962 resultados para business plan development


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A elaboração do Plano de Gestão do Parque Natural do Fogo insere-se no âmbito do cumprimento do artigo 16º do Decreto-lei nº 3/2003, de 24 de Fevereiro, que diz expressamente “ 1. Os objectivos de conservação previstos no presente diploma podem ser materializados através de um plano de gestão das áreas protegidas onde se percebe tal necessidade e, em qualquer caso, nos parques naturais”. O Plano, enquanto instrumento de gestão importante de uma área protegida, é uma poderosa ferramenta capaz de compatibilizar diferentes interesses existentes num determinado espaço natural, nomeadamente a conservação da biodiversidade, a protecção das características geológicas e geomorfológicas, a protecção de valores culturais, estéticos e científicos e a satisfação das necessidades básicas das comunidades que vivem no interior e/ou na zona de amortecimento desse mesmo espaço. O presente Plano de Gestão consta de: Documento Introdutório, Documento Informativo, Documento Normativo, Documento Programa de Execução e Anexos e Anexo Cartográfico. O Documento Introdutório contém a finalidade do Parque, um breve resumo sobre a metodologia utilizada na elaboração do Plano, objectivos do plano e as condicionantes do planeamento; O Documento Informativo contém uma síntese sobre informação ambiental e territorial do Parque; identificação e avaliação das Unidades Ambientais Homogéneas e de Diagnósticos, seguida de cartas de qualidade e fragilidade destes; uma análise da situação actual, a evolução previsível do sistema, as potencialidades e condicionantes de gestão, as estratégias de gestão e o zoneamento; O Documento Normativo é o quadro jurídico-administrativo através do qual são reguladas as actividades e acções previstas. Esse documento, para além de tratar numa primeira parte de questões gerais como a localização do Parque, antecedentes de protecção, aborda o zoneamento, regimes gerais e específicos de usos, normas, directrizes e critérios para a administração e organização da gestão do Parque, directrizes para a formulação de programas e vigência e revisão do Plano; O Documento Programa de Execução apresenta as acções de Conservação, Uso Público e Informação, Sócio-económica e de Investigação, Monitorização, bem como os respectivos orçamentos, com vista a consecução dos objectivos do Plano; Dos Anexos e Anexo Cartográfico, constam a Bibliografia, Glossário, o Plano de Negócios (Business Plan), Mecanismos de Implementação, Monitorização e Avaliação, e um conjunto de cartas de natureza informativa e de ordenamento, para além de outras informações importantes, como as fichas das unidades ambientais homogéneas e de diagnóstico.


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The RIO’S 90-page July Quarterly Report details the economic recovery strategy in housing; business; workforce development; infrastructure investments; individual services and guidance; local economic recovery; smart growth; mitigation planning; floodplain and watershed management; floodplain mapping; quality of life; and emergency management.The report also includes an updated selection of charts showing the flow of federal and state disaster recovery funding to the state, counties, cities and individuals affected by the 2008 disasters.


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The RIO’S October Quarterly Report details the economic recovery strategy in housing; business; workforce development; infrastructure investments; individual services and guidance; local economic recovery; smart growth; mitigation planning; floodplain and watershed management; floodplain mapping; quality of life; and emergency management.The report also includes an updated selection of charts showing the flow of federal and state disaster recovery funding to the state, counties, cities and individuals affected by the 2008 disasters.


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The RIO’S January 2010 Quarterly Report details the economic recovery strategy in housing; business; workforce development; infrastructure investments; individual services and guidance; local economic recovery; smart growth; mitigation planning; floodplain and watershed management; floodplain mapping; quality of life; and emergency management.The report also includes an updated selection of charts showing the flow of federal and state disaster recovery funding to the state, counties, cities and individuals affected by the 2008 disasters.


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The RIO’S April 2010 Quarterly Report details the economic recovery strategy in housing; business; workforce development; infrastructure investments; individual services and guidance; local economic recovery; smart growth; mitigation planning; floodplain and watershed management; floodplain mapping; quality of life; and emergency management.The report also includes an updated selection of charts showing the flow of federal and state disaster recovery funding to the state, counties, cities and individuals affected by the 2008 disasters.


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The RIO’S July 2010 Quarterly Report details the economic recovery strategy in housing; business; workforce development; infrastructure investments; individual services and guidance; local economic recovery; smart growth; mitigation planning; floodplain and watershed management; floodplain mapping; quality of life; and emergency management.The report also includes an updated selection of charts showing the flow of federal and state disaster recovery funding to the state, counties, cities and individuals affected by the 2008 disasters.


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The RIO’S October 2010 Quarterly Report details the economic recovery strategy in housing; business; workforce development; infrastructure investments; individual services and guidance; local economic recovery; smart growth; mitigation planning; floodplain and watershed management; floodplain mapping; quality of life; and emergency management.The report also includes an updated selection of charts showing the flow of federal and state disaster recovery funding to the state, counties, cities and individuals affected by the 2008 disasters.


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The RIO’S January 2011 Quarterly Report details the economic recovery strategy in housing; business; workforce development; infrastructure investments; individual services and guidance; local economic recovery; smart planning; mitigation planning; floodplain and watershed management; floodplain mapping and quality of life. The report also includes an update of the flow of federal and state disaster recovery funding to the state, counties, cities and individuals affected by the 2008 disasters.


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The RIO’S April 2011 Quarterly Report is the Office's final report and details the economic recovery strategy in housing; business; workforce development; infrastructure investments; individual services and guidance; local economic recovery; smart planning; mitigation planning; floodplain and watershed management; floodplain mapping and quality of life. The report also includes an update of the flow of federal and state disaster recovery funding to the state, counties, cities and individuals affected by the 2008 disasters.


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The RIO’S quarterly Report details the economic recovery strategy in housing; business; workforce development; infrastructure investments; individual services and guidance; local economic recovery; smart growth; mitigation planning; floodplain and watershed management; floodplain mapping; quality of life; and emergency management.The report also includes an updated selection of charts showing the flow of federal and state disaster recovery funding to the state, counties, cities and individuals affected by the 2008 disasters.


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The RIO’S quarterly Report details the economic recovery strategy in housing; business; workforce development; infrastructure investments; individual services and guidance; local economic recovery; smart growth; mitigation planning; floodplain and watershed management; floodplain mapping; quality of life; and emergency management.The report also includes an updated selection of charts showing the flow of federal and state disaster recovery funding to the state, counties, cities and individuals affected by the 2008 disasters.


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The RIO’S quarterly Report details the economic recovery strategy in housing; business; workforce development; infrastructure investments; individual services and guidance; local economic recovery; smart growth; mitigation planning; floodplain and watershed management; floodplain mapping; quality of life; and emergency management.The report also includes an updated selection of charts showing the flow of federal and state disaster recovery funding to the state, counties, cities and individuals affected by the 2008 disasters.


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The RIO’S quarterly Report details the economic recovery strategy in housing; business; workforce development; infrastructure investments; individual services and guidance; local economic recovery; smart growth; mitigation planning; floodplain and watershed management; floodplain mapping; quality of life; and emergency management.The report also includes an updated selection of charts showing the flow of federal and state disaster recovery funding to the state, counties, cities and individuals affected by the 2008 disasters.


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En aquest article es conceptualitza la confusió en termes d'incertesa, considerant posteriorment com intervé en el procés de formació de creences i en la presa de decisions d'inversió i distingint tres tipus d'estratègies inversores, la diversificació, la concentració en empreses confiant en el pla empresarial i en la capacitat de gestió i, finalment, el seguidisme, referent a l'estratègia basada en confiar en tercers (rumors, notícies, experts, gurus ...). D'acord amb aquesta anàlisi, s'estableix la influència de la informació i la confusió en formació de les bombolles financeres i s'il·lustra amb l'exemple de la bombolla immobiliària i el crac borsari de 2008 a Espanya.


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This report discusses the asphalt pavement recycling project designated Project HR-188 in Kossuth County, Iowa. Specific objectives were: (a) to determine the effectiveness of drum mixing plant modifications designed to control air pollution within limits specified by the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality; (b) to assess the impact of varying the proportions of recycled and virgin aggregates, (c) to assess the impact of varying the production rate of the plant, and (d) to assess the impact of varying the mixing temperature. The discussion includes information on the proposed use of research funds, project location and description, the project planning conference, plan development, bid letting, asphalt plant configuration, actual plant operation, why this method is successful, probable process limitations, pollution results, recycled pavement test results, and the cost of virgin vs. recycled asphalt pavements.