956 resultados para fetal wound
Serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon were examined by biochemical and immunocytochemical methods for their development-dependent expression of several cytoskeletal proteins, including the heavy- and medium-sized neurofilament subunits (H-NF and M-NF, respectively); brain spectrin; synapsin I; beta-tubulin; and the microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) 1, 2, and 5 and tau protein. It was found that with time in culture the levels of most of these cytoskeletal proteins increased greatly, with the exceptions of the particular beta-tubulin form studied, which remained unchanged, and MAP 5, which greatly decreased. Among the neurofilament proteins, expression of M-NF preceded that of H-NF, with the latter being detectable only after approximately 3 weeks in culture. Furthermore, MAP 2 and tau protein showed a development-dependent change in expression from the juvenile toward the adult form. The comparison of these developmental changes in cytoskeletal protein levels with those observed in rat brain tissue revealed that protein expression in aggregate cultures is nearly identical to that in vivo during maturation of the neuronal cytoskeleton. Aggregate cultures deprived of glial cells, i.e., neuron-enriched cultures prepared by treating early cultures with the antimitotic drug cytosine arabinoside, exhibited pronounced deficits in M-NF, H-NF, MAP 2, MAP 1, synapsin I, and brain spectrin, with increased levels of a 145-kDa brain spectrin breakdown product. These adverse effects of glial cell deprivation could be reversed by the maintenance of neuron-enriched cultures at elevated concentrations of KCl (30 mM). This chronic treatment had to be started at an early developmental stage to be effective, a finding suggesting that sustained depolarization by KCl is able to enhance the developmental expression and maturation of the neuronal cytoskeleton.
An unusually high incidence of microcephaly in newborns has recently been observed in Brazil. There is a temporal association between the increase in cases of microcephaly and the Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic. Viral RNA has been detected in amniotic fluid samples, placental tissues and newborn and fetal brain tissues. However, much remains to be determined concerning the association between ZIKV infection and fetal malformations. In this study, we provide evidence of the transplacental transmission of ZIKV through the detection of viral proteins and viral RNA in placental tissue samples from expectant mothers infected at different stages of gestation. We observed chronic placentitis (TORCH type) with viral protein detection by immunohistochemistry in Hofbauer cells and some histiocytes in the intervillous spaces. We also demonstrated the neurotropism of the virus via the detection of viral proteins in glial cells and in some endothelial cells and the observation of scattered foci of microcalcifications in the brain tissues. Lesions were mainly located in the white matter. ZIKV RNA was also detected in these tissues by real-time-polymerase chain reaction. We believe that these findings will contribute to the body of knowledge of the mechanisms of ZIKV transmission, interactions between the virus and host cells and viral tropism.
T-cell development depends upon interactions between thymocytes and thymic epithelial cells (TECs). The engagement of delta-like 4 (DL4) on TECs by Notch1 expressed by blood-borne BM-derived precursors is essential for T-cell commitment in the adult thymus. In contrast to the adult, the earliest T-cell progenitors in the embryo originate in the fetal liver and migrate to the nonvascularized fetal thymus via chemokine signals. Within the fetal thymus, some T-cell precursors undergo programmed TCRγ and TCRδ rearrangement and selection, giving rise to unique γδ T cells. Despite these fundamental differences between fetal and adult T-cell lymphopoiesis, we show here that DL4-mediated Notch signaling is essential for the development of both αβ and γδ T-cell lineages in the embryo. Deletion of the DL4 gene in fetal TECs results in an early block in αβ T-cell development and a dramatic reduction of all γδ T-cell subsets in the fetal thymus. In contrast to the adult, no dramatic deviation of T-cell precursors to alternative fates was observed in the fetal thymus in the absence of Notch signaling. Taken together, our data reveal a common requirement for DL4-mediated Notch signaling in fetal and adult thymopoiesis.
We present a segmentation method for fetal brain tissuesof T2w MR images, based on the well known ExpectationMaximization Markov Random Field (EM- MRF) scheme. Ourmain contribution is an intensity model composed of 7Gaussian distribution designed to deal with the largeintensity variability of fetal brain tissues. The secondmain contribution is a 3-steps MRF model that introducesboth local spatial and anatomical priors given by acortical distance map. Preliminary results on 4 subjectsare presented and evaluated in comparison to manualsegmentations showing that our methodology cansuccessfully be applied to such data, dealing with largeintensity variability within brain tissues and partialvolume (PV).
Previous studies showed a fetal sheep liver extract (FSLE), in association with monophosphoryl lipid A, MPLA (a bioactive component of lipid A of LPS), could interact to induce the development of dendritic cells (DCs) which regulated production of Foxp3+ Treg. This interaction was associated with an altered gene expression both of distinct subsets of TLRs and of CD200Rs. Prior studies had suggested that major interacting components within FSLE were gamma-chain of fetal hemoglobin (Hgbgamma) and glutathione (GSH). We investigated whether differentiation/maturation of DCs in vitro in the presence of either GM-CSF or Flt3L to produce preferentially either immunogenic or tolerogenic DCs was itself controlled by an interaction between MPLA, GSH and Hgbgamma. At low (approximately 10 microg/ml) Hgbgamma concentrations, DCs developing in culture with GSH and MPLA produced optimal stimulation of allogeneic CTL cell responses in vitro (and enhanced skin graft rejection in vivo). At higher concentrations (>40 microg/ml Hgbgamma) and equivalent concentrations of MPLA and GSH, the DCs induce populations of Treg which can suppress the induction of allogeneic CTL and graft rejection in vivo. These different populations of DCs express different patterns of mRNAs for the CD200R family. Addition of anti-TLR or anti-MD-1 mAbs to DCs developing in this mixture (Hgbgamma+GSH+MPLA), suggests that one effect of (GSH+Hgbgamma) on MPLA stimulation may involve altered signaling through TLR4.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a volume of plasma fraction of autologous blood having platelet concentrations above baseline whole-blood values due to processing and concentration. PRP is used in various surgical fields to enhance soft-tissue and bone healing by delivering supra-physiological concentrations of autologous platelets at the site of tissue damage. These preparations may provide a good cellular source of various growth factors and cytokines, and modulate tissue response to injury. Common clinically available materials for blood preparations combined with a two-step centrifugation protocol at 280g each, to ensure cellular component integrity, provided platelet preparations which were concentrated 2-3 fold over total blood values. Costs were shown to be lower than those of other methods which require specific equipment and high-cost disposables, while safety and traceability can be increased. PRP can be used for the treatment of wounds of all types including burns and also of split-thickness skin graft donor sites, which are frequently used in burn management. The procedure can be standardized and is easy to adapt in clinical settings with minimal infrastructure, thus enabling large numbers of patients to benefit from a form of cellular therapy.
The otter shrews of mainland Africa are the closest relatives of the Madagascar tenrecs. We sought for similarities in placentation between the two groups and, in a wider context, with other mammals of the Afrotheria clade. Specimens of the Nimba otter shrew (Micropotamogale lamottei) were obtained from the Ivory Coast and examples of the giant otter shrew (Potamogale velox) from the Hill Collection. The Nimba otter shrew has a central haemophagous organ similar to that in tenrecs. The labyrinth of the Nimba otter shrew, however, is endotheliochorial with syncytial trophoblast enclosing the maternal vessels. On the other hand tenrecs have cellular haemomonochorial placentae and an associated spongy zone, which is not present in the Nimba otter shrew. The placenta of the giant otter shrew is also endotheliochorial. The central region of its placenta is particularly interesting, since the juxtafetal portion is clearly a haemophagous region whereas the labyrinth feeding this region is endotheliochorial. Thus there is considerable variation in placental morphology within Tenrecidae. Importantly, however, both otter shrews have a large allantoic sac divided into four intercommunicating lobes by two pairs of septal folds. A similar arrangement has been described for representatives of each of the remaining five orders within Afrotheria. This is significant because previous anatomical studies have failed to establish a single synapomorphy in support of Afrotheria.
A previously described extract of sheep fetal liver was reported to reverse many of the cytokine changes associated with aging in mice, including an augmented spleen cell ConA-stimulated production of IL-4 and decreased production of IL-2. Similar effects were not seen with adult liver preparations. These changes were observed in various strains of mice, including BALB/c, DBA/2 and C57BL/6, using mice with ages ranging from 8 to 110 weeks. Preliminary characterization of this crude extract showed evidence for the presence of Hb gamma chain, as well as of lipid A of LPS. We show below that purified preparations of sheep fetal Hb, but not adult Hb, in concert with suboptimally stimulating doses of LPS (lipid A), cooperate in the regulation of production of a number of cytokines, including TNFalpha and IL-6, in vitro. Furthermore, isolated fresh spleen or peritoneal cells from animals treated in vivo with the same combination of Hb and LPS, showed an augmented capacity to produce these cytokines on further culture in vitro. Evidence was also obtained for a further interaction between CLP, LPS and fetal Hb itself in this augmented cytokine production. These data suggest that some of the functional activities in the fetal liver extract reported earlier can be explained in terms of a novel immunomodulatory role of a mixture of LPS (lipid A) and fetal Hb.
OBJECTIVES: Ultrasound scan in the mid-trimester of pregnancy is now a routine part of prenatal care in most European countries. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prenatal diagnosis of dysmorphic syndromes by fetal ultrasound examination. METHODS: Data from 20 registries of congenital malformations in 12 European countries were included in the study. RESULTS: There were 2454 cases with congenital heart diseases, 479 of which were recognized syndromes, including 375 chromosomal anomalies and 104 syndromes without chromosomal anomalies. Fifty-one of the 104 were detected prenatally (49.0%). One hundred and ninety-two of 1130 cases with renal anomalies were recognized syndromes, including 128 chromosomal anomalies and 64 syndromes without chromosomal anomalies; 162 of them (84.4%) were diagnosed prenatally, including 109 chromosomal anomalies and 53 non-chromosomal syndromes. Fifty-four of the 250 cases with limb defects were recognized syndromes, including 16 chromosomal syndromes and 38 syndromes without chromosomal anomalies; 21 of these 54 syndromes were diagnosed prenatally (38.9%), including 9 chromosomal syndromes. There were 243 cases of abdominal wall defects including 57 recognizable syndromes, 48 with omphalocele and 9 with gastroschisis; 48 were diagnosed prenatally (84.2%). Twenty-six of the 187 cases with diaphragmatic hernia had recognized syndromes, including 20 chromosomal aberrations and 6 syndromes without chromosomal anomalies. Twenty-two of them (84.6%) were detected prenatally. Sixty-four of 349 cases with intestinal anomalies were recognized syndromes; 24 were diagnosed prenatally (37.5%). There were 553 cases of cleft lip and palate (CL(P)) and 198 of cleft palate (CP) including 74 chromosomal anomalies and 73 recognized non-chromosomal syndromes. Prenatal diagnosis was made in 51 cases of CL(P) (53.7%) and 7 of CP (13.7%). Twenty-two of 188 anencephalic cases were syndromic and all were diagnosed prenatally. Of 290 cases with spina bifida, 18 were recognized syndromes, and of them 17 were diagnosed prenatally. All 11 syndromic encephaloceles were diagnosed prenatally. CONCLUSIONS: Around 50% of the recognized syndromes which are associated with major congenital anomalies (cardiac, renal, intestinal, limb defects, abdominal wall defects and oral clefts) can be detected prenatally by the anomaly scan. However the detection rate varies with the type of syndrome and with the different countries' policies of prenatal screening.
The leaves of all plants use elaborate and inducible defence systems to protect themselves. A wide variety of such defences are known and they include defence chemicals such as alkaloids, phenolics and terpenes, physical structures ranging from fibre cells to silica deposits, and a wide variety of defence proteins many of which target digestive processes in herbivores. It has long been known that the defence responses of plants under attack by insects are not restricted to the site of attack. Instead, if a leaf is damaged, defence can be triggered in other parts of the plant body, for example in distal leaves or even in roots and flowers. This raises the question of what are the organ-to-organ signals that coordinate this process. Several hypotheses have been proposed. These include the long-distance transfer of chemical signals through the plant vasculature, hydraulic signals that may transit through the xylem, and electrical signals that would move through living tissues such as the phloem. Much evidence for each of these scenarios has been published. In this thesis we took advantage of the fact that many plant defence responses are regulated by a signal transduction pathway based on a molecule called jasmonic acid. We used this molecule, one of its derivatives (jasmonoyl-isoleucine), and some of the genes it regulates as markers. Using these we investigated the possible role of the electrical signals in the leaf- to-leaf activation of the jasmonate pathway. We found that feeding insects stimulate easily detected electrical activity in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana and we used non-invasive surface electrodes to record this activity. This approach showed that jasmonate pathway activity and the electrical activity provoked by mechanical wounding occurred within identical spatial boundaries. Measurements of the apparent speed of surface potentials agreed well with previous velocity estimates for the speed of leaf-to-leaf signals that activate the jasmonate pathway. Using this knowledge we were able to investigate the effects of current injection into Arabidopsis leaves. This resulted in the strong expression of many jasmonate-regulated genes. All these results showed that electrical activity and the activation of jasmonate signalling were highly correlated. In order to test for possible causal links between the two processes, we conducted a small-scale reverse genetic screen on a series of T-DNA insertion mutants in ion channel genes and in other genes encoding proteins such as proton pumps. This screen, which was based on surface potential measurements, revealed that mutations in genes related to ionotropic glutamate receptors in animals had impaired electrical activity after wounding. Combining mutation of two of these glutamate-receptor-like genes in a double mutant reduced the response of leaves to current injection. When a leaf of this double mutant was wounded it failed to transmit a long-distance signal to a distal leaf. This result distinguished the double mutant from the wild-type plant and provides the first genetic evidence that electrical signalling is necessary to coordinate defence responses between organs in plants. - Les feuilles des plantes disposent de systèmes de défense inductibles très élaborés. Un grand nombre de ces systèmes de défenses sont connus et sont basés sur des composés chimiques comme les alcaloïdes, les composés phénoliques ou les terpènes, des systèmes physiques allant de la production de cellules fibreuses aux cristaux de silice ainsi qu'un grand nombre de protéines de défense ciblant le processus digestif des herbivores. Il est connu dépuis longtemps que la réponse défensive de la plante face à l'attaque pas un insecte n'est pas seulement localisée au niveau de la zone d'attaque. A la place, si une feuille est attaquée, les systèmes de défense peuvent être activés ailleurs dans la plante, comme par exemple dans d'autres feuilles, les racines ou même les fleurs. Ces observations soulèvent la question de la nature des signaux d'organes à organes qui régulent ces systèmes. Plusieurs hypothèses ont été formulées; une ou plusieures molécules pourraient être véhiculées dans la plante grâce au système vasculaire, un signal hydraulique transmis au travers du xylème ou encore des signaux électriques transmis par les cellules comme dans le phloème par exemple. De nombreuses études ont été publiées sur ces différentes hypothèses. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons choisi d'utiliser à notre avantage le fait que de nombreuses réponses de défense de la plante sont régulées par une même voie de signalisation utilisant l'acide jasmonique. Nous avons utilisé comme marqueurs cette molécule, un de ses dérivés (le jasmonoyl-isoleucine) ainsi que certains des gènes que l'acide jasmonique régule. Nous avons alors testé l'implication de la transmission de signaux électriques dans l'activation de la voie du jasmonate de feuille à feuille. Nous avons découvert que les insectes qui se nourrissent de feuilles d'Arabidopsis thaliana activent un signal électrique que nous avons pu mesurer grâce à une technique non invasive d'électrodes de surface. Les enregistrements ont montré que la génération de signaux électriques et l'activation de la voie du jasmonate avaient lieu aux mêmes endroits. La mesure de la vitesse de déplacement des impulsions électriques correspond aux estimations faites concernant l'activation de la voie du jasmonate. Grâce à cela, nous avons pu tester l'effet d'injection de courant électrique dans les feuilles d'Arabidopsis. La conséquence a été une forte expression de nombreux gènes de la voie du jasmonate, suggérant une forte corrélation entre l'activité électrique et l'activation de la voie du jasmonate. Afin de tester le lien de cause entre ces deux phénomènes, nous avons entrepris un criblage génétique sur une série de mutants d'insertion à l'ADN-T dans des gènes de canaux ioniques et d'autres gènes d'intérêt comme les gènes des pompes à protons. Ce criblage, basé sur la mesure de potentiels de surface, a permis de montrer que plusieurs mutations de gènes liés aux récepteurs au glutamate ionotropique présentent une baisse drastique de leurs activités électriques après une blessure mécanique des feuilles par rapport au type sauvage. Par la combinaison de deux mutations de ces récepteurs au glutamate en un double mutant, on obtient une réponse à la stimulation électrique encore plus faible. Quand une feuille du double mutant est blessée, elle est incapable de transmettre un signal à longue distance vers une feuille éloignée. Ce résultat permet de distinguer le double mutant de la plante sauvage et amène la première preuve génétique que l'activité électrique est nécessaire pour coordonner les réponses de défense entre les organes chez les plantes.
Successful expansion of haematopoietic cells in ex vivo cultures will have important applications in transplantation, gene therapy, immunotherapy and potentially also in the production of non-haematopoietic cell types. Haematopoietic stem cells (HSC), with their capacity to both self-renew and differentiate into all blood lineages, represent the ideal target for expansion protocols. However, human HSC are rare, poorly characterized phenotypically and genotypically, and difficult to test functionally. Defining optimal culture parameters for ex vivo expansion has been a major challenge. We devised a simple and reproducible stroma-free liquid culture system enabling long-term expansion of putative haematopoietic progenitors contained within frozen human fetal liver (FL) crude cell suspensions. Starting from a small number of total nucleated cells, a massive haematopoietic cell expansion, reaching > 1013-fold the input cell number after approximately 300 d of culture, was consistently achieved. Cells with a primitive phenotype were present throughout the culture and also underwent a continuous expansion. Moreover, the capacity for multilineage lymphomyeloid differentiation, as well as the recloning capacity of primitive myeloid progenitors, was maintained in culture. With its better proliferative potential as compared with adult sources, FL represents a promising alternative source of HSC and the culture system described here should be useful for clinical applications.
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells sense skin injury and promote wound healing through type I interferons.
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are specialized type I interferon (IFN-α/β)-producing cells that express intracellular toll-like receptor (TLR) 7 and TLR9 and recognize viral nucleic acids in the context of infections. We show that pDCs also have the ability to sense host-derived nucleic acids released in common skin wounds. pDCs were found to rapidly infiltrate both murine and human skin wounds and to transiently produce type I IFNs via TLR7- and TLR9-dependent recognition of nucleic acids. This process was critical for the induction of early inflammatory responses and reepithelization of injured skin. Cathelicidin peptides, which facilitate immune recognition of released nucleic acids by promoting their access to intracellular TLR compartments, were rapidly induced in skin wounds and were sufficient but not necessary to stimulate pDC activation and type I IFN production. These data uncover a new role of pDCs in sensing tissue damage and promoting wound repair at skin surfaces.
Background: Few studies have used longitudinal ultrasound measurements to assess the effect of traffic-related air pollution on fetal growth.Objective: We examined the relationship between exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and aromatic hydrocarbons [benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m/p-xylene, and o-xylene (BTEX)] on fetal growth assessed by 1,692 ultrasound measurements among 562 pregnant women from the Sabadell cohort of the Spanish INMA (Environment and Childhood) study.Methods: We used temporally adjusted land-use regression models to estimate exposures to NO2 and BTEX. We fitted mixed-effects models to estimate longitudinal growth curves for femur length (FL), head circumference (HC), abdominal circumference (AC), biparietal diameter (BPD), and estimated fetal weight (EFW). Unconditional and conditional SD scores were calculated at 12, 20, and 32 weeks of gestation. Sensitivity analyses were performed considering time–activity patterns during pregnancy.Results: Exposure to BTEX from early pregnancy was negatively associated with growth in BPD during weeks 20–32. None of the other fetal growth parameters were associated with exposure to air pollution during pregnancy. When considering only women who spent 2 hr/day in nonresidential outdoor locations, effect estimates were stronger and statistically significant for the association between NO2 and growth in HC during weeks 12–20 and growth in AC, BPD, and EFW during weeks 20–32.Conclusions: Our results lend some support to an effect of exposure to traffic-related air pollutants from early pregnancy on fetal growth during mid-pregnancy.
Maintenance of corneal transparency is crucial for vision and depends mainly on the endothelium, a non-proliferative monolayer of cells covering the inner part of the cornea. When endothelial cell density falls below a critical threshold, the barrier and "pump" functions of the endothelium are compromised which results in corneal oedema and loss of visual acuity. The conventional treatment for such severe disorder is corneal graft. Unfortunately, there is a worldwide shortage of donor corneas, necessitating amelioration of tissue survival and storage after harvesting. Recently it was reported that the ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 promotes adhesion, inhibits apoptosis, increases the number of proliferating monkey corneal endothelial cells in vitro and enhance corneal endothelial wound healing both in vitro and in vivo in animal models. Using organ culture human cornea (N = 34), the effect of ROCK inhibitor was evaluated in vitro and ex vivo. Toxicity, corneal endothelial cell density, cell proliferation, apoptosis, cell morphometry, adhesion and wound healing process were evaluated by live/dead assay standard cell counting method, EdU labelling, Ki67, Caspase3, Zo-1 and Actin immunostaining. We demonstrated for the first time in human corneal endothelial cells ex vivo and in vitro, that ROCK inhibitor did not induce any toxicity effect and did not alter cell viability. ROCK inhibitor treatment did not induce human corneal endothelial cells proliferation. However, ROCK inhibitor significantly enhanced adhesion and wound healing. The present study shows that the selective ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 has no effect on human corneal endothelial cells proliferative capacities, but alters cellular behaviours. It induces changes in cell shape, increases cell adhesion and enhances wound healing ex vivo and in vitro. Its absence of toxicity, as demonstrated herein, is relevant for its use in human therapy.