974 resultados para ancient Greek novel


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El presente artículo busca identificar y analizar algunas de los principales tratamientos poéticos y artísticos del binomio paz / riqueza en una perspectiva diacrónica y comparativa, intentando aislar las más frecuentes imágenes, metáforas y epítetos relacionados con ese tema. El estudio de los pasajes elegidos deja claro cómo ambos, poetas y artistas plásticos, conocían y manipulaban con su arte un mismo patrimonio bastante antiguo


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En este trabajo mostramos que, si hubo un culto solar en las Etiópicas de Heliodoro, no es el de Émesa del siglo III d.C. de los Severos, sino el de la antigua Heliópolis egipcia, que provee la base de la astronomía antigua. El gran sacerdote del templo del Sol (Ra) de Heliópolis se llamaba, en hebreo, "Putifar"; en griego, "Heliodoros": extraordinaria coincidencia, ya que el motivo de la mujer de Putifar de Génesis 39.7-20 ocupa un lugar destacado en la trama de la novela, pero ésta atiende estrictamente a sus modelos griegos clásicos. Proponemos, además, que la composición de la obra coincide con o surge del Carmen Sæculare de Horacio.


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El presente artículo busca identificar y analizar algunas de los principales tratamientos poéticos y artísticos del binomio paz / riqueza en una perspectiva diacrónica y comparativa, intentando aislar las más frecuentes imágenes, metáforas y epítetos relacionados con ese tema. El estudio de los pasajes elegidos deja claro cómo ambos, poetas y artistas plásticos, conocían y manipulaban con su arte un mismo patrimonio bastante antiguo


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En este trabajo mostramos que, si hubo un culto solar en las Etiópicas de Heliodoro, no es el de Émesa del siglo III d.C. de los Severos, sino el de la antigua Heliópolis egipcia, que provee la base de la astronomía antigua. El gran sacerdote del templo del Sol (Ra) de Heliópolis se llamaba, en hebreo, "Putifar"; en griego, "Heliodoros": extraordinaria coincidencia, ya que el motivo de la mujer de Putifar de Génesis 39.7-20 ocupa un lugar destacado en la trama de la novela, pero ésta atiende estrictamente a sus modelos griegos clásicos. Proponemos, además, que la composición de la obra coincide con o surge del Carmen Sæculare de Horacio.


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El presente artículo busca identificar y analizar algunas de los principales tratamientos poéticos y artísticos del binomio paz / riqueza en una perspectiva diacrónica y comparativa, intentando aislar las más frecuentes imágenes, metáforas y epítetos relacionados con ese tema. El estudio de los pasajes elegidos deja claro cómo ambos, poetas y artistas plásticos, conocían y manipulaban con su arte un mismo patrimonio bastante antiguo


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En este trabajo mostramos que, si hubo un culto solar en las Etiópicas de Heliodoro, no es el de Émesa del siglo III d.C. de los Severos, sino el de la antigua Heliópolis egipcia, que provee la base de la astronomía antigua. El gran sacerdote del templo del Sol (Ra) de Heliópolis se llamaba, en hebreo, "Putifar"; en griego, "Heliodoros": extraordinaria coincidencia, ya que el motivo de la mujer de Putifar de Génesis 39.7-20 ocupa un lugar destacado en la trama de la novela, pero ésta atiende estrictamente a sus modelos griegos clásicos. Proponemos, además, que la composición de la obra coincide con o surge del Carmen Sæculare de Horacio.


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Although polyomavirus JC (JCV) is the proven pathogen of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, the fatal demyelinating disease, this virus is ubiquitous as a usually harmless symbiote among human beings. JCV propagates in the adult kidney and excretes its progeny in urine, from which JCV DNA can readily be recovered. The main mode of transmission of JCV is from parents to children through long cohabitation. In this study, we collected a substantial number of urine samples from native inhabitants of 34 countries in Europe, Africa, and Asia. A 610-bp segment of JCV DNA was amplified from each urine sample, and its DNA sequence was determined. A worldwide phylogenetic tree subsequently constructed revealed the presence of nine subtypes including minor ones. Five subtypes (EU, Af2, B1, SC, and CY) occupied rather large territories that overlapped with each other at their boundaries. The entire Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia were the domain of EU, whereas the domain of Af2 included nearly all of Africa and southwestern Asia all the way to the northeastern edge of India. Partially overlapping domains in Asia were occupied by subtypes B1, SC, and CY. Of particular interest was the recovery of JCV subtypes in a pocket or pockets that were separated by great geographic distances from the main domains of those subtypes. Certain of these pockets can readily be explained by recent migrations of human populations carrying these subtypes. Overall, it appears that JCV genotyping promises to reveal previously unknown human migration routes: ancient as well as recent.


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Eukaryotic Cu,Zn superoxide dismutases (CuZnSODs) are antioxidant enzymes remarkable for their unusually stable β-barrel fold and dimer assembly, diffusion-limited catalysis, and electrostatic guidance of their free radical substrate. Point mutations of CuZnSOD cause the fatal human neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. We determined and analyzed the first crystallographic structure (to our knowledge) for CuZnSOD from a prokaryote, Photobacterium leiognathi, a luminescent symbiont of Leiognathid fish. This structure, exemplifying prokaryotic CuZnSODs, shares the active-site ligand geometry and the topology of the Greek key β-barrel common to the eukaryotic CuZnSODs. However, the β-barrel elements recruited to form the dimer interface, the strategy used to forge the channel for electrostatic recognition of superoxide radical, and the connectivity of the intrasubunit disulfide bond in P. leiognathi CuZnSOD are discrete and strikingly dissimilar from those highly conserved in eukaryotic CuZnSODs. This new CuZnSOD structure broadens our understanding of structural features necessary and sufficient for CuZnSOD activity, highlights a hitherto unrecognized adaptability of the Greek key β-barrel building block in evolution, and reveals that prokaryotic and eukaryotic enzymes diverged from one primordial CuZnSOD and then converged to distinct dimeric enzymes with electrostatic substrate guidance.


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Escherichia coli selenophosphate synthetase (SPS, the selD gene product) catalyzes the production of monoselenophosphate, the selenium donor compound required for synthesis of selenocysteine (Sec) and seleno-tRNAs. We report the molecular cloning of human and mouse homologs of the selD gene, designated Sps2, which contains an in-frame TGA codon at a site corresponding to the enzyme’s putative active site. These sequences allow the identification of selD gene homologs in the genomes of the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae and the archaeon Methanococcus jannaschii, which had been previously misinterpreted due to their in-frame TGA codon. Sps2 mRNA levels are elevated in organs previously implicated in the synthesis of selenoproteins and in active sites of blood cell development. In addition, we show that Sps2 mRNA is up-regulated upon activation of T lymphocytes and have mapped the Sps2 gene to mouse chromosome 7. Using the mouse gene isolated from the hematopoietic cell line FDCPmixA4, we devised a construct for protein expression that results in the insertion of a FLAG tag sequence at the N terminus of the SPS2 protein. This strategy allowed us to document the readthrough of the in-frame TGA codon and the incorporation of 75Se into SPS2. These results suggest the existence of an autoregulatory mechanism involving the incorporation of Sec into SPS2 that might be relevant to blood cell biology. This mechanism is likely to have been present in ancient life forms and conserved in a variety of living organisms from all domains of life.


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A novel protein superfamily with over 600 members was discovered by iterative profile searches and analyzed with powerful bioinformatics and information visualization methods. Evidence exists that these proteins generate a radical species by reductive cleavage of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) through an unusual Fe-S center. The superfamily (named here Radical SAM) provides evidence that radical-based catalysis is important in a number of previously well- studied but unresolved biochemical pathways and reflects an ancient conserved mechanistic approach to difficult chemistries. Radical SAM proteins catalyze diverse reactions, including unusual methylations, isomerization, sulfur insertion, ring formation, anaerobic oxidation and protein radical formation. They function in DNA precursor, vitamin, cofactor, antibiotic and herbicide biosynthesis and in biodegradation pathways. One eukaryotic member is interferon-inducible and is considered a candidate drug target for osteoporosis; another is observed to bind the neuronal Cdk5 activator protein. Five defining members not previously recognized as homologs are lysine 2,3-aminomutase, biotin synthase, lipoic acid synthase and the activating enzymes for pyruvate formate-lyase and anaerobic ribonucleotide reductase. Two functional predictions for unknown proteins are made based on integrating other data types such as motif, domain, operon and biochemical pathway into an organized view of similarity relationships.


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Ten novel small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) gene clusters, consisting of two or three snoRNA genes, respectively, were identified from Arabidopsis thaliana. Twelve of the 25 snoRNA genes in these clusters are homologous to those of yeast and mammals according to the conserved antisense sequences that guide 2′-O-ribose methylation of rRNA. The remaining 13 snoRNA genes, including two 5.8S rRNA methylation guides, are new genes identified from A.thaliana. Interestingly, seven methylated nucleotides, predicted by novel snoRNAs Z41a–Z46, are methylated neither in yeast nor in vertebrates. Using primer extension at low dNTP concentration the six methylation sites were determined as expected. These snoRNAs were recognized as specific guides for 2′-O-ribose methylation of plant rRNAs. Z42, however, did not guide the expected methylation of 25S rRNA in our assay. Thus, its function remains to be elucidated. The intergenic spacers of the gene clusters are rich in uridine (up to 40%) and most of them range in size from 35 to 100 nt. Lack of a conserved promoter element in each spacer and the determination of polycistronic transcription from a cluster by RT–PCR assay suggest that the snoRNAs encoded in the clusters are transcribed as a polycistron under an upstream promoter, and individual snoRNAs are released after processing of the precursor. Numerous snoRNA gene clusters identified from A.thaliana and other organisms suggest that the snoRNA gene cluster is an ancient gene organization existing abundantly in plants.


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This thesis examines three different kinds of socio-political rewritings of Greek and Roman tragedies – Sarah Kane’s “Phaedra’s Love”, Tony Harrison’s “Prometheus”, and Martin Crimp’s “Cruel and Tender” – written, staged or screened in Britain (and, more precisely, England) between 1996 and 2004. Offering close readings of these re-visionary appropriations, this dissertation analyses some of the innumerable and unexpected forms that ancient tragedy can assume today. In particular, it explores how three talented British authors have subverted the conventions of the noblest literary and dramatic genre in order to (re)write contemporaneity in ways that oscillate between the personal and the public, the local and the global, the national and the transnational.


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This dissertation examines ancient historiographic citation methodologies in light of Mikhail Bakhtin’s dichotomy between polyphony and monologization. In particular, this dissertation argues that Eusebius of Caesarea’s Historia ecclesiastica (HE) abandons the monologic citation methodology typical of previous Greek and Hellenistic historiography and introduces a polyphonic citation methodology that influences subsequent late-ancient Christian historiography to varying degrees. Whereas Pre-Eusebian Greek and Hellenistic historiographers typically use citations to support the single authorial consciousness of the historiographer, Eusebius uses citations to counterbalance his own shortcomings as a witness to past events. Eusebius allows his citations to retain their own voice, even when they conflict with his. The result is a narrative that transcends the point of view of any single individual and makes multiple witnesses, including the narrator, available to the reader. Post-Eusebian late-ancient Christian historiographers exhibit the influence of Eusebius’ innovation, but they are not as intentional as Eusebius in their use of citation methodologies. Many subsequent Christian historiographers use both monologic and polyphonic citation methodologies. Their tendency to follow Eusebius’ practice of citing numerous lengthy citations sometimes emphasizes points of view that oppose the author’s point of view. When an opposing viewpoint surfaces in enough citations, a polyphonic citation methodology emerges. The reader holds the two different narrative strands in tension as the author continues to give voice to opposing viewpoints. After illustrating the citation methodologies with passages from numerous Greek, Hellenistic, and late ancient Christian historiographers, this dissertation concludes with a short computational analysis that uses natural language processing to reveal some broad trends that highlight the previous findings and suggest a possibility for future research.


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Three sets of songs bound together : a set of six songs.


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