1000 resultados para fuel


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The Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor (ADSR) is one of the reactor designs proposed for future nuclear energy production. Interest in the ADSR arises from its enhanced and intrinsic safety characteristics, as well as its potential ability to utilize the large global reserves of thorium and to burn legacy actinide waste from other reactors and decommissioned nuclear weapons. The ADSR concept is based on the coupling of a particle accelerator and a subcritical core by means of a neutron spallation target interface. One of the candidate accelerator technologies receiving increasing attention, the Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) accelerator, generates a pulsed proton beam. This paper investigates the impact of pulsed proton beam operation on the mechanical integrity of the fuel pin cladding. A pulsed beam induces repetitive temperature changes in the reactor core which lead to cyclic thermal stresses in the cladding. To perform the thermal analysis aspects of this study a code that couples the neutron kinetics of a subcritical core to a cylindrical geometry heat transfer model was developed. This code, named PTS-ADS, enables temperature variations in the cladding to be calculated. These results are then used to perform thermal fatigue analysis and to predict the stress-life behaviour of the cladding. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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During its lifetime in the core, the cladding of an Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor (ADSR) fuel pin is expected to experience variable stresses due to frequent interruptions in the accelerator proton beam. This paper investigates the thermal fatigue damage in the cladding due to repetitive and unplanned beam interruptions under certain operational conditions. Beam trip data was obtained for four operating high power proton accelerators, among which the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) superconducting accelerator was selected for further analysis. 9Cr-1Mo-Nb-V (T91) steel was selected as the cladding material because of its proven compatibility with proposed ADSR design concepts. The neutronic, thermal and stress analyses were performed using the PTS-ADS, a code that has been specifically developed for studying the dynamic response to beam-induced transients in accelerator driven subcritical systems. The lifetime of the fuel cladding in the core was estimated for three levels of allowed pin power and specific operating conditions. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The production of long-lived transuranic (TRU) waste is a major disadvantage of fission-based nuclear power. Previous work has indicated that TRU waste can be virtually eliminated in a pressurised water reactor (PWR) fuelled with a mixture of thorium and TRU waste, when all actinides are returned to the reactor after reprocessing. However, the optimal configuration for a fuel assembly operating this fuel cycle is likely to differ from the current configuration. In this paper, the differences in performance obtained in a reduced-moderation PWR operating this fuel cycle were investigated using WIMS. The chosen configuration allowed an increase of at least 20% in attainable burn-up for a given TRU enrichment. This will be especially important if the practical limit on TRU enrichment is low. The moderator reactivity coefficients limit the enrichment possible in the reactor, and this limit is particularly severe if a negative void coefficient is required for a fully voided core. Several strategies have been identified to mitigate this. Specifically, the control system should be designed to avoid a detrimental effect on moderator reactivity coefficients. The economic viability of this concept is likely to be dependent on the achievable thermal-hydraulic operating conditions. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper investigates the effects of design parameters, such as cladding and coolant material choices, and operational phenomena, such as creep and fission product decay heat, on the tolerance of Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor (ADSR) fuel pin cladding to beam interruptions. This work aims to provide a greater understanding of the integration between accelerator and nuclear reactor technologies in ADSRs. The results show that an upper limit on cladding operating temperature of 550 °C is appropriate, as higher values of temperature tend to accelerate creep, leading to cladding failure much sooner than anticipated. The effect of fission product decay heat is to reduce significantly the maximum stress developed in the cladding during a beam-trip-induced transient. The potential impact of irradiation damage and the effects of the liquid metal coolant environment on the cladding are discussed. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A method for VVER-1000 fuel rearrangement optimization that takes into account both cladding durability and fuel burnup and which is suitable for any regime of normal reactor operation has been established. The main stages involved in solving the problem of fuel rearrangement optimization are discussed in detail. Using the proposed fuel rearrangement efficiency criterion, a simple example VVER-1000 fuel rearrangement optimization problem is solved under deterministic and uncertain conditions. It is shown that the deterministic and robust (in the face of uncertainty) solutions of the rearrangement optimization problem are similar in principle, but the robust solution is, as might be anticipated, more conservative. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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We quantify the conditions that might trigger wide spread adoption of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) to support energy policy. Empirical review shows that early adopters are heterogeneous motivated by financial benefits, environmental appeal, new technology, and vehicle reliability. A probabilistic Monte Carlo simulation model is used to assess consumer heterogeneity for early and mass market adopters. For early adopters full battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are competitive but unable to surpass diesels or hybrids due to purchase price premium and lack of charging availability. For mass adoption, simulations indicate that if the purchase price premium of a BEV closes to within 20% of an in-class internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle, combined with a 60% increase in refuelling availability relative to the incumbent system, BEVs become competitive. But this depends on a mass market that values the fuel economy and CO2 reduction benefits associated with BEVs. We also find that the largest influence on early adoption is financial benefit rather than pro-environmental behaviour suggesting that AFVs should be marketed by appealing to economic benefits combined with pro-environmental behaviour to motivate adoption. Monte Carlo simulations combined with scenarios can give insight into diffusion dynamics for other energy demand-side technologies. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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A one-dimensional model for crevice HC post-flame oxidation is used to calculate and understand the effect of operating parameters and fuel type (propane and isooctane) on the extent of crevice hydrocarbon and the product distribution in the post flame environment. The calculations show that the main parameters controlling oxidation are: bulk burned gas temperatures, wall temperatures, turbulent diffusivity, and fuel oxidation rates. Calculated extents of oxidation agree well with experimental values, and the sensitivities to operating conditions (wall temperatures, equivalence ratio, fuel type) are reasonably well captured. Whereas the bulk gas temperatures largely determine the extent of oxidation, the hydrocarbon product distribution is not very much affected by the burned gas temperatures, but mostly by diffusion rates. Uncertainties in both turbulent diffusion rates as well as in mechanisms are an important factor limiting the predictive capabilities of the model. However, it seems well suited to sensitivity calculations about a baseline. Copyright © 1999 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.