925 resultados para culture,worldbuilding,hofstede,agar,fictional universes,animated media


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The co-cultivation of fungi has recently been described as a promising strategy to induce the production of novel metabolites through possible gene activation. A large screening of fungal co-cultures in solid media has identified an unusual long-distance growth inhibition between Trichophyton rubrum and Bionectria ochroleuca. To study metabolite induction in this particular fungal interaction, differential LC-MS-based metabolomics was performed on pure strain cultures and on their co-cultures. The comparison of the resulting fingerprints highlighted five de novo induced compounds, which were purified using software-oriented semipreparative HPLC-MS. One metabolite was successfully identified as 4″-hydroxysulfoxy-2,2″-dimethylthielavin P (a substituted trimer of 3,5-dimethylorsellinic acid). The nonsulfated form, as well as three other related compounds, were found in the pure strain culture of B. ochroleuca.


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The objective of this study was to establish cell suspension culture and plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis of a Brazilian plantain, cultivar Terra Maranhão, AAB. Immature male flowers were used as explant source for generating highly embryogenic cultures 45 days after inoculation, which were used for establishment of cell suspension culture and multiplication of secondary somatic embryos. Five semisolid culture media were tested for differentiation, maturation, somatic embryos germination and for plant regeneration. An average of 558 plants per one milliliter of 5% SCV (settled cell volume) were regenerated in the MS medium, with 11.4 µM indolacetic acid and 2.2 µM 6-benzylaminopurine. Regenerated plants showed a normal development, and no visible somaclonal variation was observed in vitro. It is possible to regenerate plants from cell suspensions of plantain banana cultivar Terra using MS medium supplemented with 11.4 µM of IAA and 2.2 µM of BAP.


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Access to new biological sources is a key element of natural product research. A particularly large number of biologically active molecules have been found to originate from microorganisms. Very recently, the use of fungal co-culture to activate the silent genes involved in metabolite biosynthesis was found to be a successful method for the induction of new compounds. However, the detection and identification of the induced metabolites in the confrontation zone where fungi interact remain very challenging. To tackle this issue, a high-throughput UHPLC-TOF-MS-based metabolomic approach has been developed for the screening of fungal co-cultures in solid media at the petri dish level. The metabolites that were overexpressed because of fungal interactions were highlighted by comparing the LC-MS data obtained from the co-cultures and their corresponding mono-cultures. This comparison was achieved by subjecting automatically generated peak lists to statistical treatments. This strategy has been applied to more than 600 co-culture experiments that mainly involved fungal strains from the Fusarium genera, although experiments were also completed with a selection of several other filamentous fungi. This strategy was found to provide satisfactory repeatability and was used to detect the biomarkers of fungal induction in a large panel of filamentous fungi. This study demonstrates that co-culture results in consistent induction of potentially new metabolites.


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Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs’ FY13-FY15 Annual Report. The department recently developed a new mission and vision to focus our efforts and ensure everything we do is in the best interest of Iowans. As we move forward, we will empower Iowa to build and sustain culturally vibrant communities by connecting Iowans to the people, places and points of pride that define our state. The department will accomplish this mission through the collective efforts of the various entities under our umbrella, including the Iowa Arts Council, State Historical Society of Iowa and Produce Iowa: State Office of Media Production. The impact of the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs on our state can be measured through quality of life initiatives that are catalysts for attracting, recruiting and retaining jobs, companies, and talent to Iowa.


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This interdisciplinary collection brings together world leaders in Gothic Studies, offering new readings on popular Gothic cultural productions from the last decade. Topics covered include, but are not limited to: contemporary High Street Goth/ic fashion, Gothic performance and art festivals, Gothic popular fiction from Twilight to Shadow of the Wind, Goth/ic popular music, Goth/ic on TV and film, new trends like Steampunk, well-known icons Batman and Lady Gaga, and theorizations of popular Gothic monsters (from zombies and vampires to werewolves and ghosts) in an age of terror/ism.


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The objective of this research was to evaluate combinations of liquid media obtained from agro-industrial residues and by-products, with solid media prepared with mixtures of grains and their derivatives, aiming to increase the production of JAB 02 and JAB 45 isolates of Lecanicillium lecanii. Sporulation, conidial viability and process yield were evaluated as well as the production costs using the JAB 45 isolate as a model system were analyzed. The production of JAB 02 was not increased using the biphasic culture. For JAB 45, some combinations provided an increase in yield, especially cheese whey with wheat bran and wheat grain, with lower production costs. Viability was not influenced by the production method, and the combinations showed no differences in the process yield. The biphasic method is suitable for the production of L. lecanii, and proves to be an appropriate technology to use in mass production by biofactories.


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Selenium is recognised as an essential micronutrient for humans and animals. One of the main sources of selenocompounds in the human diet is vegetables. Therefore, this study deals with the Se species present in different edible sprouts grown in Se-enriched media. We grew alfalfa, lentil and soy in a hydroponic system amended with soluble salts, containing the same proportion of Se, in the form of Se(VI) and Se(IV). Total Se in the sprouts was determined by acidic digestion in a microwave system and by ICP/MS. Se speciation was carried out by enzymatic extraction (Protease XIV) and measured by LC-ICP/MS. The study shows that the Se content of plants depends on the content in the growth culture, and that part of the inorganic Se was biotransformed mainly into SeMet. These results contribute to our understanding of the uptake of inorganic Se and its biotransformation by edible plants.


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Extracellular vesicles represent a rich source of novel biomarkers in the diagnosis and prognosis of disease. However, there is currently limited information elucidating the most efficient methods for obtaining high yields of pure exosomes, a subset of extracellular vesicles, from cell culture supernatant and complex biological fluids such as plasma. To this end, we comprehensively characterize a variety of exosome isolation protocols for their efficiency, yield and purity of isolated exosomes. Repeated ultracentrifugation steps can reduce the quality of exosome preparations leading to lower exosome yield. We show that concentration of cell culture conditioned media using ultrafiltration devices results in increased vesicle isolation when compared to traditional ultracentrifugation protocols. However, our data on using conditioned media isolated from the Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) SK-MES-1 cell line demonstrates that the choice of concentrating device can greatly impact the yield of isolated exosomes. We find that centrifuge-based concentrating methods are more appropriate than pressure-driven concentrating devices and allow the rapid isolation of exosomes from both NSCLC cell culture conditioned media and complex biological fluids. In fact to date, no protocol detailing exosome isolation utilizing current commercial methods from both cells and patient samples has been described. Utilizing tunable resistive pulse sensing and protein analysis, we provide a comparative analysis of 4 exosome isolation techniques, indicating their efficacy and preparation purity. Our results demonstrate that current precipitation protocols for the isolation of exosomes from cell culture conditioned media and plasma provide the least pure preparations of exosomes, whereas size exclusion isolation is comparable to density gradient purification of exosomes. We have identified current shortcomings in common extracellular vesicle isolation methods and provide a potential standardized method that is effective, reproducible and can be utilized for various starting materials. We believe this method will have extensive application in the growing field of extracellular vesicle research.


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Bloodstream infections and sepsis are a major cause of morbidity and mortality. The successful outcome of patients suffering from bacteremia depends on a rapid identification of the infectious agent to guide optimal antibiotic treatment. The analysis of Gram stains from positive blood culture can be rapidly conducted and already significantly impact the antibiotic regimen. However, the accurate identification of the infectious agent is still required to establish the optimal targeted treatment. We present here a simple and fast bacterial pellet preparation from a positive blood culture that can be used as a sample for several essential downstream applications such as identification by MALDI-TOF MS, antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST) by disc diffusion assay or automated AST systems and by automated PCR-based diagnostic testing. The performance of these different identification and AST systems applied directly on the blood culture bacterial pellets is very similar to the performance normally obtained from isolated colonies grown on agar plates. Compared to conventional approaches, the rapid acquisition of a bacterial pellet significantly reduces the time to report both identification and AST. Thus, following blood culture positivity, identification by MALDI-TOF can be reported within less than 1 hr whereas results of AST by automated AST systems or disc diffusion assays within 8 to 18 hr, respectively. Similarly, the results of a rapid PCR-based assay can be communicated to the clinicians less than 2 hr following the report of a bacteremia. Together, these results demonstrate that the rapid preparation of a blood culture bacterial pellet has a significant impact on the identification and AST turnaround time and thus on the successful outcome of patients suffering from bloodstream infections.


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This work was aimed at evaluating the possibility of using bromophenol blue as an indicator for detecting the presence of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in the seeds of dry-beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) and soybean (Glycine max), through incubation of the seeds on an agar medium and "blotter" substrates. The seeds were artificially inoculated with four S. sclerotiorum isolates, plated on the agar medium, named Neon, and on modified Neon agar media all incubated at 14 and 20 ºC for seven days in the dark. Half of the seeds inoculated were surface desinfested prior to plating on the medium. The seeds showing change of colour in the medium, from blue to light yellow, as well as formation of typical mycelium and sclerotia in some cases, were considered to be infected or contaminated by S. sclerotiorum. The two incubation temperatures compared did not show significant (P<0.05) differences in detection level for most of the isolates tested on the different media. According to results obtained in this study, the Neon agar medium with incubation at 14 or 20 ºC has proved to be a reliable and quick method for the detection of S. sclerotiorum mycelium in naturally infected seeds of bean and soybean.


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Sosiaalinen media viittaa verkkopalveluihin, joiden toiminta perustuu käyttäjien ja käyttäjäyhteisöjen aktiiviseen sosiaaliseen vuorovaikutukseen. Matkapuhelimien kautta sosiaalinen media on liikkeellä ja pitää käyttäjät yhdessä ajasta ja paikasta riippumatta. Sosiaalisen median vetovoima perustuu siihen, että ihmiset jakavat tietoja, kuvia, videota ja ääntä sekä kommentoivat ja jatkavat viestiketjuja. Yhdessä ja liikkeellä -kirja tarkastelee sosiaalisen median uusinta ilmiötä, videoiden jakamista kännykkäpalvelun kautta. Mobiilit videot voivat kertoa jaetuista elämyksistä, konserteista, benji-hypyistä tai jazz-festivaalin vessajonosta. Liikkuva kuva kertoo usein enemmän kuin useampi valokuva, ja monen käyttäjän videokuva samasta tapahtumasta voi jo kertoa monipolvisen tarinan. Yhdessä ja liikkeellä esittelee Mobile Social Media -tutkimushankkeen tuloksia. Tavoitteena on ollut tutkia, millaiset tekijät tukevat mobiilin sosiaalisen median käyttöä ja miten sosiaalista mediaa hyödynnetään matkapuhelimilla, miten sosiaalisen median yhteisö voi muodostaa kännykkävideoista yhteisen tarinan, millaisia teknologisia haasteita mobiilin sosiaalisen median käytölle on. Tutkimushanke on CAT - Culture Art and Technology -verkoston yhteistyötä. Verkostoon kuuluvat Aalto-yliopiston, Tampereen teknillisen yliopiston ja Turun yliopiston Porin yksiköt.


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Pothomorphe umbellata (L.) known on Brazil as Caapeba has a number of popular medicinal use, and it has been studied in relation to its pharmacological activity. Peroxidase specific activity (units/mg protein) was evaluated in callus cell culture samples of the P.umbellata, grown in two different MS medium (media 1 and media 2), submitted to 16 hours photoperiod or kept in darkness. Cell growth rate curve showed that the best growth indices were observed when media 2 submitted to the photoperiod regime was used, followed by the same media kept in darkness (stress condition). The results obtained also showed that the cell culture grown under stress conditions (darkness) lead to high content of peroxidase enzyme (an increase of 700% was observed). Kinetic constant values of 3.3 mmol.L-1 and 2,8 sec-1 were obtained for kM and v max,, respectively, using guaiacol as enzyme substrate.


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Northern corn leaf blight, caused by Exserohilum turcicum (Et), is a disease of widespread occurrence in regions where corn, sweetcorn and popcorn are grown. This disease has great potential to cause damage and has been studied for years, but the association of its causal agent with seeds remains unconfirmed. Thus, the availability of a sensitive method to detect and quantify the inoculum in seeds, even at low incidence, is essential. The aim of this study was to develop a method to detect and quantify the presence of the fungus infecting and infesting corn and popcorn seeds. Artificially and naturally infected seeds were employed to develop the medium. The semi-selective medium was composed of carbendazim (active ingredient) (60 mg/L), captan (30 mg/L), streptomycin sulfate (500 mg/L) and neomycin sulfate (600 mg/L) aggregated to the medium lactose casein hydrolysate agar medium. By using this, Et was detected in naturally infected corn seeds, showing 0.124% incidence, in four out of ten analyzed samples. In addition, 1.04 conidia were detected per infested seed. By means of isolation, pathogenicity test, morphological characterization and comparison with descriptions of the species in the literature, the fungus isolated from the seeds was confirmed to be Et. Both infection and infestation were considered low; thus, for studies of Et detection in corn seeds, the use of semi-selective medium and more than 1,200 seeds/sample is suggested.


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Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan yhden aikakauslehden aineettoman pääoman keskeisiä tekijöitä ja niiden dynamiikkaa laadullisilla menetelmillä. Aineisto perustuu haastattelumateriaaliin. Taustan muodostaa tietojohtamisen teoriakirjallisuus, jossa eri tietopääomatekijät jaotellaan suhde-, rakenne ja inhimillisiin tekijöihin. Aikakauslehdet, kuten koko mediatoimiala, ovat vahvassa muutostilanteessa ja aineettoman pääoman tekijöiden kautta ne voivat jatkossakin ylläpitää markkina-asemaansa. Tutkimuksen kohteena on hyvän markkina-aseman omaava aikakauslehti, jonka arvonmuodostusta ja aineettomia tekijöitä ja niiden välistä dynamiikkaa tutkimuksessa analysoidaan. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että tarkasteltavan aikakauslehden arvonmuodostus perustuu vahvaan aineettomien tekijöiden kombinaatioon, vahvaan organisaatiokulttuuriin ja aineettomien tekijöiden väliseen dynamiikkaan, mikä saadaan ulosmitattua printtituotteen muodossa kuluttajamarkkinoilla. Haasteena on näiden pääomatekijöiden hyödyntäminen yhtä tehokkaalla tavalla muuttuvan markkinatilanteen myötä.


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OBJECTIVE: to compare the effects of low intensity laser therapy on in vitro bacterial growth and in vivo in infected wounds, and to analyze the effectiveness of the AsGa Laser technology in in vivo wound infections. METHODS: in vitro: Staphylococcus aureus were incubated on blood agar plates, half of them being irradiated with 904 nm wavelength laser and dose of 3J/cm2 daily for seven days. In vivo: 32 male Wistar rats were divided into control group (uninfected) and Experimental Group (Infected). Half of the animals had their wounds irradiated. RESULTS: in vitro: there was no statistically significant variation between the experimental groups as for the source plates and the derived ones (p>0.05). In vivo: there was a significant increase in the deposition of type I and III collagen in the wounds of the infected and irradiated animals when assessed on the fourth day of the experiment (p=0.034). CONCLUSION: low-intensity Laser Therapy applied with a wavelength of 904nm and dose 3J/cm2 did not alter the in vitro growth of S. aureus in experimental groups; in vivo, however, it showed significant increase in the deposition of type I and III collagen in the wound of infected and irradiated animals on the fourth day of the experiment.