595 resultados para brainstem glioma
Pesticidas organofosforados são amplamente usados e seu uso constitui um grave problema de saúde pública. A ação clássica destes compostos é a inibição irreversível da acetilcolinesterase, promovendo acúmulo de acetilcolina nas sinapses e hiperestimulação colinérgica. No entanto, as consequências da exposição a baixas doses podem se estender a outros mecanismos de ação e sistemas neurotransmissores. Considerando que crianças constituem um grupo particularmente vulnerável aos efeitos de pesticidas, neste trabalho investigamos os efeitos da exposição aos organofosforados metamidofós (MET) e clorpirifós (CPF) durante o desenvolvimento sobre os sistemas colinérgico e serotoninérgico e sobre o comportamento de camundongos. Para isso, camundongos suíços foram expostos a injeções subcutâneas de MET, clorpirifós ou veículo do terceiro (PN3) ao nono (PN9) dias de vida pós-natal. As doses de exposição foram previamente escolhidas através da construção de uma curva dose-resposta que identificou como mais adequadas para este estudo as doses de 1mg/kg de MET e 3mg/kg de CPF, as quais promoveram em torno de 20% de inibição da acetilcolinesterase. Em PN10, parte dos animais foi sacrificada e foram avaliados os sistemas colinérgico e serotoninérgico no tronco encefálico e córtex cerebral. De PN60 a PN63, os animais foram submetidos a uma bateria de testes comportamentais. Em seguida, estes animais também foram sacrificados tendo sido avaliados os sistemas colinérgico e serotoninérgico. Em PN10, MET e CPF causaram alterações que sugerem aumento da atividade colinérgica respectivamente no tronco e córtex em fêmeas. No sistema serotoninérgico, apenas CPF promoveu alterações, aumentando a ligação ao receptor 5HT1A e transportador 5HT em fêmeas e diminuindo na ligação ao 5HT2. Em PN63, a atividade da acetilcolinesterase foi reestabelecida em todos os grupos. Ainda assim, MET diminuiu a atividade da colina acetiltransferase no córtex e a ligação ao transportador colinérgico no tronco. Quanto aos efeitos do CPF, no tronco, houve redução da atividade da colina acetiltransferase em fêmeas e aumento em machos. Sobre o sistema serotoninérgico, MET e CPF promoveram diminuições no 5HT1A respectivamente no tronco e córtex das fêmeas e CPF aumentou a ligação no córtex de machos. A ligação ao 5HT2 foi aumentada após o tratamento com MET e ao transportador 5HT foi diminuída em fêmeas após o tratamento com clorpirifós. Sobre o comportamento, identificamos comportamento associado à depressão em animais expostos a MET e aumento dos níveis de ansiedade, além de prejuízo de aprendizado/memória após exposição à CPF. Desta forma, nossos resultados indicam que a exposição à metamidofós e clorpirifós durante o desenvolvimento é capaz de alterar, de diferentes formas, a atividade colinérgica e serotoninérgica, mesmo que as doses de exposição sejam toxicologicamente equivalentes. Foram verificados efeitos nas vias neuroquímicas logo após a exposição e após um longo período de interrupção do tratamento, indicando efeitos tardios em sistemas importantes que podem estar associados às alterações comportamentais. Finalmente, o presente estudo reforça a associação epidemiológica entre pesticidas e alterações psiquiátricas e a capacidade da programação de alterações a longo-prazo quando a exposição se dá durante o desenvolvimento.
A matriz extracelular (MEC) é capaz de modular a adesão celular, induzindo processos de sinalização celular. No estado de aderência intermediária, induzido por proteínas matricelulares, as células tendem a se diferenciar, migrar e proliferar. A tenascina-C é uma proteína matricelular amplamente secretada em gliomas que está envolvida na proliferação e angiogênese tumoral. A MEC de gliomas, possui elevada incorporação de tenascina-C (TN-C), uma glicoproteína matricelular desadesiva que compete com a glicoproteína adesiva fibronectina (FN), desestabilizando os contatos focais e induzindo proliferação celular em gliomas. Neste trabalho nós nos propusemos a investigar o papel da TN-C tumoral no fenótipo angiogênico de células endoteliais. Recentemente em um trabalho publicado pelo nosso grupo observamos que as células endoteliais semeadas sobre matrizes de glioma (U373 MG) aderem menos e são deficientes na capacidade de formar tubos quando comparadas com àquelas plaqueadas sobre MEC de HUVECs. No entanto, neste trabalho, reproduzimos este fenótipo semeando as células endoteliais em suportes de TN-C /FN miméticos da composição da matriz tumoral nativa. Por western blotting, observamos um aumento na fosforilação em treonina 638 da proteína PKCα, um possível sítio inibitório, e um aumento na ativação de PKCδ. O efeito antagônico na regulação dessas isoformas de PKC foi demonstrado quando usamos inibidores seletivos de PKC α e δ e um ativador de PKCα (PMA). Observamos que quando tratamos as HUVECs plaqueadas sobre MEC de U373 com PMA, resgatamos a capacidade dessas células de formar tubos, o pré-tratamento dessas HUVECs com inibidor de PKC δ (rotlerina) resgatou parcialmente a capacidade tubulogênica dessas células. O pré-tratamento das HUVECs que foram semeadas sobre MEC da HUVEC (que formam tubos normalmente) com um inibidor de PKC α (RO320432) levou a diminuição da capacidade tubulogênica. Além disso, esta matriz também induz ativação de ERK e AKT. Investigamos também se o bloqueio dos diferentes domínios da TN-C na matriz derivada de glioma poderia, de alguma forma, reverter o defeito angiogênico das células, propiciado pela interação com a matriz extracelular de gliomas. O pré-tratamento da matriz extracelular de glioma com anticorpos anti-TN-C (contra os domínios FNIII 1-3, 4-5 FNIII e N-terminal) resgatou parcialmente a capacidade das células endoteliais de formar tubos. Nossos dados sugerem que a indução do fenótipo vascular observado em muitos gliomas, com predomínio de vasos mal formados e sub-funcionais, pode ser parcialmente devido ao comprometido da sinalização mediada por PKCs em células endoteliais, bem como do aumento da ativação das vias de ERK e Akt.
Predictions about sensory input exert a dominant effect on what we perceive, and this is particularly true for the experience of pain. However, it remains unclear what component of prediction, from an information-theoretic perspective, controls this effect. We used a vicarious pain observation paradigm to study how the underlying statistics of predictive information modulate experience. Subjects observed judgments that a group of people made to a painful thermal stimulus, before receiving the same stimulus themselves. We show that the mean observed rating exerted a strong assimilative effect on subjective pain. In addition, we show that observed uncertainty had a specific and potent hyperalgesic effect. Using computational functional magnetic resonance imaging, we found that this effect correlated with activity in the periaqueductal gray. Our results provide evidence for a novel form of cognitive hyperalgesia relating to perceptual uncertainty, induced here by vicarious observation, with control mediated by the brainstem pain modulatory system.
Our ability to have an experience of another's pain is characteristic of empathy. Using functional imaging, we assessed brain activity while volunteers experienced a painful stimulus and compared it to that elicited when they observed a signal indicating that their loved one--present in the same room--was receiving a similar pain stimulus. Bilateral anterior insula (AI), rostral anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), brainstem, and cerebellum were activated when subjects received pain and also by a signal that a loved one experienced pain. AI and ACC activation correlated with individual empathy scores. Activity in the posterior insula/secondary somatosensory cortex, the sensorimotor cortex (SI/MI), and the caudal ACC was specific to receiving pain. Thus, a neural response in AI and rostral ACC, activated in common for "self" and "other" conditions, suggests that the neural substrate for empathic experience does not involve the entire "pain matrix." We conclude that only that part of the pain network associated with its affective qualities, but not its sensory qualities, mediates empathy.
Two recent studies provide important insights into the organization of premotor circuitries, showing that control of highly-specific skilled forelimb movements, such as reaching and grasping, requires activation of specific subpopulations of neurons in the brainstem and spinal cord.
目的:探讨γ射线辐照SMMC-7721细胞后,M期细胞的辐射敏感性;研究经Y射线车荡照后神经胶质瘤A172细胞的生物学效应,为重离子治癌临床应用提供最基本的f氏LET辐射实验数据。材料与方法:采用兰州医学院第一附属医院60Co γ射线辐照SMMC-7721细胞和A172神经胶质瘤细胞,使用流式细胞技术(FCM)检测辐照后细胞周期的改变,同时通过克隆形成率比较M期和混合时相的SMMC-7721肝癌细胞的辐射敏感性;以细胞存活率不口微核率、微核细胞率来研究A172细胞的生物学效应。结论:1.人肝癌SMMC-7721细胞在M期的受损DNA修复能力比较低,导致M期细胞的辐射敏感性高于混合时相的细胞。2.虽然获得的样品中M期细胞仅有总数的18.5%,但获得的样品经二次平方公式拟合后的Q/p值是混合时相样品的17.5倍。由此说明,M期细胞的辐射敏感性很强,这样才能在比例仅占细胞总数18.5%的情况下起到非常明显的作用。3.由实验数据的分析,ZGy照射后,混合时相细胞在11h,三个时相的辐射敏感性依次为G2/M期>S期>G0/G1期。4.A172细胞生物学效应的实验中,细胞存活率γ与剂量D之间呈显著负相关者性,细胞存活率与剂量之间符合回归方程lgY=-0.07528X+1.84839,其回归系数r=-0.93965,其中,p(0.01可以证明细胞存活率与剂量的相关性明显。5.本实验结果表明,A172细胞经低剂量照射后,与对照组相比可形成较高的微核率和微核细胞率,并在较大的剂量辐照后缓慢下降,最后分别维持在42%和37%左右。这说明,低于IGY剂量时,γ射线可引起A172细胞染色体的损伤,进而产生的染色体片断使细胞表现出高的微核率和微核细胞率;在大于IGy的条件下,由于染色体严重受损,细胞分裂延迟。6.实验中,各个剂量点的微核率均比微核细胞率偏高,这个现象可能与细胞本身的特性有关。本实验使用的A172神经胶质瘤细胞,自发微核率比较高,与有关文献报道的不太一致。
By means of "emulsion-electrospinning", both hydrophobic and hydrophilic drugs, paclitaxel (PTX) and doxorubicin hydrochloride (DOX), were successfully loaded into PEG-PLA nanofiber mats to realize multi-drug delivery. The release behaviors of both the drugs from the same fiber mats were ascribed to their solubility properties and distribution status in the fibers. Due to its high hydrophilicity, DOX was easy to diffuse out from the fibers, and its release rate was always faster than that of hydrophobic PTX. Moreover, the release rate of PTX was accelerated by DOX's release from the same drug-loaded fibers. In vitro cytotoxicity against rat Glioma C6 cells indicated that the dual drug combination showed a higher inhibition and apoptosis against C6 cells than a single drug-loaded system, which suggests the promise for multi-drug delivery on combination therapy.
Two gadolinium polyoxometalates, Gd2P2W18O62 and K-15[(GdO)(3)(PW9O34)(2)], have been evaluated by in vivo as well as in vitro experiments as the candidates of tissue-specific magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents. T-1-relaxivities of 28.4 mM(-1)-s(-1) for Gd2P2W18O62 and 11.2 mM(-1)-s(-1) for K-15[(GdO)(3)(PW9O34)(2)] (400 MHz, 25 degreesC) were higher than that of the commercial MRI contrast agent (GdDTPA). Their relaxivities in bovine serum albumin and human serum transferrin were also reported. The favorable liver-specific contrast enhancement and renal excretion capability in in vivo MRI with Sprague-Dawley rats after i.v. administration of K-15[(GdO)(3)(PW9O34)(2)] was demonstrated. In vivo and in vitro assay showed that K-15[(GdO)(3)(PW9O34)(2)] is a promising liver-specific MRI contrast agent. However, Gd2P2W18O62 did not show the favorable quality in vivo as expected from its high relaxivity in vitro, which was attributed to low bioavailability, indicating that it is of limited value as tissue-specific MRI contrast agent.
A method of capillary HPLC-high-resolution MS was developed for the trace analysis of ATP, GTP, dATP and dGTP Dimethylhexylamine (DMHA) was used as ion-pairing agent for the HPLC retention and separation of the nucleotides and positive ion electrospray time-of-flight MS was used for the detection. The application of capillary HPLC allowed minimal usage of DMHA while providing excellent peak retention and resolution, which significantly reduced the ion suppression in electrospray ionization-MS analysis and thus increased the sensitivity. Adduct ions of nucleotides and DMHA were used as quantitative ions in order to achieve the best sensitivity. DMHA concentration at 5 mM in the aqueous mobile phase at pH 7 was found to be the optimal conditions for the C Is capillary column. The method was applied to determine ATP level in cultured C6 glioma cells that were treated with toxic concentrations of Zn. The results showed that the cellular ATP level decreased from 2.7 pmol/cell (<10% cell death) in average control cell samples to 0.36 pmol/cell as the concentration of Zn increased to 120 mg/l (>35% cell death) in culture medium.
BACKGROUND: Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is refractory to conventional therapies. To overcome the problem of heterogeneity, more brain tumor markers are required for prognosis and targeted therapy. We have identified and validated a promising molecular therapeutic target that is expressed by GBM: human multidrug-resistance protein 3 (MRP3). METHODS: We investigated MRP3 by genetic and immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of human gliomas to determine the incidence, distribution, and localization of MRP3 antigens in GBM and their potential correlation with survival. To determine MRP3 mRNA transcript and protein expression levels, we performed quantitative RT-PCR, raising MRP3-specific antibodies, and IHC analysis with biopsies of newly diagnosed GBM patients. We used univariate and multivariate analyses to assess the correlation of RNA expression and IHC of MRP3 with patient survival, with and without adjustment for age, extent of resection, and KPS. RESULTS: Real-time PCR results from 67 GBM biopsies indicated that 59/67 (88%) samples highly expressed MRP3 mRNA transcripts, in contrast with minimal expression in normal brain samples. Rabbit polyvalent and murine monoclonal antibodies generated against an extracellular span of MRP3 protein demonstrated reactivity with defined MRP3-expressing cell lines and GBM patient biopsies by Western blotting and FACS analyses, the latter establishing cell surface MRP3 protein expression. IHC evaluation of 46 GBM biopsy samples with anti-MRP3 IgG revealed MRP3 in a primarily membranous and cytoplasmic pattern in 42 (91%) of the 46 samples. Relative RNA expression was a strong predictor of survival for newly diagnosed GBM patients. Hazard of death for GBM patients with high levels of MRP3 RNA expression was 2.71 (95% CI: 1.54-4.80) times that of patients with low/moderate levels (p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Human GBMs overexpress MRP3 at both mRNA and protein levels, and elevated MRP3 mRNA levels in GBM biopsy samples correlated with a higher risk of death. These data suggest that the tumor-associated antigen MRP3 has potential use for prognosis and as a target for malignant glioma immunotherapy.
In addition to conveying cellular responses to an effector molecule, receptors are often themselves regulated by their effectors. We have demonstrated that epinephrine modulates both the rate of transcription of the beta 2-adrenergic receptor (beta 2AR) gene and the steady-state level of beta 2AR mRNA in DDT1MF-2 cells. Short-term (30 min) exposure to epinephrine (100 nM) stimulates the rate of beta 2AR gene transcription, resulting in a 3- to 4-fold increase in steady-state beta 2AR mRNA levels. These effects are mimicked by 1 mM N6,O2'-dibutyryladenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (Bt2cAMP) or foskolin but not by phorbol esters. The half-life of the beta 2AR mRNA after addition of actinomycin D (46.7 +/- 10.2 min; mean +/- SEM; n = 5) remained unchanged after 30 min of epinephrine treatment (46.8 +/- 10.6 min; mean +/- SEM; n = 4), indicating that a change in transcription rate is the predominant factor responsible for the increase of beta 2AR mRNA. Whereas brief exposure to epinephrine or Bt2cAMP does not significantly affect the total number of cellular beta 2ARs (assessed by ligand binding), continued exposure results in a gradual decline in beta 2AR number to approximately 20% (epinephrine) or approximately 45% (Bt2cAMP) of the levels in control cells by 24 hr. Similar decreases in agonist-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity are observed. This loss of receptors with prolonged agonist exposure is accompanied by a 50% reduction in beta 2AR mRNA. Transfection of the beta 2AR promoter region cloned onto a reporter gene (bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase) allowed demonstration of a 2- to 4-fold induction of transcription by agents that elevate cAMP levels, such as forskolin or phosphodiesterase inhibitors. These results establish the presence of elements within the proximal promoter region of the beta 2AR gene responsible for the transcriptional enhancing activity of cAMP and demonstrate that beta 2AR gene expression is regulated by a type of feedback mechanism involving the second messenger cAMP.
Gliomagenesis is driven by a complex network of genetic alterations and while the glioma genome has been a focus of investigation for many years; critical gaps in our knowledge of this disease remain. The identification of novel molecular biomarkers remains a focus of the greater cancer community as a method to improve the consistency and accuracy of pathological diagnosis. In addition, novel molecular biomarkers are drastically needed for the identification of targets that may ultimately result in novel therapeutics aimed at improving glioma treatment. Through the identification of new biomarkers, laboratories will focus future studies on the molecular mechanisms that underlie glioma development. Here, we report a series of genomic analyses identifying novel molecular biomarkers in multiple histopathological subtypes of glioma and refine the classification of malignant gliomas. We have completed a large scale analysis of the WHO grade II-III astrocytoma exome and report frequent mutations in the chromatin modifier, alpha thalassemia mental retardation x-linked (
Humans and song-learning birds communicate acoustically using learned vocalizations. The characteristic features of this social communication behavior include vocal control by forebrain motor areas, a direct cortical projection to brainstem vocal motor neurons, and dependence on auditory feedback to develop and maintain learned vocalizations. These features have so far not been found in closely related primate and avian species that do not learn vocalizations. Male mice produce courtship ultrasonic vocalizations with acoustic features similar to songs of song-learning birds. However, it is assumed that mice lack a forebrain system for vocal modification and that their ultrasonic vocalizations are innate. Here we investigated the mouse song system and discovered that it includes a motor cortex region active during singing, that projects directly to brainstem vocal motor neurons and is necessary for keeping song more stereotyped and on pitch. We also discovered that male mice depend on auditory feedback to maintain some ultrasonic song features, and that sub-strains with differences in their songs can match each other's pitch when cross-housed under competitive social conditions. We conclude that male mice have some limited vocal modification abilities with at least some neuroanatomical features thought to be unique to humans and song-learning birds. To explain our findings, we propose a continuum hypothesis of vocal learning.
Spoken language and learned song are complex communication behaviors found in only a few species, including humans and three groups of distantly related birds--songbirds, parrots, and hummingbirds. Despite their large phylogenetic distances, these vocal learners show convergent behaviors and associated brain pathways for vocal communication. However, it is not clear whether this behavioral and anatomical convergence is associated with molecular convergence. Here we used oligo microarrays to screen for genes differentially regulated in brain nuclei necessary for producing learned vocalizations relative to adjacent brain areas that control other behaviors in avian vocal learners versus vocal non-learners. A top candidate gene in our screen was a calcium-binding protein, parvalbumin (PV). In situ hybridization verification revealed that PV was expressed significantly higher throughout the song motor pathway, including brainstem vocal motor neurons relative to the surrounding brain regions of all distantly related avian vocal learners. This differential expression was specific to PV and vocal learners, as it was not found in avian vocal non-learners nor for control genes in learners and non-learners. Similar to the vocal learning birds, higher PV up-regulation was found in the brainstem tongue motor neurons used for speech production in humans relative to a non-human primate, macaques. These results suggest repeated convergent evolution of differential PV up-regulation in the brains of vocal learners separated by more than 65-300 million years from a common ancestor and that the specialized behaviors of learned song and speech may require extra calcium buffering and signaling.