980 resultados para digital image correlation


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A laser scanning microscope collects information from a thin, focal plane and ignores out of focus information. During the past few years it has become the standard imaging method to characterise cellular morphology and structures in static as well as in living samples. Laser scanning microscopy combined with digital image restoration is an excellent tool for analysing the cellular cytoarchitecture, expression of specific proteins and interactions of various cell types, thus defining valid criteria for the optimisation of cell culture models. We have used this tool to establish and evaluate a three dimensional model of the human epithelial airway wall.


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Sustainable yields from water wells in hard-rock aquifers are achieved when the well bore intersects fracture networks. Fracture networks are often not readily discernable at the surface. Lineament analysis using remotely sensed satellite imagery has been employed to identify surface expressions of fracturing, and a variety of image-analysis techniques have been successfully applied in “ideal” settings. An ideal setting for lineament detection is where the influences of human development, vegetation, and climatic situations are minimal and hydrogeological conditions and geologic structure are known. There is not yet a well-accepted protocol for mapping lineaments nor have different approaches been compared in non-ideal settings. A new approach for image-processing/synthesis was developed to identify successful satellite imagery types for lineament analysis in non-ideal terrain. Four satellite sensors (ASTER, Landsat7 ETM+, QuickBird, RADARSAT-1) and a digital elevation model were evaluated for lineament analysis in Boaco, Nicaragua, where the landscape is subject to varied vegetative cover, a plethora of anthropogenic features, and frequent cloud cover that limit the availability of optical satellite data. A variety of digital image processing techniques were employed and lineament interpretations were performed to obtain 12 complementary image products that were evaluated subjectively to identify lineaments. The 12 lineament interpretations were synthesized to create a raster image of lineament zone coincidence that shows the level of agreement among the 12 interpretations. A composite lineament interpretation was made using the coincidence raster to restrict lineament observations to areas where multiple interpretations (at least 4) agree. Nine of the 11 previously mapped faults were identified from the coincidence raster. An additional 26 lineaments were identified from the coincidence raster, and the locations of 10 were confirmed by field observation. Four manual pumping tests suggest that well productivity is higher for wells proximal to lineament features. Interpretations from RADARSAT-1 products were superior to interpretations from other sensor products, suggesting that quality lineament interpretation in this region requires anthropogenic features to be minimized and topographic expressions to be maximized. The approach developed in this study has the potential to improve siting wells in non-ideal regions.


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OBJECTIVE: To develop a novel application of a tool for semi-automatic volume segmentation and adapt it for analysis of fetal cardiac cavities and vessels from heart volume datasets. METHODS: We studied retrospectively virtual cardiac volume cycles obtained with spatiotemporal image correlation (STIC) from six fetuses with postnatally confirmed diagnoses: four with normal hearts between 19 and 29 completed gestational weeks, one with d-transposition of the great arteries and one with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. The volumes were analyzed offline using a commercially available segmentation algorithm designed for ovarian folliculometry. Using this software, individual 'cavities' in a static volume are selected and assigned individual colors in cross-sections and in 3D-rendered views, and their dimensions (diameters and volumes) can be calculated. RESULTS: Individual segments of fetal cardiac cavities could be separated, adjacent segments merged and the resulting electronic casts studied in their spatial context. Volume measurements could also be performed. Exemplary images and interactive videoclips showing the segmented digital casts were generated. CONCLUSION: The approach presented here is an important step towards an automated fetal volume echocardiogram. It has the potential both to help in obtaining a correct structural diagnosis, and to generate exemplary visual displays of cardiac anatomy in normal and structurally abnormal cases for consultation and teaching.


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Quantifying belowground dynamics is critical to our understanding of plant and ecosystem function and belowground carbon cycling, yet currently available tools for complex belowground image analyses are insufficient. We introduce novel techniques combining digital image processing tools and geographic information systems (GIS) analysis to permit semi-automated analysis of complex root and soil dynamics. We illustrate methodologies with imagery from microcosms, minirhizotrons, and a rhizotron, in upland and peatland soils. We provide guidelines for correct image capture, a method that automatically stitches together numerous minirhizotron images into one seamless image, and image analysis using image segmentation and classification in SPRING or change analysis in ArcMap. These methods facilitate spatial and temporal root and soil interaction studies, providing a framework to expand a more comprehensive understanding of belowground dynamics.


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The paper showcases the field- and lab-documentation system developed for Kinneret Regional Project, an international archaeological expedition to the Northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee (Israel) under the auspices of the University of Bern, the University of Helsinki, Leiden University and Wofford College. The core of the data management system is a fully relational, server-based database framework, which also includes time-based and static GIS services, stratigraphic analysis tools and fully indexed document/digital image archives. Data collection in the field is based on mobile, hand-held devices equipped with a custom-tailored stand-alone application. Comprehensive three-dimensional documentation of all finds and findings is achieved by means of total stations and/or high-precision GPS devices. All archaeological information retrieved in the field – including tachymetric data – is synched with the core system on the fly and thus immediately available for further processing in the field lab (within the local network) or for post-excavation analysis at remote institutions (via the WWW). Besides a short demonstration of the main functionalities, the paper also presents some of the key technologies used and illustrates usability aspects of the system’s individual components.


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Quantification of protein expression based on immunohistochemistry (IHC) is an important step in clinical diagnoses and translational tissue-based research. Manual scoring systems are used in order to evaluate protein expression based on staining intensities and distribution patterns. However, visual scoring remains an inherently subjective approach. The aim of our study was to explore whether digital image analysis proves to be an alternative or even superior tool to quantify expression of membrane-bound proteins. We analyzed five membrane-binding biomarkers (HER2, EGFR, pEGFR, β-catenin, and E-cadherin) and performed IHC on tumor tissue microarrays from 153 esophageal adenocarcinomas patients from a single center study. The tissue cores were scored visually applying an established routine scoring system as well as by using digital image analysis obtaining a continuous spectrum of average staining intensity. Subsequently, we compared both assessments by survival analysis as an end point. There were no significant correlations with patient survival using visual scoring of β-catenin, E-cadherin, pEGFR, or HER2. In contrast, the results for digital image analysis approach indicated that there were significant associations with disease-free survival for β-catenin, E-cadherin, pEGFR, and HER2 (P = 0.0125, P = 0.0014, P = 0.0299, and P = 0.0096, respectively). For EGFR, there was a greater association with patient survival when digital image analysis was used compared to when visual scoring was (visual: P = 0.0045, image analysis: P < 0.0001). The results of this study indicated that digital image analysis was superior to visual scoring. Digital image analysis is more sensitive and, therefore, better able to detect biological differences within the tissues with greater accuracy. This increased sensitivity improves the quality of quantification.


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Se aplicó un nuevo método para la evaluación objetiva del color en aceitunas de mesa, basado en el análisis de la intensidad de reflexión de cada uno de los colores primarios que componen la luz blanca (rojo, verde y azul), según las longitudes de onda del Sistema RGB. Se trabajó con programas informáticos para el análisis de imágenes digitales color tipo BMP de 24 bits. Este trabajo proporciona mayor información sobre el pardeamiento de las aceitunas naturales en salmuera, lo que sería muy útil para incrementar la efectividad del proceso. El método propuesto es rápido y no destructivo, prometiendo ser muy práctico ya que permite que una misma muestra pueda ser evaluada en el tiempo. Se investigaron los cambios de color en aceitunas elaboradas naturalmente, con diferentes grados de madurez (pintas, rojas y negras) y a diferentes valores de pH (3,6 - 4,0 - 4,5), expuestas al aire durante períodos crecientes de tiempo. Se cuantificó el grado de oscurecimiento a través de Índices de Intensidad de Reflexión. La evolución del índice de reflexión en función del tiempo generó una curva polinomial de 4° grado que reveló el comportamiento sigmoidal del fenómeno de pardeamiento enzimático, con la máxima correlación a las 8 horas de aireación. Esta función permitiría predecir el fenómeno de pardeamiento en las aceitunas negras y representa una medición objetiva del grado relativo de pardeamiento. La evolución del color rojo (λ = 700,0 nm) exhibió la mayor correlación con el proceso de pardeamiento. Las aceitunas rojas naturales a pH 4,5 presentaron óptimo pardeamiento. El espectro de reflexión para el color azul (λ = 435,8 nm) se sugiere como medida de la actividad de la enzima PPO (polifenoloxidasa).


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Se propone la producción y posterior análisis de obras digitales que presenta una elaboración teórica-práctica intrínseca como sustento de las nuevas categorías y neologismos surgidos dentro del ámbito artístico digital. Se estudian distintas aplicaciones, modalidades de creación, exposición y transferencia al medio como así también las posibilidades relacionales que surgen entre imagen digital, objeto artístico y diseño de productos traspasando las fronteras de campos disciplinares como Arte y Diseño. La metodología empleada se concentra en enfoques sociológicos y semiótico-pragmáticos que permiten realizar un análisis profundo de las obras digitales en sí mismas y en relación a los contextos de producción, circulación, exposición y consumo.


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El objetivo fue determinar, durante dos años, el contenido de β-caroteno y su relación con el Índice de Color (IC), de ocho cultivares comerciales del tipo 'Flakkee' cultivadas en el INTA La Consulta. El diseño experimental a campo utilizado fue en bloques al azar con 3 repeticiones. Se evaluó β-caroteno (espectrofotometría a 450 nm) y se calculó el IC, mediante captación de imagen digital con PC y escáner, midiendo L, a y b del Sistema CIELAB. Los datos fueron analizados por ACP (análisis de componentes principales), la visualización de la variabilidad, por cartografiado de datos, análisis de varianza, pruebas de diferencia de medias y correlaciones. Los contenidos de β-carotenos y el IC de los cultivares se mantuvieron constantes durante los dos años estudiados, resultando las cultivares Natasha, Flakesse y Colmar las de mayor valor nutricional en cuanto a aporte de β-carotenos. En el rango de valores menores de 18 mg%g de β-carotenos, se observó una correlación positiva significativa en las cultivares Supreme, Spring y Laval. No se encontró una correlación alta lineal entre el IC y el contenido de β-carotenos. El uso del IC resulta adecuado para predecir, en un intervalo de valores, el contenido de β-carotenos en cultivares de zanahoria.


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Technological and environmental problems related to ore processing are a serious limitation for sustainable development of mineral resources, particularly for countries / companies rich in ores, but with little access to sophisticated technology, e.g. in Latin America. Digital image analysis (DIA) can provide a simple, unexpensive and broadly applicable methodology to assess these problems, but this methodology has to be carefully defined, to produce reproducible and relevant information.


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Determination of the soil coverage by crop residues after ploughing is a fundamental element of Conservation Agriculture. This paper presents the application of genetic algorithms employed during the fine tuning of the segmentation process of a digital image with the aim of automatically quantifying the residue coverage. In other words, the objective is to achieve a segmentation that would permit the discrimination of the texture of the residue so that the output of the segmentation process is a binary image in which residue zones are isolated from the rest. The RGB images used come from a sample of images in which sections of terrain were photographed with a conventional camera positioned in zenith orientation atop a tripod. The images were taken outdoors under uncontrolled lighting conditions. Up to 92% similarity was achieved between the images obtained by the segmentation process proposed in this paper and the templates made by an elaborate manual tracing process. In addition to the proposed segmentation procedure and the fine tuning procedure that was developed, a global quantification of the soil coverage by residues for the sampled area was achieved that differed by only 0.85% from the quantification obtained using template images. Moreover, the proposed method does not depend on the type of residue present in the image. The study was conducted at the experimental farm “El Encín” in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spain).


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El objetivo principal del proyecto es la realización de una aplicación en el programa MATLAB. En primer lugar, realizaremos un estudio teórico relativo al tema de nuestro proyecto. En nuestro caso como el tema es Imagen y Televisión, explicaremos de forma teórica la información principal acerca del Tratamiento Digital de la Imagen. Una vez conocida las técnicas principales utilizadas en el tratamiento digital, realizaremos un estudio exhaustivo en las técnicas actuales que existen acerca del análisis de imágenes. Daremos una breve explicación mostrando en qué consiste esta técnica, los diferentes pasos que se llevan a cabo en una imagen para su análisis, explicando brevemente cada unos de ellos y enumerando algunas técnicas para la realización de cada una de ellas. Tras esta primera parte, nos centraremos en las técnicas de correlación de imágenes (DIC). Explicaremos como han surgido estas técnicas, cual son sus principales conceptos, sus inicios y las ventajas e inconvenientes que tienen. Dentro de las diferentes técnicas de correlación de imágenes, explicaremos de forma detallada la correspondencia por áreas, ya que es la técnica que vamos a utilizar para la realización del proyecto. Explicaremos en qué consiste, y desarrollaremos teóricamente cual son los pasos que se deben realizar en las imágenes para realizar esta técnica. Explicaremos cual es su terminología, y cuáles son los posibles defectos que puede tener esta técnica. Finalmente, una vez estudiada la teoría, realizaremos una sencilla aplicación que nos permita evaluar y encontrar las diferencias en una secuencia de imágenes. El programa utilizado para este proyecto es MATLAB, que es un programa matemático, utilizado enormemente en el ámbito de la ingeniería. Mediante esta aplicación obtendremos dos figuras, una de ellas donde veremos los vectores de movimiento que existen entre las dos imágenes y la segunda, donde obtendremos el factor de correlación que hay entre las dos imágenes. ABSTRACT OF MY PROJECT The main objective of the project is the development of an application in MATLAB program. Firstly carry out a theoretical study on the topic of our project. In our case as the theme is Picture and Television, we explain the main information about Digital Image Processing. Once known the main techniques used in digital images, we will make a study on current techniques that exist about image analysis. We will give a brief explanation showing what this technique is, the different steps that are performed on an image for analysis, briefly explaining each of them and listing some techniques for performing each. After this first part, we will focus on the techniques of image correlation (DIC). We explain how these techniques have emerged, which are the main concepts, the beginning and the advantages and disadvantages they have. There are different image correlation techniques. We will explain in detail the correspondence areas, as it is the technique that we will use for the project. Explain what it is, which is theoretically and we develop steps that must be performed on the images for this technique. We explain what their terminology is, and what are the possible defects that may have this technique. Finally, having explored the theory images, we will make a simple application that allows us to evaluate and find differences in a sequence of images. The program used for this project is MATLAB, a mathematical program, widely used in the field of engineering. Using this application will get two figures, one where we will see the motion vectors between the two images and the second where we get the correlation factor between the two images.


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Matlab, uno de los paquetes de software matemático más utilizados actualmente en el mundo de la docencia y de la investigación, dispone de entre sus muchas herramientas una específica para el procesado digital de imágenes. Esta toolbox de procesado digital de imágenes está formada por un conjunto de funciones adicionales que amplían la capacidad del entorno numérico de Matlab y permiten realizar un gran número de operaciones de procesado digital de imágenes directamente a través del programa principal. Sin embargo, pese a que MATLAB cuenta con un buen apartado de ayuda tanto online como dentro del propio programa principal, la bibliografía disponible en castellano es muy limitada y en el caso particular de la toolbox de procesado digital de imágenes es prácticamente nula y altamente especializada, lo que requiere que los usuarios tengan una sólida formación en matemáticas y en procesado digital de imágenes. Partiendo de una labor de análisis de todas las funciones y posibilidades disponibles en la herramienta del programa, el proyecto clasificará, resumirá y explicará cada una de ellas a nivel de usuario, definiendo todas las variables de entrada y salida posibles, describiendo las tareas más habituales en las que se emplea cada función, comparando resultados y proporcionando ejemplos aclaratorios que ayuden a entender su uso y aplicación. Además, se introducirá al lector en el uso general de Matlab explicando las operaciones esenciales del programa, y se aclararán los conceptos más avanzados de la toolbox para que no sea necesaria una extensa formación previa. De este modo, cualquier alumno o profesor que se quiera iniciar en el procesado digital de imágenes con Matlab dispondrá de un documento que le servirá tanto para consultar y entender el funcionamiento de cualquier función de la toolbox como para implementar las operaciones más recurrentes dentro del procesado digital de imágenes. Matlab, one of the most used numerical computing environments in the world of research and teaching, has among its many tools a specific one for digital image processing. This digital image processing toolbox consists of a set of additional functions that extend the power of the digital environment of Matlab and allow to execute a large number of operations of digital image processing directly through the main program. However, despite the fact that MATLAB has a good help section both online and within the main program, the available bibliography is very limited in Castilian and is negligible and highly specialized in the particular case of the image processing toolbox, being necessary a strong background in mathematics and digital image processing. Starting from an analysis of all the available functions and possibilities in the program tool, the document will classify, summarize and explain each function at user level, defining all input and output variables possible, describing common tasks in which each feature is used, comparing results and providing illustrative examples to help understand its use and application. In addition, the reader will be introduced in the general use of Matlab explaining the essential operations within the program and clarifying the most advanced concepts of the toolbox so that an extensive prior formation will not be necessary. Thus, any student or teacher who wants to start digital image processing with Matlab will have a document that will serve to check and understand the operation of any function of the toolbox and also to implement the most recurrent operations in digital image processing.


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Most of the present digital images processing methods are related with objective characterization of external properties as shape, form or colour. This information concerns objective characteristics of different bodies and is applied to extract details to perform several different tasks. But in some occasions, some other type of information is needed. This is the case when the image processing system is going to be applied to some operation related with living bodies. In this case, some other type of object information may be useful. As a matter of fact, it may give additional knowledge about its subjective properties. Some of these properties are object symmetry, parallelism between lines and the feeling of size. These types of properties concerns more to internal sensations of living beings when they are related with their environment than to the objective information obtained by artificial systems. This paper presents an elemental system able to detect some of the above-mentioned parameters. A first mathematical model to analyze these situations is reported. This theoretical model will give the possibility to implement a simple working system. The basis of this system is the use of optical logic cells, previously employed in optical computing.


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A proposal for a model of the primary visual cortex is reported. It is structured with the basis of a simple unit cell able to perform fourteen pairs of different boolean functions corresponding to the two possible inputs. As a first step, a model of the retina is presented. Different types of responses, according to the different possibilities of interconnecting the building blocks, have been obtained. These responses constitute the basis for an initial configuration of the mammalian primary visual cortex. Some qualitative functions, as symmetry or size of an optical input, have been obtained. A proposal to extend this model to some higher functions, concludes the paper.