996 resultados para asymmetric synthesis


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The Dudding group is interested in the application of Density Functional Theory (DFT) in developing asymmetric methodologies, and thus the focus of this dissertation will be on the integration of these approaches. Several interrelated subsets of computer aided design and implementation in catalysis have been addressed during the course of these studies. The first of the aims rested upon the advancement of methodologies for the synthesis of biological active C(1)-chiral 3-methylene-indan-1-ols, which in practice lead to the use of a sequential asymmetric Yamamoto-Sakurai-Hosomi allylation/Mizoroki Heck reaction sequence. An important aspect of this work was the utilization of ortho-substituted arylaldehyde reagents which are known to be a problematic class of substrates for existing asymmetric allylation approaches. The second phase of my research program lead to the further development of asymmetric allylation methods using o-arylaldehyde substrates for synthesis of chiral C(3)-substituted phthalides. Apart from the de novo design of these chemistries in silico, which notably utilized water-tolerant, inexpensive, and relatively environmental benign indium metal, this work represented the first computational study of a stereoselective indium-mediated process. Following from these discoveries was the advent of a related, yet catalytic, Ag(I)-catalyzed approach for preparing C(3)-substituted phthalides that from a practical standpoint was complementary in many ways. Not only did this new methodology build upon my earlier work with the integrated (experimental/computational) use of the Ag(I)-catalyzed asymmetric methods in synthesis, it provided fundamental insight arrived at through DFT calculations, regarding the Yamamoto-Sakurai-Hosomi allylation. The development of ligands for unprecedented asymmetric Lewis base catalysis, especially asymmetric allylations using silver and indium metals, followed as a natural extension from these earlier discoveries. To this end, forthcoming as well was the advancement of a family of disubstituted (N-cyclopropenium guanidine/N-imidazoliumyl substituted cyclopropenylimine) nitrogen adducts that has provided fundamental insight into chemical bonding and offered an unprecedented class of phase transfer catalysts (PTC) having far-reaching potential. Salient features of these disubstituted nitrogen species is unprecedented finding of a cyclopropenium based C-H•••πaryl interaction, as well, the presence of a highly dissociated anion projected them to serve as a catalyst promoting fluorination reactions. Attracted by the timely development of these disubstituted nitrogen adducts my last studies as a PhD scholar has addressed the utility of one of the synthesized disubstituted nitrogen adducts as a valuable catalyst for benzylation of the Schiff base N-diphenyl methylene glycine ethyl ester. Additionally, the catalyst was applied for benzylic fluorination, emerging from this exploration was successful fluorination of benzyl bromide and its derivatives in high yields. A notable feature of this protocol is column-free purification of the product and recovery of the catalyst to use in a further reaction sequence.


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Résumé: Dans le but de préparer des complexes de Zr pour la catalyse homogène de la polymérisation des lactides et de l’hydroamination des olefines, l’elaboration et l’optimisation d’une méthode systématique et efficace de synthèse des ligands dikétimines ayant différents substituants alkyles (R) à la position N,N’ a été realisée. Des dikétimines (nacnacRH) symétriques ont été obtenus avec une pureté de plus de 95 % et un rendement de 65 % lorsque R = Me et des rendements allant de 80 à 95 % lorsque le groupe R = n-Pr, i-Pr, i-Bu, Bu, Cy et (+)-CH(Me)Ph. La synthèse des dikétimines ayant des substituants N-alkyls différents, dite asymétriques, donne toujours un mélange statistique de trois ligands: nacnacR,R’H, nacnacR,RH et nacnacR’,R’H qui n’ont pu être separés. Seuls les dikétimines asymétriques avec un substituant N-alkyl et un autre N-aryl (nacnacR,ArH) ont été obtenus avec des rendements plus élevés que celui du mélange statistique. Par la suite, la complexation de ces ligands bidentés au Zr, la caractérisation de ces complexes et l’investigation de la réactivité ont été étudiés. Les complexes de Zr de type (nacnacR)2ZrCl2 ont été obtenus par deux voies de synthèse principales: la première consiste à traiter le sel de lithium du ligand avec le ZrCl4. La seconde est la réaction du ligand avec les complexes neutres d’alkyl-zirconium(IV) par protonation de l'alkyle coordonné. En solution, les complexes obtenus de (nacnacR)2ZrX2 possèdent un comportement dynamique via un « Bailar-twist » et les paramètres d'activation de cette isomérisation ont été calculés. Le complexe octaèdrique (nacnacBn)2ZrCl2 n'est pas réactif dans la carbozirconation et son alkylation n'était pas possible par l’échange des chlorures avec les alkyles. L’analogue diméthylé (nacnacBn)2ZrMe2 peut être préparé par alkylation du ZrCl4 avant la complexation du ligand. On a également observé que ce dernier n’est pas réactif dans la carbozirconation. L‘analogue diéthoxyde (nacnacBn)2Zr(OEt)2 est obtenu par échange des diméthyles avec les éthoxydes. La polymérisation du lactide avec celui-ci en tant que précurseur est relativement lente et ne peut être effectuée que dans le monomère fondu. Par conséquent, pour résoudre les problèmes rencontrés avec les complexes de zirconium (dikétiminates non-pontés), un ligand dikétimines pontés par le diaminocyclohexane, (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2, LH2, (Xyl = 2,6-diméthylphényle) a été préparé. La complexation de ce ligand tetradenté au metal a été réalisée par deux voies de synthèse; la première est la réaction du sel de lithium de ce ligand avec le ZrCl4(THF)2. La deuxième est la déprotonation du ligand neutre avec le Zr(NMe2)4 et l’élimination du diméthylamine. Des complexes du type: (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2ZrX2 avec X = Cl, NMe2 ont été obtenus. Les ligands de chlorure sont dans ce cas facilement remplaçables par des éthoxydes ou des méthyles. On a observé l’activité la plus élevée jamais observée pour un complexe d’un métal du groupe 4 avec le complexe de (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2Zr(OEt)2 dans la polymérisation de lactide. L'étude cinétique a montré que la loi de vitesse est du premier ordre en catalyseur et en monomère et la constante de vitesse est k = 14 (1) L mol-1 s-1. L'analyse des polymères a montré l’obtention de masses moléculaires faibles et l’abscence de stéréocontrôle. La réaction de (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2ZrCl2 avec le triflate d’argent donne le (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2Zr(OTf)2. Le complexe bis-triflate obtenu possède une activité catalytique elevée pour les additions du type aza-Michael. L’utilisation du R,R-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2Zr(OTf)2 énantiopur comme catalyseur, dans les additions du type aza-Michael asymétriques donne le produit desiré avec un excès énantiomérique de 19%.


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The cobalt(III) complex, [Co(L)2(N3)2]2(ClO4)2, L being a Schiff base N-[phenyl(pyridin-2-yl)methylene]aniline has been synthesized and the crystal structure determined using X-ray crystallography. The complex crystallizes in triclinic system, space group P-1 with unit cell parameters a=10.9367(9) , b=18.0817(17) , c=20.1629(16) , α=111.341(2), β=91.622(2), γ=107.5030(10), V=3499.1(5) 3 and Z=2. It crystallizes with two independent molecules in the asymmetric unit. The two cobalt atoms are hexa-coordinate and have a distorted octahedral geometry, satisfied by four nitrogen atoms from two molecules of the Schiff base and two nitrogen atoms from the monodentate azide group. The perchlorate ions are non-coordinating.


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Aziridine, Stickstoffanaloga der Epoxide, können regio- und stereoselektive Ringöffnungsreaktionen eingehen, wodurch ihnen als „building blocks“ in der Organischen Synthese eine große Bedeutung zukommt. In dieser Arbeit wurden unterschiedliche N-Aminoverbindungen synthetisiert sowie die Anwendungsmöglichkeit dieser Hydrazinderivate als Stickstoffquellen in Aziridinierungen von Olefinen untersucht. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde eine neue Methode zur Darstellung von N-Aminosuccinimid entwickelt und die Einsatzmöglichkeit als Stickstoffquelle in Aziridinierungsreaktionen in einer Reihe von Umsetzungen mit funktionalisierten ebenso wie mit nicht-funktionalisierten Olefinen demonstriert. Die ableitbaren Aziridine wurden hierbei in Ausbeuten von bis zu 80 % erhalten. In der Aziridinierungsreaktion von N-Aminosuccinimid mit 4,7-Dihydro-2-isopropyl-1,3-dioxepin resultieren bicyclische Aziridinierungsprodukte, die als endo/exo-Isomere in einem 1:1-Verhältnis anfallen. Es ist in dieser Arbeit gelungen, die Isomere in guten Ausbeuten zu erhalten, sie säulenchromatographisch zu trennen und ihre Konfiguration im festen Zustand mittels Kristallstrukturanalyse eindeutig zu bestimmen. Enantiomerenangereicherte Olefine, wie z. B. in 2-Position alkylsubstituierte 5-Methyl-4H-1,3-dioxine mit Enantiomerenüberschüssen von 92% ee liefern in der Aziridinierung mit N-Aminosuccinimid und Iodosylbenzol ein 4-Methyl-1,3-oxazolidin-4-carbaldehydderivat in einer zweistufigen Reaktion- der Aziridinierung und einer Umlagerung- ein 4-Methyl-1,3-oxazolidin-4-carbaldehydderivat. Für die Diastereoselektivität des Aziridinierungsschrittes wurde 65 % de bestimmt. In einer neuen Synthese über zwei Stufen ausgehend von (+)-3,4-Dimethoxysuccinanhydrid konnte ein chiraler Stickstoffüberträger - (+)-N-Amino-3,4-dimethoxysuccinimid - in Ausbeuten bis zu 86 % synthetisiert. Die Umsetzung dieser optisch aktiven Stickstoffquelle mit einer Vielzahl prochiraler Alkene führt zu diastereomeren Aziridinen in Ausbeuten bis zu 65% und Diastereoselektivitäten von bis zu 66% de. Anhand ausgewählter Verbindungen konnten die Absolutkonfigurationen der Reaktionsprodukte mittels Kristallstrukturanalyse eindeutig geklärt werden.


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Reaction of anhydrous ZnCl2 with the 1:2 condensate (L) of benzil and 2-(aminomethyl)pyridine in methanol gives monomeric ZnL'Cl-2 (1) where L' is 2-[(4,5-diphenyl-2-pyridin-2-yl-1H-imidazol-1-yl)-methyl]pyridine. In the X-ray crystal structure, 1 is found to contain tetrahedral zinc with an N2Cl2 coordination sphere and the N-substituent methylpyridine fragment hanging as a free arm. A tentative mechanism is proposed for the zinc mediated conversion of L-->L'. Demetallation of 1 by the action of aqueous NaOH yields L' in the free state. When L' is reacted with Zn(ClO4)(2).6H(2)O in a 1:2 molar proportion, [Zn(L')(2)](n)(ClO4)(2n).(H2O)(n/2).(CH2Cl2)(n/2) (2) is obtained. The zinc atom in 2, as revealed by X-ray crystallography, has a trigonal bipyramidal N-5 coordination sphere. There are two independent ligands in the asymmetric unit of 2. One of them bonds only to one zinc atom in a bidentate mode with the N-substituent methylpyridine hanging free while the other ligand binds to two different zinc atoms in a tridentate fashion, employing the N-substituent methylpyridine nitrogen atom to form the polymeric one-dimensional chain cation.


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Two cobalt complexes, [Co(L-Se)(phen)]center dot CH2Cl2 (1) and [Co(L-Se)(N,N-Me(2)en)(CH3COO-)] (2) have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses, magnetic measurements, i.r. studies etc. Single crystal X- ray studies reveal that in complex (1) cobalt atom is in +2 oxidation state with trigonal bipyramidal geometry, while in complex (2) it is in +3 oxidation state and surrounded octahedrally. The asymmetric unit of complex (2) contains two crystallographically independent discrete molecules. Complex (1) was found to be paramagnetic with mu(eff) = 2.19 BM indicating a low spin cobalt(II) d(7) system, whereas complex (2) is found to be diamagnetic with cobalt(III) in low spin d(6) state. The kinetic studies on the reduction of (2) by ascorbic acid in 80% MeCN-20% H2O (v/v) at 25 degrees C reveal that the reaction proceeds through the rapid formation of inner-sphere adduct, probably by replacing the loosely coordinated AcO- group, followed by electron transfer in a slow step and is supported by a large Q (formation constant) value.


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This review provides a discussion of recent developments in the asymmetric hetero Diels-Alder reaction (AHDAR), with particular emphasis on the synthesis of carbohydrates, their derivatives, and inhibitors of carbohydrate processing enzymes.


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Chiral polyaromatic amide dendrimers incorporating a C-3-core have been prepared as potential catalysts for asymmetric reactions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effect of hyperbranched macromolecular architectures (dendrimers) upon chirality has received significant attention in recent years in the light of the proposal of amplification of chirality. In particular, several studies have been carried out on the chiroptical properties of dendrimers that contain a chiral core and achiral branches in order to determine if the chirality of the central core can be transmitted to the distal. region of the macromolecule. In addition to interest of a pure academic nature, the presence of such chiral conformational order would be extremely useful in the development of asymmetric catalysts. In this paper, a novel class of chiral dendrimers is described - these perfect hyperbranched macromolecules have been prepared by a convergent route by the coupling of a chiral central core based upon tris(2-aminoethyl)amine and poly(aromatic amide ester) dendritic branches. The chiral properties of these dendrimers have been investigated by detailed optical rotation studies and circular dichroism analysis; the results of these studies are described herein. (C) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Co.


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Asymmetric hydrogenation of C=C bonds is of the highest importance in organic synthesis, and such reactions are currently carried out with organometallic homogeneous catalysts. Achieving heterogeneous metal-catalyzed hydrogenation, a highly desirable goal, necessitates forcing the crucial enantiodifferentiating step to take place at the metal surface. By synthesis and application of six chiral sulfide ligands that anchor robustly to Pd nanoparticles and resist displacement, we have for the first time accomplished heterogeneous enantioselective catalytic hydrogenation of isophorone. High resolution XPS data established that ligand adsorption from solution occurred exclusively on the Pd nanoparticles and not on the carbon support. All ligands contained a pyrrolidine nitrogen to enable their interaction with the isophorone substrate while the sulfide functionality provided the required interaction with the Pd surface. Enantioselective turnover numbers of up to similar to 100 product molecules per ligand molecule were found with a very large variation in asymmetric induction between ligands: observed enantiomeric excesses increased with increasing size of the alkyl group in the sulfide. This likely reflects varying degrees of ligand dispersion on the surface: bulky substituent groups hinder close approach of ligand molecules to each other, inhibiting close-packed island formation, favoring dispersion as separate molecules, and leading to effective asymmetric induction. Conversely, small substituents favor island formation leading to very low asymmetric induction. Enantioselective reaction most likely involves initial formation of an enamine or iminium species, confirmed by use of an analogous tertiary amine, which leads to racemic product. Ligand rigidity and resistance to self-assembled monolayer formation are important attributes that should be designed into improved chiral modifiers.


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The first examples of highly enantioselective [2,3]-sigmatropic rearrangements of acyclic allylic ammonium ylids are reported. Thus, a range of N-{2‘-[(N‘-allyl-N‘,N‘-dialkyl)ammonium]}acetyl camphor sultams undergo rearrangement at 0 °C in DME solution with high diastereofacial control (up to 99:1 dr) to give allylglycines in generally high yield. The power of the method has been demonstrated in a rapid and efficient synthesis of (R)-allyl glycine.


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The species [{Sn(C2H2iPr3-2,4,6)2}3] has been obtained in a simple, essentially quantitative, synthesis from SnCl2 and ArLi in diethyl ether at low temperature. The crystal structure analysis confirms the trimeric nature of the molecular units but reveals some unusual features. The crystal contains the unusual feature of an asymmetric unit that consists of three units of [{SnAr2}3] in P21/c; the molecular unit is a scalene triangle, showing high consistency between the three molecules, in contrast to analogous trimeric species of silicon or germanium. The SnSn bonds are lengthened (average value 2.942 Å) owing to steric crowding.


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The nitro group is an exceptionally versatile functional group, not only because it is essentially a masked amine, but also because its chemistry can be exploited in a number of useful ways. Asymmetric organocatalysis in particular has capitalized on the use of the nitro group towards the synthesis of a variety of nitrogen- containing targets. Perhaps of greatest interest is that this functional group has been shown to be invaluable within the rapidly expanding field of organocatalytic domino reactions. This review features selected examples of nitro group reactivity in organocatalysis to demonstrate its dynamism and utility.


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Four new ternary complexes of copper(I) with thiosaccharin and phosphanes were prepared. The reaction of [Cu(4)(tsac)(4)(CH(3)CN)(2)] (1) (tsac: thiosaccharinate anion) with PPh(3) in molar ratios Cu(I)/PPh(3) 1:075 and 1:2 gave the complexes [Cu(4)(tsac)(4)(PPh(3))(3)] center dot CH(3)CN (2) and Cu(tsac)(PPh(3))(2) (3), respectively. The reaction of 1 with Ph(2)PCH(2)PPh(2) (dppm) in molar ratios Cu(I)/dppm 2:1 and 1:1 gave the complexes [Cu(4) (tsac)(4)(dppm)(2)] center dot 2CH(2)Cl(2) (4) and [Cu(2)(tsac)(2)(dppm)(2)] center dot CH(2)Cl(2) (5), respectively. All the compounds have been characterized by spectroscopic and X-ray crystallographic methods. Complex 2 presents a tetra-nuclear arrangement with three metal centers in distorted tetrahedral S(2)NP environments, the fourth one with the Cu(I) ion in a distorted trigonal S(2)N coordination sphere, and the tsac anions acting as six electron donor ligands in mu(3)-S(2)N coordination forms. Complex 3 shows mononuclear molecular units with copper(I) in a distorted trigonal planar coordination sphere, built with the exocyclic S atom of a mono-coordinated thiosaccharinate anion and two P-atoms of triphenylphosphane molecules. With dppm as secondary ligand the structures of the complexes depends strongly on the stoicheometry of the preparation reaction. Complex 4 has a centrosymmetric structure. Two triply bridged Cu(2)(tsac)(2)(dppm) units are joined together by the exocyclic S-atoms of two tsac anions acting effectively as bridging tridentate ligands. Complex 5 is conformed by asymmetric dinuclear moieties where the two dppm and one tsac ligands bridge two Cu(I) atoms and the second tsac anion binds one of the metal centers through its exocyclic S-atom. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The complex mer-[RuCl(3)(dppb)(H(2)O)] [dppb = 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)butane] was used as a precursor in the synthesis of the complexes tc-[RuCl(2)(CO)(2)(dppb)], ct-[RuCl(2)(CO)(2)(dppb)]. cis-[RuCl(2)(dppb)(Cl-bipy)], [RuCl(2Ac4mT)(dppb)] (2Ac4mT = N(4)-meta-tolyl-2-acetylpyridine thiosemicarbazone ion) and trans-[RuCl(2)(dppb)(mang)] (mang = mangiferin or 1,3,6,7-tetrahydroxyxanthone-C2-beta-D-glucoside) complexes. For the synthesis of Run complexes, the Ru(III) atom in mer-[RuCl(3)(dppb)(H(2)O)] may be reduced by H(2)(g), forming the intermediate [Ru(2)Cl(4)(dppb)(2)], or by a ligand (such as H2Ac4mT or mangiferin). The X-ray structures of the cis-[RuCl(2)(dppb)(Cl-bipy)], tc-[RuCl(2)(CO)(2)(dppb)] and [RuCl(2Ac4mT)(dPpb)] complexes were determined. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.