925 resultados para allelic diversity
ABSTRACT Maize plants can establish beneficial associations with plant growth-promoting bacteria. However, few studies have been conducted on the characterization and inoculation of these bacteria in the Amazon region. This study aimed to characterize endophytic bacteria isolated from maize in the Amazon region and to assess their capacity to promote plant growth. Fifty-five bacterial isolates were obtained from maize grown in two types of ecosystems, i.e., a cerrado (savanna) and a forest area. The isolates were characterized by the presence of the nifH gene, their ability to synthesize indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and solubilize calcium phosphate (CaHPO4), and 16S rRNA partial gene sequencing. Twenty-four bacteria contained the nifH gene, of which seven were isolated from maize plants cultivated in a cerrado area and seventeen from a forest area. Fourteen samples showed the capacity to synthesize IAA and only four solubilized calcium phosphate. The following genera were found among these isolates: Pseudomonas; Acinetobacter; Enterobacter; Pantoea; Burkholderia and Bacillus. In addition, eight isolates with plant growth-promoting capacity were selected for a glasshouse experiment involving the inoculation of two maize genotypes (a hybrid and a variety) grown in pots containing soil. Inoculation promoted the development of the maize plants but no significant interaction between maize cultivar and bacterial inoculation was found. A high diversity of endophytic bacteria is present in the Amazon region and these bacteria have potential to promote the development of maize plants.
Invasive cervical cancer (ICC) is the third most frequent cancer among women worldwide and is associated with persistent infection by carcinogenic human papillomaviruses (HPVs). The combination of large populations of viral progeny and decades of sustained infection may allow for the generation of intra-patient diversity, in spite of the assumedly low mutation rates of PVs. While the natural history of chronic HPVs infections has been comprehensively described, within-host viral diversity remains largely unexplored. In this study we have applied next generation sequencing to the analysis of intra-host genetic diversity in ten ICC and one condyloma cases associated to single HPV16 infection. We retrieved from all cases near full-length genomic sequences. All samples analyzed contained polymorphic sites, ranging from 3 to 125 polymorphic positions per genome, and the median probability of a viral genome picked at random to be identical to the consensus sequence in the lesion was only 40%. We have also identified two independent putative duplication events in two samples, spanning the L2 and the L1 gene, respectively. Finally, we have identified with good support a chimera of human and viral DNA. We propose that viral diversity generated during HPVs chronic infection may be fueled by innate and adaptive immune pressures. Further research will be needed to understand the dynamics of viral DNA variability, differentially in benign and malignant lesions, as well as in tissues with differential intensity of immune surveillance. Finally, the impact of intralesion viral diversity on the long-term oncogenic potential may deserve closer attention.
Bacteriophages (phages), natural enemies of bacteria, can encode enzymes able to degrade polymeric substances. These substances can be found in the bacterial cell surface, such as polysaccharides, or are produced by bacteria when they are living in biofilm communities, the most common bacterial lifestyle. Consequently, phages with depolymerase activity have a facilitated access to the host receptors, by degrading the capsular polysaccharides, and are believed to have a better performance against bacterial biofilms, since the degradation of extracellular polymeric substances by depolymerases might facilitate the access of phages to the cells within different biofilm layers. Since the diversity of phage depolymerases is not yet fully explored, this is the first review gathering information about all the depolymerases encoded by fully sequenced phages. Overall, in this study, 160 putative depolymerases, including sialidases, levanases, xylosidases, dextranases, hyaluronidases, peptidases as well as pectate/pectin lyases, were found in 143 phages (43 Myoviridae, 47 Siphoviridae, 37 Podoviridae, and 16 unclassified) infecting 24 genera of bacteria. We further provide information about the main applications of phage depolymerases, which can comprise areas as diverse as medical, chemical, or food-processing industry.
[Excerpt] Although Acinetobacter baumannii has been the main agent for healthcare infections, recent reports suggest that some Acinetobacter environmental species should be considered as a potential cause of disease. In Angola, there are no previous data on its environmental reservoirs and resistance features. We aimed to unveil the occurrence and diversity of Acinetobacter species and the presence of resistance mechanisms in different non-clinical settings in Angola.
Chlorine oxyanions are valuable electron acceptors for microorganisms. Recent findings have shed light on the natural formation of chlorine oxyanions in the environment. These suggest a permanent introduction of respective compounds on Earth, long before their anthropogenic manufacture. Microorganisms that are able to grow by the reduction of chlorate and perchlorate are affiliated with phylogenetically diverse lineages, spanning from the Proteobacteria to the Firmicutes and archaeal microorganisms. Microbial reduction of chlorine oxyanions can be found in diverse environments and different environmental conditions (temperature, salinities, pH). It commonly involves the enzymes perchlorate reductase (Pcr) or chlorate reductase (Clr) and chlorite dismutase (Cld). Horizontal gene transfer seems to play an important role for the acquisition of functional genes. Novel and efficient Clds were isolated from microorganisms incapable of growing on chlorine oxyanions. Archaea seem to use a periplasmic Nar-type reductase (pNar) for perchlorate reduction and lack a functional Cld. Chlorite is possibly eliminated by alternative (abiotic) reactions. This was already demonstrated for Archaeoglobus fulgidus, which uses reduced sulfur compounds to detoxify chlorite. A broad biochemical diversity of the trait, its environmental dispersal, and the occurrence of relevant enzymes in diverse lineages may indicate early adaptations of life toward chlorine oxyanions on Earth.
"Published online: 29 March 2016"
Research Article
Las poblaciones microbianas juegan un rol fundamental en la estabilidad de los sistemas agrícolas e indican los niveles de salud de un suelo, tanto que pueden ser utilizadas como indicadores de sustentabilidad de un agroecosistema. Los microorganismos reflejan el efecto que tienen las prácticas agrícolas sobre el suelo a través de modificaciones en la abundancia (biodiversidad estructural) y actividades de sus poblaciones (como control biológico de los patógenos, entre otras). Al cuantificarse la biodiversidad microbiana nativa se puede conocer la riqueza de un agroecosistema y utilizarla para el manejo sustentable de hongos patógenos. En este trabajo se evaluará el efecto de la rotación de cultivo (soja-maíz y soja en monocultivo) y los sistemas de labranza (siembra directa y labranzas reducida) sobre la biodiversidad microbiana. Se cuantificarán a partir de suelo: poblaciones de hongos y bacterias totales; agentes potenciales de biocontrol de como Trichoderma spp., Gliocladium spp. y micorrizas vesículo arbusculares (mediante la cuantificación de glomalina), biomasa y respiracion microbiana, y la biodiversidad de comunidades de microorganismos que habitan en el suelo mediante el análisis de perfiles de ácidos grasos (PLFA). Al final del ciclo de cultivo de soja se cuantificará la incidencia de enfermedades causadas por hongos de suelo. Dada la gran abundancia y diversidad de los microorganismos del suelo, las metodologías que se emplearán permitirán obtener información global de la riqueza microbiana de un agro-ecosistema. Se relacionará la biodiversidad microbiana con la incidencia de enfermedades por hongos de suelo, en respuesta a diferentes prácticas de manejo. Esto permitirá aprender a combinar las tecnologías para mejorar los beneficios de la produccion y preservar el agroecosistema en el marco de una agricultura sustentable, y no de una agricultura sostenida por insumos.
The effects of hydrological disturbances by flooding and drought on the diversity and stability in a temporary river fish community in the Brazilian semiarid region were analyzed over the 1996 hydrological cycle. Twelve collections of fishes were made during the wet and dry phases, and 789 individuals of 16 species were collected. Diversity was measured using Simpson's Index (S) and community stability was analyzed by the variation in abundance using Kendall's W concordance test. Fish diversity in the Taperoá river was subjected to hydrological disturbances by flooding and drought. During the wet phase the diversity was higher (S = 0.855) than during the dry phase (S = 0.771). The community was considered stable during the whole annual hydrological cycle (W = 0.418 p < 0.001), but a higher stability in the community was found during the dry phase. During the dry phase the number of dominant species was smaller than during the wet phase.
The taxonomic composition and diversity of Trichoptera larvae communities were studied in four lotic sites in central region of State of Rio Grande do Sul. Sampling was done monthly from June, 2001 to May, 2002 in four sites located at the middle section of Jacuí River (Point 4) and in three tributaries (Carijinho River - Point 1; Lajeado da Gringa - Point 2 and Lajeado do Gringo - Point 3), with a Surber sampler. The total number of larvae collected was 29,143, belonging to 25 genera distributed in nine families; twenty of these genera are new records for the State. The highest abundance was found at Point 2 (n = 12,547). The highest standardized richness, for a 1,177 specimens sample chosen by chance, was recorded at Point 1, followed by Point 4 (17.7 and 16 genera, respectively). The highest diversity was found at Point 1, and the lowest at Point 3 (H' = 1.31 and H' = 0.77, respectively). Point 1 had the lowest anthropic influence and the best preserved riparian vegetation, while Point 3 presented the highest anthropic impact, and a very reduced riparian vegetation. The diversity of Trichoptera observed in this study is low, compared to the estimated maximum theoretical diversity. Low diversity values are related to the low evenness, since the richness was relatively high. The Trichoptera larvae communities seem to be related to the food availability and physical features (riparian vegetation and anthropic influence) of the study sites.
We analysed species abundance and composition during one year of sampling at Itapuã State Park, a conservation unit in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Samples were collected monthly from May 2003 to April 2004 along a 4 km forest trail divided in three transects along the slopes of a small hill. Terrestrial isopods were hand searched by three people for 40 minutes at two sampling sites along each transect, summing 240 minutes of sampling effort per transect per month. Six species distributed in six families were found. The collector curve stabilised when half the samples were taken, demonstrating sampling sufficiency: analytical estimates did not predict more species to be found in the trail. Atlantoscia floridana (van Name, 1940) was dominant in all transects. Abundance varied along the year with a summer and a winter peak, but peaks were not consistent among transects. The first part of the trail, used for ecotourism, was less diverse, had less species (4 as compared to 6 in the other transects), and was thus also less similar in composition.
n.s. no.95(1999)
The composition and diversity of bees in an agricultural area in Rio Claro, state of São Paulo, Brazil, were studied from May 2003 to June 2004, using Moericke traps. The collection site, an area with 58.08 hectares, is characterized by grain production and direct planting, with 70% of the surrounding area planted with sugar cane. During the study, 456 bees were collected, distributed among 20 genera, pertaining to the families Andrenidae (4.8%), Apidae (40.8%) and Halictidae (54.4%). Specimens of genera Dialictus (38%) and Diadasia (30%) predominated in this area. The species diversity, assessed using the Shannon and Simpson indices, were H=1.88 and 1/ D= 4.15, respectively, and the Evenness index was 0.61.
The taxonomic composition and diversity of assemblages of Ephemeroptera nymphs of four lotic environments in the central region of State of Rio Grande do Sul, a subtropical area in southern Brazil, were evaluated. Samplings were done monthly, with a Surber sampler, from June 2001 to May 2002, in the Jacuí River and three of its tributaries. The total number of nymphs collected in the four sampling sites was 11,007 in five families and 19 genera, of these, 11 are new records for the State. The highest diversity occurred in Point 4 (H'=2.41) and the lowest in Point 2 (H'=1.69). Point 4 had the highest environmental stability, conservation of the riparian vegetation and the lowest anthropic impact, while Point 2 presented a large environmental simplification due to a direct anthropic influence (e.g. domestic sewerage, trampling by cattle). The diversity of nymphs observed in the total area is high, compared to the estimated maximum theoretical diversity; a result of the high evenness and richness recorded. Rarefaction curves, calculated for a sample of 1,018 specimens, showed a similar expectation of richness for the four sampling sites. This result seems to be associated with the overall environmental homogeneity of the region caused by long-term alterations (land use and deforestation). In summary, higher diversity of Ephemeroptera nymph assemblages seems to be associated with habitat complexity, a good vegetation cover and a lower anthropic influence.
Brazilian fauna of drosophilids has been researched in various ecosystems, but those in mangrove forests remain overlooked in Brazil and elsewhere. The present study attempts to characterise the assemblages of drosophilids of this environment, based on 28 collections taken in three mangrove areas in Santa Catarina Island, southern Brazil. The three mangroves surveyed were different in their surroundings, which varied from highly urbanised areas to conservation areas with natural vegetation. Overall, 69 species were collected, and no remarkable difference was detected in species composition and abundances or in the richness, evenness and heterogeneity between sites. The species abundance distribution observed fitted to a theoretical lognormal distribution in the three mangroves. The species richness scored and the performance of the species richness estimators showed an unexpectedly high diversity, considering the very low floristic diversity and the harsh conditions of the environment. Regarding species composition and abundances, the drosophilid mangrove assemblages were shown to be more similar to those found in open environments, with a marked dominance of exotic species. Finally, considering the apparent lack of feeding and breeding sites, we suggest that mangrove forests are acting as sink habitats for the drosophilids populations.