229 resultados para biotransformation


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As Microcistinas são heptapeptídios cíclicos produzidos como metabólitos secundários por diferentes espécies de cianobactérias, sendo relevantes pelo seu potencial hepatotóxico. Peixes apresentam estratégias bioquímicas para detoxificar contaminantes ambientais, incluindo a ativação de enzimas de fase II de biotransformação, que incluem as isoformas de glutationa S-transferase (GST). As GST catalizam a conjugação de glutationa reduzida (GSH) com uma variedade de xenobióticos, incluindo as microcistinas. O presente estudo avaliou os níveis transcricionais de quinze isoformas de GST a fim de identificar isoformas possivelmente envolvidas na detoxificação de contaminantes ambientais como a microcistina-LR (MC-LR) em Danio rerio. A técnica de PCR em tempo real (RT-qPCR) foi utilizada para avaliação dos níveis transcricionais, permitindo análise das GST em diferentes órgãos, abundância e a ativação/repressão das isoformas de GST pela exposição à MC-LR. Foram avaliados os possíveis efeitos causados em brânquia e fígado após exposição por 24 hs às concentrações de 5 µg.L-1 e 50 µg.L-1 de MC-LR. Baseado nos scores de estabilidade para oito genes normalizadores, foram selecionados glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (g6pdh), β-actina1 e beta-2-microglobulina (b2m); b2m, alfa-tubulina 1 (tuba) e β- actin1; e tuba, b2m e g6pdh, para normalização dos níveis trancricionais de GST para distribuição órgão-específica, abundância e efeito da MC-LR em brânquia e fígado, respectivamente. A avaliação transcricional da distribuição órgão-específica revelou níveis significativos de gstal e gstk1.1 no fígado; gstp1 e gstp2 em brânquia; mgst3a, gstr1, gstm2, gstm33, gstp1, gstp2 e gstk1.1 no intestino; gstm2, gstm3 e gstal no olho e gstt1a e gsta2.1 no cérebro. Considerando os níveis de transcritos para um dado órgão, gstk1.1, gstal, gstp1 e gstt2 foram mais abundantes nos órgãos de detoxificação, tais como o fígado, brânquias e intestino, enquanto gstt1a e gsta2.1 foram mais abundantes no rim. Em brânquia, gsta2.1 e gstt1b foram reprimidas por 5 µg.L-1 de MC-LR e mgst1.1 foi reprimida em 50 µg.L-1 de MC-LR. No fígado, as isoformas gst2.2 e gstp2 foram reprimidas em ambas as concentrações, gstal foi reprimida em 5 µg.L-1, e gstt1a e gstk1.1 foram reprimidas em 50 µg.L-1 de MC-LR. As isoformas gstal, gstr1, gstp1, mgst3a, gstm1, gstm2 e gstm3 não foram alteradas pela exposição a MC-LR. Os resultados obtidos fornecem informações para a escolha de isoformas específicas de GST possivelmente envolvidas na detoxificação/toxicidade de MC-LR, a serem melhores caracterizadas ao nível protéico e também contribui para a escolha de genes normalizadores a serem utilizados em outros estudos da mesma natureza


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There is a substantial need to develop new medicines against parasitic diseases via public-private partnerships. Based on high throughput phenotypic screens of largely protozoal pathogens and bacteria, the Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) has recently assembled an open-access 'Pathogen Box' containing 400 well-curated chemical compounds. In the present study, we tested these compounds for activity against parasitic stages of the nematode Haemonchus contortus (barber's pole worm). In an optimised, whole-organism screening assay, using exsheathed third-stage (xL3) and fourth-stage (L4) larvae, we measured the inhibition of larval motility, growth and development of H. contortus. We also studied the effect of the 'hit' compound on mitochondrial function by measuring oxygen consumption. Among the 400 Pathogen Box compounds, we identified one chemical, called tolfenpyrad (compound identification code: MMV688934) that reproducibly inhibits xL3 motility as well as L4 motility, growth and development, with IC50 values ranging between 0.02 and 3 μM. An assessment of mitochondrial function showed that xL3s treated with tolfenpyrad consumed significantly less oxygen than untreated xL3s, which was consistent with specific inhibition of complex I of the respiratory electron transport chain in arthropods. Given that tolfenpyrad was developed as a pesticide and has already been tested for absorption, distribution, excretion, biotransformation, toxicity and metabolism, it shows considerable promise for hit-to-lead optimisation and/or repurposing for use against H. contortus and other parasitic nematodes. Future work should assess its activity against hookworms and other pathogens that cause neglected tropical diseases.


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The significance of the gut microbiota as a determinant of drug pharmacokinetics and accordingly therapeutic response is of increasing importance with the advent of modern medicines characterised by low solubility and/or permeability, or modified-release. These physicochemical properties and release kinetics prolong drug residence times within the gastrointestinal tract, wherein biotransformation by commensal microbes can occur. As the evidence base in support of this supplementary metabolic “organ” expands, novel opportunities to engineer the microbiota for clinical benefit have emerged. This review provides an overview of microbe-mediated alteration of drug pharmacokinetics, with particular emphasis on studies demonstrating proof of concept in vivo. Additionally, recent advances in modulating the microbiota to improve clinical response to therapeutics are explored.


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As a nematotoxics screening biotechnological system, Solanum tuberosum hairy roots (StHR) and S. tuberosum hairy roots with Meloidogyne chitwoodi co-cultures (StHR/CRKN) were evaluated, with and without the addition of the essential oils (EOs) of Satureja montana and Ruta graveolens. EOs nematotoxic and phytotoxic effects were followed weekly by evaluating nematode population density in the co-cultures as well as growth and volatile profiles of both in vitro cultures types. Growth, measured by the dissimilation method and by fresh and dry weight determination, was inhibited after EO addition. Nematode population increased in control cultures, while in EO-added cultures numbers were kept stable. In addition to each of the EOs main components, and in vitro cultures constitutive volatiles, new volatiles were detected by gas chromatography and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry in both culture types. StHR with CRKN co-cultures showed to be suitable for preliminary assessment of nematotoxic EOs.