259 resultados para benzoate


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Herbicides are becoming emergent contaminants in Italian surface, coastal and ground waters, due to their intensive use in agriculture. In marine environments herbicides have adverse effects on non-target organisms, as primary producers, resulting in oxygen depletion and decreased primary productivity. Alterations of species composition in algal communities can also occur due to the different sensitivity among the species. In the present thesis the effects of herbicides, widely used in the Northern Adriatic Sea, on different algal species were studied. The main goal of this work was to study the influence of temperature on algal growth in the presence of the triazinic herbicide terbuthylazine (TBA), and the cellular responses adopted to counteract the toxic effects of the pollutant (Chapter 1 and 2). The development of simulation models to be applied in environmental management are needed to organize and track information in a way that would not be possible otherwise and simulate an ecological prospective. The data collected from laboratory experiments were used to simulate algal responses to the TBA exposure at increasing temperature conditions (Chapter 3). Part of the thesis was conducted in foreign countries. The work presented in Chapter 4 was focused on the effect of high light on growth, toxicity and mixotrophy of the ichtyotoxic species Prymnesium parvum. In addition, a mesocosm experiment was conducted in order to study the synergic effect of the pollutant emamectin benzoate with other anthropogenic stressors, such as oil pollution and induced phytoplankton blooms (Chapter 5).


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Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) è un lepidottero originario dell’America meridionale, infeudato a pomodoro e ad altre solanacee coltivate e spontanee. Con l’attività trofica le larve causano mine fogliari e gallerie nei frutti, con conseguenti ingenti danni alle colture. T. absoluta è stato segnalato per la prima volta in Italia nel 2008 e in Piemonte nel 2009. Pertanto le ricerche sono state condotte per rilevarne la distribuzione in Piemonte, studiarne l’andamento di popolazione in condizioni naturali e controllate, e valutare l’efficacia di differenti mezzi di lotta al fine di definire le strategie di difesa. Il monitoraggio, condotto nel 2010, ha evidenziato come T. absoluta sia ormai largamente diffuso sul territorio regionale già pochi mesi dopo la segnalazione. L’insetto ha mostrato di prediligere condizioni climatiche più miti; infatti è stato ritrovato con maggiore frequenza nelle aree più calde. Il fitofago ha raggiunto densità di popolazione elevate a partire dalla seconda metà dell’estate, a ulteriore dimostrazione che, in una regione a clima temperato come il Piemonte, T. absoluta dà origine a infestazioni economicamente rilevanti solo dopo il culmine della stagione estiva. Per definire le strategie di lotta, sono state condotte prove in laboratorio, semi-campo e campo volte a valutare la tossicità nei confronti del lepidottero di preparati a base di emamectina benzoato, rynaxypyr, spinosad e Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner. In campo è stata verificata anche l’efficacia del miride dicifino Macrolophus pygmaeus (Rambur), reperibile in commercio. In tutte le prove, è stata riscontrata una maggiore efficacia di rynaxypyr ed emamectina benzoato. In campo M. pygmaeus ha mostrato difficoltà d’insediamento ed è stato in grado di contenere efficacemente il fitofago soltanto con bassi livelli d’infestazione. Per contro è stata costantemente osservata la presenza naturale di un altro miride dicifino Dicyphus errans (Wolff), che in laboratorio ha mostrato di non essere particolarmente disturbato dalle sostanze saggiate.


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Bei der Untersuchung molekularer magnetischer Materialien spielen Metall-Radikal Verbindungen eine bedeutende Rolle. Ein Forschungsschwerpunkt stützt sich auf die Familie der Nitronyl-Nitroxid (NIT) Radikale, die sich durch eine hohe chemische Stabilität auszeichnen. Im sogenannten „Metall-Radikal Ansatz“ wurden die starken Austauschwechselwirkungen zwischen stabilen Radikalen und Übergangsmetallionen in mehrdimensionalen Netzwerken ausgiebig untersucht. Um diese Netzwerke mit NIT Radikalen aufzubauen, müssen zusätzliche funktionelle Gruppen, mit einem Abstand zur spintragenden Einheit, in das Molekül eingebaut werden. Dies kann zu einer zusätzlichen schwachen Spinaustauschwechselwirkung führen. Um diese Wechselwirkung zwischen Metalldimeren mit einem einzelnen Benzoat annalogen NIT-Radikal zu untersuchen, wurden dimere Mangan(II), Kobalt(II) und Zink(II) Komplexe mit dem Chelatliganden N,N,N',N'-Tetrakis(2-benzimid-azolylalkyl)-2-hydroxy-1,3-diamino-propan synthetisiert und zusätzlich über eine periphere Carboxylat Gruppe eines NIT Radikals verbrückt.rnDie Messungen der magnetischen Suszeptibilität weisen auf eine dominante antiferromagnetische Wechselwirkung in der Metall-Radikal Verbindung hin, bei der es sich um die Spin-Austauschwechselwirkung innerhalb des Metalldimers handelt. Durch den Vergleich mit analogen Nitrobenzoat- verbrückten Mangan(II) und Kobalt(II) Verbindungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass keine Metall-Radikal Wechselwirkung beobachtet wird, obwohl eine Wechselwirkung der pi*-orbitale mit den delokalisierten pi-System des Phenylrings durch Spin-Polarisation grundsätzlich möglich ist. Auch ESR - Messungen bestätigen dies, da der Spingrundzustand das anisotrope Signal des freien NIT Radikals aufweist. Das Radikal verhält sich somit wie ein isoliertes S=1/2 Spin-Zentrum, was zusätzlich durch DFT-Rechnungen bekräftigt werden konnte. Zusammenfassend führt also die Koordination eines NIT-Benzoats an ein antiferromagnetisch gekoppeltes Metalldimer nur zur Anhebung des Spingrundzustandes und hat keinen signifikanten Effekt auf die Austauschwechselwirkung. Um trotzdem eine Metall-Radikal Wechselwirkung beobachten zu können, ist es notwendig Koordinationsverbindungen zu synthetisieren in denen hohe Spingrundzustände besetzt werden. Dies trifft auf das analoge Kupferdimer zu, wofür eine ferromagnetische Wechselwirkung zu beobachten ist.rnNach den Regeln der Spin-Polarisation müsste die Verkürzung des Austauschpfades um eine Bindung zu einer Umkehrung des Vorzeichens der magnetischen Wechselwirkung führen. Diese Verkürzung kann man durch die Verwendung des alternativen stabilen NOA-Radikals (tert-Butyl Nitroxid) erreichen. Sowohl das NIT als auch das NOA-Radikal werden an ein Kupfer(II)-dimer koordiniert, das durch die Verwendung des oben erwähnten N6O-Liganden gebildet wurde. In der Modellverbindung, ohne einen paramagnetischen Substituenten am Benzoat, zeigen die Kupferionen eine ferromagnetische Wechselwirkung mit einem Triplett Grundzustand, dessen Existenz durch die Messung der magnetischen Suszeptibilität und ESR-Spektroskopie belegt werden kann. Aufgrund der nahezu identischen Koordinationsumgebung bleibt bei allen synthetisierten Verbindungen die Kupfer-Kupfer Wechselwirkung dabei gleich. Die Daten von ESR und magnetischen Messungen zeigen weiterhin auf eine signifikante zusätzliche Metall-Radikal Wechselwirkung hin. Bei der NIT-Verbindung ist diese Austauschwechselwirkung schwach antiferromagnetisch, während die NOA-Verbindung eine schwache ferromagnetische Kopplung aufzeigt. Diese Resultate können durch DFT Rechnungen bekräftigt werden. Der Vorzeichenwechsel des Kopplungsparameters kann durch die Verkürzung des Austauschpfades vom NIT zum NOA-Benzoat um eine Bindung erklärt werden. Durch die Wahl von geeigneten Radikal- Liganden und Metallionen, zeigt sich die Möglichkeit, Systeme zu erzeugen, in denen die Radikal-Metall Wechselwirkung auch über größere Distanzen den Spin-Grundzustand des gesamten Systems signifikant beeinflussen kann. die Anwendung dieses Konzeptes auf Metall-Radikal Cluster System sollte Von großem Interesse sein.rn


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INTRODUCTION: N-Acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) deficiency is a rare urea cycle disorder, which may present in the neonatal period with severe hyperammonemia and marked neurological impairment. CASE REPORT: We report on a Turkish family with a patient who died due to hyperammonemia in the neonatal period. Reduced activity of NAGS and carbamyl phosphate synthetase were found at autopsy. A second child who developed hyperammonemia on the second day of life was immediately treated with arginine hydrochloride, sodium benzoate and protein restriction. After NAGS deficiency was suspected by enzyme analysis, sodium benzoate was replaced by N-carbamylglutamate (NCG). A third child who developed slight hyperammonemia on the third day of life was treated with NCG before enzyme analysis confirmed reduced NAGS activity. Neither of the patients developed hyperammonemia in the following years. After the human NAGS gene was identified, mutation analysis revealed that the older sibling on NCG therapy was homozygous for a 971G>A (W324X) mutation. The parents and the younger sibling were heterozygous. Therapy was continued in the older sibling until now without any adverse effects and favourable neurodevelopment outcome. In the younger sibling, therapy was stopped without any deterioration of urea cycle function. CONCLUSION: NAGS deficiency can be successfully treated with NCG and arginine hydrochloride with favourable outcome. Molecular diagnostic rather than enzyme analysis should be used in patients with suspected NAGS deficiency.


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A computationally efficient procedure for modeling the alkaline hydrolysis of esters is proposed based on calculations performed on methyl acetate and methyl benzoate systems. Extensive geometry and energy comparisons were performed on the simple ester methyl acetate. The effectiveness of performing high level single point ab initio energy calculations on the geometries obtained from semiempirical and ab initio methods was determined. The AM1 and PM3 semiempirical methods are evaluated for their ability to model the transition states and intermediates for ester hydrolysis. The Cramer/Truhlar SM3 solvation method was used to determine activation energies. The most computationally efficient way to model the transition states of large esters is to use the PM3 method. The PM3 transition structure can then be used as a template for the design of haptens capable of inducing catalytic antibodies.


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Many metabolic hormones, growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and insulin affect ovarian functions. However, whether ovarian steroid hormones affect metabolic hormones in cattle remains unknown. This study aimed to determine the effect of sex steroids on the plasma profiles of GH, IGF-I and insulin and their receptors in the liver and adipose tissues of dairy cows. Ovariectomized cows (n = 14) were randomly divided into four groups: control group (n = 3) was treated with saline on Day 0; oestradiol (E2) group (n = 3), with saline and 1 mg oestradiol benzoate (EB) on Day 0 and 5, respectively; progesterone (P4) group (n = 4) with two CIDRs (Pfizer Inc., Tokyo, Japan) from Day 0; and E2 + P4 group (n = 4) with two CIDRs on Day 0 that were removed on Day 6 and were immediately injected with 1 mg EB. The animals were euthanized after the experiment, and liver and adipose tissues samples were quantitatively analysed using real-time PCR for the expression of mRNA for the GH (GHR), IGF-I (IGFR-I) and insulin (IR) receptor mRNAs. Oestradiol benzoate significantly increased the number of peaks (p < 0.05), pulse amplitude (p < 0.05) and area under the curve (AUC; p < 0.01) for plasma GH; moreover, it increased plasma IGF-I concentration (p < 0.05), but it had no effect on the plasma insulin profile. P4 significantly decreased the AUC (p < 0.01), compared with the control group, whereas it did not affect the number of peaks and the amplitude of GH pulses. P4 + E2 did not affect the GH pulse profile. E2 increased the mRNA expression of GHR, IGFR-I and IR in the liver (p < 0.05), whereas both P4 and E2 + P4 did not change their expressions. Our results provide evidence that the metabolic and reproductive endocrine axes may regulate each other to ensure optimal reproductive and metabolic function.


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A 106-day demonstration utilizing yearling steers to measure feedlot performance and carcass response to implant strategies was conducted at the ISU Allee Demonstration Farm. Treatments were: 100 mg progesterone + 10 mg estradiol benzoate (ComponentÒ EC) on day 0 followed by 120 mg trenbolone acetate + 24 mg estradiol (ComponentÒ TES) implant 57 days later, or 120 mg trenbolone acetate + 24 mg estradiol (ComponentÒ TES) only on day 0. The control group received no implant. The steers were weighed every 28 days and ultrasound data were collected from demonstration initiation until slaughter. The cattle were marketed as one group on d 106 of the demonstration. Implanted cattle had higher average daily gains, heavier carcass weights, larger rib eye areas, and tended to have improved feed efficiency over control steers. Additionally, the reimplanted steers had higher marbling scores than controls, but no differences existed between once and twice-implanted steers.


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The modulation of gene regulation by progesterone (P) and its classical intracellular regulation by progestin receptors in the brain, resulting in alterations in physiology and behavior has been well studied. The mechanisms mediating the short latency effects of P are less well understood. Recent studies have revealed rapid nonclassical signaling action of P involving the activation of intracellular signaling pathways. We explored the involvement of protein kinase C (PKC) in P-induced rapid signaling in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMN) and preoptic area (POA) of the rat brain. Both the Ca2+-independent (basal) PKC activity representing the activation of PKC by the in vivo treatments and the Ca+2-dependent (total) PKC activity assayed in the presence of exogenous cofactors in vitro were determined. A comparison of the two activities demonstrated the strength and temporal status of PKC regulation by steroid hormones in vivo. P treatment resulted in a rapid increase in basal PKC activity in the VMN but not the POA. Estradiol benzoate priming augmented P-initiated increase in PKC basal activity in both the VMN and POA. These increases were inhibited by intracerebroventricular administration of a PKC inhibitor administered 30 min prior to P. The total PKC activity remained unchanged demonstrating maximal PKC activation within 30 min in the VMN. In contrast, P regulation in the POA significantly attenuated total PKC activity +/- estradiol benzoate priming. These rapid changes in P-initiated PKC activity were not due to changes in PKC protein levels or phosphorylation status.


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In the genus Petunia, distinct pollination syndromes may have evolved in association with bee-visitation (P. integrifolia spp.) or hawk moth-visitation (P. axillaris spp). We investigated the extent of congruence between floral fragrance and olfactory perception of the hawk moth Manduca sexta. Hawk moth pollinated P. axillaris releases high levels of several compounds compared to the bee-pollinated P. integrifolia that releases benzaldehyde almost exclusively. The three dominating compounds in P. axillaris were benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol and methyl benzoate. In P. axillaris, benzenoids showed a circadian rhythm with an emission peak at night, which was absent from P. integrifolia. These characters were highly conserved among different P. axillaris subspecies and P. axillaris accessions, with some differences in fragrance composition. Electroantennogram (EAG) recordings using flower-blends of different wild Petunia species on female M. sexta antennae showed that P. axillaris odours elicited stronger responses than P. integrifolia odours. EAG responses were highest to the three dominating compounds in the P. axillaris flower odours. Further, EAG responses to odour-samples collected from P. axillaris flowers confirmed that odours collected at night evoked stronger responses from M. sexta than odours collected during the day. These results show that timing of odour emissions by P. axillaris is in tune with nocturnal hawk moth activity and that flower-volatile composition is adapted to the antennal perception of these pollinators.


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AIMS The aims of this double-blind, controlled, crossover study were to assess the influence of food preservatives on in situ dental biofilm growth and vitality, and to evaluate their influence on the ability of dental biofilm to demineralize underlying enamel over a period of 14 days. MATERIALS AND METHODS Twenty volunteers wore appliances with six specimens each of bovine enamel to build up intra-oral biofilms. During four test cycles of 14 days, the subjects had to place the appliance in one of the assigned controls or active solutions twice a day for a minute: negative control 0.9 % saline, 0.1 % benzoate (BA), 0.1 % sorbate (SA) and 0.2 % chlorhexidine (CHX positive control). After 14 days, the biofilms on two of the slabs were stained to visualize vital and dead bacteria to assess biofilm thickness (BT) and bacterial vitality (BV). Further, slabs were taken to determine mineral loss (ML), by quantitative light-induced laser fluorescence (QLF) and transversal microradiography (TMR), moreover the lesion depths (LD). RESULTS Nineteen subjects completed all test cycles. Use of SA, BA and CHX resulted in a significantly reduced BV compared to NaCl (p < 0.001). Only CHX exerted a statistically significant retardation in BT as compared to saline. Differences between SA and BA were not significant (p > 0.05) for both parameters. TMR analysis revealed the highest LD values in the NaCl group (43.6 ± 44.2 μm) and the lowest with CHX (11.7 ± 39.4 μm), while SA (22.9 ± 45.2 μm) and BA (21.4 ± 38.5 μm) lay in between. Similarly for ML, the highest mean values of 128.1 ± 207.3 vol% μm were assessed for NaCl, the lowest for CHX (-16.8 ± 284.2 vol% μm), while SA and BA led to values of 83.2 ± 150.9 and 98.4 ± 191.2 vol% μm, respectively. With QLF for both controls, NaCl (-33.8 ± 101.3 mm(2) %) and CHX (-16.9 ± 69.9 mm(2) %), negative values were recorded reflecting a diminution of fluorescence, while positive values were found with SA (33.9 ± 158.2 mm(2) %) and BA (24.8 ± 118.0 mm(2) %) depicting a fluorescence gain. These differences were non-significant (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION The biofilm model permited the assessment of undisturbed oral biofilm formation influenced by antibacterial components under clinical conditions for a period of 14 days. An effect of BA and SA on the demineralization of enamel could be demonstrated by TMR and QLF, but these new findings have to be seen as a trend. As part of our daily diet, these preservatives exert an impact on the metabolism of the dental biofilm, and therefore may even influence demineralization processes of the underlying dental enamel in situ.


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OBJECTIVE We report a case of a woman with hyperammonemic encephalopathy following glutamine supplementation. DESIGN Case report. INTERVENTIONS Plasma amino acid analysis suggestive of a urea cycle defect and initiation of a treatment with lactulose and the two ammonia scavenger drugs sodium benzoate and phenylacetate. Together with a restricted protein intake ammonia and glutamine plasma levels decreased with subsequent improvement of the neurological status. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS Massive catabolism and exogenous glutamine administration may have contributed to hyperammonemia and hyperglutaminemia in this patient. CONCLUSION This case adds further concerns regarding glutamine administration to critically ill patients and implies the importance of monitoring ammonia and glutamine serum levels in such patients.


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Estrogen has been implicated in brain functions related to affective state, including hormone-related affective disorders in women. Although some reports suggest that estrogen appears to decrease vulnerability to affective disorders in certain cases, the mechanisms involved are unknown. We used the forced swim test (FST), a paradigm used to test the efficacy of antidepressants, and addressed the hypotheses that estrogen alters behavior of ovariectomized rats in the FST and the FST-induced expression of c-fos, a marker for neuronal activity, in the rat forebrain. The behaviors displayed included struggling, swimming, and immobility. One hour after the beginning of the test on day 2, the animals were perfused, and the brains were processed for c-fos immunocytochemistry. On day 1, the estradiol benzoate-treated animals spent significantly less time struggling and virtually no time in immobility and spent most of the time swimming. Control rats spent significantly more time struggling or being immobile during a comparable period. On day 2, similar behavioral patterns with still more pronounced differences were observed between estradiol benzoate and ovariectomized control groups in struggling, immobility, and swimming. Analysis of the mean number of c-fos immunoreactive cell nuclei showed a significant reduction in the estradiol benzoate versus control groups in areas of the forebrain relating to sensory, contextual, and integrative processing. Our results suggest that estrogen-induced neurochemical changes in forebrain neurons may translate into an altered behavioral output in the affective domain.


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The voltage-gated sodium channel is the site of action of more than six classes of neurotoxins and drugs that alter its function by interaction with distinct, allosterically coupled receptor sites. Batrachotoxin (BTX) is a steroidal alkaloid that binds to neurotoxin receptor site 2 and causes persistent activation. BTX binding is inhibited allosterically by local anesthetics. We have investigated the interaction of BTX with amino acid residues I1760, F1764, and Y1771, which form part of local anesthetic receptor site in transmembrane segment IVS6 of type IIA sodium channels. Alanine substitution for F1764 (mutant F1764A) reduces tritiated BTX-A-20-α-benzoate binding affinity, causing a 60-fold increase in Kd. Alanine substitution for I1760, which is adjacent to F1764 in the predicted IVS6 transmembrane alpha helix, causes only a 4-fold increase in Kd. In contrast, mutant Y1771A shows no change in BTX binding affinity. For wild-type and mutant Y1771A, BTX shifted the voltage for half-maximal activation ≈40 mV in the hyperpolarizing direction and increased the percentage of noninactivating sodium current to ≈60%. In contrast, these BTX effects were eliminated completely for the F1764A mutant and were reduced substantially for mutant I1760A. Our data suggest that the BTX receptor site shares overlapping but nonidentical molecular determinants with the local anesthetic receptor site in transmembrane segment IVS6 as well as having unique molecular determinants in transmembrane segment IS6, as demonstrated in previous work. Evidently, BTX conforms to a domain–interface allosteric model of ligand binding and action, as previously proposed for calcium agonist and antagonist drugs acting on l-type calcium channels.


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Environmental perturbations that increase plasma thyroid hormone (T3) concentrations also profoundly affect female reproductive behavior and physiology. We explored whether these effects were mediated by interactions between T3 receptor (TR) and estrogen receptor (ER). This hypothesis was of interest because the half-site of a consensus T3 response element DNA sequence is identical to an ER response element (ERE), and TRs bind to a consensus ERE. Molecular data presented in the accompanying paper [Zhu, Y.-S., Yen, P.M., Chin, W.W.& Pfaff, D.W. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 12587-12592] demonstrate that TRs and ERs are both present in rat hypothalamic nuclear extracts and that both can bind to the promoter the hypothalamic gene preproenkephalin and that interations between liganded TRs and ERs affect preproenkephalin transcription. In this paper, we show that molecular interactions between TRs and ERs are sufficient to mediate environmental effects on estrogen-controlled reproductive behavior. Ovariectomized (OVX) rats treated with high doses of T3 showed significantly lower levels of lordosis behavior in response to estradiol benzoate (EB) compared with OVX females treated with EB alone. Conversely, thyroidectomized/OVX females treated with EB showed significantly greater levels of lordosis behavior compared with OVX females treated with EB, showing the effect of endogenous T3. Thyroid hormone interference with EB-induced behavior could not be explained by a reduction in plasma E2 concentrations or by a general reduction in responsiveness of EB-sensitive tissues. Moreover, numbers of hypothalamic ER-immunoreactive cells increased dramatically following T3 treatment. These data suggest that T3 may reduce EB-dependent sexual behavior through interactions between TR and ER in the nuclei of behaviorally relevant hypothalamic neurons, envisioning for the first time a functional consequence of interactions between two nuclear hormone receptors in brain. These results also open up the possibility of molecular interactions on DNA encoding environmental signals, a new field for the study of neuronal integration.


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D-amino acid oxidase is the prototype of the FAD-dependent oxidases. It catalyses the oxidation of D-amino acids to the corresponding alpha-ketoacids. The reducing equivalents are transferred to molecular oxygen with production of hydrogen peroxide. We have solved the crystal structure of the complex of D-amino acid oxidase with benzoate, a competitive inhibitor of the substrate, by single isomorphous replacement and eightfold averaging. Each monomer is formed by two domains with an overall topology similar to that of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase. The benzoate molecule lays parallel to the flavin ring and is held in position by a salt bridge with Arg-283. Analysis of the active site shows that no side chains are properly positioned to act as the postulated base required for the catalytic carboanion mechanism. On the contrary, the benzoate binding mode suggests a direct transfer of the substrate alpha-hydrogen to the flavin during the enzyme reductive half-reaction.The active site Of D-amino acid oxidase exhibits a striking similarity with that of flavocytochrome b2, a structurally unrelated FMN-dependent flavoenzyme. The active site groups (if these two enzymes are in fact superimposable once the mirror-image of the flavocytochrome b2 active site is generated with respect to the flavin plane. Therefore, the catalytic sites of D-amino acid oxidase and flavocytochrome b2 appear to have converged to a highly similar but enantiomeric architecture in order to catalvze similar reactions (oxidation of alpha-amino acids or alpha-hydroxy acids), although with opposite stereochemistry.