivity hereafter) calculated as the total mass of offspring produced in a year. We test whether productivity is influenced by proxies of adult mortality rates such as insularity and fossorial habits, by measures of temperature such as environmental and body temperatures, mode of reproduction and activity times, and by environmental productivity and diet. We further examine whether low productivity is linked to high extinction risk. Location World-wide. Methods We assembled a database containing 551 lizard species, their phylogenetic relationships and multiple life history and ecological variables from the literature. We use phylogenetically informed statistical models to estimate the factors related to lizard productivity. Results Some, but not all, predictions of metabolic and life-history theories are supported. When analysed separately, clutch size, relative clutch mass and brood frequency are poorly correlated with body mass, but their product – productivity – is well correlated with mass. The allometry of productivity scales similarly to metabolic rate, suggesting that a constant fraction of assimilated energy is allocated to production irrespective of body size. Island species were less productive than continental species. Mass-specific productivity was positively correlated with environmental temperature, but not with body temperature. Viviparous lizards were less productive than egg-laying species. Diet and primary productivity were not associated with productivity in any model. Other effects, including lower productivity of fossorial, nocturnal and active foraging species were confounded with phylogeny. Productivity was not lower in species at risk of extinction. Main conclusions Our analyses show the value of focusing on the rate of annual biomass production (productivity), and generally supported associations between productivity and environmental temperature, factors that affect mortality and the number of broods a lizard can produce in a year, but not with measures of body temperature, environmental productivity or diet.
This study tests predictions of the hypothesis of evolution of paternal care via sexual selection by using the Neotropical harvestman Pseudopucrolia sp. as the model organism. Females use natural cavities in roadside banks as nesting sites, which are defended by males against other males. Females leave the nests after oviposition, and all postzygotic parental care is accomplished by males, which protect the eggs and nymphs from predators. We provided artificial mud nests to individuals in the laboratory and conducted observations on the reproduction of the species. Male reproductive success was directly related to nest ownership time: the longer a male held a nest, the higher his chances of obtaining copulations. All males that succeeded in mating and obtaining one clutch eventually mated with additional females that added eggs to the clutch. Thus, desirable males were not limited to monogamy by paternal care. Experimental manipulations demonstrated that guarding males were more attractive to females than were nonguarding males and also that males guarded unrelated eggs. Finally, we found that females and nonguarding males spent more time foraging than guarding males. We use our data to contrast hypotheses on the origin and maintenance of paternal care and to provide a critical assessment of the hypothesis of the evolution of paternal care via sexual selection. (C) 2009 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A relatively large amount of variation occurs in the reproductive ecology of tropical snakes, and this variation is generally regarded as being a consequence of seasonality in climate and prey availability. In some groups, even closely related species may differ in their reproductive ecology; however, in others it seems to be very conservative. Here we explore whether characters related to reproduction are phylogenetically constrained in a monophyletic group of snakes, the subfamily Dipsadinae, which ranges from Mexico to southern South America. We provide original data on reproduction for Leptodeira annulata, Imantodes cenchoa, and three species of Sibynomorphus from southern, southeastern and central Brazil, and data from literature for other species and populations of dipsadines. Follicular cycles were seasonal in Atractus reticulatus, Dipsa, albifrons, Hypsiglena torquata, Leptodeira maculata, L. punctata, Sibynomorphus spp. and Sibon sanniola from areas where climate is seasonal. In contrast, extended or continuous follicular cycles were recorded in Dipsas catesbyi, D. neivai, Imantodes cenchoa, Leptodeira annulata, and Ninia maculata from areas with seasonal and aseasonal climates. Testicular cycles also varied from seasonal (in H. torquiata) to continuous (in Dipsa,5 spp., Leptodeira annulata, L. maculata, N. maculata, and Sibynomorphus spp.). Most dipsadines are small (less than 500 rum SVL), and females attain sexual maturity with similar relative body size than males. Sexual dimorphism occurred in terms of SVL and tail length in most species, and clutch size tended to be small (less than five eggs). Combat behavior occurs in Imantodes cenchoa, which did not show sexual size dimorphism. Reproductive timing, for both females and males, varied among species but in general there were no differences between the tribes of Dipsadinae in most of the reproductive characteristics, such as mean body size, relative size at sexual maturity, sexual size and tail dimorphism, duration of vitellogenesis or egg-carrying in oviducts.
We studied clutch size, hatching and fledging success, and time necessary for chick Kelp Gulls (Larus dominicanus) to leave the nest throughout two breeding seasons (2004 and 2005) on Guararitama Island, Sao Paulo, Brazil. We followed 93 nests in 2004 and 97 nests in 2005. The average (+/- SD) clutch size was 2.09 +/- 0.64 in 2004 and 1.93 +/- 0.59 in 2005. Hatching success was 74% in 2004 and 53% in 2005, and fledging success was 54% in 2004 and 58% in 2005. Chicks grew quickly, following the linear equation y(t) = 61g + 17.03g X age (in days), and began to fly at 40 days. Received 11 August 2008. Accepted 28 August 2009.
In the paper, we discuss dynamics of two kinds of mechanical systems. Initially, we consider vibro-impact systems which have many implementations in applied mechanics, ranging from drilling machinery and metal cutting processes to gear boxes. Moreover, from the point of view of dynamical systems, vibro-impact systems exhibit a rich variety of phenomena, particularly chaotic motion. In this paper, we review recent works on the dynamics of vibro-impact systems, focusing on chaotic motion and its control. The considered systems are a gear-rattling model and a smart damper to suppress chaotic motion. Furthermore, we investigate systems with non-ideal energy source, represented by a limited power supply. As an example of a non-ideal system, we analyse chaotic dynamics of the damped Duffing oscillator coupled to a rotor. Then, we show how to use a tuned liquid damper to control the attractors of this non-ideal oscillator.
Understanding the genetic basis of traits involved in adaptation is a major challenge in evolutionary biology but remains poorly understood. Here, we use genome-wide association mapping using a custom 50 k single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array in a natural population of collared flycatchers to examine the genetic basis of clutch size, an important life-history trait in many animal species. We found evidence for an association on chromosome 18 where one SNP significant at the genome-wide level explained 3.9% of the phenotypic variance. We also detected two suggestive quantitative trait loci (QTLs) on chromosomes 9 and 26. Fitness differences among genotypes were generally weak and not significant, although there was some indication of a sex-by-genotype interaction for lifetime reproductive success at the suggestive QTL on chromosome 26. This implies that sexual antagonism may play a role in maintaining genetic variation at this QTL. Our findings provide candidate regions for a classic avian life-history trait that will be useful for future studies examining the molecular and cellular function of, as well as evolutionary mechanisms operating at, these loci.