997 resultados para cover-zone


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We sampled Palaearctic naked-toed geckos from across their range in India and used two mitochondrial and two nuclear genes to reconstruct relationships within a global phylogeny. Published sequences of Peninsular Indian Hemidactylus allow us to contrast these two groups in dating analyses - providing insights into the history of the Indian dry zone. Palaearctic naked-toed geckos first moved onto the Indian Plate in the Oligocene, with higher-level diversification probably linked to collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates, and subsequent dispersal into-India and diversification with increasing Miocene aridity. An independent gekkonid radiation with species in the dry zone, Hemidactylus diversified during the same period in Peninsular India. Our results demonstrate that dry zone taxa across India may date back to at least the Miocene, with a potential historical climatic barrier between the Indus and Peninsular Indian Divisions. `Cyrtopodion' aravallense is revealed to be a complex with seven genetically and environmentally divergent lineages that began diversifying in the late Miocene, congruent with increased aridity in north-western India. This discovery of cryptic diversity in the Indian dry zone represents the first terrestrial vertebrate radiation from north-western central India and highlights how little we understand of the regions' biodiversity, emphasizing the need for systematic geographic sampling and multiline evidence to reveal true patterns of diversity. The ancestor of `Cyrtopodion' aravallense came into the nascent Indian dry zone in the Miocene and has since diversified, potentially in the absence of any sympatric scansorial rupicolous geckos. Cyrtopodion scabrum represents a unique case of commensalism and shows phylogeographic structure in its presumed native range. The taxonomic implications of our study include a number of undescribed species, recognition of `Cyrtopodion' as a distinct lineage and the non-monophyly of Altiphylax.


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The effect of hydrogen (H) charging on the shear yield strength (tau(max)) and shear transformation zone volume (Omega) of Ni-Nb-Zr metallic glass ribbons, with varying Zr content, were studied through the first pop-in loads during nanoindentation. Weight gain measurements after H charging and desorption studies were utilized to identify how the total H absorbed during charging is partitioned into mobile and immobile (or trapped) parts. These, in turn, indicate the significant role of H mobility in the amorphous structure on the yielding behavior. In high-Zr alloys, tau(max) increases significantly whereas Omega decreases. In low-Zr alloys, a slight decrease in tau(max) and increase in Omega were noted. These experimental observations are rationalized in terms of the mobility of the absorbed H in the amorphous structure and the possible role of it in the shear transformation zone dynamics during deformation of the metallic glass. (C) 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We apply the objective method of Aldous to the problem of finding the minimum-cost edge cover of the complete graph with random independent and identically distributed edge costs. The limit, as the number of vertices goes to infinity, of the expected minimum cost for this problem is known via a combinatorial approach of Hessler and Wastlund. We provide a proof of this result using the machinery of the objective method and local weak convergence, which was used to prove the (2) limit of the random assignment problem. A proof via the objective method is useful because it provides us with more information on the nature of the edge's incident on a typical root in the minimum-cost edge cover. We further show that a belief propagation algorithm converges asymptotically to the optimal solution. This can be applied in a computational linguistics problem of semantic projection. The belief propagation algorithm yields a near optimal solution with lesser complexity than the known best algorithms designed for optimality in worst-case settings.


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The problem of finding an optimal vertex cover in a graph is a classic NP-complete problem, and is a special case of the hitting set question. On the other hand, the hitting set problem, when asked in the context of induced geometric objects, often turns out to be exactly the vertex cover problem on restricted classes of graphs. In this work we explore a particular instance of such a phenomenon. We consider the problem of hitting all axis-parallel slabs induced by a point set P, and show that it is equivalent to the problem of finding a vertex cover on a graph whose edge set is the union of two Hamiltonian Paths. We show the latter problem to be NP-complete, and also give an algorithm to find a vertex cover of size at most k, on graphs of maximum degree four, whose running time is 1.2637(k) n(O(1)).


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The proportion of chemical elements passing through vegetation prior to being exported in a stream was quantified for a forested tropical watershed(Mule Hole, South India) using an extensive hydrological and geochemical monitoring at several scales. First, a solute annual mass balance was established at the scale of the soil-plant profile for assessing the contribution of canopy interaction and litter decay to the solute fluxes of soil inputs (overland flow) and soil outputs (pore water flow as seepages). Second, based on the respective contributions of overland flow and seepages to the stream flow as estimated by a hydrological lumped model, we assigned the proportion of chemical elements in the stream that transited through the vegetation at both flood event (End Member Mixing Analysis) and seasonal scales. At the scale of the 1D soil-plant profile, leaching from the canopy constituted the main source of K above the ground surface. Litter decay was the main source of Si, whereas alkalinity, Ca and Mg originated in the same proportions from both sources. The contribution of vegetation was negligible for Na. Within the soil, all elements but Na were removed from the pore water in proportions varying from 20% for Cl to 95% for K: The soil output fluxes corresponded to a residual fraction of the infiltration fluxes. The behavior of K, Cl, Ca and Mg in the soil-plant profile can be explained by internal cycling, as their soil output fluxes were similar to the atmospheric inputs. Na was released from soils as a result of Na-plagioclase weathering and accompanied by additional release of Si. Concentration of soil pore water by evapotranspiration might limit the chemical weathering in the soil. Overall, the solute K, Ca, Mg, alkalinity and Si fluxes associated with the vegetation turnover within the small experimental watershed represented 10-15 times the solute fluxes exported by the stream, of which 83-97% transited through the vegetation. One important finding is that alkalinity and Si fluxes at the outlet were not linked to the ``current weathering'' of silicates in this watershed. These results highlight the dual effect of the vegetation cover on the solute fluxes exported from the watershed: On one hand the runoff was limited by evapotranspiration and represented only 10% of the annual rainfall, while on the other hand, 80-90% of the overall solute flux exported by the stream transited through the vegetation. The approach combining geochemical monitoring and accurate knowledge of the watershed hydrological budget provided detailed understanding of several effects of vegetation on stream fluxes: (1) evapotranspiration (limiting), (2) vertical transfer through vegetation from vadose zone to ground surface (enhancing) and (3) redistribution by throughfalls and litter decay. It provides a good basis for calibrating geochemical models and more precisely assessing the role of vegetation on soil processes. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the site response characteristics of Kachchh rift basin over the meizoseismal area of the 2001, Mw 7.6, Bhuj (NW India) earthquake using the spectral ratio of the horizontal and vertical components of ambient vibrations. Using the available knowledge on the regional geology of Kachchh and well documented ground responses from the earthquake, we evaluated the H/V curves pattern across sediment filled valleys and uplifted areas generally characterized by weathered sandstones. Although our HIV curves showed a largely fuzzy nature, we found that the hierarchical clustering method was useful for comparing large numbers of response curves and identifying the areas with similar responses. Broad and plateau shaped peaks of a cluster of curves within the valley region suggests the possibility of basin effects within valley. Fundamental resonance frequencies (f(0)) are found in the narrow range of 0.1-2.3 Hz and their spatial distribution demarcated the uplifted regions from the valleys. In contrary, low HIV peak amplitudes (A(0) = 2-4) were observed on the uplifted areas and varying values (2-9) were found within valleys. Compared to the amplification factors, the liquefaction indices (kg) were able to effectively indicate the areas which experienced severe liquefaction. The amplification ranges obtained in the current study were found to be comparable to those obtained from earthquake data for a limited number of seismic stations located on uplifted areas; however the values on the valley region may not reflect their true amplification potential due to basin effects. Our study highlights the practical usefulness as well as limitations of the HIV method to study complex geological settings as Kachchh. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The dependence of shear yield strain, the activation energy and volume of shear transformation zone on the glass transition temperature was investigated through the analysis of statistical distributions of the first pop-in events during spherical indentation of four different thin film metallic glasses. Only the Cu-Zr metallic glass exhibits a bimodal distribution of the first pop-in loads, whereas W-Ru-B, Zr-Cu-Ni-Al and La-Co-Al metallic glasses show an unimodal distribution. Results show that shear yield strain and activation energy of shear transformation zone decrease whereas the volume of shear transformation zone increases with increasing homologous temperature, indicating that it is the activation energy rather than the volume of shear transformation zone that controls shear yield strain. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pt-modified beta-NiAl bond coats are applied over the superalloys for oxidation protection in jet engine applications. However, as shown in this study, it also enhances the growth of the interdiffusion zone developed between the bond coat and the superalloy along with brittle precipitates. Location of the Kirkendall plane indicates that a precipitate free sublayer grows from the bond coat, whereas another sublayer grows from the superalloy containing very high volume fraction of precipitates. With increasing Pt content, thickness of both the sublayers increases because of an increase in diffusion rates of the components. Quantitative electron probe microanalysis indicates high concentration of refractory components in the precipitates. Transmission electron microscopy shows that Rene N5 superalloy produces TCP phases mu and P, whereas CMSX-4 superalloy produces mu and sigma in the interdiffusion zone. With increasing Pt content in the bond coat, the average size of the precipitates decreases when coupled with Rene N5. Precipitates become much finer when the same bond coats are coupled with CMSX-4. (C) 2015 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pt-modified beta-NiAl bond coats are applied over the superalloys for oxidation protection in jet engine applications. However, as shown in this study, it also enhances the growth of the interdiffusion zone developed between the bond coat and the superalloy along with brittle precipitates. Location of the Kirkendall plane indicates that a precipitate free sublayer grows from the bond coat, whereas another sublayer grows from the superalloy containing very high volume fraction of precipitates. With increasing Pt content, thickness of both the sublayers increases because of an increase in diffusion rates of the components. Quantitative electron probe microanalysis indicates high concentration of refractory components in the precipitates. Transmission electron microscopy shows that Rene N5 superalloy produces TCP phases mu and P, whereas CMSX-4 superalloy produces mu and sigma in the interdiffusion zone. With increasing Pt content in the bond coat, the average size of the precipitates decreases when coupled with Rene N5. Precipitates become much finer when the same bond coats are coupled with CMSX-4. (C) 2015 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A two-dimensional axisymmetric numerical model is presented to study the influence of local magnetic fields on P-doped Si floating zone melting crystal growth in microgravity. The model is developed based on the finite difference method in a boundary-fitted curvilinear coordinate system. Extensive numerical simulations are carried out, and parameters studied include the curved growth interface shape and the magnetic field configurations. Computed results show that the local magnetic field is more effective in reducing the impurity concentration nonuniformity at the growth interface in comparison with the longitudinal magnetic field. Moreover, the curved growth interface causes more serious impurity concentration nonuniformity at the growth interface than the case with a planar growth interface.


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The magnetic damping effect of the non-uniform magnetic field on the floating-zone crystal growth process in microgravity is studied by numerical simulation. The results show that the non-uniform magnetic field with designed configuration can effectively reduce the flow near the free surface and then in the melt zone. At the same time, the designed magnetic field can improve the impurity concentration non-uniformity along the solidification interface. The primary principles of the magnetic field configuration design are also discussed.


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Overland flow on a hillslope is significantly influenced by its microtopography, slope length and gradient, and vegetative cover. A 1D kinematic wave model in conjunction with a revised form of the Green-Ampt infiltration equation was employed to evaluate the effect of these surface conditions. The effect of these conditions was treated through the resistance parameter in the kinematic wave model. The resistance in this paper was considered to be made up of grain resistance, form resistance, and wave resistance. It was found that irregular slopes with microtopography eroded more easily than did regular slopes. The effect of the slope gradient on flow velocity and flow shear stress could be negative or positive. With increasing slope gradient, the flow velocity and shear stress first increased to a peak value, then decreased again, suggesting that there exists a critical slope gradient for flow velocity and shear stress. The vegetative cover was found to protect soil from erosion primarily by enhancing erosion-resisting capacity rather than by decreasing the eroding capability of overland flow.


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The magnetic fields produced by electrical coils are designed for damping the the thermocapillary convection in a floating half-zone in microgravity. The fields are designed specially to reduce the flow near the free surface and then in the melt zone by adjusting the longitudinal coil positions close to the melt zone. The effects of the designed magnetic fields on reducing the flow velocity and temperature distribution non-uniformity in the melt zone are stronger than those of the case of an uniform longitudinal magnetic field obtained by numerical simulation, particularly at the melt-rod interface. It brings fundamental insights into the heat and mass transfer control at the solidification interface by the magnetic field design for crystal growth by the floating full-zone method.


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The transition process of the thermocapillary convection from a steady and axisymmetric mode to the oscillatory mode in a liquid bridge with a fixed aspect ratio and varied volume ratio was studied experimentally. To ensure the surface tension to play an important role in the ground-based experiment, the geometrical configuration of the liquid bridge was so designed that the associated dynamic Bond number Bd ≈ 1. The velocity fields were measured by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique to effectively distinguish the different flow modes during the transition period in the experiments. Our experiments showed that as the temperature difference increased the slender and fat bridges presented quite different features on the evolution in their flow feature: for the former the thermocapillary convection transformed from a steady and axisymmetric pattern directly into an oscillatory one; but for the latter a transition flow status, characterized by an axial asymmetric steady convection, appeared before reaching the oscillatory mode. Experimental observations agree with the results of numerical simulations and it is obvious that the volume of liquid bridge is a sensitive geometric parameter. In addition, at the initial stage of the oscillation, for the former a rotating oscillatory convection with azimuthal wave number m = 1 was observed while for the latter a pulsating oscillatory pattern with azimuthal wave number m = 2 emerged, and then with further increase of the temperature difference, the pulsating oscillatory convection with azimuthal wave number m = 2 evolved into a rotating oscillatory pattern with azimuthal wave number m = 2.


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The velocity fields of oscillatory convection have been measured using the techniques of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) in a liquid bridge of half floating zone with small typical scales of a few millimeters for emphasizing the thermocapillary effect in comparison with the effect of buoyancy. The flow patterns of the oscillatory flow have been studied experimentally in a liquid bridge. The flow patterns in the liquid bridge are classified with mode numbers according to oscillatory flow characteristics. Results of the experiment show that the mode depends on the aspect ratio as well as the volume ratio of the liquid bridge. The experimental results are helpful for studying the structure of flow at the onset of oscillatory thermocapillary convection in a liquid bridge.