992 resultados para cation exchange capacity (CEC)
An experimental short-term acidification with HCl at a first-order stream in central Maine, USA was used to study processes controlling the changes in stream chemistry and to assess the ability of stream substrate to buffer pH. The streambed exerted a strong buffering capacity against pH change by ion exchange during the 6-hour acidification. Streambed substrates had substantial cation and anion exchange capacity in the pH range of 4.1 to 6.5. The ion exchange for cations and SO42- were rapid and reversible. The speed of release of cations from stream substrates was Na1+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > Aln+ > Be2+, perhaps relating to charge density of these cations. Ca2+ desorption dominated neutralisation of excess H+ for the first 2 hr. As the reservoir of exchangeable Ca diminished, desorption land possibly dissolution) of Al3+ became the dominant neutralising mechanism. The exchangeable land possibly soluble) reservoir of Al was not depleted during the 6-hour acidification. Sulphate adsorption during the acidification reduced the concentration of SO42- in stream water by as much as 20 mu eq L-1 (from 70 mu eq L-1). Desorption of SO42- and adsorption of base cat ions after the artificial acidification resulted in a prolongation of the pH depression. The streambed had the capacity to buffer stream water chemistry significantly during an acidifying event affecting the entire upstream catchment.
Experimental data obtained show that oceanic and marine ferromanganese nodules and crusts are natural ion-exchangers. Exchange capacity of oceanic ferromanganese aggregates is much higher than that of shallow-water marine ones, whereas reactivities of exchange cations (Na, K, Ca, and Mg) are almost equal in both.
El suelo es un importante recurso natural que necesita ser preservado y mejorado para permitirle mantener su calidad y capacidad productiva, para ello se deben proponer y aplicar prácticas sostenibles que permitan recuperar aquellos suelos degradados por un mal manejo del hombre, como por ejemplo la salinización. El objetivo planteado fue evaluar la biorecuperación de un suelo con problemas salino-sódico con la aplicación de dos proporciones (1,5 y 3% (p/p)) de tres enmiendas orgánicas: compost, vermicompost sólido y Lemna mesclados o no con el 100% de los requerimientos de fosfoyeso, generándose 15 tratamientos (incluyendo tres controles). La evaluación se realizó a través de tres ensayos: 1. Columnas simuladas de suelo. 2. Evolución de CO2 y 3. Crecimiento de plántulas de tomate. El suelo objeto de estudio está clasificado my como Fluventic Haplustepts, y fue tomado de una zona de la Hacienda Alto Viento, con una latitud de 10° 2' 15 N y una longitud de 72 ° 34' 15 W, en el estado de Zulia – Venezuela. Se tomó una muestra compuesta por 20 submuestras de 20 cm de profundidad del área problema, se secó al aire (2,3% de humedad), se tamizó y homogenizó. El suelo y las enmiendas orgánicas fueron caracterizadas. Los materiales orgánicos; compost y vermicompost fueron procesados en la misma Hacienda con el uso de estiércol de ganado bovino; la Lemna fue recolectada de orillas del Lago de Maracaibo en la ciudad de Maracaibo. El suelo se mezcló a las proporciones indicadas se le midió respiración basal y el efecto sobre la germinación de semillas de tomate y se empaquetó en un tubo de polietileno de 7,1 cm de diámetro y 70 a 90 cm de longitud, según la altura de la mezcla del suelo con la enmienda. El fondo de cada columna fue rellenado con 40 cm de arena lavada para facilitar el drenaje. En cada columna se utilizó la misma cantidad de suelo (1055 mg), la altura que ocupó dentro de las columnas dependió del tipo de enmienda orgánica y su proporción, la cual modificó la Da del suelo (1,328±0,05 g•cm-3). La altura dentro de la columna varió desde 20 cm para el suelo sin enmienda hasta 38,33±0,8 cm para el suelo enmendado con Lemna al 3,0%. Transcurrido el periodo de tres meses tiempo en el cual el suelo enmendado y colocado en las columnas fue lavado con una cantidad de agua que equivalente a la tasa de infiltración, la cual se calculó a partir de la precipitación anual de la zona y las perdidas por evaporación y escorrentía; se fraccionó en tres secciones de 7, 7 y 6 cm de longitud, y el suelo de cada fracción se secó al aire y se tamizó, y se le midió CEextr, pH, cationes en solución y cationes extraíbles para calcular el RAS y el PSI. Se tomó una cantidad equivalente de cada sección para conformar una muestra de 50 g de suelos a los cuales se le midió respiración basal e igualmente se tomó suelo para evaluar la germinación y crecimiento de plántulas de tomate. Se detectaron diferencias significativa (p<0,05) entre tratamientos, según la prueba de Tukey, para la variables evaluadas, aunque no hubo diferencias entre las proporciones ni entre la utilización del fosfoyeso mezclado con las enmiendas orgánicas. La enmienda que mostró menos potencial en la bio remediación fue la Lemna por sus altos contenidos de Na+. La metodología de las columnas simuladas del suelo, bajo las condiciones de estudio, no fue del todo adecuada para evaluar la bio remediación debido que en el suelo control por efecto de la aplicación de agua también hubo recuperación del mismo por su disminución en el la CE, RAS y PSI y en algunas variables su recuperación fue mayor que en aquellos enmendados con Lemna. Tomando en la respuesta del cultivo la mejor enmienda fue el vermicompost Abstract The soil is an important natural resource that needs to be preserved and improved to maintain its quality and production potential. Therefore, it is necessary to propose and apply sustainable practices that permit the recovery of soils that have been degraded by inadequate management, among these saline soils. The objective of this study was to evaluate the bioremediation of a saline-sodic soil through the application of two proportions (1,5 and 3% (p/p) of three organic amendments: compost, vermicompost and Lemna, mixed or not with gypsum phosphate, resulting in 15 treatments (including 3 controls). The evaluation was conducted through three tests: 1. Simulated soil columns. 2. Evolution of CO2 and 3. Growth of tomato seedlings The soil under evaluation was classified as Fluventic Haplustepts and was collected from the Alto Viento farm located at 10° 2' 15 North Latitude and 72° 34' 15 West longitude, in Zulia State, Venezuela. A composite soil sample, integrated of 20 subsamples taken to a depth of 20 cm collected in the problem area, was air dried (2.3 % moisture), sieved and homogenized. Soil and organic amendments were characterized. Organic material for the compost and vermicompost were obtained on the farm using cattle manure, whereas the Lemna was collected from the shores of Lake Maracaibo outside Maracaibo city. The soil was mixed in the above-mentioned proportions and its baseline respiration rate and effect on the germination of tomato seeds were recorded. Soil was packed in a PVC pipe (7,1 cm diameter and 70-90 cm length) to simulate a soil column. The bottom of each column was filled out with 40 cm of washed sand to facilitate drainage. The same amount of soil was used in each column (1,055 mg), but the height of the column varied according to the organic amendment and its proportion, which modified the apparent density of the soil (1,328±0,05 g•cm-3). The height of each column varied from 20 cm for the soil without amendment to 38,33±0,8 cm for the soil with 3% Lemna. After three months, the soil was treated with water (using the equivalent of the problem area infiltration rate), and was divided into three sections (7, 7 and 6 cm length). The soil from each section was air dried, sieved and its cationic exchange capacity, pH, cation solutions and extractable cations were measured to estimate RAS and PSI. An equivalent portion of each section was collected to compose a 50 g soil sample, and baseline respiration rate and tomato seedlings growth were recorded. Statistical differences (p<0,05) were observed among treatments for the variables under evaluation. Tukey test showed no differences among the proportions of organic amendments nor with the addition of gypsum phosphate to the organic amendments. The amendment which showed the lowest bioremediation potential was the Lemna, as a result of its high Na+ concentration. Under the conditions of this study, the soil column methodology used showed limitations to evaluate bioremediation because the control soil column, after being rinsed with water, also showed improvements as CE, RAS and PSI values were reduced. For some variables, the improvement noted in the control soil column surpassed those obtained with the soil amended with Lemna. Based on the best crop response amendment was vermicompost 3%.
Se ha estudiado la determinación de especies de arsénico y de contenidos totales de arsénico y metales pesados, específicamente cadmio, cromo, cobre, níquel, plomo y cinc, en muestras de interés medioambiental por su elevada capacidad acumuladora de metales, concretamente algas marinas comestibles y plantas terrestres procedentes de suelos contaminados por la actividad minera. La determinación de contenidos totales se ha llevado a cabo mediante espectrometría de emisión atómica con plasma de acoplamiento inductivo (ICP‐AES), así como por espectrometría de fluorescencia atómica con generación de hidruros (HG‐AFS), para bajos contenidos de arsénico. Las muestras fueron mineralizadas en medio ácido y calentamiento en horno de microondas. Los métodos fueron validados a través de su aplicación a materiales de referencia de matriz similar a la de las muestras, certificados en contenidos totales de los elementos seleccionados. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron su elevada capacidad de bioabsorción, especialmente en relación a los elevados contenidos de arsénico encontrados en algunas especies de algas pardas (Phaeophytas). En las plantas, se calcularon los factores de translocación, acumulación y biodisponibilidad de los elementos estudiados, permitiendo identificar a la especie Corrigiola telephiifolia como posible acumuladora de plomo e hiperacumuladora de arsénico. La determinación de especies de arsénico hidrosolubles en las muestras objeto de estudio, se llevó a cabo por cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia (HPLC) acoplado a ICP‐AES, HG‐ICP‐AES y HG‐AFS, incluyendo una etapa previa de foto‐oxidación. Los métodos desarrollados, mediante intercambio aniónico y catiónico, permitieron la diferenciación de hasta once especies de arsénico. Para el análisis de las muestras, fue necesaria la optimización de métodos de extracción, seleccionándose la extracción asistida por microondas (MAE) con agua desionizada. Asimismo, se realizaron estudios de estabilidad de arsénico total y de las especies hidrosolubles presentes en las algas, tanto sobre la muestra sólida como en sus extractos acuosos, evaluando las condiciones de almacenamiento adecuadas. En el caso de las plantas, la aplicación del diseño factorial de experimentos permitió optimizar el método de extracción y diferenciar entre las especies de arsénico presentes en forma de iones sencillos de mayor movilidad y el arsénico más fuertemente enlazado a componentes estructurales. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron identificar la presencia de arseniato (As(V)) y arsenito (As(III)) en las plantas, así como de ácido monometilarsónico (MMA) y óxido de trimetilarsina (TMAO) en algunas especies. En la mayoría de las algas se encontraron especies tóxicas, tanto mayoritarias (arseniato) como minoritarias (ácido dimetilarsínico (DMA)), así como hasta cuatro arsenoazúcares. Los resultados obtenidos y su estudio a través de la legislación vigente, mostraron la necesidad de desarrollar una reglamentación específica para el control de este tipo de alimentos. La determinación de especies de arsénico liposolubles en las muestras de algas se llevó a cabo mediante HPLC, en modo fase inversa, acoplado a espectrometría de masas con plasma de acoplamiento inductivo (ICP‐MS) y con ionización por electrospray (ESI‐MS), permitiendo la elucidación estructural de estos compuestos a través de la determinación de sus masas moleculares. Para ello, fue necesaria la puesta a punto de métodos extracción y purificación de los extractos. La metodología desarrollada permitió identificar hasta catorce especies de arsénico liposolubles en las algas, tres de ellas correspondientes a hidrocarburos que contienen arsénico, y once a arsenofosfolípidos, además de dos especies desconocidas. Las masas moleculares de las especies identificadas fueron confirmadas mediante cromatografía de gases acoplada a espectrometría de masas (GC‐MS) y espectrometría de masas de alta resolución (HR‐MS). ABSTRACT The determination of arsenic species and total arsenic and heavy metal contents (cadmium, chromium, cooper, nickel, lead and zinc) in environmental samples, with high metal accumulator capacity, has been studied. The samples studied were edible marine algae and terrestrial plants from soils polluted by mining activities. The determination of total element contents was performed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP‐AES), as well as by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG‐AFS) for low arsenic contents. The samples studied were digested in an acidic medium by heating in a microwave oven. The digestion methods were validated against reference materials, with matrix similar to sample matrix and certified in total contents of the elements studied. The results showed the high biosorption capacity of the samples studied, especially regarding the high arsenic contents in some species of brown algae (Phaeophyta division). In terrestrial plants, the translocation, accumulation and bioavailability factors of the elements studied were calculated. Thus, the plant species Corrigiola telephiifolia was identified as possible lead accumulator and arsenic hyperaccumulator. The determination of water‐soluble arsenic species in the samples studied was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to ICP‐AES, HG‐ICP‐AES and HG‐AFS, including a prior photo‐oxidation step. The chromatographic methods developed, by anion and cation exchange, allowed us to differentiate up to eleven arsenic species. The sample analysis required the optimization of extraction methods, choosing the microwave assisted extraction (MAE) with deionized water. On the other hand, the stability of total arsenic and water‐soluble arsenic species in algae, both in the solid samples and in the water extracts, was studied, assessing the suitable storage conditions. In the case of plant samples, the application of a multivariate experimental design allowed us to optimize the extraction method and differentiate between the arsenic species present as simple ions of higher mobility and the arsenic more strongly bound to structural components. The presence of arsenite (As(III)) and arsenate (As(V)) was identified in plant samples, as well as monomethylarsonic acid (MMA) and trimethylarsine oxide (TMAO) in some cases. Regarding algae, toxic arsenic species were found in most of them, both As(V) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA), as well as up to four arsenosugars. These results were discussed according to the current legislation, showing the need to develop specific regulations to control this kind of food products. The determination of lipid‐soluble arsenic species in alga samples was performed by reversed‐phase HPLC coupled to inductively coupled plasma and electrospray mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS and ESI‐MS), in order to establish the structure of these compounds by determining the corresponding molecular masses. For this purpose, it was necessary to develop an extraction method, as well as a clean‐up method of the extracts. The method developed permitted the identification of fourteen lipid‐soluble arsenic compounds in algae, corresponding to three arsenic‐hydrocarbons and eleven arsenosugarphospholipids, as well as two unknown compounds. Accurate mass measurements of the identified compounds were performed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC‐MS) and high resolution mass spectrometry (HR‐MS).
Polymer/montmorillonite nanocomposites were prepared. Intercalation of 2-aminobenzene sulfonic acid with aniline monomers into montmorillonite modified by cation was followed by subsequent oxidative polymerization of monomers in the interlayer spacing. The clay was prepared by cation exchange process between sodium cation in (M–Na) and copper cation (M–Cu). XRD analyses show the manifestation of a basal spacing (d-spacing) for M–Cu changes depending on the inorganic cation and the polymer intercalated in the M–Cu structure. TGA analyses reveal that polymer/M–Cu composites is less stable than M–Cu. The conductivity of the composites is found to be 103 times higher than that for M–Cu. The microscopic examinations including TEM picture of the nanocomposite demonstrated an entirely different and more compatible morphology. Remarkable differences in the properties of the polymers have also been observed by UV–Vis and FTIR, suggesting that the polymer produced with presence of aniline has a higher degree of branching. The electrochemical behavior of the polymers extracted from the nanocomposites has been studied by cyclic voltammetry which indicates the electroactive effect of nanocomposite gradually increased with aniline in the polymer chain.
Onsite wastewater treatment systems aim to assimilate domestic effluent into the environment. Unfortunately failure of such systems is common and inadequate effluent treatment can have serious environmental implications. The capacity of a particular soil to treat wastewater will change over time. The physical properties influence the rate of effluent movement through the soil and its chemical properties dictate the ability to renovate effluent. A research project was undertaken to determine the role that physical and chemical soil properties play in predicting the long-term behaviour of soil under effluent irrigation and to determine if they have a potential function as early indicators of adverse effects of effluent irrigation on treatment sustainability. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis grouped the soils independently of their soil classifications and allowed us to distinguish the most suitable soils for sustainable long term effluent irrigation and determine the most influential soil parameters to characterise them. Multivariate analysis allowed a clear distinction between soils based on the cation exchange capacities. This in turn correlated well with the soil mineralogy. Mixed mineralogy soils in particular sodium or magnesium dominant soils are the most susceptible to dispersion under effluent irrigation. The soil Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP) was identified as a crucial parameter and was highly correlated with percentage clay, electrical conductivity, exchangeable sodium, exchangeable magnesium and low Ca:Mg ratios (less than 0.5).
Colored wastewater poses a challenge to the conventional wastewater treatment techniques. Solid-liquid phase adsorption has been found to be effective for the removal of dyes from effluent. In this paper, the ability of bentonite as an adsorbent for the removal of a commercial dye, Basic Red 2 (BR2), from an aqueous solution has been investigated under various experimental conditions. The adsorption kinetics was shown to be pseudo-second-order. It was found that bentonite had high adsorption capacity for BR2 due to cation exchange. The adsorption equilibrium data can be fitted well by the Langmuir adsorption isotherm model. The effect of the experimental parameters, such as temperature, salt, and pH was investigated through a number of batch adsorption experiments. It was found that the removal of dye increased with the increase in solution pH. However, the change of temperature (15-45 degrees C) and the addition of sodium chloride were found to have little effect on the adsorption process. The results show that electrostatic interactions are not dominant in the interaction between BR2 and bentonite. It was found that the adsorption was a rapid process with 80-90% of the dye removed within the first 2-3 min. Bentonite as an adsorbent is promising for color removal from wastewater.
Clay minerals, both natural and synthetic, have a wide range of applications. Smectite clays are not true insulators, their slight conductivity has been utilized by the paper industry in the development of mildly conducting paper. In particular, the synthetic hectorite clay, laponite, is employed to produce paper which is used in automated drawing offices where electro graphic printing is common. The primary objective of this thesis was to modify smectite clays, particularly laponite, to achieve enhanced conductivity. The primary objective was more readily achieved if the subsidiary objective of understanding the mechanism of conductivity was defined. The cyclic voltammograms of some cobalt complexes were studied in free solution and as clay modified electrodes to investigate the origin of electroactivity in clay modified electrodes. The electroactivity of clay modified electrodes prepared using our method can be attributed to ion pairs sorbed to the surface of the electrode, in excess of the cationic exchange capacity. However, some new observations were made concerning the co-ordination chemistry of the tri-2-pyridylamine complexes used which needed clarification. The a.c. conductivity of pressed discs of laponite RD was studied over the frequency range 12Hz- 100kHz using three electrode systems namely silver-loaded epoxy resin (paste), stainless-steel and aluminium. The a. c. conductivity of laponite consists of two components, reactive (minor) and ionic (major) which can be observed almost independently by utilizing the different electrode systems. When the temperature is increased the conductivity of laponite increases and the activation energy for conductivity can be calculated. Measurement of the conductivity of thin films of laponite RD in two crystal planes shows a degree of anisotropy in the a.c. conductivity. Powder X-ray diffraction and 119Sn Mossbauer spectroscopy studies have shown that attempts to intercalate some phenyltin compounds into laponite RD under ambient conditions result in the formation of tin(IV) oxide pillars. 119Sn Mossbauer data indicate that the order of effectiveness of conversion to pillars is in the order: Ph3SnCl > (Ph3Sn)2O, Ph2SnCl2 The organic product of the pillaring process was identified by 13C m.a.s.n.m.r. spectroscopy as trapped in the pillared lattice. This pillaring reaction is much more rapid when carried out in Teflon containers in a simple domestic microwave oven. These pillared clays are novel materials since the pillaring is achieved via neutral precursors rather than sacrificial reaction of the exchangeable cation. The pillaring reaction depends on electrophilic attack on the aryl tin bond by Brønsted acid sites within the clay. Two methods of interlamellar modification were identified which lead to enhanced conductivity of laponite, namely ion exchange and tin(IV) oxide pillaring. A monoionic potassium exchanged laponite shows a four fold increase in a.c. conductivity compared to sodium exchanged laponite RD. The increased conductivity is due to the appearence of an ionic component. The conductivity is independent of relative humidity and increases with temperature. Tin(IV) oxide pillared laponite RD samples show a significant increase in conductivity. Samples prepared from Ph2SnCl2 show an increase in excess of an order of magnitude. The conductivity of tin(IV) oxide pillared laponite samples is dominated by an ionic component.
Ion exchange resins are used for many purposes in various areas of science and commerce. One example is the use of cation exchange resins in the nuclear industry for the clean up of radioactively contaminated water (for example the removal of 137Cs). However, during removal of radionuclides, the resin itself becomes radioactively contaminated, and must be treated as Intermediate Level Waste. This radioactive contamination of the resin creates a disposal problem. Conventionally, there are two main avenues of disposal for industrial wastes, landfill burial or incineration. However, these are regarded as inappropriate for the disposal of the cation exchange resin involved in this project. Thus, a method involving the use of Fenton's Reagent (Hydrogen Peroxide/soluble Iron catalyst) to destroy the resin by wet oxidation has been developed. This process converts 95% of the solid resin to gaseous CO2, thus greatly reducing the volume of radioactive waste that has to be disposed of. However, hydrogen peroxide is an expensive reagent, and is a major component of the cost of any potential plant for the destruction of ion exchange resin. The aim of my project has been to discover a way of improving the efficiency of the destruction of the resin thus reducing the cost involved in the use of hydrogen peroxide. The work on this problem has been concentrated in two main areas:-1) Use of analytical techniques such as NMR and IR to follow the process of the hydrogen peroxide destruction of both resin beads and model systems such as water soluble calixarenes. 2) Use of various physical and chemical techniques in an attempt to improve the overall efficiency of hydrogen peroxide utilization. Examples of these techniques include UV irradiation, both with and without a photocatalyst, oxygen carrying molecules and various stirring regimes.
Cation exchange chromatography (CEX) is a well established strategy for the characterization of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). The optimization of mobile phase conditions is well described in the literature, but there is a lack of information about CEX stationary phases for the analysis of therapeutic proteins. The aim of this study was to compare five state-of-the-art CEX stationary phases based on the retention, selectivity and resolving power achieved in pH- and salt-gradient modes, with various therapeutic mAbs and their variants. The Sepax Antibodix WCX-NP3, Thermo MAbPac SCX-10 RS, YMC BioPro SP-F, Waters Protein-Pak Hi Res SP and Agilent Bio mAb NP1.7 SS were considered in this study. In terms of retention, the YMC Bio Pro SP-F material was the less retentive one, while the Agilent Bio mAb NP1.7 SS provides the highest retention. Regarding the selectivity achieved between the main mAbs isoforms and their variants, the Thermo MabPac SCX column generally gave the highest selectivity. Finally, it was hard to rank columns in term of kinetic performance since their performance is strongly solute (mAb) and elution mode (pH or salt gradient) dependent. However, the highest resolution--in most cases--was observed on the strong cation exchanger YMC Bio Pro SP-F material.
Protein purification plays a crucial role in biotechnology and biomanufacturing, where downstream unit operations account for 40%-80% of the overall costs. To overcome this issue, companies strive to simplify the separation process by reducing the number of steps and replacing expensive separation devices. In this context, commercially available polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) melt-blown nonwoven membranes have been developed as a novel disposable membrane chromatography support. The PBT nonwoven membrane is able to capture products and reduce contaminants by ion exchange chromatography. The PBT nonwoven membrane was modified by grafting a poly(glycidyl methacrylate) (GMA) layer by either photo-induced graft polymerization or heat induced graft polymerization. The epoxy groups of GMA monomer were subsequently converted into cation and anion exchangers by reaction with either sulfonic acid groups or diethylamine (DEA), respectively. Several parameters of the procedure were studied, especially the effect of (i) % weight gain and (ii) ligand density on the static protein binding capacity. Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) and human Immunoglobulin G (hIgG) were utilized as model proteins in the anion and cation exchange studies. The performance of ion exchange PBT nonwovens by HIG was evaluated under flow conditions. The anion- and cation- exchange HIG PBT nonwovens were evaluated for their ability to selectively adsorb and elute BSA or hIgG from a mixture of proteins. Cation exchange nonwovens were not able to reach a good protein separation, whereas anion exchange HIG nonwovens were able to absorb and elute BSA with very high value of purity and yield, in only one step of purification.
Studies about the inorganic nanoparticles applying for non-viral release of biological and therapeutic species have been intensified nowadays. This work reviews the preparation strategies and application of layered double hydroxides (LDH) as carriers for storing, carrying and control delivery of intercalated species as drugs and DNA for gene therapy. LDH show low toxicity, biocompatibility, high anion exchange capacity, surface sites for functionalization, and a suitable equilibrium between chemical stability and biodegradability. LDH can increase the intercalated species stability and promote its sub-cellular uptake for biomedical purposes. Concerning the healthy field, LDH have been evaluated for clinical diagnosis as a biosensor component.
The transport of liquid and gaseous pollutants through porous geological media depends on the physical and chemical characteristics of the unconsolidated material, rocks and water associated with the characteristics of the pollutants. Of these characteristics, the sorption aspect is of fundamental importance and is a function of the mineral proportions, pH, Eh and void aspects encountered in the porous media. In the Sao Carlos region, located in the eastern-central part of the 9 ate of Sao Paulo, Brazil, there are basically two types of unconsolidated materials: the first is a residual from sandstones cemented with fines and the secondarily composed of claystones, siltstones and conglomerates from the Cretaceous Period that constitute the Itaqueri Formation; the second is a sandy sediment of the Tertiary Period. These geological conditions are found in areas where chemical products are disposed of characterized as either diffuse or point pollutions sources. Because of this situation, a study was developed to evaluate the sorption aspects of some inorganic cations that are frequently found in these sources, in varied concentrations. Taken into consideration were their physical/chemical properties, such as: specific weight, grain size, mineralogy, cationic exchange capacity, pH, hydraulic conductivity. Batch tests were run using solutions of KCl, ZnCl(2) and CuCl center dot H(2)O at three different pH values, and then with a combined solution (KCl + ZnCl(2) + CuCl center dot H(2)O), also at three different pH values.
Bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria are gaining increased importance due to their activity against undesirable microorganisms in foods. In this study, a concentrated acid extract of a culture of Lactobacillus sakei subsp. sakei 2a, a bacteriocinogenic strain isolated from a Brazilian pork product, was purified by cation exchange and reversed-phase chromatographic methods. The amino acid sequences of the active antimicrobial compounds determined by Edman degradation were compared to known protein sequences using the BLAST-P software. Three different antimicrobial compounds were obtained, P1, P2 and P3, and mass spectrometry indicated molecular masses of 4.4, 6.8 and 9.5 kDa, respectively. P1 corresponds to classical sakacin P, P2 is identical to the 30S ribosomal protein S21 of L. sakei subsp. sakei 23 K, and P3 is identical to a histone-like DNA-binding protein HV produced by L. sakei subsp. sakei 23 K. Total genomic DNA was extracted and used as target DNA for PCR amplification of the genes sak, lis and his involved in the synthesis of P1, P2 and P3. The fragments were cloned in pET28b expression vector and the resulting plasmids transformed in E. coli KRX competent cells. The transformants were active against Listeria monocytogenes, indicating that the activity of the classical sakacin P produced by L. sakei 2a can be complemented by other antimicrobial proteins.
Accurate determination of the rhizotoxicity of Cu in dilute nutrient solutions is hindered by the difficulty of maintaining constant, pre-determined concentrations of Cu (micromolar) in solution. The critical Cu2+ activity associated with a reduction in the growth of solution-grown cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. cv Caloona) was determined in a system in which Cu was maintained constant through the use of a cation exchange resin. The growth of roots and shoots was found to be reduced at solution Cu2+ activities ≥ 1.7 µM (corresponding to 90 % maximum growth). Although root growth was most likely reduced due to a direct Cu2+ toxicity, it is considered that the shoot growth reduction is attributable to a decrease in tissue concentrations of K, Ca, Mg, and Fe and the formation of interveinal chlorosis. At high Cu2+ activities, roots were brown in color, short and thick, had bent root tips with cracking of the epidermis and outer cortex, and had local swellings behind the roots tips due to a reduction in cell elongation. Root hair growth was reduced at concentrations lower than that which caused a significant reduction in overall root fresh weight.