390 resultados para coplanar waveguides


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A sonda de indução tem sido largamente utilizada na perfilagem de poço para detectar reservatórios através do contraste de condutividade existente entre as zonas contendo hidrocarbonetos e as zonas contendo água conata. A sonda de indução, além de auxiliar na localização de formações que contêm hidrocarbonetos, possibilita o cálculo de reservas para análise da viabilidade de exploração do reservatório. Porém, apesar do grande avanço da sonda de indução, a qual utiliza arranjo coaxial, existem várias restrições ao seu uso. Camadas delgadas, poços preenchidos com lama condutiva e invasão profunda são algumas das situações onde não é adequada a utilização da sonda de indução. Considerando as limitações da sonda de indução é que desenvolvemos em laboratório um estudo sobre as diferentes disposições de bobinas para a perfilagem de indução. O estudo consiste em comparar a resposta da sonda de arranjo de bobinas coaxiais, com a resposta da sonda de arranjo de bobinas coplanares e verificar se as respostas encontradas resolvem alguns dos problemas apresentados pela sonda de bobinas coaxiais. As respostas das sondas de diferentes disposições de bobinas foram obtidas através da montagem de um sistema de modelamento analógico simulando um poço. Para o sistema modelo foi utilizado um fator de escala linear igual a 20. Um tanque contendo soluções salinas de diferentes condutividades simulava algumas situações geológicas controladas. O sistema permitia uma variação na frequência de 50 kHz a 100 kHz. Os resultados obtidos foram satisfatórios, em virtude do arranjo de bobinas coplanares ter apresentado melhor resolução vertical que o arranjo de bobinas coaxiais.


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Objetivando contribuir para a melhoria da resolução vertical das sondas de indução, utilizando arranjos de bobinas não-convencionais, fizemos um estudo comparativo das respostas obtidas com os arranjos coaxial e coplanar, através do modelamento analógico em escala reduzida. Construímos sondas de indução com um par de bobinas, bem como modelos geoelétricos que simulam seqüências litoestratigráficas formadas por camadas tanto espessas como delgadas, com ou sem invasão de fluidos, utilizando um fator de redução de escala igual a 20. O sistema de instrumentação nos permitiu medições da razão entre o campo secundário com relação ao primário na ordem de 0,01 %. Analisando os perfis obtidos com ambos os arranjos, coaxial e coplanar, chegamos a conclusão que: • quando se refere a camadas delgadas de condutividade elétrica relativamente elevadas, como é o caso de níveis argilíticos num pacote arenítico contendo hidrocarbonetos, o arranjo de bobinas coaxial é visivelmente superior ao coplanar, no que se refere ao posicionamento e estimativa das espessuras destas finas camadas; • por outro lado, quando se trata de camadas delgadas de condutividade relativamente baixa, como é o caso de lentes areníticas saturadas em hidrocarbonetos num pacote de folhelho, verificamos que o arranjo coplanar apresenta uma resolução vertical sensivelmente melhor, tanto para camadas finas quanto para as de maior espessura; • o efeito de camadas adjacentes (shoulder effect) se apresenta bem mais acentuado nos perfis obtidos com o arranjo coaxial; • o arranjo coplanar apresenta uma melhor definição de bordas para as camadas espessas. Entretanto, em camadas de menor espessura, o arranjo coplanar perde aquela ligeira oscilação do sinal que posiciona as interfaces de contato entre camadas.


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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A significant increase of surface hydrophilicity of copper and gold surfaces was obtained after atmospheric pressure plasma treatment using the surface dielectric barrier discharge with specific electrode geometry, the so-called diffuse coplanar surface barrier discharge. Surface wettability was estimated using the sessile drop method with further calculation of the surface free energy. After the plasma treatments, it was observed that the treated surfaces exhibited hydrophobic recovery (or aging effect). The aging effect was studied in different storage environments, such as air, low and high vacuum. The role of plasma and the reasons of the following aging effect are discussed with respect to the observed hydrophilic recovery after immersing the aged surfaces into deionized water. The changes in the surface morphology, composition and bond structure are presented and discussed as well. (C) 2013 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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We introduce the notion of a PT-symmetric dimer with a chi((2)) nonlinearity. Similarly to the Kerr case, we argue that such a nonlinearity should be accessible in a pair of optical waveguides with quadratic nonlinearity and gain and loss, respectively. An interesting feature of the problem is that because of the two harmonics, there exist in general two distinct gain and loss parameters, different values of which are considered herein. We find a number of traits that appear to be absent in the more standard cubic case. For instance, bifurcations of nonlinear modes from the linear solutions occur in two different ways depending on whether the first-or the second-harmonic amplitude is vanishing in the underlying linear eigenvector. Moreover, a host of interesting bifurcation phenomena appear to occur, including saddle-center and pitchfork bifurcations which our parametric variations elucidate. The existence and stability analysis of the stationary solutions is corroborated by numerical time-evolution simulations exploring the evolution of the different configurations, when unstable.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We report, for the first time to our knowledge, experimental results on pedestal waveguides produced with Yb3+/Er3+ codoped Bi2O3-WO3-TeO2 thin films deposited by RF Sputtering for photonic applications. Thin films were deposited using Ar/O-2 plasma at 5 mTorr pressure and RF power of 40 W on substrates of silicon wafers. The definition of the pedestal waveguide structure was made using conventional optical lithography followed by plasma etching. Propagation losses around 2.0 dB/cm and 2.5 dB/cm were obtained at 633 and 1050 nm, respectively, for waveguides in the 20-100 mu m width range. Single-mode propagation was measured for waveguides width up to 10 mu m and 12 mu m, at 633 nm and 1050 nm, respectively; for larger waveguides widths multi-mode propagation was obtained. Internal gain of 5.6 dB at 1530 nm, under 980 nm excitation, was measured for 1.5 cm waveguide length (similar to 3.7 dB/cm). The present results show the possibility of using Yb3+/Er3+ codoped Bi2O3-WO3-TeO2 pedestal waveguide for optical amplifiers. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The biomagnetic techniques use different magnetic field detectors to measure parameters of the human physiology. Those techniques present the advantage of being noninvasive and radiation free. Among them we can show up the Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID), the Current Alternate Biosusceptometry (ACB) and, more recently, the employment of anisotropic magnetoresistive sensors. Those magnetic sensors have a low cost and good sensitivity to measure different physiological parameters using magnetic markers. The biomagnetic techniques have being used successfully through study on the characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract. Recent research, the magnetoresistors were used to evaluate the transit time and localization of magnetic sources in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract. The objective of this work is the characterization, with in vitro tests, of a biomagnetic instrumentation using two 3-axis magnetoresistors arranged in a gradiometric coplanar setup to evaluate esophageal transit time, analyze and compare the results of experimental signals and the magnetic theory, as well as evaluate the instrumentation gain with use of tri-axial sensor front to the mono-axial sensor. The instrumentation is composed by two three-axis sensing magnetometers, precision power supply and amplifier electronic circuits. The sensors fixed in a coplanar setup were separate by distance of 18 cm. The sensitivity tests had been carried through using a cylindrical magnet (ø = 4 mm and h = 4 mm) of neodymium-iron-boron (grid 35). The tests were done moving the permanent magnet on the sensors parallel axis, simulating the food transit in... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Planar waveguides with controlled refractive index were produced using thin films of sol-gel derived organic-inorganic hybrids, so called di-ureasils. Spectroscopic ellipsometry was used to characterize the films thickness and refractive index. UV-laser direct-writing method was used to produce Y-splitter structures with coupling ratio of 50% without the need of photoinitiators.


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Sol–gel derived poly(oxyethylene)/siloxane organic–inorganic di-ureasil hybrids containing different amounts (20–60% mol) of methacrylic acid (McOH) modified zirconium oxo-clusters (Zr-OMc) were processed as thin films and transparent and shape controlled monoliths. Laser direct writing was used to create channel waveguides, Bragg gratings, Fabry–Perot cavities and optical filters. The resulting Fabry–Perot optical cavity displays a free spectral range of 16.55 GHz and a fringe intensity contrast of 5.35 dB. Optical rejection values between 6.7 and 10.4 dB were obtained by varying the amount of the Zr-OMc oxo-clusters.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A polymeric precursor solution was used to deposit pure and Mg doped LiNbO3 thin films on sapphire substrates by spin-coating. The effects of magnesium addition on crystallinity, morphology and optical properties of the annealed films were investigated. X-ray diffraction patterns indicate the oriented growth of the films. Phi-scan diffraction evidenced the epitaxial growth with two in-plane variants. AFM studies show that the films are very homogeneous, dense and present smooth surfaces. The refractive index and optical losses obtained by the prism coupling method were influenced by the magnesium addition.