368 resultados para compattificazione compatto localmente compatto
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This monograph presents the data of geological mapping, structural and economic research of an area of about 230 km², in the outskirts of Jacutinga / MG, south of Minas Gerais State and adjacent areas of the northeastern state of São Paulo, in compliance with the discipline of Graduation Course of Geology at the Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences. It consists of Socorro-Guaxupé Nappe, developed in response to the collision of cratons Parana and Sao Francisco (630 Ma ago), with mass transit to the east, affected by the coexistence of a system pushes later, with convergence to Northwest, giving rise to the intricate area of interference of the two provinces. Locally there metasedimentary rocks of molasse basin of Proterozoic- Phanerozoic transition called Eleutério; Intrusive, equigranular and porphyroid granits, polyphase, and predominantly granodioritic migmatites Anatexia of structures with different neossomas predominantly granodioritic to granitic in Group Amparo, paragneisses arcosianos, greywacke, aluminous , calc-silicate, mica schists and migmatites of the aluminous migmatites and Itapira Anatexia of multi-phase, with neossomas predominantly granodiorite, with intercalations orthogneissic homogeneous granitic to tonalitic porphyroid composition of the Amparo. We tried to draw a geological map, semi-structural detail of the area in focus, with location of mineral occurrences economically viable operation. Furthermore, this study aims to train students in basic and applied geology, using techniques learned during the undergraduate course.
A Zona de Falha de Cássia constitui um feixe de falhas de direção preferencial NW-SE e aproximadamente 2 km de largura. Dados de campo, petrográficos e microestruturais evidenciam uma longa história deformacional da zona de falha. Assim, foram caracterizadas três fases de atividade/movimentação da Zona de Falha de Cássia. A primeira fase (précambriana) é caracterizada por deformação em regime dúctil, acarretando na geração de milonitos formados em condições metamórficas de fácies xisto verde. Este é o estágio de formação da falha, apresentando caráter transcorrente oblíqua, com movimentação sinistral inversa. A segunda fase corresponde a uma reativação da zona de falha como uma falha normal, com bloco alto a NE e bloco baixo a SW da referida estrutura. Seu registro é dado pela ocorrência localizada de brechas e cataclasitos. Este episódio de deformação eminentemente rúptil é correlacionado com o Soerguimento do Alto Paranaíba, o que indica movimentação da falha no Neocretáceo. A terceira e última fase é marcada pela formação de depósitos sedimentares plio-pleistocênicos compostos por brecha sedimentar de leques aluviais e sedimentos argilosos lacustres. Tais depósitos são interpretados como originados pelo represamento da drenagem subatual e conseqüente mudança do nível de base local, em decorrência de uma reativação da Zona de Falha de Cássia. O referido pacote sedimentar apresenta-se localmente cortado por fraturas, zonas brechadas e falhas, caracterizando atividade neotectônica na região. Além disso, foi mostrada a forte influência da zona de falha no desenvolvimento da paisagem da região, sendo constatada a inversão do relevo e da drenagem na área estudada.
The regional geological work for the oil industry, in order to find potential areas for hydrocarbon exploration and understand the geological parameters responsible for the formation of the deposit are known importance. This work fits into that scenario, with regional research with the aid of wells and 2D and 3D seismic sold by DBEP (Database Exploration and Production). Were also used as GeoGraphix software package Landmarks modules Prizm and SeisWork 2D and 3D, and the Surfer 8 and ArcGIS 9.2 with the infrastructure provided by the 05 PRH - ANP with LSGI (Laboratory of Seismic and Geological Interpretation) located at UNESP -- Campus de Rio Claro. The work focuses on study the trend of oil-Badejo-Linguado-Pampo, producing fields since the beginning of offshore holdings. The Campos Basin is now known as the offshore basin of the country more productive, and the high structural Badejo is a structure of great importance in the basin presents itself as largely responsible for the conditioning of hydrocarbon fields Pampo, Linguado and Badejo. Therefore this work also aims to increase knowledge of the region in terms of tectonic and stratigraphic characterize the geometry of the structures associated with this major regional structure. For this we used structural contour maps of the main chrono-horizons, and Isopach maps for the purpose of better understanding the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Campos Basin locally.
The stomach is an exceptional organ, which functions are sterilize food ingested, form the primitive bolus, digest lipids and proteins, and to store food temporarily in the gastrointestinal tract. Its capacity of digesting food without digesting itself is amazing. This fact occurs due to innumerous protective substances adjacent to the gastric mucosa. When aggressive factors overwhelm the protective factors, a lesion in the gastric mucosa is formed. Lesions that reach the lamina propria are called gastric ulcers, which are classified macroscopically as openings on the gastric wall and; microscopically, as a gastric injury characterized with epithelial desquamation, mucosal hemorrhage, glandular damage and eosinophilic infiltration. The current therapy available is effective, although it causes collateral effects, therefore researching new drugs is necessary. This work aim to evaluate the gastroprotective effect of epicatechin against gastric lesions induced by absolute ethanol and non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which are the main causes of this disease currently, yet we aim to study the main mechanisms of action responsible for the gastroprotective effect. The results show that epicatechin has a significant macroscopic and microscopic gastroprotective effect against gastric injuries induced by ethanol and indomethacin, acting locally by augmenting gastric mucus secretion and it also acts via antioxidant system by holding total glutathione levels. Epicatechin’s gastroprotective mechanisms depend on the activation of sulfhydryl compounds and doesn’t depend on the NO-synthase enzyme
The study area is includes in the geological context of Arenópolis Magmatic Arc, a region where there are neoproterozoic associations of granodioritic and tonalitic composiotion. (Ortogneisses of the western Goiás) and sequences metavolcanic-sedimentary (Jaupaci Metavolcanic-sedimentary Sequence ). In the mapped area, both units are covered by a cover-laterite. The Ortogneisses from Goiás West consist of a source granodioritic gneisses, corresponding to the Biotite granodiorite gneisse, and also by tonalitic gneiss composition corresponding to Metatonalit. The Jaupaci Metavolcanic-sedimentary Sequence is formed by Chlorite Schist (Metabasalt), Biotite Schist (Metadacite) and Sericite Schist (Metarhyolite), and even intrusions Sin/Tardi e Post Tectonic, granite to diorite composition (Diorites), and alson tonalitic (Bacilandia Tonalite). Post tectonic intrusions are observed, wich were Hornblend Diorite Porphyry and Lamprophyres, Structural analysis allowed the identification of three deformational events, Dn-1, Dn and Post-Dn. The first event is associated with a bygone foliation, lineation which generates an intersectional event, generating the foliation Sn, this being the most important structure in the study area, generating even the type mineral lineation and stretch. The last deformational event is characterized by folds on different scales, affecting the Sn foliation. The rocks of the region have features s active hydrothermal and regional metamorphism, and are composed os assembly indicative of mineralogical facies metamorphism Green Schist, in chlotite zone, with evidence of retro metamorphism. Locally there are sulfides as pyrite, arsenopyrit and pyrhotite, and te mineralization is associated with the arsenopyrite
The majority of the population knows their role in dengue control, preventing the accumulation of water in containers as potential breeding sites of Aedes aegypti, the main vector of dengue. Also known chemical control, widely used by the institutions responsible for the control of endemic diseases. On the other hand, unaware that an alternative measure such biological control through a microbial biopesticide, safe, harmless to health and the environment, can be adopted. Thus, this work reported for elementary school students, simply and clearly, the biological control of mosquitoes through bacterial biopesticide produced locally. Moreover, promoted the interdisciplinary teaching of science and mathematics through the data tabulation and charting on interviews conducted by students, about the level of knowledge of the population about dengue and other related variables.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The internationalization of research and development (R&D) activities has been lifted to an eminent role over the last years, how confirm the greater intensity of R&D investment inflows into countries other than the home countries of the multinational enterprises (MNE). As the industrialization of the Brazilian economy has been marked by the presence of MNE, this paper aims to discuss some characteristics of the Brazilian subsidiaries of foreign MNE concerning R&D activities. To do so, we draw on a comprehensive survey applied to MNE affiliates in Brazil in 2006. It allows us to describe the locally-conducted R&D activities, its specificities and perspectives of future inversions. Among its findings, there are evidences pointing that in Brazil the R&D internationalization the phases of investment in manufactures and in R&D may occur almost simultaneously, depending on the sector s involvement in the globalization process.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A família Caprimulgidae apresenta distribuição cosmopolita, porém as regiões mais quentes, como os neotrópicos, detêm a maior diversidade de espécies. Ocorrem em quase todos os tipos de hábitat. São aves basicamente insetívoras, de hábitos noturnos (maioria das espécies). Os conhecimentos a cerca desta família são, ainda, escassos. O bacurau-chintã (Hydropsalis parvula) pertence a esta família de aves e, do mesmo modo, pouco se sabe sobre sua biologia. O presente estudo teve o intuito de trazer novas informações sobre comportamento de forrageamento, uso de poleiros e a distribuição da espécie no Brasil. Os estudos de campo foram realizados durante o segundo semestre dos anos de 2011 a 2013, no período noturno, em uma área situada aos fundos do campus da UNESP de Rio Claro, SP. Os aspectos referentes à forrageamento e uso de poleiros foram anotados em planilhas de campo, sendo posteriormente compilados em planilhas eletrônicas e analisados em software de análises estatísticas. A distribuição da espécie foi estudada por meio da compilação de registros em meios eletrônicos (bases de dados e buscas online) referências bibliográficas e registros cedidos por terceiros. As datas de chegada e saída da espécie para a área de estudo foram registradas com o objetivo de identificar o período de permanência da mesma no local, já que a espécie é localmente migratória. Foram observados: 55 eventos de forrageamento, dos quais 45 foram considerados independentes e incluídos nas análises; e 58 eventos de uso de poleiro (todos incluídos nas análises). Foram compilados 767 registros da espécie, distribuídos por todos os estados brasileiros e um mapa de distribuição foi elaborado. As datas de chegada da espécie à área de estudo foram obtidas para os anos de 2009 a 2014 e as de saída para os anos de 2010 a 2012. A espécie raramente usa poleiros verticais preferindo os horizontais ou inclinados; vocaliza com mais...
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Ameloblastomas are benign, invasive locally and highly recurrent. It is an odontogenic tumor, characterized by the proliferation of epithelial ameloblastic in a fibrous stroma. This paper reports a case of mandibular ameloblastoma, in patients 27 years of age without pain with developments around 4 years, with about 20 mm at its greatest extent, sessile base and surface coatings full. The treatment of choice was the surgical conservative