799 resultados para alcohol-related harm
OBJECTIVES: To examine patterns of onset and abuse/dependence episodes of prescription opioid (PO) and heroin use disorders in a national sample of adults, and to explore differences by gender and substance abuse treatment status. METHODS: Analyses of data from the 2001-2002 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (N = 43,093). RESULTS: Of all respondents, 5% (n = 1815) reported a history of nonmedical PO use (NMPOU) and 0.3% (n = 150) a history of heroin use. Abuse was more prevalent than dependence among NMPOUs (PO abuse, 29%; dependence, 7%) and heroin users (heroin abuse, 63%; dependence, 28%). Heroin users reported a short mean interval from first use to onset of abuse (1.5 years) or dependence (2.0 years), and a lengthy mean duration for the longest episode of abuse (66 months) or dependence (59 months); the corresponding mean estimates for PO abuse and dependence among NMPOUs were 2.6 and 2.9 years, respectively, and 31 and 49 months, respectively. The mean number of years from first use to remission from the most recent episode was 6.9 years for PO abuse and 8.1 years for dependence; the mean number of years from first heroin use to remission from the most recent episode was 8.5 years for heroin abuse and 9.7 years for dependence. Most individuals with PO or heroin use disorders were remitted from the most recent episode. Treated individuals, whether their problem was heroin or POs, tended to have a longer mean duration of an episode than untreated individuals. CONCLUSION: Periodic remissions from opioid or heroin abuse or dependence episodes occur commonly but take a long time. Timely and effective use of treatment services are needed to mitigate the many adverse consequences from opioid/heroin abuse and dependence.
Successive substance misuse strategies in Northern Ireland and elsewhere have
been underpinned by the goal of minimising the harm accruing from the use of alcohol and other drugs. However, what it means for a person’s alcohol use to cause harm is an evolving concept. As the understanding of harm changes, the type of evidence needed to estimate the scale of harm and to evaluate the success of a given initiative changes also.
This paper does three things. We first highlight a recent model by Laslett and
colleagues for estimating the harm of one individual’s alcohol use to other individuals, the centrepiece of a report to the Alcohol Education and Research Foundation (AERF) in 2010. This model has been hugely influential in identifying areas where harms from alcohol use accrue and in attempting to quantify those harms (e.g. the cost of injuries inflicted during intoxication). We suggest three ways in which this model could be improved by accounting for: (a) the influence of one individual’s drinking on the drinking behaviour of their peers; (b) the level of use which triggers a given harm; and (c) the degree of time-lag in each of
the domains of harm.
Secondly, we explore specific challenges to developing effective policy on
adolescents’ drinking behaviours, drawing on research which specifically elicits the perspectives of young people on why they drink.
Thirdly, we examine the relative harms of allowing moderate levels of drinking
among mid-adolescents versus promoting zero use up until late adolescence.
BACKGROUND: The purpose of the present review was to evaluate the evidence of the effectiveness of brief interventions aimed at reducing chronic alcohol use and harm related to alcohol consumption, conducted among individuals actively attending primary care but who were not seeking help for alcohol problems. METHODS: Randomised trials reporting at-least one outcome related to alcohol consumption and conducted in outpatients who were actively attending primary care centre or provider were selected using Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, ISI Web of Science, ETOH database, and bibliographies of the retrieved references and previous reviews. Selection and data abstraction were performed independently and in duplicate. We assessed validity of the studies and performed a meta-analysis for studies reporting alcohol consumption at 6 or 12 months follow up. RESULTS: We included 24 reports, reporting results of 19 trials and including 5,639 individuals. Seventeen trials reported a measure of alcohol consumption, eight reporting a significant effect of intervention. The meta-analysis showed a mean pooled difference of -41 (95% CI: −54; −28) g of pure ethanol per week in favour of brief intervention group. Evidences for other outcomes (laboratory values, health related quality of life, morbidity and mortality, health care utilisation) were inconclusive. CONCLUSION: Our systematic review indicated that brief intervention might be effective for both men and women in reducing alcohol consumption compared to a controlled intervention, in a primary health care population. The meta-analysis confirmed the reduction in alcohol consumption at 6 and 12 month. Further research should precise the components of effectiveness of brief intervention and the evidence of effects on morbidity, mortality, and quality of life related outcomes.
Les habitudes de consommation de substances psychoactives, le stress, l’obésité et les traits cardiovasculaires associés seraient en partie reliés aux mêmes facteurs génétiques. Afin d’explorer cette hypothèse, nous avons effectué, chez 119 familles multi-générationnelles québécoises de la région du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, des études d’association et de liaison pangénomiques pour les composantes génétiques : de la consommation usuelle d’alcool, de tabac et de café, de la réponse au stress physique et psychologique, des traits anthropométriques reliés à l’obésité, ainsi que des mesures du rythme cardiaque (RC) et de la pression artérielle (PA). 58000 SNPs et 437 marqueurs microsatellites ont été utilisés et l’annotation fonctionnelle des gènes candidats identifiés a ensuite été réalisée. Nous avons détecté des corrélations phénotypiques significatives entre les substances psychoactives, le stress, l’obésité et les traits hémodynamiques. Par exemple, les consommateurs d’alcool et de tabac ont montré un RC significativement diminué en réponse au stress psychologique. De plus, les consommateurs de tabac avaient des PA plus basses que les non-consommateurs. Aussi, les hypertendus présentaient des RC et PA systoliques accrus en réponse au stress psychologique et un indice de masse corporelle (IMC) élevé, comparativement aux normotendus. D’autre part, l’utilisation de tabac augmenterait les taux corporels d’épinéphrine, et des niveaux élevés d’épinéphrine ont été associés à des IMC diminués. Ainsi, en accord avec les corrélations inter-phénotypiques, nous avons identifié plusieurs gènes associés/liés à la consommation de substances psychoactives, à la réponse au stress physique et psychologique, aux traits reliés à l’obésité et aux traits hémodynamiques incluant CAMK4, CNTN4, DLG2, DAG1, FHIT, GRID2, ITPR2, NOVA1, NRG3 et PRKCE. Ces gènes codent pour des protéines constituant un réseau d’interactions, impliquées dans la plasticité synaptique, et hautement exprimées dans le cerveau et ses tissus associés. De plus, l’analyse des sentiers de signalisation pour les gènes identifiés (P = 0,03) a révélé une induction de mécanismes de Potentialisation à Long Terme. Les variations des traits étudiés seraient en grande partie liées au sexe et au statut d’hypertension. Pour la consommation de tabac, nous avons noté que le degré et le sens des corrélations avec l’obésité, les traits hémodynamiques et le stress sont spécifiques au sexe et à la pression artérielle. Par exemple, si des variations ont été détectées entre les hommes fumeurs et non-fumeurs (anciens et jamais), aucune différence n’a été observée chez les femmes. Nous avons aussi identifié de nombreux traits reliés à l’obésité dont la corrélation avec la consommation de tabac apparaît essentiellement plus liée à des facteurs génétiques qu’au fait de fumer en lui-même. Pour le sexe et l’hypertension, des différences dans l’héritabilité de nombreux traits ont également été observées. En effet, des analyses génétiques sur des sous-groupes spécifiques ont révélé des gènes additionnels partageant des fonctions synaptiques : CAMK4, CNTN5, DNM3, KCNAB1 (spécifique à l’hypertension), CNTN4, DNM3, FHIT, ITPR1 and NRXN3 (spécifique au sexe). Ces gènes codent pour des protéines interagissant avec les protéines de gènes détectés dans l’analyse générale. De plus, pour les gènes des sous-groupes, les résultats des analyses des sentiers de signalisation et des profils d’expression des gènes ont montré des caractéristiques similaires à celles de l’analyse générale. La convergence substantielle entre les déterminants génétiques des substances psychoactives, du stress, de l’obésité et des traits hémodynamiques soutiennent la notion selon laquelle les variations génétiques des voies de plasticité synaptique constitueraient une interface commune avec les différences génétiques liées au sexe et à l’hypertension. Nous pensons, également, que la plasticité synaptique interviendrait dans de nombreux phénotypes complexes influencés par le mode de vie. En définitive, ces résultats indiquent que des approches basées sur des sous-groupes et des réseaux amélioreraient la compréhension de la nature polygénique des phénotypes complexes, et des processus moléculaires communs qui les définissent.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to assess the oral mucosal health status of young male adults (aged 18 to 24 years) in Switzerland and to correlate their clinical findings with self-reported risk factors such as tobacco use and alcohol consumption. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data on the oral health status of 615 Swiss Army recruits were collected using a standardised self-reported questionnaire, followed by an intraoral examination. Positive clinical findings were classified as (1) common conditions and anatomical variants, (2) reactive lesions, (3) benign tumour lesions and (4) premalignant lesions. The main locations of the oral mucosal findings were recorded on a topographical classification chart. Using correlational statistics, the findings were further associated with the known risk factors such as tobacco use and alcohol consumption. RESULTS: A total of 468 findings were diagnosed in 327 (53.17%) of the 615 subjects. In total, 445 findings (95.09%) were classified as common conditions, anatomical variants and reactive soft-tissue lesions. In the group of reactive soft-tissue lesions, there was a significantly higher percentage of smokers (P < 0.001) and subjects with a combination of smoking and alcohol consumption (P < 0.001). Eight lesions were clinically diagnosed as oral leukoplakias associated with smokeless tobacco. The prevalence of precursor lesions in the population examined was over 1%. CONCLUSIONS: Among young male adults in Switzerland, a significant number of oral mucosal lesions can be identified, which strongly correlate with tobacco use. To improve primary and secondary prevention, young adults should therefore be informed more extensively about the negative effects of tobacco use on oral health.
OBJECTIVE: The aims of the present study were to assess the associations between mood, anxiety and substance use disorders, including their subtypes, and the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs). METHOD: Thorough physical investigations, biological measures and standardized interview techniques were used to assess 3716 subjects of an urban area, aged 35-66 years. RESULTS: Atypical depression was associated with increased prevalence of overweight, diabetes and the metabolic syndrome (OR = 1.5, 95% C.I. 1.1-2.0; OR = 2.0, 95% C.I. 1.1-3.5, OR = 1.6, 95% C.I. 1.0-2.4 respectively), whereas decreased prevalence of overweight was found in melancholic (OR = 0.7, 95% C.I. 0.6-0.9) and unspecified depression (OR = 0.8, 95% C.I. 0.7-1.0). Alcohol abuse was associated with diabetes (OR = 1.8, 95% C.I. 1.1-2.9) and dyslipidemia (OR = 1.3, 95% C.I. 1.0-1.8), alcohol dependence with dyslipidemia only (OR = 1.4, 95% C.I. 1.0-2.0). Almost all mental disorders were associated with a lifetime history of regular cigarette smoking, and atypical depression, alcohol misuse and drug dependence were associated with inactivity. CONCLUSION: To conclude results emphasize the need to subtype depression and to pay particular attention to the atypical subtype. Comorbid alcohol misuse may further increase the cardiovascular risk. Efforts to diminish smoking in subjects with mental disorders could be crucial measures to reduce their high incidence of cardiovascular disease.
Background/Aims: The simultaneous use of alcohol and cannabis is common among adolescents, but has been little studied. In this study, we examine predictors and consequences of this behavior in a population-based sample of high school students. Method: Self-reports were obtained from students in Quebec (Canada) followed throughout high school (N=6589). Logistic regressions were used to test the association between individual, family, and peerrelated predictors in grades 7–8 and simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use in grade 10, as well as between simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use in grade 10 and experiencing 3 or more substance-related problems of various types (legal, physical, etc.) in grade 11. Results: Most predictors in grades 7–8 were associated with simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use in grade 10. Only variables reflecting early-onset substance use involvement — alcohol intoxication, cannabis use, and drug use by close friend(s) — remained predictive in a multivariate model. Simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use was associated with increased substance-related problems in grade 11, above and beyond baseline problems and the concurrent use of the two substances in separate episodes in grade 10. Conclusions: Simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use 1) is anticipated by multiple psychosocial risk factors which come together with individual and peer substance use in early high school and 2) is independently predictive of subsequent substance-related problems. Providing adolescents with adequate information regarding the potential harm of simultaneous use may be a useful prevention strategy.
Background/Aims: The simultaneous use of alcohol and cannabis is common among adolescents, but has been little studied. In this study, we examine predictors and consequences of this behavior in a population-based sample of high school students. Method: Self-reports were obtained from students in Quebec (Canada) followed throughout high school (N=6589). Logistic regressions were used to test the association between individual, family, and peerrelated predictors in grades 7–8 and simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use in grade 10, as well as between simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use in grade 10 and experiencing 3 or more substance-related problems of various types (legal, physical, etc.) in grade 11. Results: Most predictors in grades 7–8 were associated with simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use in grade 10. Only variables reflecting early-onset substance use involvement — alcohol intoxication, cannabis use, and drug use by close friend(s) — remained predictive in a multivariate model. Simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use was associated with increased substance-related problems in grade 11, above and beyond baseline problems and the concurrent use of the two substances in separate episodes in grade 10. Conclusions: Simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use 1) is anticipated by multiple psychosocial risk factors which come together with individual and peer substance use in early high school and 2) is independently predictive of subsequent substance-related problems. Providing adolescents with adequate information regarding the potential harm of simultaneous use may be a useful prevention strategy.
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