998 resultados para comportamento experimental


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The isolation of adjacent zones encountered during oilwell drilling is carried out by Portland-based cement slurries. The slurries are pumped into the annular positions between the well and the casing. Their rheological behavior is a very important component for the cementing process. Nowadays, several alternative materials are used in oilwell cementing, with goal the modification and the improvement of their properties, mainly the increase of the fluidity. And this can be reached by using plasticizers additives able to account for different oilwell conditions, yielding compatible cement slurries and allowing enough time for the complete cementing operation. If the rheological properties of the slurry are properly characterized, the load loss and flow regime can be correctly predicted. However, this experimental characterization is difficult. Rheological models capable of describing the cement slurry behavior must be capable of predicting the slurry cement deformation within reasonable accuracy. The aim of this study was to characterize rheologically the slurries prepared with a especial class of Portland cement, water and plasticizers based on lignosulfonate, melamine and polycarboxylate at temperatures varying from 27°C to 72°C. The tests were carried out according to the practical recommendations of the API RP 10B guidelines. The results revealed a great efficiency and the dispersive power of the polycarboxylate, for all temperatures tested. This additive promoted high fluidity of the slurries, with no sedimentation. High lignosulfonate and melamine concentrations did not reduce the rheological parameters (plastic viscosity and yield stress) of the slurries. It was verified that these additives were not compatible with the type of cement used. The evaluated rheological models were capable of describing the behavior of the slurries only within concentration and temperature ranges specific for each type of additive


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Foi estudada a possibilidade de redução nas doses recomendadas de herbicidas, isolados ou em misturas, sem afetar algumas características das plantas de soja (Santa Rosa), tais como o acúmulo total de matéria secada parte aérea (caule + ramos, folhas e vagens), índice de Area Foliar (IAF) e teores de macro e micronutrientes (Diagnose Foliar e nos grãos). O experimento foi ins talado em Solo Latos - sol Vermelho Escuro - fase arenosa, município de Jaboticabal, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, em vinte tratamentos e três repetições, te stando-se a dose total recomendad a e reduções de 25% e 50% de la , para o trifluralin, alachlor e metribuzin, isolados e em misturas. As doses recomendadas foram 0,86; 1,72 e 0,28 kg/ha de trifluralin, alachlor e metribuzin, respectivamente. As 'misturas com doses reduzidas, de tri - fluralin + metribuzin (0 ,6 5 + 0, 21 kg/h a) e alachlor + metribuzin (1 ,4 4 + 0, 21 kg /h a), apresentaram controle geral das plantas daninhas acima de 90% at é o 60 .° dia após a semeadura, sem apresentar fitotoxicida de ou efeitos deletérios nas plantas de soja. Além disso apresenta ram os melhores resultados relativos ao acúmulo de matéria seca na parte aérea, juntamente com as mesmas misturas nas doses padrões e testemunha capinada. A absorção de nutrientes também sempre foi maior nestes tratamentos , com maiores teores nas folhas, na matéria seca geral e nos grãos. O IAF alto e a sua manutenção por um período maior, nestes tratamentos, podem ter tido influência decisiva, com maior eficiência fotossintética das plantas.


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Soil improved with the addition of cement have been utilized as an alternative to the construction of various types of geotechnical works, almost always present economic and environmental advantages. This paper presents a study on the usage of cement in the improvement of mechanical properties of sandy soils, characteristic of the region of Natal, collected from its dunes. This research was made in order to analyze the influence of cement content, voids, and also including water immersion and confining pressure. Samples molded from cement-soil mixtures were tested for unconfined compression tests and triaxial tests. The samples had the percentage of cement mixed in 2.5%, 5% and 10% by weight. The cement agent used was the Portland Cement of High Early strength(CPV-ARI), which promoted agility to the experimental procedure for presenting a rapid gain in strenght. The void ratio used ranged from 0.7 (more compact), 0,9 and 1,1(softer). The soil under study can be considered as pure sand. In general, it can be stated that the larger the amount of cement added to the sand studied is, the greater ultimate strength will be. Likewise, as more compact the soil is, the less void ratio and more resistant it will be present. The confining pressure tends to increase the resistance of the specimens. The cementing adopted grades showed that the use of different criteria for failure did not significantly alter the stress-strain parameters for the sand studied. The angle of friction values were found within the typical range of medium and compact sands. Cementing acted in the sand providing an intercepted cohesion which increased enhancing the potential cementation. In triaxial compression tests, the sand with void ratio is equal to 0.7 and showed the expected behavior for a compact sand while the stress-strain behavior of the same sand with the void ratio of 0.9 tended to be expected for the soft sand as well


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O desmatamento da floresta tropical da Amazônia e a utilização do solo para fins agrícolas potencializam sua degradação física, química e biológica, quando realizados de forma inadequada. Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de sistemas de uso e manejo de um Latossolo Amarelo, muito argiloso, mediante avaliações de atributos físicos determinados nas profundidades de 0,0-0,2 e 0,2-0,4 m, em área da Universidade do Amazonas, Manaus (AM). Os sistemas de uso e manejo foram: milho, laranja, pupunha, guaraná, pastagem, capoeira e floresta. Nos sistemas com milho, laranja, pupunha e pastagem, foram realizados o desmatamento, a queima e as operações de preparo e cultivo mecanizados. Foram avaliados a composição granulométrica, o grau de floculação da argila, o teor de matéria orgânica, a densidade de partículas, a densidade do solo, a porosidade total, a macro e microporosidade, e a infiltrações inicial e básica. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições. Os agroecossistemas, em ordem crescente: capoeira, guaraná, milho, laranja, pupunha e pastagem induziram uma degradação dos atributos físicos do solo cultivado em relação ao de floresta, quantificada pelos maiores valores de densidade do solo e menores de macroporosidade, infiltração de água e matéria orgânica.


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Estudou-se, através do presente trabalho, o efeito de épocas de semeadura sobre o comportamento de diversas leguminosas, comumente utilizadas na prática da adubação verde. O delineamento experimental usado no campo foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas com 40 tratamentos, constituídos pela combinação de 10 leguminosas com 4 épocas de semeadura. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que para todas as leguminosas avaliadas, as épocas de semeadura influenciaram a produção de matéria seca total, sobressaindo a mucuna preta (Stizolobiun aterrimum) na semeadura de janeiro e o guandu (Cajanus cajan) cv. FAJ e cv. Paraíba na semeadura de outubro. A mucuna preta constituiu-se na melhor opção para rotação com culturas de verão de ciclo curto.


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The Ethernet technology dominates the market of computer local networks. However, it was not been established as technology for industrial automation set, where the requirements demand determinism and real-time performance. Many solutions have been proposed to solve the problem of non-determinism, which are based mainly on TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access), Token Passing and Master-Slave. This work of research carries through measured of performance that allows to compare the behavior of the Ethernet nets when submitted with the transmissions of data on protocols UDP and RAW Ethernet, as well as, on three different types of Ethernet technologies. The objective is to identify to the alternative amongst the protocols and analyzed Ethernet technologies that offer to a more satisfactory support the nets of the industrial automation and distributed real-time application


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O leiteiro é uma planta daninha que ocorre em pastagens, de importância crescente no Brasil e que reproduz-se por sementes. Com o objetivo de conhecer o comportamento germinativo dessa espécie, as sementes foram colocadas para germinar sobre papel, em temperaturas constantes de 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 e 40ºC, sem ou com luz (78 µmol s-1m-2/8h). Para a avaliação dos tratamentos, foram contabilizadas, semanalmente, o número de sementes germinadas (G), considerando-se a protrusão de 1cm de raiz primária, até que cessasse a germinação em todos os tratamentos (63 dias após a semeadura) e, determinou-se o índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG). Após esse período, as sementesforam transferidas para a temperatura de 30ºC com luz (condição favorável detectada na etapa anterior) e realizou-se contagem semanal até que a germinação cessasse novamente, em todos os tratamentos (91 dias após a semeadura), quando foram contabilizadas as sementes mortas (M) e as sementes quiescentes (Q). Os resultados indicaram que as sementes de leiteiro foram indiferentes à luz. A temperatura ótima de germinação para a espécie situou-se entre 25 e 30ºC (G=85%, M=15% e IVG=34). Nas temperaturas extremas de 15ºC (G=0%; Q=78%; M=22%) e 40 ºC (G=0%; Q=0% e M=100%) não houve a germinação das sementes.


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A technological alternative for the correct disposal of tires is the use in the construction of embankment with soil and shredded tires. The use of waste tires in tropical soils requires prior knowledge of the properties and limitations of these materials. In this work, the results of an experimental program was devised to characterize the behavior of mixtures of waste tires and a lateritic soil. The residue used in this study is classified as tire buffings with an average size of 1.4 mm. The laboratory program included testing of particle size analysis, Atterberg limits, compaction, direct shear tests, permeability and confined compression tests with pure soil, pure tire and the mixtures. Proportions of 0% (pure soil), 10%, 20%, 40%, 50 % and 100% (pure tire) by weight were used. For the confining stress levels used in the study, the presence of tire residue provided a considerable increase in shear strength of the mixture. The maximum shear strength was obtained for a residue content of 40% by weight. Permeability tests on samples of waste under a confining stress of 100 kPa showed that the permeability increases significantly with increasing residue content until a residue content of 20%. The increase in permeability after that value showed to be negligible. Confined compression tests showed that the soil mixed with tire residue becomes more compressible than the pure soil. The secant constrained modulus (Msec) for the same vertical stress decreases with increasing percentage of residue.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A prática de exercício físico proporciona aumento da produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) resultantes do metabolismo aeróbio e, gera uma quantidade significativa de calor, em conseqüência da produção de energia, resultando em sobrecarga orgânica. A associação entre ERO e exercício, e entre exercício e variações da temperatura ambiente têm sido estudadas, contudo, há escassez de informações que considere a associação entre produção de radicais livres no miocárdio e atividade física em temperatura elevada. OBJETIVO: Comparar a produção de ERO em miocárdio de ratos submetidos ao treinamento de baixa intensidade em diferentes temperaturas. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 20 ratos Wistar, machos, jovens, peso (250 a 280g), divididos em quatro grupos: G1 (n = 5) expostos ao treinamento e calor (39º ± 1C); G2 (n = 5) expostos somente ao calor durante o mesmo período de G1, sem treinamento; G3 (n = 5) expostos ao treinamento em temperatura ambiente (22º ± 1C); G4 (n = 5) expostos à temperatura ambiente sem treinamento. O treinamento foi realizado em esteira rolante climatizada por cinco semanas, evoluindo 5 minutos a cada duas sessões finalizando em 60 minutos em baixa intensidade 8m/min. O ambiente foi controlado entre 39 ± 1ºC e 22 ± 1ºC e entre 40 e 60 % de umidade relativa. A lipoperoxidação foi avaliada por Quimiluminescência (QL). A análise dos dados foi realizada a partir do teste Two Way ANOVA para análise da QL e t de student para a Capacidade Antioxidante Total (TRAP). RESULTADOS: A análise da QL revelou uma curva de emissão de luz significantemente mais baixa para o grupo exposto ao exercício em normotermia comparado aos sedentários mantidos no calor. A análise da TRAP mostrou diminuição em todos os grupos experimentais em relação ao G4. CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que houve níveis menores de produção de ERO nos grupos submetidos somente ao calor ou somente ao exercício.


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The physiological variations of parameters in situations of laboral stress can function like indicator in the sprouting of disorder. Those conditions have led researchers to investigate alternatives that can favor the quality of life in persons under stress laboral. The present research had as objectives investigate the physiological behavior of parameters (blood pressure, heart hat and respiratory hat) of men and women in condition of stress laboral submitted to the technique Watsu. It was used a experimental methodology with a group formed by men and women in reproductive age, that work as salesclerk in a supermarket net in Natal/RN. The seven individuals selected were submitted to the three phases of the study (dependent groups), that consisted of the phase 1 of obtaining from the measure basal (control 1), in the phase 2 of immersion in the water (control 2), and phase 3 from the application the technique Watsu (experimental phase). It was verified that during the phase basal (condition 1) the physiological parameters (BPS, BPD, HH and RH) of both sexes evaluated showed the medium values of the women (average±detour-standard: BSP = 104.1±7.92; BPD = 70.83 ±7.92; HH = 77.58 ±3.87; RH = 19.83 ±2.58) similar those presented by the men (BPS = 118.75 ±7.55; BPD = 75.00 ±9.91; HH = 71.75 ±14.95; RH = 16.62 ±3.99). The evaluation of those parameters before and after immersion of the volunteers in the water (condition 2) showed a significant reduction (W = 3.0: p≤0.05) barely for the values of BPS presented by the sex females after immersion. In the men group, all of the physiological parameters analyzed did not vary significantly. Regarding the profile of those variables before and after application of the watsu (condition 3), was verified a significant increase (W= 0,0: p≤0.05) for the BPS one and SABP in the women. The Men did not show significant variation for all of the physiological parameters. Faced with the results presented, we are able to conclude that the systolic and diastolic blood pressures were the physiological parameters that are on influence from the Technique Watsu, only for the kind females


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Excessive alcohol consumption is responsible for many harmful effects on individuals and society. Despite years of research, the mechanisms by which alcohol affects neurological functions and the exact causes of cognitive impairment related to long-term use are unknown. In this sense, this master study proposed to observe how different doses of alcohol affect the addiction response and the learning ability of two fish species: Betta splendens and Danio rerio, the latter a commonly model due to organizational and functional characteristics shared with mammals. For this, different concentrations of ethanol (0%, 0.1%, 0.25%, 1% and 1.5%) were used in acute, chronic and withdrawal treatments. We tested the fish in three experimental protocols: 1) alcohol addiction potential using conditioned place preference, 2) associative conditioning using light as unconditioned stimulus and food as conditioned stimulus and 3) spatial learning using a maze without cues. For the alcohol addiction potential, preference between two different places in a shuttle box was tested before and after alcohol exposure (chronic and acute). In this test, the animals intoxicated by 0.1% did not change behavior, while animals receiving 1% and 1.5% alcohol changed the initial preference to the side where they received alcohol For the associative conditioning, the results show that the groups undergoing low dose (0.1%), both in chronic and withdrawal treatment, learned the task faster than control; groups under 0.25 and 1% alcohol withdrawal learned the task after control; groups chronically intoxicated with these doses did not learn the task. For the spatial learning test, fish submitted to acute and chronic treatments decreased the time to exit the maze; there were significant differences in the animal s performance in a dose-dependent pattern. This difference was not observed for the withdrawal treatment. Given these results, we conclude that the effects of alcohol on learning are dependent on the dosage. Furthermore, low doses of alcohol seem to maximize animal performance on learning tasks and do not alter their seeking behavior, while higher doses induced addition and hinder learning


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One of the main environmental cues for the adjustment of temporal organization of the animals is the light-dark cycle (LD), which undergoes changes in phase duration throughout the seasons. Photoperiod signaling by melatonin in mammals allows behavioral changes along the year, as in the activity-rest cycle, in mood states and in cognitive performance. The aim of this study was to investigate if common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) exhibits behavioral changes under short and long photoperiods in a 24h cycle, assessing their individual behaviors, vocal repertoire, exploratory activity (EA), recognition memory (RM) and the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity (CRA). Eight adult marmosets were exposed to a light-dark cycle of 12:12; LD 08:16; LD 12:12 and LD 16:08, sequentially, for four weeks in each condition. Locomotor activity was recorded 24h/day by passive infrared motion detectors above the individual cages. A video camera system was programmed to record each animal, twice a week, on the first two light hours. From the videos, frequency of behaviors was registered as anxiety-like, grooming, alert, hanging position, staying in nest box and feeding using continuous focal animal sampling method. Simultaneously, the calls emitted in the experimental room were recorded by a single microphone centrally located and categorized as affiliative (whirr, chirp), contact (phee), long distance (loud shrill), agonistic (twitter) and alarm (tsik, seep, see). EA was assessed on the third hour after lights onset on the last week of each condition. In a first session, marmosets were exposed to one unfamiliar object during 15 min and 24h later, on the second session, a novel object was added to evaluate RM. Results showed that long days caused a decreased of amplitude and period variance of the CRA, but not short days. Short days decreased the total daily activity and active phase duration. On long days, active phase duration increased due to an advance of activity onset in relation to symmetric days. However, not all subjects started the activity earlier on long days. The activity offset was similar to symmetric days for the majority of marmosets. Results of EA showed that RM was not affected by short or long days, and that the marmosets exhibited a decreased in duration of EA on long days. Frequency and type of calls and frequency of anxiety-like behaviors, staying in nest box and grooming were lower on the first two light hours on long days. Considering the whole active phase of marmosets as we elucidate the results of vocalizations and behaviors, it is possible that these changes in the first two light hours are due to the shifting of temporal distribution of marmoset activities, since some animals did not advance the activity onset on long days. Consequently, the marmosets mean decreased because the sampling was not possible. In conclusion, marmosets synchronized the CRA to the tested photoperiods and as the phase angle varied a lot among marmosets it is suggested that they can use different strategies. Also, long days had an effect on activity-rest cycle and exploratory behaviors


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The clay swelling is today one of the major problems during the well drilling. Nearly 50% of clays that constitute shale expand easily in the presence of water molecules. During the drilling of a geological formation containing swelling clays, when is feasible the use of water base fluids, it is necessary to apply clay inhibitors. This avoids the incorporation of the cutting to the drilling fluid which is responsible for the wall swelling and crumbling. The aim of this work was to evaluate the synergistic behavior that occurs when swelling clay inhibitors are associated to NaCl and KCl salts. Three swelling clay inhibitors samples, INIB A, INIB B and INIB C, were analyzed. Each inhibitor was characterized by the amount of chlorides and active matter content. For the water-clay interaction evaluation in the presence of various fluids, it was used the Capillary Suction Timer (CST, Fann) and Linear Swell Meter (LSM 2000, Fann). For better interpretation of results, a Design of Experiments (DOE, Umetrics MODDE 7.0 TM) through Result Surface Methodology (RSM) was employed, taking into account the type, the swelling inhibitors concentration and the contact time with the clay. The results showed different efficiencies among the inhibitors employed, and the salt-inhibitors mixtures were more efficient than those products alone. However, for field operation, other parameters should be taking into account, as operational cost, environmental requests and time of application for each product


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da época da semeadura no comportamento de diferentes cultivares de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) de sequeiro (IAC 201, Carajás, Guarani, IAC 202, CNA 7800, CNA 7801, Caiapó, Rio Paranaíba e Araguaia) irrigados por aspersão, quanto à produção e qualidade dos grãos. As sementes foram semeadas no início da segunda quinzena dos meses de setembro, outubro, novembro, dezembro, janeiro e fevereiro. Os experimentos foram instalados no Município de Selvíria, MS, durante os anos agrícolas 1995/96 e 1996/97. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. O controle da irrigação foi realizado por meio de tensiômetros, e a suplementação hídrica foi realizada quando o potencial matricial atingiu -0,033 MPa, durante a fase reprodutiva e -0,058 MPa, nas demais fases. de acordo com os resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que as cultivares CNA 7801, Carajás, IAC 201, CNA 7800 e IAC 202 apresentaram comportamento superior; a semeadura realizada em novembro propiciou produtividade mais elevada; semeaduras antecipadas (setembro-outubro) ou retardada (fevereiro) resultaram em menores índices de acamamento; as cultivares IAC 202, CNA 7800 e CNA 7801 apresentaram ausência ou baixo índice de acamamento, nas diferentes épocas de semeadura e, a semeadura retardada (fevereiro) proporcionou a obtenção de maior rendimento de inteiros.