933 resultados para degradation of reactive dyes
The degradation of herbicides in aqueous solution by photo-Fenton process using ferrioxalate complex (FeOx) as source of Fe2+ was evaluated under blacklight irradiation. The commercial products of the herbicides tebuthiuron, diuron and 2,4-D were used. The multivariate analysis, more precisely, the response surface methodology was applied to evaluate the role of FeOx and hydrogen peroxide concentrations as variables in the degradation process, and in particular, to define the concentration ranges that result in the most efficient degradation of the herbicides. The degradation process was evaluated by the determination of the remaining total organic carbon content (TOC), by monitoring the decrease of the concentrations of the original compounds using HPLC and by the chloride ion release in the case of diuron and 2,4-D. Under optimized conditions, 20min were sufficient to mineralize 93% of TOC from 2,4-D and 90% of diuron, including oxalate. Complete dechlorination of these compounds was achieved after 10 min reaction. It was found that the most recalcitrant herbicide is tebuthiuron, while diuron shows the highest degradability. However, under optimized conditions the initial concentration of tebuthiuron was reduced to less than 15%, while diuron and 2,4-D were reduced to around 2% after only 1 min reaction. Furthermore, it was observed that the ferrioxalate complex plays a more important role than H2O2 in the photodegradation of these herbicides in the ranges of concentrations investigated. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this work the influence of two different iron sources, Fe(NO3)(3) and complexed ferrioxalate (FeOx), on the degradation efficiency of 4-chlorophenol (4CP), malachite green, formaldehyde, dichloroacetic acid (DCA) and the commercial products of the herbicides diuron and tebuthiuron was studied. The oxidation of 4CP, DCA, diuron and tebuthiuron shows a strong dependence on the iron source. While the 4CP degradation is favored by the use of Fe(NO3)(3), the degradation of DCA and the herbicides diuron and tebuthiuron is most efficient when ferrioxalate is used. on the other hand, the degradation of malachite green and formaldehyde is not very influenced by the iron source showing only a slight improvement when ferrioxalate is used. In the case of formaldehyde, DCA, diuron and tebuthiuron, despite of the additional carbon introduced by the use of ferrioxalate, higher mineralization percentages were observed, confirming the beneficial effect of ferrioxalate on the degradation of these compounds. The degradation of tebuthiuron was studied in detail using a shallow pond type solar flow reactor of 4.5 L capacity and 4.5 cm solution depth. Solar irradiation of tebuthiuron at a flow rate of 9 L h(-1), in the presence of 10.0 mmol L-1 H2O2 and 1.0 mmol L-1 ferrioxalate resulted in complete conversion of this herbicide and 70% total organic carbon removal. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We tested the hypothesis that a panel of antibodies to cell surface, cytoplasmic, and nuclear antigens could reliably distinguish the cells composing reactive germinal centers from those composing follicular lymphoma. Immunocytochemistry was performed on deparaffinized sections of methacarn-fixed lymph node and tonsil (15 cases of reactive hyperplasia and 14 cases of follicular lymphoma) using antibodies to the nerve growth factor receptor (NGFR5), bcl-2 protein (124), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA; 19A2), and CD45RA (MT2). In 100% of cases of reactive hyperplasia, both MT2 and 124 showed positive immunostaining of mantle zone and scattered interfollicular lymphocytes, but in all cases there was a sharply demarcated absence of immunostaining of germinal center cells. However, diffuse immunostaining of follicular centers with MT2 (64%) and 124 (93%) and scattered intervening cells were seen in follicular lymphoma. The combination of antibodies to CD45RA and bcl-2 yielded positive immunostaining of follicular center cells in 93% of follicular lymphomas. The germinal center cells of reactive hyperplasia showed >75% nuclear positivity with antibodies to PCNA, in contrast to the follicular lymphoma cells, which showed variable PCNA indices ranging from 25 to >75%. A minority of follicular lymphoma cases (29%) showed PCNA indices comparable with those seen in cases of reactive hyperplasia. Antibodies to NGFR were positive in all cases of reactive hyperplasia and in 79% of cases of follicular hyperplasia, although the immunostaining intensity was generally decreased in follicular hyperplasia. In summary, antibodies to bcl-2 appear to be superior to those to CD45RA in distinguishing reactive hyperplasia from follicular lymphoma. Reactive hyperplasia cannot be discriminated from follicular hyperplasia using antibodies to PCNA or to nerve growth factor receptor.
The degradation of the antibiotic tetracycline (TC) by the photo-Fenton process was evaluated under black-light and solar irradiation. The influences of iron source (Fe(NO3)(3) or ferrioxalate), hydrogen peroxide and matrix (pure water, surface water and a sewage treatment plant effluent-STP) were evaluated. Under black-light irradiation, TC degradation was favored in the presence of Fe(NO3)(3), achieving total degradation after 1 min irradiation, while under solar light the use of ferrioxalate favors the degradation. Nevertheless, no significant difference in total organic carbon removal was observed between these two iron sources, achieving a residual concentration of around 5 mg L-1 under black-light and 2 mg L-1 under solar light irradiation. No decrease of the degradation efficiency relative to pure water was observed when TC was irradiated in a sample of surface water, under either black-light or solar irradiation. However, lower efficiency was obtained under black-light when TC was present in a sample of STP effluent, indicating the interference of the constituents of this sample on the overall efficiency of the process. on the other hand, under solar irradiation in the presence of ferrioxalate, no influence of the matrix was observed, even in the sample of STP effluent, achieving total degradation of TC in 1.5 min. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Application of high temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox. (Bi-2223) compound embedded in an Ag matrix requires the knowledge of critical current as a function of mechanical properties. Commercial tapes available in different types have been developed in industrial production scale in which a combination of small diameter filaments, long tape lengths and a ductile matrix results in a conductor with low crack formation and good tolerance against strain. The measurement of critical current and the evaluation of n-index from V-I characteristic curves of Bi-2223/Ag composite tapes subjected to an initial bending strain as a function of number of thermal cycles were done for two types of Bi-2223/Ag composite tapes: with and without steel tape reinforcement. The results showed that tapes with reinforcement presented small critical current degradation as a function of the number of thermal cycles whereas tapes without reinforcement exhibited steadily critical current degradation caused by the propagation of cracks. The n-index followed the same critical current behavior.
A photocatalyst based on CuO/SiO2 was prepared, and evaluated for the degradation of methylene blue in aqueous medium. The photocatalyst was obtained by calcination method of copper salt, in the presence of silica. The characterization by XRD, FTIR, and TPR techniques confirmed the formation of CuO as active phase. SEM studies showed CuO deposited on the surface of SiO2. By ESI-MS, it was demonstrated that the degradation of methylene blue occurs through successive hydroxylations. Photodegradation assays showed that CuO/SiO2 was efficient for degradation, and that the material worked better in the presence of UV light.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This paper presents a comparison of reactive power support in distribution networks provided by switched Capacitor Banks (CBs) and Distributed Generators (DGs). Regarding switched CBs, a Tabu Search metaheuristic algorithm is developed to determine their optimal operation with the objective of reducing the power losses in the lines on the system, while meeting network constraints. on the other hand, the optimal operation of DGs is analyzed through an evolutionary Multi-Objective (MO) programming approach. The objectives of such approach are the minimization of power losses and operation cost of the DGs. The comparison of the reactive power support provided by switched CBs and DGs is carried out using a modified IEEE 34 bus distribution test system.
This paper evaluates emissions to the atmosphere of biologically available nitrogen compounds in a region characterized by intensive sugar cane biofuel ethanol production. Large emissions of NH(3) and NO,, as well as particulate nitrate and ammonium, occur at the harvest when the crop is burned, with the amount of nitrogen released equivalent to similar to 35% of annual fertilizer-N application. Nitrogen oxides concentrations show a positive association with fire frequency, indicating that biomass burning is a major emission source, with mean concentrations of NO, doubling in the dry season relative to the wet season. During the dry season biomass burning is a source of NH3, with other sources (wastes, soil, biogenic) predominant during the wet season. Estimated NO(2)-N, NH(3)-N, NO(3)(-)-N and NH(4)(+)-N emission fluxes from sugar cane burning in a planted area,of ca. 2.2 x 10(6) ha are 11.0, 1.1, 0.2, and 1.2 Gg N yr(-1), respectively.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The intra- and intermolecular rates of degradation of cephaclor were determined with and without hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTABr). Micellar-derived spectral shifts were used to measure the association of the ionic forms as well as to determine the effect of CTABr on the apparent acid dissociation constant of the antibiotic. The rate of degradation of cephaclor increased with detergent and was salt sensitive. Micellar effects were analyzed quantitatively within the frame-work of the speudophase ion exchange model. All experimental data were fitted to this model which was used to predict the combined effects of pH and detergent concentration. Micelles increased the rate of OH- attack on cephaclor; most of the effect was due to the concentration of reagents in the micellar pseudophase. The intramolecular degradation was catalyzed 25-fold by micelles, and a working hypothesis to rationalize this effect is proposed. The results demonstrate that quantitative analysis can be utilized to assess and predict effects of detergents on drug stability.
In vitro rates of overall proteolysis and the activities of four different proteolytic pathways (lysosomal, Ca2+ dependent, ATP dependent, and ATP independent), as well as rates of protein synthesis, were measured in soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles from streptozotocin- diabetic rats. In the acute phase (1-3 days) of diabetes, there was an increase in overall proteolysis that coincided with an increased activity of the Ca2+-dependent pathway in both soleus and EDL and of the ATP-dependent pathway in EDL. After longer periods (5-10 days) of diabetes, the overall rate of protein degradation decreased and reached values similar to or even lower than those of controls as a result of a reduction in the activities of Ca2+-dependent and ATP-dependent pathways. No change was detected at any time interval in the activity of the intralysosomal proteolytic system in muscles from diabetic animals. Rates of protein synthesis were already reduced 24 h after diabetes induction and decreased further thereafter. Insulin treatment restored to normal the activities of the proteolytic pathways and rates of protein synthesis.