953 resultados para biometrics (access control)
With the recent explosion in the complexity and amount of digital multimedia data, there has been a huge impact on the operations of various organizations in distinct areas, such as government services, education, medical care, business, entertainment, etc. To satisfy the growing demand of multimedia data management systems, an integrated framework called DIMUSE is proposed and deployed for distributed multimedia applications to offer a full scope of multimedia related tools and provide appealing experiences for the users. This research mainly focuses on video database modeling and retrieval by addressing a set of core challenges. First, a comprehensive multimedia database modeling mechanism called Hierarchical Markov Model Mediator (HMMM) is proposed to model high dimensional media data including video objects, low-level visual/audio features, as well as historical access patterns and frequencies. The associated retrieval and ranking algorithms are designed to support not only the general queries, but also the complicated temporal event pattern queries. Second, system training and learning methodologies are incorporated such that user interests are mined efficiently to improve the retrieval performance. Third, video clustering techniques are proposed to continuously increase the searching speed and accuracy by architecting a more efficient multimedia database structure. A distributed video management and retrieval system is designed and implemented to demonstrate the overall performance. The proposed approach is further customized for a mobile-based video retrieval system to solve the perception subjectivity issue by considering individual user's profile. Moreover, to deal with security and privacy issues and concerns in distributed multimedia applications, DIMUSE also incorporates a practical framework called SMARXO, which supports multilevel multimedia security control. SMARXO efficiently combines role-based access control (RBAC), XML and object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) to achieve the target of proficient security control. A distributed multimedia management system named DMMManager (Distributed MultiMedia Manager) is developed with the proposed framework DEMUR; to support multimedia capturing, analysis, retrieval, authoring and presentation in one single framework.
Protecting confidential information from improper disclosure is a fundamental security goal. While encryption and access control are important tools for ensuring confidentiality, they cannot prevent an authorized system from leaking confidential information to its publicly observable outputs, whether inadvertently or maliciously. Hence, secure information flow aims to provide end-to-end control of information flow. Unfortunately, the traditionally-adopted policy of noninterference, which forbids all improper leakage, is often too restrictive. Theories of quantitative information flow address this issue by quantifying the amount of confidential information leaked by a system, with the goal of showing that it is intuitively "small" enough to be tolerated. Given such a theory, it is crucial to develop automated techniques for calculating the leakage in a system. ^ This dissertation is concerned with program analysis for calculating the maximum leakage, or capacity, of confidential information in the context of deterministic systems and under three proposed entropy measures of information leakage: Shannon entropy leakage, min-entropy leakage, and g-leakage. In this context, it turns out that calculating the maximum leakage of a program reduces to counting the number of possible outputs that it can produce. ^ The new approach introduced in this dissertation is to determine two-bit patterns, the relationships among pairs of bits in the output; for instance we might determine that two bits must be unequal. By counting the number of solutions to the two-bit patterns, we obtain an upper bound on the number of possible outputs. Hence, the maximum leakage can be bounded. We first describe a straightforward computation of the two-bit patterns using an automated prover. We then show a more efficient implementation that uses an implication graph to represent the two- bit patterns. It efficiently constructs the graph through the use of an automated prover, random executions, STP counterexamples, and deductive closure. The effectiveness of our techniques, both in terms of efficiency and accuracy, is shown through a number of case studies found in recent literature. ^
Nella società odierna, le telecomunicazioni costituiscono un’esigenza fondamentale della vita quotidiana. Difatti, il mercato della ICT (Information and Communications Technology) è in costante espansione, e viene accompagnato da un rapido sviluppo di nuove tecnologie. In particolare, si assiste a un sempre più rilevante ruolo svolto dalle comunicazioni ottiche, ovvero sfruttanti la luce: in questo contesto, il quale comprende diversi rami ingegneristici, si stanno progressivamente affermando nuove forme di comunicazione basate sulla luce visibile, la cosiddetta Visible Light Communication (VLC). Con questa Tesi ci si propone di implementare con Simulink e stateflow di Matlab il livello MAC (Medium Access Control), basato sullo standard IEEE 802.15.7 per le VLC e valutarne le prestazioni. Prescinde da questa Tesi la parte di implementazione su scheda stessa che è lasciata per sviluppi futuri. Nel capitolo uno si introducono le VLC e si discutono i principali scenari attuali dove possono diffondersi. Nel capitolo 2, si mostrano le principali linee guida afferenti agli standard che sono risultate necessarie per sviluppare lo strato MAC. Nei capitoli 3 e 4 si mostra come il layer sviluppato possa essere utilizzato in due principali situazioni: nel capitolo 3 è descritta la realizzazione di una comunicazione punto-punto, ovvero con un trasmettitore e un ricevitore; nel capitolo 4 è descritta l’implementazione di una rete di nodi, ambito in cui il livello MAC risulta indispensabile. Per ognuna delle situazioni si illustrano scelte e caratteristiche dei sistemi simulati e i risultati ottenuti, cercando di coprire diverse eventualità che intercorrono, più in generale, nella gestione e implementazione di sistemi di telecomunicazione wireless.
Secure Access For Everyone (SAFE), is an integrated system for managing trust
using a logic-based declarative language. Logical trust systems authorize each
request by constructing a proof from a context---a set of authenticated logic
statements representing credentials and policies issued by various principals
in a networked system. A key barrier to practical use of logical trust systems
is the problem of managing proof contexts: identifying, validating, and
assembling the credentials and policies that are relevant to each trust
SAFE addresses this challenge by (i) proposing a distributed authenticated data
repository for storing the credentials and policies; (ii) introducing a
programmable credential discovery and assembly layer that generates the
appropriate tailored context for a given request. The authenticated data
repository is built upon a scalable key-value store with its contents named by
secure identifiers and certified by the issuing principal. The SAFE language
provides scripting primitives to generate and organize logic sets representing
credentials and policies, materialize the logic sets as certificates, and link
them to reflect delegation patterns in the application. The authorizer fetches
the logic sets on demand, then validates and caches them locally for further
use. Upon each request, the authorizer constructs the tailored proof context
and provides it to the SAFE inference for certified validation.
Delegation-driven credential linking with certified data distribution provides
flexible and dynamic policy control enabling security and trust infrastructure
to be agile, while addressing the perennial problems related to today's
certificate infrastructure: automated credential discovery, scalable
revocation, and issuing credentials without relying on centralized authority.
We envision SAFE as a new foundation for building secure network systems. We
used SAFE to build secure services based on case studies drawn from practice:
(i) a secure name service resolver similar to DNS that resolves a name across
multi-domain federated systems; (ii) a secure proxy shim to delegate access
control decisions in a key-value store; (iii) an authorization module for a
networked infrastructure-as-a-service system with a federated trust structure
(NSF GENI initiative); and (iv) a secure cooperative data analytics service
that adheres to individual secrecy constraints while disclosing the data. We
present empirical evaluation based on these case studies and demonstrate that
SAFE supports a wide range of applications with low overhead.
Emerging cybersecurity vulnerabilities in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems are becoming urgent engineering issues for modern substations. This paper proposes a novel intrusion detection system (IDS) tailored for cybersecurity of IEC 61850 based substations. The proposed IDS integrates physical knowledge, protocol specifications and logical behaviours to provide a comprehensive and effective solution that is able to mitigate various cyberattacks. The proposed approach comprises access control detection, protocol whitelisting, model-based detection, and multi-parameter based detection. This SCADA-specific IDS is implemented and validated using a comprehensive and realistic cyber-physical test-bed and data from a real 500kV smart substation.
VALENTIM, R. A. M. ; MORAIS, A. H. F. ; SOUZA, V. S. V ; ARAUJO JUNIOR, H. B. ; BRANDAO, G. B. ; GUERREIRO, A. M. G. . Rede de Controle em Ambiente Hospitalar: um protocolo multiciclos para automação hospitalar sobre IEEE 802.3 com IGMP Snooping. Revista Ciência e Tecnologia, v. 11, p. 19, 2009
VALENTIM, R. A. M. ; MORAIS, A. H. F. ; SOUZA, V. S. V ; ARAUJO JUNIOR, H. B. ; BRANDAO, G. B. ; GUERREIRO, A. M. G. . Rede de Controle em Ambiente Hospitalar: um protocolo multiciclos para automação hospitalar sobre IEEE 802.3 com IGMP Snooping. Revista Ciência e Tecnologia, v. 11, p. 19, 2009
Public agencies are increasingly required to collaborate with each other in order to provide high-quality e-government services. This collaboration is usually based on the service-oriented approach and supported by interoperability platforms. Such platforms are specialized middleware-based infrastructures enabling the provision, discovery and invocation of interoperable software services. In turn, given that personal data handled by governments are often very sensitive, most governments have developed some sort of legislation focusing on data protection. This paper proposes solutions for monitoring and enforcing data protection laws within an E-government Interoperability Platform. In particular, the proposal addresses requirements posed by the Uruguayan Data Protection Law and the Uruguayan E-government Platform, although it can also be applied in similar scenarios. The solutions are based on well-known integration mechanisms (e.g. Enterprise Service Bus) as well as recognized security standards (e.g. eXtensible Access Control Markup Language) and were completely prototyped leveraging the SwitchYard ESB product.
Database schemas, in many organizations, are considered one of the critical assets to be protected. From database schemas, it is not only possible to infer the information being collected but also the way organizations manage their businesses and/or activities. One of the ways to disclose database schemas is through the Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) expressions. In fact, their use can follow strict security rules or be unregulated by malicious users. In the first case, users are required to master database schemas. This can be critical when applications that access the database directly, which we call database interface applications (DIA), are developed by third party organizations via outsourcing. In the second case, users can disclose partially or totally database schemas following malicious algorithms based on CRUD expressions. To overcome this vulnerability, we propose a new technique where CRUD expressions cannot be directly manipulated by DIAs any more. Whenever a DIA starts-up, the associated database server generates a random codified token for each CRUD expression and sends it to the DIA that the database servers can use to execute the correspondent CRUD expression. In order to validate our proposal, we present a conceptual architectural model and a proof of concept.
Call Level Interfaces (CLI) are low level API that play a key role in database applications whenever a fine tune control between application tiers and the host databases is a key requirement. Unfortunately, in spite of this significant advantage, CLI were not designed to address organizational requirements and contextual runtime requirements. Among the examples we emphasize the need to decouple or not to decouple the development process of business tiers from the development process of application tiers and also the need to automatically adapt to new business and/or security needs at runtime. To tackle these CLI drawbacks, and simultaneously keep their advantages, this paper proposes an architecture relying on CLI from which multi-purpose business tiers components are built, herein referred to as Adaptable Business Tier Components (ABTC). This paper presents the reference architecture for those components and a proof of concept based on Java and Java Database Connectivity (an example of CLI).
Part 6: Engineering and Implementation of Collaborative Networks
The fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, has rapidly gained traction in businesses across Europe and the world, becoming a central theme in small, medium, and large enterprises alike. This new paradigm shifts the focus from locally-based and barely automated firms to a globally interconnected industrial sector, stimulating economic growth and productivity, and supporting the upskilling and reskilling of employees. However, despite the maturity and scalability of information and cloud technologies, the support systems already present in the machine field are often outdated and lack the necessary security, access control, and advanced communication capabilities. This dissertation proposes architectures and technologies designed to bridge the gap between Operational and Information Technology, in a manner that is non-disruptive, efficient, and scalable. The proposal presents cloud-enabled data-gathering architectures that make use of the newest IT and networking technologies to achieve the desired quality of service and non-functional properties. By harnessing industrial and business data, processes can be optimized even before product sale, while the integrated environment enhances data exchange for post-sale support. The architectures have been tested and have shown encouraging performance results, providing a promising solution for companies looking to embrace Industry 4.0, enhance their operational capabilities, and prepare themselves for the upcoming fifth human-centric revolution.
Massive Internet of Things is expected to play a crucial role in Beyond 5G (B5G) wireless communication systems, offering seamless connectivity among heterogeneous devices without human intervention. However, the exponential proliferation of smart devices and IoT networks, relying solely on terrestrial networks, may not fully meet the demanding IoT requirements in terms of bandwidth and connectivity, especially in areas where terrestrial infrastructures are not economically viable. To unleash the full potential of 5G and B5G networks and enable seamless connectivity everywhere, the 3GPP envisions the integration of Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTNs) into the terrestrial ones starting from Release 17. However, this integration process requires modifications to the 5G standard to ensure reliable communications despite typical satellite channel impairments. In this framework, this thesis aims at proposing techniques at the Physical and Medium Access Control layers that require minimal adaptations in the current NB-IoT standard via NTN. Thus, firstly the satellite impairments are evaluated and, then, a detailed link budget analysis is provided. Following, analyses at the link and the system levels are conducted. In the former case, a novel algorithm leveraging time-frequency analysis is proposed to detect orthogonal preambles and estimate the signals’ arrival time. Besides, the effects of collisions on the detection probability and Bit Error Rate are investigated and Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access approaches are proposed in the random access and data phases. The system analysis evaluates the performance of random access in case of congestion. Various access parameters are tested in different satellite scenarios, and the performance is measured in terms of access probability and time required to complete the procedure. Finally, a heuristic algorithm is proposed to jointly design the access and data phases, determining the number of satellite passages, the Random Access Periodicity, and the number of uplink repetitions that maximize the system's spectral efficiency.
Recent technological advancements have played a key role in seamlessly integrating cloud, edge, and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, giving rise to the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum paradigm. This cloud model connects many heterogeneous resources that generate a large amount of data and collaborate to deliver next-generation services. While it has the potential to reshape several application domains, the number of connected entities remarkably broadens the security attack surface. One of the main problems is the lack of security measures to adapt to the dynamic and evolving conditions of the Cloud-To-Thing Continuum. To address this challenge, this dissertation proposes novel adaptable security mechanisms. Adaptable security is the capability of security controls, systems, and protocols to dynamically adjust to changing conditions and scenarios. However, since the design and development of novel security mechanisms can be explored from different perspectives and levels, we place our attention on threat modeling and access control. The contributions of the thesis can be summarized as follows. First, we introduce a model-based methodology that secures the design of edge and cyber-physical systems. This solution identifies threats, security controls, and moving target defense techniques based on system features. Then, we focus on access control management. Since access control policies are subject to modifications, we evaluate how they can be efficiently shared among distributed areas, highlighting the effectiveness of distributed ledger technologies. Furthermore, we propose a risk-based authorization middleware, adjusting permissions based on real-time data, and a federated learning framework that enhances trustworthiness by weighting each client's contributions according to the quality of their partial models. Finally, since authorization revocation is another critical concern, we present an efficient revocation scheme for verifiable credentials in IoT networks, featuring decentralization, demanding minimum storage and computing capabilities. All the mechanisms have been evaluated in different conditions, proving their adaptability to the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum landscape.
In this paper the continuous Verhulst dynamic model is used to synthesize a new distributed power control algorithm (DPCA) for use in direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) systems. The Verhulst model was initially designed to describe the population growth of biological species under food and physical space restrictions. The discretization of the corresponding differential equation is accomplished via the Euler numeric integration (ENI) method. Analytical convergence conditions for the proposed DPCA are also established. Several properties of the proposed recursive algorithm, such as Euclidean distance from optimum vector after convergence, convergence speed, normalized mean squared error (NSE), average power consumption per user, performance under dynamics channels, and implementation complexity aspects, are analyzed through simulations. The simulation results are compared with two other DPCAs: the classic algorithm derived by Foschini and Miljanic and the sigmoidal of Uykan and Koivo. Under estimated errors conditions, the proposed DPCA exhibits smaller discrepancy from the optimum power vector solution and better convergence (under fixed and adaptive convergence factor) than the classic and sigmoidal DPCAs. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.