361 resultados para bicycle


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El texto muestra la evolución del componente destinado a incentivar el uso de la bicicleta en el marco de la política de movilidad de Bogotá desde Mockus hasta Petro y también el papel de la sociedad civil en el proceso de la reimplementación de dicho componente en la alcaldía de Moreno y en la de Petro.


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Resumen Objetivo: Determinar los factores socio-demográficos, laborales y los factores de riesgo ergonómico, relacionados con la aparición de síntomas osteomusculares de la actividad del Bicitaxismo en el barrio Toberín de la Localidad de Usaquén de la Ciudad Bogotá, para recomendar estrategias de prevención. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal en 150 personas que trabajan en el Bicitaxismo. Se realizó un muestreo simple y aleatorio. La identificación de los factores asociados con síntomas osteomusculares se hizo mediante la aplicación de la metodología Ergopar (Ergonomía Participativa para la prevención de trastornos musculoesqueléticos de origen laboral), en el grupo de personas que trabajan en el Bicitaxismo. Se estimó la proporción de personas con trastornos músculo esqueléticos en este grupo de trabajadores y se exploró asociación mediante la prueba Chi cuadrado de Pearson o prueba exacta de Fisher, usando nivel de significación del 5%, con el programa SPSS 20. Resultados: Los resultados sugirieron que en el bicitaxismo hay asociación estadísticamente significativa con los factores de edad y aparición de dolor en espalda lumbar valor p (0,009), manos/muñecas valor p (0,001), piernas con un valor p (0,022), rodillas valor p (0,001), tiempo de trabajo con la aparición de dolor en codos valor p (0,013), horas de trabajo con la aparición de molestias en codos valor p (0,000), y en piernas valor p (0,002), Días de trabajo, con la aparición de molestias en manos/muñecas valor p (0,003), dolor en piernas valor p (0), y dolor en rodillas valor p (0,014), e igualmente exigencias físicas con la aparición de molestias en manos/muñecas valor p (0,002) y dolor en piernas con un valor p (0,044) Conclusión: Se evidenció asociación entre la actividad del bicitaxismo y la aparición de síntomas osteomusculares de molestia/dolor en los diferentes segmentos musculares, tales como espalda lumbar, codos, manos/muñecas, piernas y rodillas


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Este proyecto fue galardonado con el 1er Premio de Innovación Educativa 2009.


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An analysis of two paired moments, both involving bicycle rides, which enables a discussion of the relationships which the film establishes formally between these moments (and other elements of the film) and establishes the parallel between these structures and the film's interest in exploring coincidences, and seeking out a range of economic, political and metaphysical relationships. It explores the way the film dramatises philosophical debates through action.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: The PPARGC1A gene coactivates multiple nuclear transcription factors involved in cellular energy metabolism and vascular stasis. In the present study, we genotyped 35 tagging polymorphisms to capture all common PPARGC1A nucleotide sequence variations and tested for association with metabolic and cardiovascular traits in 2,101 Danish and Estonian boys and girls from the European Youth Heart Study, a multicentre school-based cross-sectional cohort study. METHODS: Fasting plasma glucose concentrations, anthropometric variables and blood pressure were measured. Habitual physical activity and aerobic fitness were objectively assessed using uniaxial accelerometry and a maximal aerobic exercise stress test on a bicycle ergometer, respectively. RESULTS: In adjusted models, nominally significant associations were observed for BMI (rs10018239, p = 0.039), waist circumference (rs7656250, p = 0.012; rs8192678 [Gly482Ser], p = 0.015; rs3755863, p = 0.02; rs10018239, beta = -0.01 cm per minor allele copy, p = 0.043), systolic blood pressure (rs2970869, p = 0.018) and fasting glucose concentrations (rs11724368, p = 0.045). Stronger associations were observed for aerobic fitness (rs7656250, p = 0.005; rs13117172, p = 0.008) and fasting glucose concentrations (rs7657071, p = 0.002). None remained significant after correcting for the number of statistical comparisons. We proceeded by testing for gene x physical activity interactions for the polymorphisms that showed nominal evidence of association in the main effect models. None of these tests was statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Variants at PPARGC1A may influence several metabolic traits in this European paediatric cohort. However, variation at PPARGC1A is unlikely to have a major impact on cardiovascular or metabolic health in these children.


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Kinematic (relative phase error), metabolic (oxygen consumption, heart rate) and attentional (baseline and cycling reaction times) variables were measured while participants practised a high energy-demanding, intrinsically unstable 90° relative phase coordination pattern on independent bicycle ergometers. The variables were found to be strongly inter-correlated, suggesting a link between emerging performance stability with practice and minimal metabolic and attentional cost. The effects of practice of 90° relative phase coordination on the performance of in-phase (0°-phase) and antiphase (180°-phase) coordination were investigated by measuring the relative phase attractor layouts and recording the metabolic and attentional cost of the three coordination patterns before and after practice. The attentional variables did not differ significantly between coordination patterns and did not change with practice. Before practice, the coordination performance was most accurate and stable for in-phase cycling, with antiphase next and 90°-phase the poorest. However, metabolic cost was lower for antiphase than either in-phase or 90°-phase cycling, and the pre-practice attractor layout deviated from that predicted on the basis of dynamic stability as an attractor state, revealing an attraction to antiphase cycling. After practice of 90°-phase cycling, in-phase cycling remained the most accurate and stable, with 90°-phase next and antiphase the poorest, but antiphase retained the lowest metabolic energy cost. The attractor layout had changed, with new attractors formed at the practised 90°-phase pattern and its symmetrical partner of 270°-phase. Considering both the pre- and post-practice results, attractors were formed at either a low metabolic energy cost but less stable (antiphase) pattern or at a more stable but higher metabolic energy cost (90°-phase) pattern, but in neither case at the most stable and accurate (in-phase) pattern. The results suggest that energetic factors affect coordination dynamics and that coordination modes lower in metabolic energy expenditure may compete with dynamically stable modes.


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The effects were compared of exercise in the fasted state and exercise with a high rate of carbohydrate intake on intramyocellular triglyceride (IMTG) and glycogen content of human muscle. Using a randomized crossover study design, nine young healthy volunteers participated in two experimental sessions with an interval of 3 weeks. In each session subjects performed 2 h of constant-load bicycle exercise (∼75% VO2max ), followed by 4 h of controlled recovery. On one occasion they exercised after an overnight fast (F), and on the other (CHO) they received carbohydrates before (∼150 g) and during (1 g (kg bw)−1 h−1) exercise. In both conditions, subjects ingested 5 g carbohydrates per kg body weight during recovery. Fibre type-specific relative IMTG content was determined by Oil red O staining in needle biopsies from m. vastus lateralis before, immediately after and 4 h after exercise. During F but not during CHO, the exercise bout decreased IMTG content in type I fibres from 18 ± 2% to 6 ± 2% (P= 0.007) area lipid staining. Conversely, during recovery, IMTG in type I fibres decreased from 15 ± 2% to 10 ± 2% in CHO, but did not change in F. Neither exercise nor recovery changed IMTG in type IIa fibres in any experimental condition. Exercise-induced net glycogen breakdown was similar in F and CHO. However, compared with CHO (11.0 ± 7.8 mmol kg−1 h−1), mean rate of postexercise muscle glycogen resynthesis was 3-fold greater in F (32.9 ± 2.7 mmol kg−1 h−1, P= 0.01). Furthermore, oral glucose loading during recovery increased plasma insulin markedly more in F (+46.80 μU ml−1) than in CHO (+14.63 μU ml−1, P= 0.02). We conclude that IMTG breakdown during prolonged submaximal exercise in the fasted state takes place predominantly in type I fibres and that this breakdown is prevented in the CHO-fed state. Furthermore, facilitated glucose-induced insulin secretion may contribute to enhanced muscle glycogen resynthesis following exercise in the fasted state.


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The Powerful Owl Ninox strenua is Australia’s largest owl, and is mainly found east of the Great Dividing Range on the mainland in tall-open forests. The species is considered rare, both nationally and in the State of Victoria; and threatened in the Greater Melbourne area. Recovery plans for the future conservation management of N. strenua are being prepared in 2 states.

Historically, Powerful Owls have been thought to require large homes ranges (about 1000 ha per pair) in suitable old-growth forest, which provides nest hollows for the owls and their arboreal marsupial prey. Recent research, however, has found N. strenua may be more numerous and breed more successfully in a wider range of habitats than previously believed. In particular, the birds have been found living in forests and woodlands within the greater metropolitan areas of cities. The most extreme case is where a nest tree has been found within 800m of urban settlement and 6km from the centre of Brisbane.

In this paper we report on the diet, habitat use, and conservation management by a number of breeding pairs of owls in outer urban Melbourne. Study sites range from a relatively undisturbed rainforest habitat 80km from central Melbourne, through dry sclerophyll, eucalyptus-dominated open forest with some disturbance to a site 8km from central Melbourne in highly disturbed urban parkland.

Diets of the families of owls were determined by analyzing remains in regurgitated pellets. The data confirm that arboreal marsupials constitute the major prey items, especially the Common Ringtail Possum Pseudocheirus peregrinus. There were differences in diets depending on the availability of prey species, which suggest a level of opportunism not previously suspected. Our study is also the first to confirm the owls capture adult Common Brushtail Possums Trichosurus vulpecula (15% of pellets containing the remains of this large opossum have bones of mature adults at 1 site) and thus take prey up to two and a half times their own weight. As well our data suggest Powerful Owls are not restricted to hollow-dwelling prey, as in some sites the marsupials rested during the day either in leafy nests called dreys (P. peregrinus) or in house roofs (T. vulpecula).

In the most heavily disturbed sites, breeding success has been reduced, and we have evidence that in one particular year the young were eaten by one of the parents. This followed construction of a bicycle track under the nest during the breeding season. Recommendations are made for the future conservation and habitat management of Powerful Owls in the Yarra Valley corridor.


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Wetland buffers separate wetlands from surrounding land uses that are incompatible with wetland values. Buffers are established to fulfil a variety of needs. However, not all functions which are attributed to buffers are mutually compatible. In particular, their use as major recreational zones is not necessarily compatible with reducing disturbance to wetland wildlife, such as birds. This paper examines the buffer around an urban wetland at Altona, Victoria, which is extensively used by recreationists. The presence of a bicycle trail within the buffer might effectively reduce its size and effectiveness, and cause ‘buffer creep’ whereby the effective separation distance between people and birds is reduced. It might also unintentionally facilitate unauthorised access into an otherwise ‘off-limits’ wetland. While social support is critical for wetland conservation, the existence of recreation in buffers does not automatically confer high awareness of local wetlands. The success of buffers as a conservation tool will depend upon setting a clear objective for buffers, careful design and management, and evaluation of effectiveness to optimise the potential benefits for wetlands and their fauna.


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Implementation of a structured physical exercise program can improve glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

To evaluate the efficacy of aerobic exercise and resistance training (either alone or in combination) in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

DARE (Diabetes Aerobic and Resistance Exercise) was a 26-week, single-center, parallel-group, randomized, controlled trial of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus of >6 months' duration. Participants were aged 39-70 years with a baseline [HbA.sub.1c] level 6.6-9.9%. Exclusion criteria included current insulin therapy, regular exercise regime and blood pressure >160/95 mmHg. All participants underwent a 4-week run-in period that comprised 12 sessions of combined aerobic exercise and resistance training; participants who attended [greater than or equal to] 10 sessions were eligible to enter the study. Eligible participants were randomly allocated to one of four groups: aerobic exercise alone; resistance training alone; combined aerobic exercise and resistance training; and no intervention (control group). Exercise was performed three times weekly. The aerobic exercise group progressed from 15-20 min on a treadmill or bicycle ergometer per session at 60% of the maximum heart rate to 45 min per session at 75% of the maximum heart rate. The resistance training group performed 7 different exercises on weight machines per 45 min session, and progressed to 2-3 sets of each exercise at the maximum weight that could be lifted 7-9 times. The combined exercise group performed the full aerobic exercise program plus the full resistance training program. Participants in the control group reverted to their pre-study exercise levels.

The primary outcome measure was the change in [HbA.sub.1c] from baseline. Secondary outcome measures included changes in blood pressure, lipid profile, and body composition.

A total of 251 participants were eligible for intervention. The median session attendance was 80% (aerobic exercise), 85% (resistance training) and 86% (combined exercise). When compared with the control group, the HbA1c levels were reduced by 0.50% in the aerobic exercise group (P = 0.007) and by 0.38% in the resistance training group (P = 0.038). The combined exercise group had an additional reduction of 0.46% when compared with the aerobic exercise group (P = 0.014) and of 0.59% when compared with the resistance training group (P = 0.001). Decreases in [HbA.sub.1c] levels were greatest for participants with a baseline [HbA.sub.1c] level = 7.5% (P <0.001). For participants with a baseline level [HbA.sub.1c] <7.5%, significant improvements in glycemic control were observed in the combined exercise group only (P = 0.002). Changes in blood pressure and lipid profiles did not differ between the groups. By contrast, participation in a structured exercise program improved body composition.

Although aerobic exercise or resistance training alone improved glycemic control, additional improvements were observed with the combined exercise regimen.


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This thesis found that a brief maximal acceleration, followed by a steady effort thereafter is the most effective pacing strategy for intense, short-term cycling performance. This strategy leads to an increase in aerobic energy supply early in exercise, which contributes to a faster speed throughout the race.


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Background: This study investigated the relationship between individual and neighborhood environmental factors and cycling for transport and for recreation among adults living in Perth, Western Australia.
Methods: Baseline cross-sectional data from 1813 participants (40.5% male; age range 18 to 78 years) in the Residential Environment (RESIDE) project were analyzed. The questionnaire included information on cycling behavior and on cycling-specific individual, social environmental, and neighborhood environmental attributes. Cycling for transport and recreation were dichotomized as whether or not individuals cycled in a usual week.
Results: Among the individual factors, positive attitudes toward cycling and perceived behavioral control increased the odds of cycling for transport and for recreation. Among the neighborhood environmental attributes, leafy and attractive neighborhoods, access to bicycle/walking paths, the presence of traffic slowing devices and having many 4-way street intersections were positively associated with cycling for transport. Many alternative routes in the local area increased the odds of cycling for recreation.
Conclusions: Effective strategies for increasing cycling (particularly cycling for transport) may include incorporating supportive environments such as creating leafy and attractive neighborhood surroundings, low traffic speed, and increased street connectivity, in addition to campaigns aimed at strengthening positive attitudes and confidence to cycle.


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PURPOSE: The objective of this study was to assess the reliability of testing skeletal muscle strength and peak aerobic power in a clinical population of patients with chronic heart failure (CHF).

METHODS: Thirty-three patients with CHF (New York Heart Association (NYHA) Functional Class 2.3 ± 0.5; left ventricular ejection fraction 27% ± 7%; age 65 ± 9 years; 28:5 male-female ratio) underwent two identical series of tests (T1 and T2), 1 week apart, for strength and endurance of the muscle groups responsible for knee extension/flexion and elbow extension/flexion. The patients also underwent two graded exercise tests on a bicycle ergometer to measure peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak). Three months later, 18 of the patients underwent a third test (T3) for each of the measures. Means were compared using MANOVA with repeated measures for strength and endurance, and ANOVA with repeated measures for VO2peak.

RESULTS: Combining data for all four movement patterns, the expression of strength increased from T1 to T2 by 12% ± 25% (P < .001; intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] = 0.89). Correspondingly, endurance increased by 13% ± 23% (P = .004; ICC = 0.87). Peak oxygen consumption was not significantly different (16.2 ± 0.8 and 16.1 ± 0.8 mL·kg-1·min-1 for T1 and T2, respectively;P = .686; ICC = 0.91). There were no significant differences between T2 and T3 for strength (2% ± 17%;P = .736; ICC = 0.92) or muscle endurance (-1% ± 15%;P = .812; ICC = 0.96), but VO2peak decreased from 16.7 ± 1.2 to 14.9 ± 0.9 mL·kg-1·min-1 (-10% ± 18%;P = .021; ICC = 0.89).

CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that in a population of patients with CHF, a familiarization trial for skeletal muscle strength testing is necessary. Although familiarization is not required for assessing oxygen consumption as a single measurement, VO2peak declined markedly in the 3-month period for which these patients were followed. Internal consistency within patients was high for the second and third strength trials and the first and second tests of VO2peak.


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This paper explores the ways in which the passage of the Tour de France bicycle race through France produces a distinctive cultural cartography or social map of France. Drawing on Lefebvre's (1991) conceptual triad of spatial practice, representations of space and representational spaces, the paper argues that the Tour de France both represents and is a space that is annually reordered and structured by very particular cultural practices. Through an analysis of the process (and politics) of route selection, the incorporation of iconic landscape and the transformation of civic space as the race moves across the country, the paper foregrounds the socially constructed nature of map making and the role of human intervention in producing and reproducing key cultural cartographies of France through the Tour de France.