394 resultados para casein
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
As frações protéicas foram isoladas dos cotiledones e os taninos isolados e purificados da casca da lentilha. A fração globulina correspondeu a 42,7 % do nitrogenio total da farinha de lentilha representando a fração protéica majoritária. Comparativamente ao metanol e metanol-HCl 1% a mistura acetona:água (7:3) representou o melhor meio extrator para os taninos da casca. A fração globulina isolada, nativa e aquecida (99oC/15 min), e caseína foram hidrolisadas com tripsina e pepsina na ausência de taninos e na presença de relações tanino:proteína de 1:40, 1:20, 1:10, 1:5 e 1:2,5. A hidrólise tríptica e péptica das proteínas não-aquecidas foram reduzidas com o aumento da relação tanino-proteína. A caseína não aquecida mostrou ser mais susceptível à tripsina que à globulina, o oposto sendo observado com a pepsina. O aquecimento seguido de interação com os taninos e hidrólise teve um efeito mais pronunciado sobre a digestão com tripsina que com pepsina para ambas proteínas.
Durante um ano, trabalhou-se com o leite de conjunto produzido por três grupos distintos de cabras Saanen, perfazendo um total variável entre 44 e 56 animais em lactação e um total de 179 amostras analisadas, nas quais determinou-se a composição química, o perfil nitrogenado e as principais características físico-químicas. Para a composição geral, os valores determinados foram: 3,27% para proteína total, 3,74% para gordura, 4,35% para lactose, 0,74% para cinzas e 88,49% para água. O perfil nitrogenado distribuiu-se em: 3,27% para proteína bruta (PB), 2,97% para proteína verdadeira (TP), 2,43% para a fração caseínas (C), e 0,84% para as proteínas do soro (PS), incluindo 0,30% para a fração nitrogenada não protéica (NNP). As características determinadas foram: 1,0324 para a densidade a 15ºC, 6,65 para o pH a 25ºC, 16,11ºD para a acidez, 0,172 g% para o teor de cloretos, -0,574ºH para o ponto de congelamento, 11,51% para sólidos totais (ST), 7,77% para sólidos desengordurados (SD), 12,45% para o extrato seco total (EST) calculado e 8,90% para o extrato seco desengordurado (ESD), também calculado.
As variantes gênicas da beta-lactoglobulina (β-LG) e da kappa-caseína (κ-CN) bovinas são associadas à produção, qualidade e características de processamento do leite. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as frequências dos genótipos AA, AB e BB, por meio da técnica de PCR-RFLP, da β-LG e da κ-CN bovinas, e suas associações com a produção de leite (kg leite/dia) em bovinos das raças Girolanda, Holandesa e Jersey. Para a κ-CN, a frequência do genótipo AA foi maior nos animais das raças Holandesa (37%) e Girolanda (63%). Na raça Jersey, houve predomínio do genótipo BB (60%). Para a β-LG, o genótipo AB foi o mais encontrado nas raças Girolanda (54%) e Holandesa (58%), enquanto nos animais da raça Jersey houve predomínio do genótipo BB (45%). Houve associação do alelo B da κ-CN com maior produtividade leiteira nas raças Girolanda e Holandesa, e do alelo A da β-LG com maior produtividade de leite na raça Jersey. As variantes genéticas da κ-CN podem ser usadas como marcadores na seleção para a produtividade leiteira nas raças Girolanda e Holandesa. Para a raça Jersey, as variantes da β-LG seriam mais adequadas para essa seleção.
O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a exigência protéica e correspondente relação energia/proteína em dietas para alevinos de piracanjuba, Brycon orbignyanus. Seis dietas semi-purificadas isocalóricas foram formuladas para conter 3.000 kcal de energia metabolizável (EM)/kg e concentrações de proteína bruta (PB) de 24, 26, 29, 32, 36 e 42%. Para essas concentrações, as relações E/P das dietas foram de 12,3; 11,6; 10,4; 9,2; 8,5 e 7,1 kcal EM/g PB, respectivamente. As fontes de proteína, lipídios e carboidratos digestíveis foram, respectivamente, caseína/gelatina, óleo de fígado de bacalhau/óleo de soja e dextrina. Após condicionamento de cinco dias, as dietas foram fornecidas, até a saciedade, em duas alimentações diárias, a 162 alevinos (27 peixes/dieta), que apresentaram 8,38 ± 0,09 g de peso médio inicial, distribuídos em 18 tanques de fibra-de-vidro de 100 L, conectados a um sistema de recirculação de água. A temperatura média da água foi de 26,3°C, com extremos de 23,7 e 30,2°C. Após 90 dias, a concentração de proteína na dieta que proporcionou ganho em peso máximo aos peixes foi 29% PB, com relação E/P igual a 10,4 kcal EM/g PB. As dietas com concentrações de PB iguais a 32, 36 e 42% não se mostraram superiores para conversão alimentar, taxa de eficiência protéica, valor produtivo da proteína e retenção de energia bruta. A deposição corporal de proteína e gordura não sofreu influência da concentração de PB da dieta
The bioavailability of calcium from the kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) consumed as a complement of a basal rice and bean diet was studied. Three groups of diets, two controls and one experimental were fed to Wistar female rats. The protein source of the first control was casein and of the second, a mixture of bean and rice. To both groups, graded levels of CaCO3 were added. The experimental diet was similar to the second control, except that CaCO3 was substituted for kale supplying the same amount of calcio. At 35 days of experimental period, they were killed and the calcium and phosphorus were determined in the right femur. The results indicated that the calcium from the kale is better utilized than that of the CaCO3. There was no significant difference in the concentration of calcium in the soft tissues studied among three dietary groups. Considering the high concentration and availability of calcium from the kale its consumption as a complement of the basal rice and bean diet may be recommended as a cheap and good source of this mineral.
The albumin and globulin fractions from lentil seeds were isolated and characterised by gel filtration. The latter was shown to be homogeneous and the former heterogeneous on PAGE. The aminoacid analysis revealed high values of amidic amino acids for both fractions with great differences in the sulphur-containing amino acids. Native albumin, globulin and salt-soluble proteins were markedly resistant to trypsin hydrolysis compared to casein. The SDS-PAGE of native salt-soluble proteins indicated that the globulin fragments (20 to 30 kD) were slowly digested in the presence of albumin. The heating increased the hydrolysis of the proteins in the order: salt-soluble, albumin and globulin. The facilitated hydrolysis of the heated salt-soluble fraction seemed to be due to protein-protein interactions induced by heat.
Steers (379 +/- 10 kg) with ruminal, duodenal, and ileal cannulas were used in a 5 x 5 Latin square digestion trial to quantify and evaluate the relationship between intestinal protein supply and intestinal starch disappearance. Treatments were infusions of 0, 50, 100, 150, or 200 g/d of casein along with 1,042 g/d of raw cornstarch. Abomasal infusions were accomplished by passing tubing and a pliable retaining washer through the reticular-omasal orifice into the abomasum. Steers were fed a 93% corn silage, 7% supplement diet that contained 12% crude protein at 1.65% body weight in 12 equal portions/d. Periods lasted 17 d (12 d for adaptation, 2 d of collections, and 3 d of rest). The quantity and percentage of organic matter and protein disappearance from the small intestine increased linearly (P < 0.03) with infused casein. Greater quantities of starch disappeared with increased casein infusion (P < 0.01). The infusion of 200 g/d of casein increased small intestinal starch disappearance by 226 g/d over the control. Casein infusion did not affect the quantity or percent of organic matter, starch, or protein disappearance in the large intestine. Treatments did not change ruminal ammonia N, ruminal pH, or plasma glucose concentrations. Starch disappearance from the small intestine was increased with greater protein flow to the duodenum of steers.
This work describes the effect of feeding enzymatically hydrolyzed a-lactalbumin on blood sugar, albumin and fatty acids, muscular and hepatic glycogen of rats subjected to physical exercise. Three normoenergetic/normoproteic diets, containing either casein (C), alpha-lactalbumin (L) or alpha-lactalbumin hydrolyzate (H) were fed to thirty male Wistar rats for five weeks. During this period, half of the rats swam for 1 hr daily (T category) while the other half remained sedentary (S category). At the end of training, all rats were required to swim to exhaustion. The results showed that those rats of the T-category consuming diet H reached exhaustion with significantly higher concentrations of serum glucose ([H] 56.0 and [L] 32.3 mg/100ml), serum albumin ([H] 3.8 and [L] 2.1 mg/dl) and muscle glycogen ([H] 2.1 and [L] 0.6 mg/g), while no differences were observed between diets regarding the time of arrival to exhaustion. Results from diets C and L differed minimally. It was concluded that feeding the hydrolyzed protein may result in nutritional advantage to the exercising rat. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V.
1. The interaction between experimental protein deprivation and natural intestinal infection by Giardia lamblia was studied in terms of its effects on the intraepithelial lymphocyte (IEL) population and morphology of the jejunal mucosa of rats of different ages.2. Young, adult and old male Wistar rats received a protein-deficient diet (2% casein) or a control diet (20% casein) for 42 days. Mucosal height and the number of lymphocytes located among 500 consecutive epithelial cells (EC) along the villi or crossing the basement membrane were determined in PAS-stained jejunal fragments.3. The number of IEL increased progressively with animal age, from 14 to 25 per 100 epithelial cells, with significant differences between age ranges. However, the number of IEL did not differ between control and protein-deficient rats in any of the age groups. The proportion of lymphocytes crossing the basement membrane was approximately two-fold greater in young (2.8/100 EC) and adult (5.8/100 EC) protein-deficient animals than in their respective controls (1.6 and 2.8/100 EC). The intensity of parasite colonization was moderate, from 3 to 5/100 EC and did not differ between groups. The pattern of morphologic changes of jejunal mucosa in protozoal infection did not differ between control and protein-deficient animals in any of the three age groups.4. We conclude that intestinal infection with Giardia lamblia probably stimulated the local immune response, masking the reduction of the IEL population induced by protein deficiency. The increase in lymphocyte numbers with age may be related to prolonged antigenic stimulation promoted by infection.
The production of extracellular alkaline proteases from Aspergillus clavatus was evaluated in a culture filtrate medium, with different carbon and nitrogen sources. The fungus was cultivated at three different temperatures during 10 days. The proteolytic activity was determined on casein pH 9.5 at 37degreesC. The highest alkaline proteolytic activity (38 U/ml) was verified for culture medium containing glucose and casein at 1% (w/v) as substrates, obtained from cultures developed at 25degreesC for 6 days. Cultures developed in Vogel medium with glucose at 2% (w/v) and 0.2% (w/v) NH4NO3 showed higher proteolytic activity (27 U/ml) when compared to the cultures with 1% of the same sugar. Optimum temperature was 40degreesC and the half-lives at 40, 45 and 50degreesC were 90, 25 and 18 min, respectively. Optimum pH of enzymatic activity was 9.5 and the enzyme was stable from pH 6.0 to 12.0.
The effect of intrauterine and postnatal protein-calorie malnutrition on the biochemical ability to perform exercise was investigated in young male rats. Malnourished rats were obtained by feeding dams a low-protein (6%) casein-based diet prepared in the laboratory during pregnancy and lactation. Control rats received an isocaloric diet containing 25% protein. The low-protein diet contained additional starch and glucose. At 45 days of age, malnourished rats showed lower body weight, serum protein, albumin and glucose levels, hematocrit values and heart glycogen content but higher circulating free fatty acids and gastrocnemius muscle glycogen than control rats. In response to exercise (50 min of swimming), control rats displayed lower heart, gastrocnemius and liver glycogen levels whereas malnourished rats showed low glycogen levels only in the gastrocnemius muscle. Both control and malnourished rats showed high serum glucose and free fatty acid levels after exercise. In conclusion, protein-calorie malnutrition improved muscle glycogen storage but this substrate was broken down to a greater extent in response to exercise. Malnourished rats were able to perform exercise maintaining high blood glucose levels, as observed in control rats, perhaps as a consequence of the elevated availability of circulating free fatty acids.
The effect of milk processing on the microstructure of probiotic low-fat yogurt was studied. Skim milk fortified with skim milk powder was subjected to three treatments prior to innoculation: thermal treatment at 85 degrees C for 30 min, high hydrostatic pressure at 676 MPa for 5 min, and combined treatments of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) and heat. The processed milk was then fermented by using two different starter cultures containing Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Bifidobacterium longum. The microstructure of heat-treated milk yogurt had fewer interconnected chains of irregularly shaped casein micelles, forming a network that enclosed the void spaces. on the other hand, microstructure of HHP yogurt had more interconnected clusters of densely aggregated protein of reduced particle size, with an appearance more spherical in shape, exhibiting a smoother more regular surface and presenting more uniform size distribution. The combined HHP and heat milk treatments led to compact yogurt gels with increasingly larger casein micelle clusters interspaced by void spaces, and exhibited a high degree of cross-linking. The rounded micelles tended to fuse and form small irregular aggregates in association with clumps of dense amorphous material, which resulted in improved gel texture and viscosity. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective was to evaluate the effect of beta-lactoglobulin (beta-lg) polymorphism and seasonality on milk composition (fat, lactose, total solids, milk urea nitrogen, total protein, true protein, casein and somatic cell counts) of Holstein and Girolando cows. Milk and blood samples from 278 Holsteins cows and 156 Girolando cows were taken during two dry seasons and two rainy seasons, for milk composition analysis and to determine beta-lg genotypes, respectively. BB genotype was the most frequent for both breeds, followed by AA genotype for Holstein (BB>AA>AB) and by AB for Girolando cows (BB>AB>AA). No differences were found in milk compositional characteristics among genetic variants of beta-lg (AA, AB and BB) either between Holstein or Girolando cows. No association between milk composition and beta-lg genetic polymorphism was observed. During the dry season, independently of the breed considered, higher contents of lactose, true protein, casein and casein :true protein ratio were found.
Four groups of 10 young adult Wistar male rats were fed ad libitum on a protein-free diet for periods of 7, 28, 56 and 84 days. Control groups were fed on a 20% casein diet. Food intake and body weights of rats were registered. Plasma protein levels and liver weight and fat content were determined. Sections of the caudate lobe were studied histologically. Fatty changes were classified in three grades. Protein-deficient rats exhibited loss of body weight and had low levels of plasma protein concentration. Liver lost weight after 7 days of protein deficiency; there was a gradual reduction in liver weight as periods of protein deprivation were longer. After 7 days, liver fat concentration was not significantly higher than in the respective control group; it was significantly higher in all the other malnourished animals, As periods of protein deprivation were longer, fatty changes became more severe. Other hepatic lesions were found in 5 of the 10 rats submitted to the longest period of protein deficiency. One of the rats showed a diffuse cellular atrophy, 2 animals showed an extensive haemorrhagic necrosis, another showed a focal area of reticulum collapse and the last exhibited a distortion of the normal architecture of the liver due to diffuse reticulum collapse and early nodular regeneration; these 2 last rats showed early fibrosis in portal areas. The findings suggest that other deficiencies may complicate the protein deficiency when rats are given a protein-free diet over prolonged periods. Even if the protein-deficient diet has protective nutrients, it may be that, when rats eat less food, as occurs in prolonged experiments deficiency of one or all of these elements can occur, depending on their relative amount in diet.