963 resultados para fish community structure


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The overall purpose of this thesis was to increase the knowledge on the biogeochemistry of rural acid sulphate (AS) soil environments and urban forest ecosystems near small towns in Western Finland. In addition, the potential causal relationship between the distribution of AS soils and geographical occurence of multiple sclerosis (MS) disease was assessed based on a review of existing literature and data. Acid sulphate soils, which occupy an area of approximately 17–24 million hectare worldwide, are regarded as the nastiest soils in the world. Independent of the geographical locality of these soils, they pose a great threat to their surrounding environment if disturbed. The abundant metal-rich acid drainage from Finnish AS soils, which is a result of sulphide oxidation due to artificial farmland drainage, has significant but spatially and temporally variable ecotoxicological impacts on biodiversity and community structure of fish, benthic invertebrates and macrophytes. This has resulted in mass fish kills and even eradication of sensitive fish species in affected waters. Moreover, previous investigations demonstrated significantly enriched concentrations of Co, Ni, Mn and Al, metals which are abundantly mobilised in AS soils, in agricultural crops (timothy grass and oats) and approximately 50 times higher concentrations of Al in cow milk originating from AS soils in Western Finland. Nevertheless, the results presented here demonstrate, in general, relatively moderate metal concentrations in oats and cabbage grown on AS soils in Western Finland, although some of the studied fields showed anomalous values of metals (e.g. Co and Ni) in both the soil and target plants (especially oats), similar to that of the previous investigations. The results indicated that the concentrations of Co, Ni, Mn and Zn in oats and Co and Zn in cabbage were governed by soil geochemistry as these metals were correlated with corresponding concentrations extracted from the soil by NH4Ac-EDTA and NH4Ac, respectively. The concentrations of Cu and Fe in oats and cabbage were uncorrelated to that of the easily soluble concentrations in the soils, suggesting that biological processes (e.g. plant-root processes) overshadow geochemical variation. The concentrations of K and Mg in cabbage, which showed a low spread and were strongly correlated to the NH4Ac extractable contents in the soil, were governed by both the bioavailable fractions in the topsoil and plant-uptake mechanisms. The plant´s ability to regulate its uptake of Ca and P (e.g. through root exudates) seemed to be more important than the influence of soil geochemistry. The distribution of P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn and S within humus, moss and needles in and around small towns was to a high degree controlled by biological cycling, which was indicated by the low correlation coefficients for P, K, Ca, Mg and S between humus and moss, and the low spread of these nutrients in moss and needles. The concentration variations of elements in till are mainly due to natural processes (e.g. intrusions, weathering, mineralogical variations in the bedrock). There was a strong spatial pattern for B in humus, moss and needles, which was suggested to be associated with anthropogenic emissions from nearby town centres. Geogenic dust affected the spatial distribution of Fe and Cr in moss, while natural processes governed the Fe anomaly found in the needles. The spatial accumulation patterns of Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb in humus and moss were strong and diverse, and related to current industry, the former steel industry, coal combustion, and natural geochemical processes. An intriguing Cu anomaly was found in moss. Since it was located close to a main railway line and because the railway line´s electric cables are made of Cu, it was suggested that the reason for the Cu anomaly is corrosion of these cables. In Western Finland, where AS soils are particularly abundant and enrich the metal concentrations of stream waters, cow milk and to some extent crops, an environmental risk assessment would be motivated to elucidate if the metal dispersion affect human health. Within this context, a topic of concern is the distribution of multiple sclerosis as high MS prevalence rates are found in the main area of AS soils. Regionally, the AS soil type in the Seinäjoki area has been demonstrated to be very severe in terms of metal leaching, this area also shows one of the highest MS rates reported worldwide. On a local scale, these severe AS soil types coincide well with the corresponding MS clustering along the Kyrönjoki River in Seinäjoki. There are reasons to suspect that these spatial correlations are causal, as multiple sclerosis has been suggested to result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors.


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Approximately 7.2% of the Atlantic rainforest remains in Brazil, with only 16% of this forest remaining in the State of Rio de Janeiro, all of it distributed in fragments. This forest fragmentation can produce biotic and abiotic differences between edges and the fragment interior. In this study, we compared the structure and richness of tree communities in three habitats - an anthropogenic edge (AE), a natural edge (NE) and the fragment interior (FI) - of a fragment of Atlantic forest in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (22°50'S and 42°28'W). One thousand and seventy-six trees with a diameter at breast height > 4.8 cm, belonging to 132 morphospecies and 39 families, were sampled in a total study area of 0.75 ha. NE had the greatest basal area and the trees in this habitat had the greatest diameter:height allometric coefficient, whereas AE had a lower richness and greater variation in the height of the first tree branch. Tree density, diameter, height and the proportion of standing dead trees did not differ among the habitats. There was marked heterogeneity among replicates within each habitat. These results indicate that the forest interior and the fragment edges (natural or anthropogenic) do not differ markedly considering the studied parameters. Other factors, such as the age from the edge, type of matrix and proximity of gaps, may play a more important role in plant community structure than the proximity from edges.


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(Diameter and height distributions in a gallery forest tree community and some of its main species in central Brazil over a six-year period (1985-1991)). The diameter and height structure were studied over six years in approximately 64 ha of the Gama gallery forest in Brasília, DF. Trees from 10 cm dbh were measured every three years from 1985 in 151 (10 x 20 m) permanent plots. Natural regeneration (individuals under 10 cm dbh) was measured in subplots within the 200 m² plots. Most individuals and species were under 45 cm diameter and 20 m high while the maximum diameter for individual species ranged from 30 to 95 cm. The diameter structure was typical of a mixed tropical forest with the number of individuals decreasing with increasing size classes and showing little change over the six years. The most abundant species occupy different positions in the canopy and have different size structures.


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L'écologie urbaine est un nouveau champ de recherche qui cherche à comprendre les structures et les patrons des communautés et des écosystèmes situés dans des paysages urbains. Les petits plans d’eau sont connus comme des écosystèmes aquatiques qui peuvent contenir une biodiversité considérable pour plusieurs groupes taxonomiques (oiseaux, amphibiens, macroinvertébrés), ce qui en fait des écosystèmes intéressants pour les études de conservation. Cependant, la biodiversité du zooplancton, un élément central des réseaux trophiques aquatiques, n’est pas entièrement connue pour les plans d’eaux urbains et devrait être mieux décrite et comprise. Cette étude a évalué les patrons de biodiversité des communautés zooplanctoniques dans des plans d’eau urbains sur l’Ile de Montréal et leurs sources de variation. Des suggestions pour l’évaluation et la conservation de la biodiversité sont aussi discutées. La biodiversité zooplanctonique des plans d’eaux urbains s’est avérée être assez élevée, avec les cladocères et les rotifères montrant les contributions à la diversité gamma et bêta les plus élevées. Sur l’ensemble des plans d’eau, il y avait une corrélation négative entre les contributions à la bêta diversité des cladocères et des rotifères. Au niveau de chaque plan d'eau, la zone littorale colonisée par des macrophytes s'est avérée être un habitat important pour la biodiversité zooplactonique, contribuant considérablement à la richesse en taxons, souvent avec une différente composition en espèces. Les communautés zooplanctoniques répondaient aux facteurs ascendants et descendants, mais aussi aux pratiques d’entretien, car le fait de vider les plans d’eau en hiver affecte la composition des communautés zooplanctoniques. Les communautés de cladocères dans ces plans d’eau possédaient des quantités variables de diversité phylogénétique, ce qui permet de les classer afin de prioriser les sites à préserver par rapport à la diversité phylogénétique. Le choix des sites à préserver afin de maximiser la diversité phylogénétique devrait être correctement établi, afin d’eviter de faire des choix sous-optimaux. Cependant, pour des taxons tels que les cladocères, pour lesquels les relations phylogénétiques demeurent difficiles à établir, placer une confiance absolue dans un seul arbre est une procédure dangereuse. L’incorporation de l’incertitude phylogénétique a démontré que, lorsqu’elle est prise en compte, plusieurs différences potentielles entre la diversité phylogenétique ne sont plus supportées. Les patrons de composition des communautés différaient entre les plans d’eau, les mois et les zones d’échantillonnage. Etant donné les intéractions sont significatives entres ces facters; ceci indique que tous ces facteurs devraient êtres considérés. L’urbanisation ne semblait pas sélectionner pour un type unique de composition des groupes alimentaires, étant donné que les communautés pouvaient changer entres des assemblages de types alimentaires différents. Les variables environnementales, surtout la couverture du plan d’eau en macrophytes, étaient des facteurs importants pour la biodiversité zooplanctonique, affectant la richesse spécifique de divers groupes taxonomiques et alimentaires. Ces variables affectaient aussi la composition des communautés, mais dans une moindre mesure, étant des variables explicatives modestes, ce qui indiquerait le besoin de considérer d’autres processus.


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In this present study macro benthos of minicoy island lakshadweep, an attempt has been made to study the distribution and community structure of benthos at different ecosystems. The main objectives of the study include the identification of benthic fauna, their distribution and composition, standing stock, qualitative and quantitative nature in relation to hydrography,seasons and sediment texture, community structure analysis and tropic relationships. This base line study at Minicoy,thus establishes that the benthos of sea grass and mangrove ecosystems(nursery grounds) determines the richness and diversity of demersal fish fauna at the nearby lagoon and reef areas to a great extent. Any serious stress on these ecosystems may lead to disappearance of certain fish species in the nearby future


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Algal blooms are naturally occurring phenomena in the aquatic environment. These blooms cause mass mortalities of wild and farmed fish and shellfish, human intoxications which sometimes result in death, alteration of marine trophic structure through adverse effects on larvae and other life history stages of commercially important species and death of marine animals. Occurrences of harmful algal blooms and associated mortality have been reported along the coastal waters of India since the early period of the last century. The present study was taken up to study the dynamics of major phytoplankton blooms, which occur along the Kerala coast. The results of quantitative and qualitative analysis of phytoplankton in the coastal waters of Vizhinjam and Chombala, their species diversity and community structure is presented and the major algal blooms recorded along the coast of Kerala during the study period is described and their occurrence is related to the hydrographic and meteorological variations. There is a clear evident from these works in the Indian region that the fishes avoid areas where these harmful algae bloom, either due to the toxicity or due to some irritant property of the chemicals secreted by the algae. Taxonomic diversity studies indicated a change in the community structure of commercial finfishes, crustaceans and molluscs due to the bloom of C.marina and funnel plots indicated the deviation in taxonomic distinctness during the bloom period from theoretical mean for the region.


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The Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal are both highly dynamic ecosystems, due to the seasonally reversing monsoon winds, but the processes affecting the mesozooplankton community remain poorly understood. These are important basins exhibiting enhanced biological production as a result of upwelling, winter cooling and other episodic events such as eddies and gyres. Zooplankters are primarily the prey for almost all fish larvae. Seasonal changes in the biogeochemical processes can strongly affect zooplankton density and distribution, which in turn, strongly affect the larval growth, and consequently, the pelagic fish recruitment. It is clear that plankton biomass and biogeochemical fluxes are not in steady state. Acoustic data on mesozooplankton abundance suggests that they also exist in the mesopelagic zone. Earlier studies were confined only to the upper 200 m and hence the structure of mesozooplankton community in the deeper layers was not well known. Copepods are the dominant mesoplankton group, and therefore the majority of the studies were focused on them. The planktonic ostracods are the second major crustacean group and at times, their swarms can outnumber all other planktonic groups. The understanding of the community structure of the ostracods is essential to establish their role in the marine food web. Mesozooplankton is responsible for the vertical flux of organic matter produced by phytoplankton and is assumed to be equivalent to new production (Eppley & Peterson, 1979). Since the fate of newly produced organic matter depends upon their consumers, the zooplankton biomass must be estimated in size fractions or taxonomic components to understand the vertical flux of organic carbon. It is thus important to update our knowledge on different groups of zooplankton on the basis of seasonal and temporal distribution. The distribution in space and time is essential for modeling the carbon cycling that structure the marine ecosystems


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The microalgal community as primary producers has to play a significant role in the biotic and abitoic interactions of any aquatic ecosystem. Whenever a community is exposed to a pollutant, responses can occur because individuals acclimate to pollutant caused changes and selection can occur favouring resistant genotypes within a population and selection among species can result in changes in community structure. The microalgal community of industrial effluent treatment systems are continuously exposed to pollutants and there is little data available on the structure and seasonal variation of microalgal community of industrial effluent holding ponds, especially of a complex effluent like that of refinery. The aim of the present study was to investigate the annual variation in the ecology, biomass, productivity and community structure of the algal community of a refinery effluent holding pond. The results of the study showed the pond to be a eutrophic system with a resistant microalgal community with distinct seasonal variation in species composition


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This thesis entitled “Studies on Nitrifying Microorganisms in Cochin Estuary and Adjacent Coastal Waters” reports for the first time the spatial andtemporal variations in the abundance and activity of nitrifiers (Ammonia oxidizingbacteria-AOB; Nitrite oxidizing bacteria- NOB and Ammonia oxidizing archaea-AOA) from the Cochin Estuary (CE), a monsoon driven, nutrient rich tropicalestuary along the southwest coast of India. To fulfil the above objectives, field observations were carried out for aperiod of one year (2011) in the CE. Surface (1 m below surface) and near-bottomwater samples were collected from four locations (stations 1 to 3 in estuary and 4 in coastal region), covering pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. Station 1 is a low saline station (salinity range 0-10) with high freshwater influx While stations 2 and 3 are intermediately saline stations (salinity ranges 10-25). Station 4 is located ~20 km away from station 3 with least influence of fresh water and is considered as high saline (salinity range 25- 35) station. Ambient physicochemical parameters like temperature, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), Ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and silicate of surface and bottom waters were measured using standard techniques. Abundance of Eubacteria, total Archaea and ammonia and nitrite oxidizing bacteria (AOB and NOB) were quantified using Fluorescent in situ Hybridization (FISH) with oligonucleotide probes labeled withCy3. Community structure of AOB and AOA was studied using PCR Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) technique. PCR products were cloned and sequenced to determine approximate phylogenetic affiliations. Nitrification rate in the water samples were analyzed using chemical NaClO3 (inhibitor of nitrite oxidation), and ATU (inhibitor of ammonium oxidation). Contribution of AOA and AOB in ammonia oxidation process was measured based on the recovered ammonia oxidation rate. The contribution of AOB and AOA were analyzed after inhibiting the activities of AOB and AOA separately using specific protein inhibitors. To understand the factors influencing or controlling nitrification, various statistical tools were used viz. Karl Pearson’s correlation (to find out the relationship between environmental parameters, bacterial abundance and activity), three-way ANOVA (to find out the significant variation between observations), Canonical Discriminant Analysis (CDA) (for the discrimination of stations based on observations), Multivariate statistics, Principal components analysis (PCA) and Step up multiple regression model (SMRM) (First order interaction effects were applied to determine the significantly contributing biological and environmental parameters to the numerical abundance of nitrifiers). In the CE, nitrification is modulated by the complex interplay between different nitrifiers and environmental variables which in turn is dictated by various hydrodynamic characteristics like fresh water discharge and seawater influx brought in by river water discharge and flushing. AOB in the CE are more adapted to varying environmental conditions compared to AOA though the diversity of AOA is higher than AOB. The abundance and seasonality of AOB and NOB is influenced by the concentration of ammonia in the water column. AOB are the major players in modulating ammonia oxidation process in the water column of CE. The distribution pattern and seasonality of AOB and NOB in the CE suggest that these organisms coexist, and are responsible for modulating the entire nitrification process in the estuary. This process is fuelled by the cross feeding among different nitrifiers, which in turn is dictated by nutrient levels especially ammonia. Though nitrification modulates the increasing anthropogenic ammonia concentration the anthropogenic inputs have to be controlled to prevent eutrophication and associated environmental changes.


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Vam monitoritzar paràmetres físics i químics, macroinvertebrats bentònics, clorofil·la a, productors primaris i matèria orgànica durant un any (2001-2002) per examinar els efectes d'una font puntual sobre la composició taxonòmica, la estructura de la comunitat, l'organització funcional, la utilització de l'habitat i la estoquiometria al riu la Tordera (Catalunya). Aigües avall de la font puntual, concentració de nutrients, cabal i conductivitat eren majors que al tram d'aigües amunt, mentre que oxigen dissolt era menor. La densitat de macroinvertebrats era més elevada al tram d'aigües avall però la biomassa era similar als dos trams. La riquesa taxonòmica al tram de dalt era un 20% més alt que al tram de baix. Els anàlisis d'ordenació separen clarament els dos trams en el primer eix, mentre que els dos trams presentaven una pauta temporal similar en el segon eix. La similaritat entre els dos trams en composició taxonòmica, densitats i biomasses després de les crescudes d'abril i maig de 2002, indiquen que les pertorbacions del cabal poden actuar com a un mecanisme de reinici de la comunitat bentònica i jugar un paper important per a la restauració d'ecosistemes fluvials. Els dos trams presentaven una biomassa de perifiton, plantes vasculars, CPOM i FPOM similars, mentre que clorofil·la a, algues filamentoses, molses i SPOM eren majors al tram d'aigües avall. La densitat relativa de trituradors era menor sota la font puntual mentre que col·lectors i filtradors van ser afavorits. La biomassa relativa de trituradors també era menor sota la font puntual, però la biomassa de col·lectors i depredadors va augmentar. Les relacions entre densitat de grups tròfics i els seus recursos eren rarament significatives. La relació s'explicava millor amb la biomassa de macroinvertebrats. Els dos trams compartien la mateixa relació per raspadors, col·lectors i filtradors però no per trituradors i depredadors. La densitat i la biomassa de macroinvertebrats es trobaven positivament correlacionades amb la quantitat de recursos tròfics i la complexitat d'habitat, mentre que la riquesa taxonòmica es trobava negativament relacionada amb paràmetres hidràulics. La influència dels substrats inorgànics prenia menor rellevància per a la distribució dels macroinvertebrats. Els anàlisis d'ordenació mostren com les variables del microhabitat de major rellevància eren CPOM, clorofil·la a, algues filamentoses i velocitat. La cobertura de sorra només era significativa per al tram d'aigües amunt i les molses, al d'aigües avall. El número de correlacions significatives entre macroinvertebrats i les variables del microhabitat era més elevat per al tram de dalt que per al de baix, bàsicament per diferències en composició taxonòmica. La biomassa de macroinvertebrats va aportar una informació semblant a la obtinguda per la densitat. Perifiton i molses tenien uns continguts de nutrients similars en els dos trams. Els %C i %N d'algues filamentoses també eren similars en els dos trams però el %P sota la font puntual era el doble que al tram de dalt. Les relacions estoquiomètriques en CPOM, FPOM i SPOM eren considerablement menors sota la font puntual. Els continguts elementals i relacions van ser molt variables entre taxons de macroinvertebrats però no van resultar significativament diferents entre els dos trams. Dípters, tricòpters i efemeròpters presentaven una estoquiometria similar, mentre que el C i el N eren inferiors en moluscs i el P en coleòpters. Els depredadors presentaven un contingut en C i N més elevat que la resta de grups tròfics, mentre que el P era major en els filtradors. Els desequilibris elementals entre consumidors i recursos eren menors en el tram d'aigües avall. A la tardor i l'hivern la major font de nutrients va ser la BOM mentre que a la primavera i a l'estiu va ser el perifiton.


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Microbial communities respond to a variety of environmental factors related to resources (e.g. plant and soil organic matter), habitat (e.g. soil characteristics) and predation (e.g. nematodes, protozoa and viruses). However, the relative contribution of these factors on microbial community composition is poorly understood. Here, we sampled soils from 30 chalk grassland fields located in three different chalk hill ridges of Southern England, using a spatially explicit sampling scheme. We assessed microbial communities via phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analyses and PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and measured soil characteristics, as well as nematode and plant community composition. The relative influences of space, soil, vegetation and nematodes on soil microorganisms were contrasted using variation partitioning and path analysis. Results indicate that soil characteristics and plant community composition, representing habitat and resources, shape soil microbial community composition, whereas the influence of nematodes, a potential predation factor, appears to be relatively small. Spatial variation in microbial community structure was detected at broad (between fields) and fine (within fields) scales, suggesting that microbial communities exhibit biogeographic patterns at different scales. Although our analysis included several relevant explanatory data sets, a large part of the variation in microbial communities remained unexplained (up to 92% in some analyses). However, in several analyses, significant parts of the variation in microbial community structure could be explained. The results of this study contribute to our understanding of the relative importance of different environmental and spatial factors in driving the composition of soil-borne microbial communities.


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Long-term effects of the elevated atmospheric CO2 on biosphere have been in focus of research since the last few decades. In this experiment undisturbed soil monoliths of loess grassland were exposed to an elevated CO2 environment (two-times the ambient CO2 level) for a period of six years with the aid of the open top chamber method. Control without a chamber and CO2 elevation was applied as well. Elevated CO2 level had very little impact oil soil food web. It did not influence either root and microbial biomass or microbial and nematode community structure. The only significant response was that density of the bacterial feeder genus Heterocephalobus increased in the chamber with elevated CO2 concentration. Application of the open top chambers initiated more changes on nematodes than the elevated CO2 level. Open top chamber (OTC) method decreased nematode density (total and plant feeder as well) to less than half of the original level. Negative effect was found on the genus level in the case of fungal feeder Aphelenchoides, plant feeder Helicotylenchus and Paratylenchus. It is very likely that the significantly lower belowground root biomass and partly its decreased quality reflected by the increased C/N ratio are the main responsible factors for the lower density of the plant feeder nematodes in the plots of chambers. According to diversity profiles, MI and MI(2-15) parameters, nematode communities in the open top chambers (both on ambient and elevated CO2 level) seem to be more structured than those under normal circumstances six years after start of the experiment.


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Globally, plant-pollinator communities are subject to a diverse array of perturbations and in many temperate and semi-arid systems fire is a dominant structuring force. We present a novel and highly integrated approach, which quantifies, in parallel, the response to fire of pollinator communities, floral communities and floral reward structure. Mt Carmel, Israel is a recognised bee-flower biodiversity hotspot, and using a chronosequence of habitats with differing post-fire ages, we follow the changes in plant-pollinator community organisation from immediately following a burn until full regeneration of vegetation. Initially, fire has a catastrophic effect on these communities, however, recovery is rapid with a peak in diversity of both flowers and bees in the first 2 years post-fire, followed by a steady decline over the next 50 years. The regeneration of floral communities is closely matched by that of their principal pollinators. At the community level we quantify, per unit area of habitat, key parameters of nectar and pollen forage known to be of importance in structuring pollinator communities. Nectar Volume, nectar water content, nectar concentration and the diversity of nectar foraging niches are all greatest immediately following fire with a steady decrease as regeneration proceeds. Temporal changes in energy availability for nectar, pollen, total energy (nectar + pollen) and relative importance of pollen to nectar energy show a similar general decline with site age, however, the pattern is less clear owing to the highly patchy distribution of floral resources. Changes in floral reward structure reflect the general shift from annuals (generally low-reward open access flowers) to perennials (mostly high-reward and restricted access flowers) as post-fire regeneration ensues. The impact of fire on floral communities and their associated rewards have clear implications for pollinator community structure and we discuss this and the role of other disturbance factors on these systems.


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Pollinators provide essential ecosystem services, and declines in some pollinator communities around the world have been reported. Understanding the fundamental components defining these communities is essential if conservation and restoration are to be successful. We examined the structure of plant-pollinator communities in a dynamic Mediterranean landscape, comprising a mosaic of post-fire regenerating habitats, and which is a recognized global hotspot for bee diversity. Each community was characterized by a highly skewed species abundance distribution, with a few dominant and many rare bee species, and was consistent with a log series model indicating that a few environmental factors govern the community. Floral community composition, the quantity and quality of forage resources present, and the geographic locality organized bee communities at various levels: (1) The overall structure of the bee community (116 species), as revealed through ordination, was dependent upon nectar resource diversity (defined as the variety of nectar volume-concentration combinations available), the ratio of pollen to nectar energy, floral diversity, floral abundance, and post-fire age. (2) Bee diversity, measured as species richness, was closely linked to floral diversity (especially of annuals), nectar resource diversity, and post-fire age of the habitat. (3) The abundance of the most common species was primarily related to post-fire age, grazing intensity, and nesting substrate availability. Ordination models based on age-characteristic post-fire floral community structure explained 39-50% of overall variation observed in bee community structure. Cluster analysis showed that all the communities shared a high degree of similarity in their species composition (27-59%); however, the geographical location of sites also contributed a smaller but significant component to bee community structure. We conclude that floral resources act in specific and previously unexplored ways to modulate the diversity of the local geographic species pool, with specific disturbance factors, superimposed upon these patterns, mainly affecting the dominant species.


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Weed control strategies for field beans were studied in North-eastern Croatia. This study focused on how different weed management practices affect weed community composition. The recommended pre-emergence herbicide application was compared to different treatments of post-emergence herbicide (broadcasted or banded over crop rows) and mechanical weed control in order to explore the response of a weed community to different management practice. Weed density data were used to compare total community densities by weed management strategies and to calculate diversity indices (Shannon's H', Shannon's E and Margalef's D-MG). Data were analyzed using ANOVA and multivariate technique. Weed community structure was generally similar in the post-emergence herbicide treatments, which were dominated by a few species that had high relative abundance values, while most of the species were of lower abundance. Notable fluctuations in weed communities corresponded with variation in weather patterns and management practice.