923 resultados para agroindustrial complexes
(I): Hexaaquacobalt(II) aqua[ethylenediaminetetraacetato(3-)]cobaltate(II) dihydrate, [Co(H2O)6][Co(C10H13N2O8)(H2O)]2.2H2O (Ibis): Hexaaquamagnesium(II) aqua[ethylenediaminetetraacetato(3-)]magnesiate(II) dihydrate, [Mg(H2O)6][Mg(C10H13N2O8)(H2O)]2.2H2O (II):Tetraaquabis{aqua[ethylenediaminetetraacetato(3-)]cadmium(II)-O-O'}Cadmium(II) tetrahydrate
(I): Hexaaquacobalt(II) aqua[ethylenediaminetetraacetato(3-)]cobaltate(II) dihydrate, [Co(H2O)6][Co(C10H13N2O8)(H2O)]2.2H2O (Ibis): Hexaaquamagnesium(II) aqua[ethylenediaminetetraacetato(3-)]magnesiate(II) dihydrate, [Mg(H2O)6][Mg(C10H13N2O8)(H2O)]2.2H2O (II):Tetraaquabis{aqua[ethylenediaminetetraacetato(3-)]cadmium(II)-O-O'}Cadmium(II) tetrahydrate
While the E. coli RecA protein has been the most intensively studied enzyme of homologous recombination, the unusual RecA-DNA filament has stood alone until very recently. It now appears that this protein is part of a universal family that spans all of biology, and the filament that is formed by the protein on DNA is a universal structure. With RecA's role in recombination given new and greatly increased significance, we focus in this review on the energetics of the RecA-mediated strand exchange and the relation between the energetics and recombination spanning heterologous inserts.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to characterize oligonucleotide-polyethylenimine (ODN/PEI) complex preparation for potential transfection of retinal cells in vitro and in vivo. METHODS: The effect of medium preparation [HEPES-buffered saline (HBS), water] on particle size and morphology was evaluated. Cultured Lewis rat retinal Müller glial (RMG) cells were transfected using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-ODN/PEI complexes specifically directed at transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta)-2. Efficacy of transfection was evaluated using confocal microscopy, and regulation of gene expression was assayed using quantitative real-time RT-PCR and ELISA assay. One, 24, and 72 h after injection of FITC-ODN/PEI complexes into the vitreous of rat eyes, their distribution was analyzed on eye sections. RESULTS: Complexes prepared in HBS were smaller than complexes prepared in pure water and presented a core-shell structure. These particles showed a high cellular internalization efficacy, along with a significant and specific down-regulation of TGFbeta-2 expression and production in RMG cells, correlating with specific inhibition of cell growth at 72 h. In vivo, complexes efficiently transfect retinal cells and follow a transretinal migration at 24 h. After 72 h, ODN seems to preferentially target RMG cells without inducing any detectable toxicity. CONCLUSIONS: Specific down-regulation of TGFbeta-2 expression using ODN/PEI complexes may have potential interest for the treatment of retinal diseases associated with glial proliferation.
The objective of this work was to determine the contribution of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from a biochar mineral complex (BMC), so as to better understand the interactions between DOC, biochar, clay, and minerals during thermal treatment, and the effects of BMC on amended soils. The BMC was prepared by heating a mixture of a H3PO4-treated saligna biochar from Acacia saligna, clays, other minerals, and chicken manure. The BMC was applied to a sandy loam soil in Western Australia, where wheat was grown. Liquid chromatography-organic carbon detection (LC-OCD) tests were carried out on water extracts from the untreated biochar, the BMC, the BMC-amended soil, and on a control soil to measure the DOC concentration. LC-OCD tests provide a fingerprint of the DOC, which allows the fractions of DOC to be determined. Thermal processing enhanced the reaction of the A. saligna biochar with manure, clays and minerals, and affected the distribution of the DOC fractions. Notably, the process leads to immobilization of hydrophobic DOC and to an increase in the concentration of low-molecular-weight neutrals in the BMC. The application of the BMC to soil increases the DOC in the amended soil, especially the biopolymer fraction.
Anthracene derivatives of ruthenium(II) arene compounds with 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphatricyclo[]decane (pta) or a sugar phosphite ligand, viz., 3,5,6-bicyclophosphite-1,2-O-isopropylidene-α-d-glucofuranoside, were prepared in order to evaluate their anticancer properties compared to the parent compounds and to use them as models for intracellular visualization by fluorescence microscopy. Similar IC(50) values were obtained in cell proliferation assays, and similar levels of uptake and accumulation were also established. The X-ray structure of [{Ru(η(6)-C(6)H(5)CH(2)NHCO-anthracene)Cl(2)(pta)] is also reported.
Molecular docking softwares are one of the important tools of modern drug development pipelines. The promising achievements of the last 10 years emphasize the need for further improvement, as reflected by several recent publications (Leach et al., J Med Chem 2006, 49, 5851; Warren et al., J Med Chem 2006, 49, 5912). Our initial approach, EADock, showed a good performance in reproducing the experimental binding modes for a set of 37 different ligand-protein complexes (Grosdidier et al., Proteins 2007, 67, 1010). This article presents recent improvements regarding the scoring and sampling aspects over the initial implementation, as well as a new seeding procedure based on the detection of cavities, opening the door to blind docking with EADock. These enhancements were validated on 260 complexes taken from the high quality Ligand Protein Database [LPDB, (Roche et al., J Med Chem 2001, 44, 3592)]. Two issues were identified: first, the quality of the initial structures cannot be assumed and a manual inspection and/or a search in the literature are likely to be required to achieve the best performance. Second the description of interactions involving metal ions still has to be improved. Nonetheless, a remarkable success rate of 65% was achieved for a large scale blind docking assay, when considering only the top ranked binding mode and a success threshold of 2 A RMSD to the crystal structure. When looking at the five-top ranked binding modes, the success rate increases up to 76%. In a standard local docking assay, success rates of 75 and 83% were obtained, considering only the top ranked binding mode, or the five top binding modes, respectively.
The flexibility of different regions of HIV-1 protease was examined by using a database consisting of 73 X-ray structures that differ in terms of sequence, ligands or both. The root-mean-square differences of the backbone for the set of structures were shown to have the same variation with residue number as those obtained from molecular dynamics simulations, normal mode analyses and X-ray B-factors. This supports the idea that observed structural changes provide a measure of the inherent flexibility of the protein, although specific interactions between the protease and the ligand play a secondary role. The results suggest that the potential energy surface of the HIV-1 protease is characterized by many local minima with small energetic differences, some of which are sampled by the different X-ray structures of the HIV-1 protease complexes. Interdomain correlated motions were calculated from the structural fluctuations and the results were also in agreement with molecular dynamics simulations and normal mode analyses. Implications of the results for the drug-resistance engendered by mutations are discussed briefly.
Com o objetivo de verificar os efeitos da adubação nitrogenada, fosfatada e potássica sobre os componentes da produção e a qualidade de bananas 'Prata Anã', no Distrito Agroindustrial de Jaíba, em Matias Cardoso-MG, foi conduzido um experimento com dez tratamentos constituídos pela combinação de doses (g/touceira) de N, P e K de acordo com uma matriz baconiana, sendo 1: 250-45-700, 2: 250-25-700, 3: 250-70-700, 4: 250-100-700, 5: 250-45-300, 6: 250-45-500, 7: 250-45-1000, 8: 150-45-700, 9: 400-45-700, 10: 600-45-700. O tratamento um é o de referência, correspondendo às doses adotadas pelos bananicultores da região. O delineamento foi de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Avaliou-se a produção do primeiro ciclo. Os cachos foram colhidos, despencados e avaliados quanto ao número de pencas, número de frutos e massa do cacho, massa média das pencas e massa média, diâmetro e comprimentos total e comercial do fruto. Os resultados indicaram que as doses de nitrogênio ou fósforo utilizadas pelos produtores de banana do Distrito Agroindustrial de Jaíba podem ser reduzidas para 150 ou 25 g/touceira, respectivamente, sem prejuízo para a produção e qualidade dos frutos. Por outro lado, as doses de potássio até 1000 g/touceira, parceladas semanalmente, proporcionaram aumentos significativos na massa, comprimento total e comercial do fruto.
El present Projecte Final de Carrera té com a objectiu la instal·lació de mòduls fotovoltaics en la coberta d’una nau situada a un polígon industrial de Lleida, de dimensions 70 x 30 m, orientada amb un acimut de -30º, per tal de vendre l’energia produïda a la companyia distribuïdora i aconseguir un benefici econòmic. La instal·lació consta de 690 mòduls de silici monocristal·lí de 235 Wp (model HEE215MA65-235) i de dos camps de captació diferenciats en cada ala de la nau, tots ells orientats cap el sud (0º acimut) i inclinats 30º. El camp 1 consta de 360 mòduls i el camp 2 de 330 mòduls, connectats al seu corresponent inversor de 76 kW i 68 kW (models Sunway TG 100-800V i Sunway TG 90-600V). El cost total de la instal·lació és de 707.201,36 Є euros i té un període de retorn de 9 anys. És un projecte rendible i una bona opció ambiental que aconsegueix reduir les emissions de CO2 en 117,6 tones anuals.
Both the intermolecular interaction energies and the geometries for M ̄ thiophene, M ̄ pyrrole, M n+ ̄ thiophene, and M n+ ̄ pyrrole ͑with M = Li, Na, K, Ca, and Mg; and M n+ = Li+ , Na+ , K+ , Ca2+, and Mg2+͒ have been estimated using four commonly used density functional theory ͑DFT͒ methods: B3LYP, B3PW91, PBE, and MPW1PW91. Results have been compared to those provided by HF, MP2, and MP4 conventional ab initio methods. The PBE and MPW1PW91 are the only DFT methods able to provide a reasonable description of the M ̄ complexes. Regarding M n+ ̄ complexes, the four DFT methods have been proven to be adequate in the prediction of these electrostatically stabilized systems, even though they tend to overestimate the interaction energies.
Custo de produção e rentabilidade do maracujazeiro no mercado agroindustrial da Zona da Mata Mineira
O Brasil é o maior produtor e consumidor mundial de maracujá, porém, nos últimos anos, a agroindústria nacional passou a importar polpa para atender à crescente demanda de sucos (concentrado, integral e néctares). Considerando o polo agroindustrial processador de frutas da Zona da Mata Mineira, observa-se que a demanda de frutas não está sendo totalmente satisfeita, principalmente no caso do maracujá, que é importado in natura de outros estados ou já processado (polpa) de outros países, visando à fabricação de suco pronto para beber. Por ser uma cultura de rápido retorno econômico, o maracujazeiro vem despertando interesse dos produtores, mas ainda há carência de informações sobre os custos de produção e sua rentabilidade no mercado agroindustrial, impedindo a expansão da cultura. Com o objetivo de dar um respaldo técnico e econômico para o desenvolvimento da cultura na região, foram estimados os custos de produção e calculados os indicadores econômicos: Valor Presente Líquido (VPL), Taxa Interna de Retorno (TIR) e Tempo de Retorno do Capital (TRC). Pelo modelo de análise adotado, pode-se inferir que o cultivo do maracujazeiro é uma atividade rentável e de retorno rápido, sendo considerada uma boa alternativa para investimento na região.
El 1736, Leonhard Euler va ser pioner en l'estudi de la teoria de grafs, i des de llavorsmúltiples autors com Kirchoff, Seymour, etc. continuaren amb l'estudi de la teoria i topologiade grafs. La teoria de xarxes, part de la teoria de grafs, també ha estat estudiada abastament.D'altra banda, la dinàmica de xarxes fou popularitzada per Dan Gillespie el 1977, en el qual proposà un algorisme que permet la simulació discreta i estocàstica d'un sistema de partícules, el qual és la base del treball ja que serveix per dur a terme les simulacions de processos sobre les xarxes complexes. El camp de l'anàlisi de la dinàmica de xarxes, de fet, és un campemergent en l'actualitat; comprèn tant l'anàlisi estadística com la utilització de simulacions persolucionar problemes de la mateixa dinàmica.Les xarxes complexes (xarxes de característiques complexes, sovint xarxes reals) també sónobjecte d'estudi de l'actualitat, sobretot a causa de l'aparició de les xarxes socials. S'han convertiten un paradigma per l'estudi de processos dinàmics en sistemes formats per molts componentsque interactuen entre si de manera molt homogèniaL'objectiu del treball és triple:1. Estudiar i entendre els conceptes bàsics i la topologia de les xarxes complexes, així comdiferents tipus de dinàmiques de processos sobre elles.2. Programar un simulador estocàstic en llenguatge C++ capaç de generar trajectòries mitjantçant l'algorisme de Gillespie tant pel model epidèmic com pel model de dinàmicad'enllaços amb reconnexió.3. Utilitzar el simulador tant per estudiar casos que ja han estat tractats en la literatura comcasos nous que no han estat tractats i que poden ser assimilables a xarxes reals com, perexemple, xarxes socials