808 resultados para capacity check
In 1500, Europe was composed of hundreds of statelets and principalities, with weak central authority,no monopoly over the legitimate use of violence, and overlapping jurisdictions. By 1800, only ahandful of powerful, centralized nation states remained. We build a model that explains both the emergenceof capable states and growing divergence between European powers. We argue that the impactof war was crucial for state building, and depended on: i) the financial cost of war, and ii) a country sinitial level of domestic political fragmentation. We emphasize the role of the "Military Revolution",which raised the cost of war. Initially, this caused more cohesive states to invest in state capacity, whilemore divided states rationally dropped out of the competition, causing divergence between Europeanstates. As the cost of war escalated further, all states engaged in a "race to the top" towards greater statebuilding.
Information on the Promising Transition Practices shared at the September 28, 2007 Capacity Building Forum sponsored by Improving Transition Outcomes with Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Medicare Rx Drug Discount Cards: Check 'em out -- but Beware of Scams
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Water Treatment Systems: Check Them Out Before You Buy!
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Counterfeit Cashier's Check Scam Grows
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Nigeria Counterfeit Check Scam
An important policy issue in recent years concerns the number of people claimingdisability benefits for reasons of incapacity for work. We distinguish between workdisability , which may have its roots in economic and social circumstances, and healthdisability which arises from clear diagnosed medical conditions. Although there is a linkbetween work and health disability, economic conditions, and in particular the businesscycle and variations in the risk of unemployment over time and across localities, mayplay an important part in explaining both the stock of disability benefit claimants andinflows to and outflow from that stock. We employ a variety of cross?country andcountry?specific household panel data sets, as well as administrative data, to testwhether disability benefit claims rise when unemployment is higher, and also toinvestigate the impact of unemployment rates on flows on and off the benefit rolls. Wefind strong evidence that local variations in unemployment have an importantexplanatory role for disability benefit receipt, with higher total enrolments, loweroutflows from rolls and, often, higher inflows into disability rolls in regions and periodsof above?average unemployment. Although general subjective measures of selfreporteddisability and longstanding illness are also positively associated withunemployment rates, inclusion of self?reported health measures does not eliminate thestatistical relationship between unemployment rates and disability benefit receipt;indeed including general measures of health often strengthens that underlyingrelationship. Intriguingly, we also find some evidence from the United Kingdom and theUnited States that the prevalence of self?reported objective specific indicators ofdisability are often pro?cyclical that is, the incidence of specific forms of disability arepro?cyclical whereas claims for disability benefits given specific health conditions arecounter?cyclical. Overall, the analysis suggests that, for a range of countries and datasets, levels of claims for disability benefits are not simply related to changes in theincidence of health disability in the population and are strongly influenced by prevailingeconomic conditions. We discuss the policy implications of these various findings.
It was studied the parasitism capacity of Trichogramma acacioi on Anagasta kuehniella and Sitotroga cerealella eggs at different temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 ± 1°C). The parasitism of T. acacioi varied with temperature and host. The highest parasitism (³80%) were observed during the first days after emergence in both hosts, at all tested temperatures. The accumulated parasitism varied with both host and temperature, being higher on A. kuehniella at 20°C, what shows good parasitoid species adaptation to this temperature. Thus, we conclude that the best host and best temperature to be used at mass-rearing of T. acacioi is A. kuehniella and 20ºC, respectively. Moreover, this Trichogramma species has great potential to be used in field releases at regions where average temperature is around 20ºC.
The first statement of the EUPHA on the Future of Public Health in Europe refers to the need for going 'to policymakers, politicians and practitioners in all sectors of society and advise them on how to promote public health throughout society'. WHO-EURO Director General Marc Danzon, quoted in the second EUPHA statement on the responsibility of policy makers indicates that 'learning is not systematically applied in health policy development in our continent'. Statement 3 calls for the integration of public health into the political agenda in all sectors. The first EUPHA president, Louise Gunning-Schepers, quoted in Statement 10 called on EUPHA to become 'a powerful advocate of the public health community'. In addition to the above, the EU is now actively seeking ways to build capacity to implement its health strategy. Learning and building the capacity to achieve our aims The aims and objectives to promote the public's health as reflected in EUPHA's 10 statements are also mirrored in the national public health associations. However, many of EUPHA's national associations have little or limited experience in promoting public health policy at the national level. To assist in the learning of advocacy for public health policies, case studies presenting experiences of national public health organizations in lobbying for national public health policy will be presented and discussed. In addition to sharing experiences, the presentations will identify successful approaches to public health advocacy as well as lessons learned from unsuccessful attempts.
This study aimed at evaluating the biological characteristics and the capacity of parasitism of a Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1869 (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) strain (T. pretiosum RV) collected in Rio Verde County, State of Goiás, Brazil. The study was carried out on eggs of Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) and conducted under controlled environmental conditions at different constant temperatures. The biological parameters determined were: developmental time (egg-adult; days); emergence (%); sex ratio; number of progeny/egg; number of generation/year; thermal constant (K); temperature threshold (Tb); daily number of parasitized eggs; cumulative parasitism (%); total number of eggs parasitized by T. pretiosum; and female longevity. To study the T. pretiosum parasitism capacity, 20 S. frugiperda eggs (< 24 h old) were placed into 8.0 cm x 2.0 cm glass vials containing one female (< 24 h old) each. Trials were carried out in a completely randomized experimental design, with 20 replications at each temperature. The environmental chambers (BOD type) were set at 18ºC, 20ºC, 22ºC, 25ºC, 28ºC and 32ºC ± 1ºC, 70 ±10% relative humidity, and 14/10 h (L:D) photoperiod. The eggs of S. frugiperda were replaced daily until parasitoid death. Results have shown an inverse correlation between developmental time and temperature, with statistically significant differences among means, except at 25ºC and 28ºC (10 days). Parasitoid emergence (%) was also influenced by temperature. The lowest percent emergence was observed at 32ºC, and the highest ones at 18ºC and 20ºC temperatures. The temperature did not affect T. pretiosum sex ratio and number of parasitoids per egg, thus allowing changes in the temperature to control insect mass production in the laboratory to meet the needs for field releases.
Purpose of the evaluation This is a scheduled standard mid-term evaluation (MTR) of a UNDP implemented GEF LDCF co-financed project. It is conducted by a team of an international and a national independent evaluator. The objective of the MTR, as set out in the Terms of Reference (TORs; Annex 1), is to provide an independent analysis of the progress of the project so far. The MTR aims to: identify potential project design problems, assess progress towards the achievement of the project objective and outcomes, identify and document lessons learned (including lessons that might improve design and implementation of other projects, including UNDP-GEF supported projects), and make recommendations regarding specific actions that should be taken to improve the project. The MTR is intended to assess signs of project success or failure and identify the necessary changes to be made. The project commenced its implementation in the first half of 2010 with the recruitment of project staff. According to the updated project plan, it is due to close in July 201410 with operations scaling down in December 2013 due to funding limits. Because of a slow implementation start, the mid-term evaluation was delayed to July 201311 The intended target audience of the evaluation are: The project team and decision makers in the INGRH The GEF and UNFCCC Operational Focal Points The project partners and beneficiaries UNDP in Cape Verde as well as the regional and headquarter (HQ) office levels The GEF Secretariat.
While the theoretical industrial organization literature has long arguedthat excess capacity can be used to deter entry into markets, there islittle empirical evidence that incumbent firms effectively behave in thisway. Bagwell and Ramey (1996) propose a game with a specific sequence ofmoves and partially-recoverable capacity costs in which forward inductionprovides a theoretical rationalization for firm behavior in the field. Weconduct an experiment with a game inspired by their work. In our data theincumbent tends to keep the market, in contrast to what the forwardinduction argument of Bagwell and Ramey would suggest. The results indicatethat players perceive that the first mover has an advantage without havingto pre-commit capacity. In our game, evolution and learning do not driveout this perception. We back these claims with data analysis, atheoretical framework for dynamics, and simulation results.
This study aimed to evaluate the development, survival and reproductive capacity of Spodoptera eridania in four soybean cultivars. The experiment was conducted in the laboratory, in a climatic chamber at 25 °C ± 1 °C, 70 ± 10% relative humidity and 12 h photophase. The cultivars used were: FMT Tabarana, BRS/MT Pintado, FMT Tucunaré and Monsoy 8757, all conventional cultivars with medium cycles. All cultivars tested allowed the development of S. eridania. However, Monsoy 8757 was the cultivar that most affected the prolonged in the duration larval, pupal and total cycle, showed lower pupal weight as well as reduction in the intrinsic rate increase. These results contribute to the management of this species in regions of outbreaks in soybean areas.
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about:Counterfeit Check Scams : Counterfeit checks plus wiring money usually adds up to fraud.
This paper describes an optimized model to support QoS by mean of Congestion minimization on LSPs (Label Switching Path). In order to perform this model, we start from a CFA (Capacity and Flow Allocation) model. As this model does not consider the buffer size to calculate the capacity cost, our model- named BCA (Buffer Capacity Allocation)- take into account this issue and it improve the CFA performance. To test our proposal, we perform several simulations; results show that BCA model minimizes LSP congestion and uniformly distributes flows on the network