960 resultados para diameter


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It is important to maintain a uniform distribution of gas and liquid in large diameter packed columns to maintain mass transfer efficiency on scaling up. This work presents measurements and methods of evaluating maldistributed gas flow in packed columns. Little or no previous work has been done in this field. A gas maldistribution number, F, was defined, based on point to point velocity variations in the gas emerging from the top of packed beds. f has a minimum value for a uniformly distributed flow and much larger values for maldistributed flows. A method of testing the quality of vapour distributors is proposed, based on "the variation of f with packed height. A good gas distributor requires a short packed depth to give a good gas distribution. Measurements of gas maldistribution have shown that the principle of dynamic similarity is satisfied if two geometrically similar beds are operated at the same Reynold's number. The validity of f as a good measure of gas maldistribution, and the principle of dynamic similarity are tested statistically by Multi-Factor Analysis of the variance, and visually by the response "surfaces technique. Pressure distribution has been measured in a model of a large diameter packed bed, and shown to be associated with the velocity of the gas in a tangential feed pipe. Two simplified theoretical models are proposed to describe the flow of gases through packed beds and to support the principle of dynamic similarity. These models explain why the packed bed itself causes the flow of gas to become more uniformly distributed. A 1.2m. diameter scaled-down model was constructed geometrically similar to a 7.3m. diameter vacuum crude distillation column. The previously known internal cylinder gas distributor was tested. Three new distributors suitable for use in a large diameter column were developed and tested, these are: Internal Cylinder with Slots and Cross Baffles, Internal Cylinder with Guides in the Annulus, Internal Cylinder with Internal Cross Baffles - It has been shown that this is an excellent distributor.


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In this paper, we described an efficient theoretical approach to determine the integral characteristics such as Mode Field Diameter (MFD) and V-parameter of the Weakly guiding waveguides. To test the described method we measured MFD for the commercially available step index single mode fibre with known parameters. The results of these measurements are presented for two different wavelengths. It is worth noting that the developed approach implies infinite cladding, thus care should be taken to avoid influence of finiteness of cladding when MFD compares to cladding diamete.


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A variety of visual symptoms have been associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD). These include delays in flash visual evoked potentials which indicate a disruption of the integrity of the visual pathway. Examination of the visual cortex has revealed the presence of both senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there were differences in the number and/or size of optic nerve axons between AD patients and non-demented age-matched controls. Five optic nerves from AD patients and five from age-matched controls were embedded in epon resin and 1 micron sections prepared on a Reichert ultramicrotome. The sections were then stained in toluidine blue and examined at x400 magnification. The numbers of axons were counted in photographs of three fields taken at random from each section. To evaluate the axon diameters, 70 axons were chosen at random from each patient and measured using a calibrated eyepiece graticule. The total axon counts revealed no significant differences between the AD optic nerves and the age-matched controls. However, the frequency distribution of axon diameters was significantly different in the two groups. In particular, there were fewer larger diameter axons in patients with AD as previously reported. Degeneration of the large diameter axons suggests involvement of the magnocellular as opposed to the parvocellular pathways. Hence, there could be differences in visual performance of AD patients compared with normals which could be important in clinical diagnosis.


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In this thesis the results of experimental work performed to determine local heat transfer coefficients for non-Newtonian fluids in laminar flow through pipes with abrupt discontinuities are reported. The fluids investigated were water-based polymeric solutiorrs of time-indpendent, pseudoplastic materials, with flow indices "n" ranging from 0.39 to 0.9.The tube configurations were a 3.3 :1 sudden convergence, and a 1: 3.3 sudden divergence.The condition of a prescribed uniform wall heat flux was considered, with both upstream and downstream tube sections heated. Radial temperature traverses were also under­ taken primarily to justify the procedures used in estimating the tube wall and bulk fluid temperatures and secondly to give further insight into the mechanism of heat transfer beyond a sudden tube expansion. A theoretical assessment of the influence of viscous dissipation on a non-Newtonian pseudoplastic fluid of' arbitrary index "n" was carried out. The effects of other secondary factors such as free convection and temperature-dependent consistency were evaluated empirically. In the present investigations, the test conditions were chosen to minimise the effects of natural convection and the estimates of viscous heat generation showed the effect to be insignificant with the polymeric concentrations tested here. The final results have been presented as the relationships between local heat transfer coef'ficient and axial distance downstream of the discontinuities and relationships between dimensionless wall temperature and reduced radius. The influence of Reynolds number, Prandtl number, non-Newtonian index and heat flux have been indicated.


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PURPOSE. To establish an alternative method, sequential and diameter response analysis (SDRA), to determine dynamic retinal vessel responses and their time course in serial stimulation compared with the established method of averaged diameter responses and standard static assessment. METHODS. SDRA focuses on individual time and diameter responses, taking into account the fluctuation in baseline diameter, providing improved insight into reaction patterns when compared with established methods as delivered by retinal vessel analyzer (RVA) software. SDRA patterns were developed with measurements from 78 healthy nonsmokers and subsequently validated in a group of 21 otherwise healthy smokers. Fundus photography and retinal vessel responses were assessed by RVA, intraocular pressure by contact tonometry, and blood pressure by sphygmomanometry. RESULTS. Compared with the RVA software method, SDRA demonstrated a marked difference in retinal vessel responses to flickering light (P 0.05). As a validation of that finding, SDRA showed a strong relation between baseline retinal vessel diameter and subsequent dilatory response in both healthy subjects and smokers (P 0.001). The RVA software was unable to detect this difference or to find a difference in retinal vessel arteriovenous ratio between smokers and nonsmokers (P 0.243). However, SDRA revealed that smokers’ vessels showed both an increased level of arterial baseline diameter fluctuation before flicker stimulation (P 0.005) and an increased stiffness of retinal arterioles (P 0.035) compared with those in nonsmokers. These differences were unrelated to intraocular pressure or systemic blood pressure. CONCLUSIONS. SDRA shows promise as a tool for the assessment of vessel physiology. Further studies are needed to explore its application in patients with vascular diseases.


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Free paper session INTRODUCTION. Microaneurysms and haemorrhages within the macula area are a poor predictor of macular oedema as shown by optical coherence tomography (OCT). Our research suggests that it is safe and cost effective to screen patients who present with these surrogate markers annually. PURPOSE. To determine whether microaneurysms (ma) and haemorrhages (hm) within one optic disc diameter of the fovea (ma/hm<1DD) are significant predictors of macular oedema. METHODS. Data were collected over a one-year period from patients attending digital diabetic retinopathy screening. Patients who presented with ma/hm<1DD also had an OCT scan. The fast macula scan on the Stratus OCT was used and an ophthalmologist reviewed the scans to determine whether macular oedema was present. Macular oedema was identified by thickening on the OCT cross-sections. Patients were split into two groups. Group one (325 eyes) included those with best VA?6/9 and group two (30 eyes) with best VA =6/12. Only patients who had no other referable features of diabetic retinopathy were selected. RESULTS. In group one, 6 (1.8%) out of 325 eyes showed thickening on the OCT and were referred to hospital eye service (HES) for further investigation. In group two, 6 (20%) out of 30 eyes showed thickening and were referred to HES. CONCLUSIONS. Ma/hm<1DD become more significant predictors of macular oedema when VA is reduced. Results confirm the grading criteria concerning microaneurysms predicting macular oedema for referable maculopathy in the English national screening programme. OCT is a useful method to accurately identify patients requiring referral to HES.


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In this paper, we described an efficient theoretical approach to determine the integral characteristics such as Mode Field Diameter (MFD) and V-parameter of the Weakly guiding waveguides. To test the described method we measured MFD for the commercially available step index single mode fibre with known parameters. The results of these measurements are presented for two different wavelengths. It is worth noting that the developed approach implies infinite cladding, thus care should be taken to avoid influence of finiteness of cladding when MFD compares to cladding diamete.


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Background - The aim was to derive equations for the relationship between unaided vision and age, pupil diameter, iris colour and sphero-cylindrical refractive error. Methods - Data were collected from 663 healthy right eyes of white subjects aged 20 to 70 years. Subjective sphero-cylindrical refractive errors ranged from -6.8 to +9.4 D (mean spherical equivalent), -1.5 to +1.9 D (orthogonal component, J0) and -0.8 to 1.0 D (oblique component, J45). Cylinder axis orientation was orthogonal in 46 per cent of the eyes and oblique in 18 per cent. Unaided vision (-0.3 to +1.3 logMAR), pupil diameter (2.3 to 7.5 mm) and iris colour (67 per cent light/blue irides) was recorded. The sample included mostly females (60 per cent) and many contact lens wearers (42 per cent) and so the influences of these parameters were also investigated. Results - Decision tree analysis showed that sex, iris colour, contact lens wear and cylinder axis orientation did not influence the relationship between unaided vision and refractive error. New equations for the dependence of the minimum angle of resolution on age and pupil diameter arose from step backwards multiple linear regressions carried out separately on the myopes (2.91.scalar vector +0.51.pupil diameter -3.14 ) and hyperopes (1.55.scalar vector + 0.06.age – 3.45 ). Conclusion - The new equations may be useful in simulators designed for teaching purposes as they accounted for 81 per cent (for myopes) and 53 per cent (for hyperopes) of the variance in measured data. In comparison, previously published equations accounted for not more than 76 per cent (for myopes) and 24 per cent (for hyperopes) of the variance depending on whether they included pupil size. The new equations are, as far as is known to the authors, the first to include age. The age-related decline in accommodation is reflected in the equation for hyperopes.


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Purpose: To investigate the relationship between pupil diameter and refractive error and how refractive correction, target luminance, and accommodation modulate this relationship. Methods: Sixty emmetropic, myopic, and hyperopic subjects (age range, 18 to 35 years) viewed an illuminated target (luminance: 10, 100, 200, 400, 1000, 2000, and 4100 cd/m2) within a Badal optical system, at 0 diopters (D) and −3 D vergence, with and without refractive correction. Refractive error was corrected using daily disposable contact lenses. Pupil diameter and accommodation were recorded continuously using a commercially available photorefractor. Results: No significant difference in pupil diameter was found between the refractive groups at 0 D or −3 D target vergence, in the corrected or uncorrected conditions. As expected, pupil diameter decreased with increasing luminance. Target vergence had no significant influence on pupil diameter. In the corrected condition, at 0 D target vergence, the accommodation response was similar in all refractive groups. At −3 D target vergence, the emmetropic and myopic groups accommodated significantly more than the hyperopic group at all luminance levels. There was no correlation between accommodation response and pupil diameter or refractive error in any refractive group. In the uncorrected condition, the accommodation response was significantly greater in the hyperopic group than in the myopic group at all luminance levels, particularly for near viewing. In the hyperopic group, the accommodation response was significantly correlated with refractive error but not pupil diameter. In the myopic group, accommodation response level was not correlated with refractive error or pupil diameter. Conclusions: Refractive error has no influence on pupil diameter, irrespective of refractive correction or accommodative demand. This suggests that the pupil is controlled by the pupillary light reflex and is not driven by retinal blur.


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Purpose: To compare flicker-induced retinal vessel diameter changes in varying age groups with low cardiovascular risk. Methods: Retinal vascular reactivity to flicker light was assessed by means of dynamic retinal vessel analysis in 57 participants aged 19-30 years, 75 participants aged 31-50 years and 62 participants aged 51-70 years participants. Other assessments included carotid intima-media thickness (c-IMT), augmentation index (AIx), blood pressure profiles, blood lipid metabolism markers and Framingham risk scores (FRS). Results: Retinal arterial dilation amplitude (DA) and postflicker percentage constriction (MC%) were significantly decreased in the oldest group compared to the middle-aged (p = 0.028; p = 0.021) and youngest group (p = 0.003; p = 0.026). The arterial constriction slope (SlopeAC) was also decreased in the oldest group compared to the youngest group (p = 0.027). On the venous side, MC% was decreased in the middle-aged and oldest groups in comparison with the youngest group (p = 0.015; p = 0.010, respectively). Additionally, men exhibited increased arterial DA (p = 0.007), and percentage dilation (MD%, p < 0.001) in comparison with women, but only in the youngest age group. Both AIx and c-IMT scores increased with age (both p < 0.001); however, no correlations were found between the observed differences in the measured retinal vascular function and systemic parameters. Conclusion: In individuals with low cardiovascular risk, there are age-related differences in flicker-induced retinal vessel diameter changes throughout the entire functional response curve for arteries and veins. Gender differences mainly affect the arterial dilatory phase and are only present in young individuals.


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Purpose: To to evaluate the benefit of bilinear and linear fitting to characterize the retinal vessel dilation to flicker light stimulation for the purpose of risk stratification in cardiovascular disease. Methods: Forty-five patients (15 with coronary artery disease (CAD), 15 with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and 15 with CAD and DM) all underwent contact tonometry, digital blood pressure measurement, fundus photography, retinal vessel oximetry, static retinal vessel analysis and continous retinal diameter assessment using the retinal vessel analyser (and flicker light provocation). In addition we measured blood glucose (HbA1c) and keratinin levels in DM patients. Results: With increased severity of cardiovascular disease a more linear reaction profile of retinal arteriolar diameter to flicker light provocation can be observed. Conclusion: Absolute values of vessel dilation provide only limited information on the state of retinal arteriolar dilatory response to flicker light. The approach of bilinear fitting takes into account the immediate response to flicker light provocation as well as the maintained dilatory capacity during prolonged stimulation. Individuals with cardiovascular disease however show a largely linear reaction profile indicating an impairment of the initial rapid dilatory response as usually observed in healty individuals


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A protocol with repeated stimulation cycles should be analyzed stepwise, in that each stimulation is evaluated, and a reaction pattern is identified. No two subjects will react identically, in that dilation and recovery times can vary; however, this is not reason enough to abandon a multiple stimulation cycle with fixed recovery and stimulation times. Furthermore, it enables us to examine and determine the range in which a normal subject will be placed and can then be compared to different pathophysiological states (i.e., smokers and different diseases). The purpose of our paper was to highlight the importance of evaluating these different cycles and the danger of false interpretation when averaging results. There are many different ways of evaluating dilatory responses and elasticity, but each of them must be carefully evaluated and should not be overaveraged, which can result in a loss of sensitivity and specificity.


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Purpose: To determine the response of retinal vessels to differing durations of flicker light (FL) sitmulation. Methods: We recorded retinal arterial and venous vessel dilation to 12.5 Hz flicker light provocation (Retinal Vessel Analyzer, Imedos Systems) of varying duration (5, 7, 10 and 20 seconds) in twelve healthy young individuals (age range 26-45 yrs). All participants underwent a full ocular examination including intraocular pressure and blood pressure measurements. Results: Maximum dilation (MD) did not show a significant dependence on flicker duration in arteries whereas maximum constriction (MC) did. However, in veins MD significantly increased with flicker duration. Approximately 80-90% of MD in arteries is reached within 10 seconds of flicker light stimulation. Conclusions: The vast majority of arterial dilatory capacity is reached within 10 seconds of flicker light stimulation even though venous dilation continues strongly. Since the MC of arteries shows a significant dependence on flicker duration measurements at two different durations can provide more information about the retinal vascular system than at a single flicker duration alone.


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Recent research has indicated that the pupil diameter (PD) in humans varies with their affective states. However, this signal has not been fully investigated for affective sensing purposes in human-computer interaction systems. This may be due to the dominant separate effect of the pupillary light reflex (PLR), which shrinks the pupil when light intensity increases. In this dissertation, an adaptive interference canceller (AIC) system using the H∞ time-varying (HITV) adaptive algorithm was developed to minimize the impact of the PLR on the measured pupil diameter signal. The modified pupil diameter (MPD) signal, obtained from the AIC was expected to reflect primarily the pupillary affective responses (PAR) of the subject. Additional manipulations of the AIC output resulted in a processed MPD (PMPD) signal, from which a classification feature, PMPDmean, was extracted. This feature was used to train and test a support vector machine (SVM), for the identification of stress states in the subject from whom the pupil diameter signal was recorded, achieving an accuracy rate of 77.78%. The advantages of affective recognition through the PD signal were verified by comparatively investigating the classification of stress and relaxation states through features derived from the simultaneously recorded galvanic skin response (GSR) and blood volume pulse (BVP) signals, with and without the PD feature. The discriminating potential of each individual feature extracted from GSR, BVP and PD was studied by analysis of its receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The ROC curve found for the PMPDmean feature encompassed the largest area (0.8546) of all the single-feature ROCs investigated. The encouraging results seen in affective sensing based on pupil diameter monitoring were obtained in spite of intermittent illumination increases purposely introduced during the experiments. Therefore, these results confirmed the benefits of using the AIC implementation with the HITV adaptive algorithm to isolate the PAR and the potential of using PD monitoring to sense the evolving affective states of a computer user.


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Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of deep foundations has become an integral part of the industry's standard manufacturing processes. It is not unusual for the evaluation of the integrity of the concrete to include the measurement of ultrasonic wave speeds. Numerous methods have been proposed that use the propagation speed of ultrasonic waves to check the integrity of concrete for drilled shaft foundations. All such methods evaluate the integrity of the concrete inside the cage and between the access tubes. The integrity of the concrete outside the cage remains to be considered to determine the location of the border between the concrete and the soil in order to obtain the diameter of the drilled shaft. It is also economic to devise a methodology to obtain the diameter of the drilled shaft using the Cross-Hole Sonic Logging system (CSL). Performing such a methodology using the CSL and following the CSL tests is performed and used to check the integrity of the inside concrete, thus allowing the determination of the drilled shaft diameter without having to set up another NDT device.^ This proposed new method is based on the installation of galvanized tubes outside the shaft across from each inside tube, and performing the CSL test between the inside and outside tubes. From the performed experimental work a model is developed to evaluate the relationship between the thickness of concrete and the ultrasonic wave properties using signal processing. The experimental results show that there is a direct correlation between concrete thicknesses outside the cage and maximum amplitude of the received signal obtained from frequency domain data. This study demonstrates how this new method to measuring the diameter of drilled shafts during construction using a NDT method overcomes the limitations of currently-used methods. ^ In the other part of study, a new method is proposed to visualize and quantify the extent and location of the defects. It is based on a color change in the frequency amplitude of the signal recorded by the receiver probe in the location of defects and it is called Frequency Tomography Analysis (FTA). Time-domain data is transferred to frequency-domain data of the signals propagated between tubes using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Then, distribution of the FTA will be evaluated. This method is employed after CSL has determined the high probability of an anomaly in a given area and is applied to improve location accuracy and to further characterize the feature. The technique has a very good resolution and clarifies the exact depth location of any void or defect through the length of the drilled shaft for the voids inside the cage. ^ The last part of study also evaluates the effect of voids inside and outside the reinforcement cage and corrosion in the longitudinal bars on the strength and axial load capacity of drilled shafts. The objective is to quantify the extent of loss in axial strength and stiffness of drilled shafts due to presence of different types of symmetric voids and corrosion throughout their lengths.^