951 resultados para contest in magic
Lo sviluppo negli ultimi decenni di strumentazioni sempre più pratiche, versatili, veloci ed economicamente accessibili, ha notevolmente incrementato la capacità delle aziende, in particolar modo quelle operanti nel settore dell'industria alimentare, nel cogliere le potenzialità di una tecnologia che applica rigore scientifico a una materia a lungo considerata liminale e di secondaria rilevanza, quale quella cromatica. A fronte di ciò, si è ritenuto opportuno introdurre strumenti di misura formalizzati a livello internazionale, atti a individuare e verificare parametri di colore, i quali attestassero la qualità della materia prima utilizzata, nonché riconducibili a una tecnologia di produzione di massa. L’attuale progetto deriva dalla necessità di un’azienda produttrice di concentrati in pasta e semi-lavorati in polvere per la gelateria e la pasticceria, di introdurre un sistema di misurazione oggettiva del colore, che vada a sostituirsi a una valutazione soggettiva, a lungo ritenuta come unico metodo valido di analisi. Il ruolo rivestito all’interno di tale azienda ha consentito, grazie anche al supporto fornito dal Controllo Qualità, la realizzazione di un elaborato finale di sintesi, contenente i risultati delle analisi colorimetriche condotte su alcune paste concentrate. A partire dunque dalla letteratura scientifica elaborata in materia, si è proceduto inizialmente, alla realizzazione di una parte generale riguardante la descrizione del colore, delle sue proprietà e manifestazioni, e dei metodi di misurazione, ripercorrendo le tappe dalla nascita delle prime teorie fino all’adozione di uno spazio di colore universale; una seconda sperimentale, in cui si elaborano- tramite software statistici (Anova , Spectra Magic Nx)- i parametri colorimetrici e il pH dei singoli campioni. In particolare, la determinazione del colore su paste concentrate, ha permesso di valutare in maniera oggettiva le variazioni di colore in termini di coordinate L*, a*, b*, che avvengono durante il periodo di conservazione (24-36 mesi). Partendo dai dati oggettivi di colore, sono state definite semplici equazioni che descrivono l'andamento dei parametri in funzione dei mesi di conservazione e del pH del prodotto. Nell’ottica del miglioramento della gestione della qualità delle aziende specializzate nella produzione di semilavorati-concentrati per le gelaterie, il presente lavoro ha fornito uno spunto per la realizzazione e l’applicazione di un sistema di controllo del colore durante la conservazione del prodotto; ha anche permesso di definire le linee per un sistema di analisi colorimetrica utile alla messa a punto di un database aziendale comprensivo d’indici, stime e annotazioni. Tale database dovrà essere mirato all’ottenimento di un sempre più alto livello di qualità del prodotto, suggerendo allo stesso tempo possibili interventi correttivi (maggior standardizzazione del colore e possibile definizione di un adeguato intervallo di tolleranza), ma anche a un miglioramento nella gestione di problematiche in fase di produzione e quindi, l’incremento della capacità produttiva con conseguente riduzione dei tempi di evasione degli ordini. Tale contributo ha consentito a delineare le future prospettive di sviluppo favorendo l’implementazione (nella realtà aziendale) di un approccio strumentale e quindi oggettivo, in relazione alle più comuni problematiche di tipo colorimetrico, al fine di migliorare il valore qualitativo del prodotto.
Feste Lösungen homogen dispergierter Wirkstoffmoleküle in amorphen Polymermatrizen sind wichtige Materialien in vielen pharmazeutischen Anwendungen, bei denen eine kontrollierte Abgabe wasserunlöslicher Wirkstoffe in wässrige Systeme eine Rolle spielt. Die intermolekulare Bindungs-stärke zwischen Polymer- und Wirkstoffmolekülgruppen bestimmt die Stabilität der festen Lösung und steuert somit die biologische Aktivität der Wirkstoffmoleküle. In festen Lösungen, die aus acryl-säurehaltigen Copolymeren (Protonendonoren) und basischen Wirkstoffmolekülen (Protonenakzepto-ren) hergestellt werden, sind intermolekulare Wasserstoffbrücken zwischen den Systemkomponenten Triebkraft für die Bildung einer stabilen homogenen Dispersion und für die Entstehung struktureller Merkmale zwischen den Molekülgruppen der Systemkomponenten. Zudem ist die Bindungsstärke der Wasserstoffbrücken im Hinblick auf die kontrollierte Abgabe der Wirkstoffe von Bedeutung. Da dynamische chemische Gleichgewichte bei der Bildung der Wasserstoffbrücken eine wichtige Rolle spielen müssen neben strukturellen Parametern auch dynamische Faktoren beleuchtet werden. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist neben der Ermittlung von intermolekularen Bindungsstärken vor allem die Identifika-tion struktureller Verhältnisse zwischen den Systemkomponenten auf molekularer Ebene. Die Be-stimmung der Abhängigkeit dieser Parameter von der Struktur der verwendeten Polymere und einer Vielzahl weiterer Einflüsse wie z.B. Feuchtigkeit, Lagerdauer oder Wirkstoffkonzentration soll ein kontrolliertes Design fester Lösungen mit definierten anwendungsspezifischen Eigenschaften ermögli-chen. Temperaturabhängige 1H-Festkörper-MAS-NMR (Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) Experimente an festen Lösungen mit unterschiedlichen Copolymer-Zusammensetzungen weisen die Existenz dynamischer chemischer Gleichgewichte in den komplexen Wasserstoffbrücken-netzwerken nach. Veränderungen in der chemischen Verschiebung und in der Linienform der Reso-nanzlinien acider Protonen erlauben einen tiefen Einblick in die Architektur dieser Netzwerke und legen die Bindungsverhältnisse unter Berücksichtigung der Polymerchemie und der Mobilität der Systemkomponenten dar, wobei die Befunde mithilfe quantenchemischer Rechnungen untermauert werden können. Die Gegenwart acider Protonen ermöglicht einen einfachen 1H-2H-Austausch, wor-aufhin mithilfe rotorsynchronisierter temperaturabhängiger 2H-MAS-NMR Experimente die Wasser-stoffbrückenbindungsstärke bestimmt werden kann. Mit 1H-1H-Korrelationsexperimenten (Doppelquantenspektroskopie) stehen Methoden für die Bestimmung homonuklearer dipolarer 1H-1H-Kopplungen zur Verfügung, die strukturelle Aussagen aufgrund von bevorzugten räumlichen Kontak-ten bestimmter Molekülgruppen ermöglichen. Weiterhin können diese Experimente verwendet werden, um Wasserstoffbrücken zwischen Polymergruppen von Polymer-Wirkstoff-Wasserstoffbrücken zu unterscheiden, wodurch eine quantitative Beschreibung des Bindungsnetzwerks und der Konkurrenz-prozesse zwischen den einzelnen wasserstoffverbrückten Spezies ermöglicht wird. Eine Kristallisation der Wirkstoffmoleküle ist in vielen Anwendungen unerwünscht, da sie die biologische Verfügbarkeit des Wirkstoffs reduzieren. Mit 1H-Festkörper-MAS-NMR Experimenten können kristalline von amorph dispergierten Wirkstoffmolekülen unterschieden werden, wodurch eine Quantifizierung der Destabilisierungsprozesse ermöglicht wird, die durch Exposition der festen Lösungen mit Wasserdampf ausgelöst werden können. Die Zeit- und Konzentrationsabhängigkeit der Wasseraufnahme kann mit NMR-Experimenten verfolgt werden, wobei unterschiedlich mobile Was-serspezies an unterschiedlichen Bindungsorten identifiziert werden können, was zum molekularen Verständnis der Destabilisierungsprozesse beiträgt. Zusätzlich wird die Mobilität der Wirkstoffmole-küle bestimmt, die sich – wie auch die Wirkstoffkonzentration - als wichtige Größe in der Beschrei-bung der Destabilisierung erweist. Aufbauend auf den Beobachtungen wird ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Copolymerzusammensetzung und einer kritischen Wirkstoffkonzentration hergestellt, der für die Anwendungen amorpher fester Lösungen in biologischen Systemen von großer Bedeutung ist.
The aim of this dissertation is to improve the knowledge of knots and links in lens spaces. If the lens space L(p,q) is defined as a 3-ball with suitable boundary identifications, then a link in L(p,q) can be represented by a disk diagram, i.e. a regular projection of the link on a disk. In this contest, we obtain a complete finite set of Reidemeister-type moves establishing equivalence, up to ambient isotopy. Moreover, the connections of this new diagram with both grid and band diagrams for links in lens spaces are shown. A Wirtinger-type presentation for the group of the link and a diagrammatic method giving the first homology group are described. A class of twisted Alexander polynomials for links in lens spaces is computed, showing its correlation with Reidemeister torsion. One of the most important geometric invariants of links in lens spaces is the lift in 3-sphere of a link L in L(p,q), that is the counterimage of L under the universal covering of L(p,q). Starting from the disk diagram of the link, we obtain a diagram of the lift in the 3-sphere. Using this construction it is possible to find different knots and links in L(p,q) having equivalent lifts, hence we cannot distinguish different links in lens spaces only from their lift. The two final chapters investigate whether several existing invariants for links in lens spaces are essential, i.e. whether they may assume different values on links with equivalent lift. Namely, we consider the fundamental quandle, the group of the link, the twisted Alexander polynomials, the Kauffman Bracket Skein Module and an HOMFLY-PT-type invariant.
This thesis is developed in the contest of Ritmare project WP1, which main objective is the development of a sustainable fishery through the identification of populations boundaries in commercially important species in Italian Seas. Three main objectives are discussed in order to help reach the main purpose of identification of stock boundaries in Parapenaeus longirostris: 1 -Development of a representative sampling design for Italian seas; 2 -Evaluation of 2b-RAD protocol; 3 -Investigation of populations through biological data analysis. First of all we defined and accomplished a sampling design which properly represents all Italian seas. Then we used information and data about nursery areas distribution, abundance of populations and importance of P. longirostris in local fishery, to develop an experimental design that prioritize the most important areas to maximize the results with actual project funds. We introduced for the first time the use of 2b-RAD on this species, a genotyping method based on sequencing the uniform fragments produced by type IIB restriction endonucleases. Thanks to this method we were able to move from genetics to the more complex genomics. In order to proceed with 2b-RAD we performed several tests to identify the best DNA extraction kit and protocol and finally we were able to extract 192 high quality DNA extracts ready to be processed. We tested 2b-RAD with five samples and after high-throughput sequencing of libraries we used the software “Stacks” to analyze the sequences. We obtained positive results identifying a great number of SNP markers among the five samples. To guarantee a multidisciplinary approach we used the biological data associated to the collected samples to investigate differences between geographical samples. Such approach assures continuity with other project, for instance STOCKMED, which utilize a combination of molecular and biological analysis as well.
Gut microbial acquisition during the early stage of life is an extremely important event since it affects the health status of the host. In this contest the healthy properties of the genus Bifidobacterium have a central function in newborns. The aim of this thesis was to explore the dynamics of the gut microbial colonization in newborns and to suggest possible strategies to maintain or restore a correct balance of gut bacterial population in infants. The first step of this work was to review the most recent studies on the use of probiotics and prebiotics in infants. Secondly, in order to prevent or treat intestinal disorders that may affect newborns, the capability of selected Bifidobacterium strains to reduce the amount of Enterobacteriaceae and against the infant pathogen Streptococcus agalactiae was evaluated in vitro. Furthermore, the ability of several commercial fibers to stimulate selectively the growth of bifidobacterial strains was checked. Finally, the gut microbial composition in the early stage of life in response to the intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP) against group B Streptococcus was studied using q-PCR, DGGE and next generation sequencing. The results globally showed that Bifidobacterium breve B632 strain is the best candidate for the use in a synbiotic product coupled to a mixture of two selected prebiotic fibers (galactooligosaccharides and fructooligosaccharides) for gastrointestinal disorders in infants. Moreover, the early gut microbial composition was affected by IAP treatment with infants showing lower counts of Bifidobacterium spp. and Bacteroides spp. coupled to a decrement of biodiversity of bacteria, compared to control infants. These studies have shown that IAP could affect the early intestinal balance in infants and they have paved the way to the definition of new strategies alternative to antibiotic treatment to control GBS infection in pregnant women.
According to Charles Musser, Huygens had two key innovations for his magic lantern: 1. Images painted on glass instead of etchings on mirrors. 2. An artificial light source was used instead of the reflection of sunlight. (20) Glass slides (often more than one) with hand drawn images are the standard aesthetic for these slides. They are then usually mounted in rectangular wooden frames approx. 4 x 7 inches with a 3 inch circular opening for the image. (Musser 30) The various mechanisms attached to the images are described in the Object Narrative section.
According to Charles Musser, Huygens had two key innovations for his magic lantern: 1. Images painted on glass instead of etchings on mirrors. 2. An artificial light source was used instead of the reflection of sunlight. (20) Glass slides (often more than one) with hand drawn images are the standard aesthetic for these slides. They are then usually mounted in rectangular wooden frames approx. 4 x 7 inches with a 3 inch circular opening for the image. (Musser 30) The various mechanisms attached to the images are described in the Object Narrative section.
According to Charles Musser, Huygens had two key innovations for his magic lantern: 1. Images painted on glass instead of etchings on mirrors. 2. An artificial light source was used instead of the reflection of sunlight. (20) Glass slides (often more than one) with hand drawn images are the standard aesthetic for these slides. They are then usually mounted in rectangular wooden frames approx. 4 x 7 inches with a 3 inch circular opening for the image. (Musser 30) The various mechanisms attached to the images are described in the Object Narrative section.
According to Charles Musser, Huygens had two key innovations for his magic lantern: 1. Images painted on glass instead of etchings on mirrors. 2. An artificial light source was used instead of the reflection of sunlight. (20) Glass slides (often more than one) with hand drawn images are the standard aesthetic for these slides. They are then usually mounted in rectangular wooden frames approx. 4 x 7 inches with a 3 inch circular opening for the image. (Musser 30) The various mechanisms attached to the images are described in the Object Narrative section.
The thaumatrope consists of a circle of cardstock, 2.5 inches in diameter with 2 strings attached, one each at opposite points of the diameter. There were 2 images painted on the cardstock, one on each side, with their positions inverted. The outline of the image was usually printed and the color hand-painted in (Barnes 7).
(1)H HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy was applied to apple tissue samples deriving from 3 different cultivars. The NMR data were statistically evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA), principal component analysis (PCA), and partial least-squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). The intra-apple variability of the compounds was found to be significantly lower than the inter-apple variability within one cultivar. A clear separation of the three different apple cultivars could be obtained by multivariate analysis. Direct comparison of the NMR spectra obtained from apple tissue (with HR-MAS) and juice (with liquid-state HR NMR) showed distinct differences in some metabolites, which are probably due to changes induced by juice preparation. This preliminary study demonstrates the feasibility of (1)H HR-MAS NMR in combination with multivariate analysis as a tool for future chemometric studies applied to intact fruit tissues, e.g. for investigating compositional changes due to physiological disorders, specific growth or storage conditions.
Classical liquid-state high-resolution (HR) NMR spectroscopy has proved a powerful tool in the metabonomic analysis of liquid food samples like fruit juices. In this paper the application of (1)H high-resolution magic angle spinning (HR-MAS) NMR spectroscopy to apple tissue is presented probing its potential for metabonomic studies. The (1)H HR-MAS NMR spectra are discussed in terms of the chemical composition of apple tissue and compared to liquid-state NMR spectra of apple juice. Differences indicate that specific metabolic changes are induced by juice preparation. The feasibility of HR-MAS NMR-based multivariate analysis is demonstrated by a study distinguishing three different apple cultivars by principal component analysis (PCA). Preliminary results are shown from subsequent studies comparing three different cultivation methods by means of PCA and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) of the HR-MAS NMR data. The compounds responsible for discriminating organically grown apples are discussed. Finally, an outlook of our ongoing work is given including a longitudinal study on apples.
Recently, we have demonstrated that considerable inherent sensitivity gains are attained in MAS NMR spectra acquired by nonuniform sampling (NUS) and introduced maximum entropy interpolation (MINT) processing that assures the linearity of transformation between the time and frequency domains. In this report, we examine the utility of the NUS/MINT approach in multidimensional datasets possessing high dynamic range, such as homonuclear C-13-C-13 correlation spectra. We demonstrate on model compounds and on 1-73-(U-C-13,N-15)/74-108-(U-N-15) E. coli thioredoxin reassembly, that with appropriately constructed 50 % NUS schedules inherent sensitivity gains of 1.7-2.1-fold are readily reached in such datasets. We show that both linearity and line width are retained under these experimental conditions throughout the entire dynamic range of the signals. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the reproducibility of the peak intensities is excellent in the NUS/MINT approach when experiments are repeated multiple times and identical experimental and processing conditions are employed. Finally, we discuss the principles for design and implementation of random exponentially biased NUS sampling schedules for homonuclear C-13-C-13 MAS correlation experiments that yield high-quality artifact-free datasets.
PURPOSE: To perform baseline T(2) mapping of the hips of healthy volunteers, focusing on topographic variation, because no detailed study has involved hips. T(2) mapping is a quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique that evaluates cartilage matrix components. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Hips of 12 healthy adults (six men and six women; mean age = 29.5 +/- 4.9 years) were studied with a 3.0-Tesla MRI system. T(2) measurement in the oblique-coronal plane used a multi-spin-echo (MSE) sequence. Femoral cartilage was divided into 12 radial sections; acetabular cartilage was divided into six radial sections, and each section was divided into two layers representing the superficial and deep halves of the cartilage. T(2) of these sections and layers were measured. RESULTS: Femoral cartilage T(2) was the shortest (-20 degrees to 20 degrees and -10 degrees to 10 degrees , superficial and deep layers), with an increase near the magic angle (54.7 degrees ). Acetabular cartilage T(2) in both layers was shorter in the periphery than the other parts, especially at 20 degrees to 30 degrees . There were no significant differences in T(2) between right and left hips or between men and women. CONCLUSION: Topographic variation exists in hip cartilage T(2) in young, healthy adults. These findings should be taken into account when T(2) mapping is applied to patients with degenerative cartilage. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2007;26:165-171. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.