958 resultados para elliptic curves
We study boundary value problems posed in a semistrip for the elliptic sine-Gordon equation, which is the paradigm of an elliptic integrable PDE in two variables. We use the method introduced by one of the authors, which provides a substantial generalization of the inverse scattering transform and can be used for the analysis of boundary as opposed to initial-value problems. We first express the solution in terms of a 2 by 2 matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem whose \jump matrix" depends on both the Dirichlet and the Neumann boundary values. For a well posed problem one of these boundary values is an unknown function. This unknown function is characterised in terms of the so-called global relation, but in general this characterisation is nonlinear. We then concentrate on the case that the prescribed boundary conditions are zero along the unbounded sides of a semistrip and constant along the bounded side. This corresponds to a case of the so-called linearisable boundary conditions, however a major difficulty for this problem is the existence of non-integrable singularities of the function q_y at the two corners of the semistrip; these singularities are generated by the discontinuities of the boundary condition at these corners. Motivated by the recent solution of the analogous problem for the modified Helmholtz equation, we introduce an appropriate regularisation which overcomes this difficulty. Furthermore, by mapping the basic Riemann-Hilbert problem to an equivalent modified Riemann-Hilbert problem, we show that the solution can be expressed in terms of a 2 by 2 matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem whose jump matrix depends explicitly on the width of the semistrip L, on the constant value d of the solution along the bounded side, and on the residues at the given poles of a certain spectral function denoted by h. The determination of the function h remains open.
An experiment published in this Journal has been revisited and it is found that the curve pattern of the anodic polarization curve for iron repeats itself successively when the potential scan is repeated. It is surprising that this observation has not been reported previously in the literature because it immediately brings into question the long accepted and well-known explanations involving a passive film. A qualitative and plausible explanation is provided from surprisingly simple principles for this new finding. Some important pedagogic conclusions have been derived from this work. It is noteworthy that the somewhat complicated phenomenon can be simply explained, thus providing two important lessons to students. First, even well-accepted scientific work studying simple processes may be incomplete and worthy of further study, and second, such processes may be explained simply at the undergraduate level. The contents of the paper also confirm that presenting curricular contents in a new and more correct manner is beneficial, interesting, and that research in curricular contents represents one of the important forms of educational research.
We present a Galerkin method with piecewise polynomial continuous elements for fully nonlinear elliptic equations. A key tool is the discretization proposed in Lakkis and Pryer, 2011, allowing us to work directly on the strong form of a linear PDE. An added benefit to making use of this discretization method is that a recovered (finite element) Hessian is a byproduct of the solution process. We build on the linear method and ultimately construct two different methodologies for the solution of second order fully nonlinear PDEs. Benchmark numerical results illustrate the convergence properties of the scheme for some test problems as well as the Monge–Amp`ere equation and the Pucci equation.
We propose a numerical method to approximate the solution of second order elliptic problems in nonvariational form. The method is of Galerkin type using conforming finite elements and applied directly to the nonvariational (nondivergence) form of a second order linear elliptic problem. The key tools are an appropriate concept of “finite element Hessian” and a Schur complement approach to solving the resulting linear algebra problem. The method is illustrated with computational experiments on three linear and one quasi-linear PDE, all in nonvariational form.
In the present paper we study the approximation of functions with bounded mixed derivatives by sparse tensor product polynomials in positive order tensor product Sobolev spaces. We introduce a new sparse polynomial approximation operator which exhibits optimal convergence properties in L2 and tensorized View the MathML source simultaneously on a standard k-dimensional cube. In the special case k=2 the suggested approximation operator is also optimal in L2 and tensorized H1 (without essential boundary conditions). This allows to construct an optimal sparse p-version FEM with sparse piecewise continuous polynomial splines, reducing the number of unknowns from O(p2), needed for the full tensor product computation, to View the MathML source, required for the suggested sparse technique, preserving the same optimal convergence rate in terms of p. We apply this result to an elliptic differential equation and an elliptic integral equation with random loading and compute the covariances of the solutions with View the MathML source unknowns. Several numerical examples support the theoretical estimates.
[1] A method is presented to calculate the continuum-scale sea ice stress as an imposed, continuum-scale strain-rate is varied. The continuum-scale stress is calculated as the area-average of the stresses within the floes and leads in a region (the continuum element). The continuum-scale stress depends upon: the imposed strain rate; the subcontinuum scale, material rheology of sea ice; the chosen configuration of sea ice floes and leads; and a prescribed rule for determining the motion of the floes in response to the continuum-scale strain-rate. We calculated plastic yield curves and flow rules associated with subcontinuum scale, material sea ice rheologies with elliptic, linear and modified Coulombic elliptic plastic yield curves, and with square, diamond and irregular, convex polygon-shaped floes. For the case of a tiling of square floes, only for particular orientations of the leads have the principal axes of strain rate and calculated continuum-scale sea ice stress aligned, and these have been investigated analytically. The ensemble average of calculated sea ice stress for square floes with uniform orientation with respect to the principal axes of strain rate yielded alignment of average stress and strain-rate principal axes and an isotropic, continuum-scale sea ice rheology. We present a lemon-shaped yield curve with normal flow rule, derived from ensemble averages of sea ice stress, suitable for direct inclusion into the current generation of sea ice models. This continuum-scale sea ice rheology directly relates the size (strength) of the continuum-scale yield curve to the material compressive strength.
In this paper, we summarise this recent progress to underline the features specific to this nonlinear elliptic case, and we give a new classification of boundary conditions on the semistrip that satisfy a necessary condition for yielding a boundary value problem can be effectively linearised. This classification is based on formulation the equation in terms of an alternative Lax pair.
We propose a topological approach to the problem of determining a curve from its iterated integrals. In particular, we prove that a family of terms in the signature series of a two dimensional closed curve with finite p-variation, 1≤p<2, are in fact moments of its winding number. This relation allows us to prove that the signature series of a class of simple non-smooth curves uniquely determine the curves. This implies that outside a Chordal SLEκ null set, where 0<κ≤4, the signature series of curves uniquely determine the curves. Our calculations also enable us to express the Fourier transform of the n-point functions of SLE curves in terms of the expected signature of SLE curves. Although the techniques used in this article are deterministic, the results provide a platform for studying SLE curves through the signatures of their sample paths.
We explicitly construct simple, piecewise minimizing geodesic, arbitrarily fine interpolation of simple and Jordan curves on a Riemannian manifold. In particular, a finite sequence of partition points can be specified in advance to be included in our construction. Then we present two applications of our main results: the generalized Green’s theorem and the uniqueness of signature for planar Jordan curves with finite p -variation for 1⩽p<2.
Nonuniqueness in vector-valued calculus of variations in l-infinity and some linear elliptic systems
Let C be a smooth, absolutely irreducible genus 3 curve over a number field M. Suppose that the Jacobian of C has complex multiplication by a sextic CM-field K. Suppose further that K contains no imaginary quadratic subfield. We give a bound on the primes p of M such that the stable reduction of C at p contains three irreducible components of genus 1.