908 resultados para agro-ecosystems
Caracterizacao de uma amostra de 80 propriedades de pequenos produtores no municipio de Iranduba (AM). O levantamento das informacoes foi realizado em 1991, sendo as propriedads selecionadas para incluir areas nos ecossistemas de varzea e terra firme, tipos de sistemas de uso da terra, isto e', olericultura, cultivo de subsistencia, fruteiras e tempo de ocupacao, desde o assentamento inicial dos lotes. Os resultados confirmaram a variacao substancial em uso da terra, de acordo com os diferentes ecossistemas, de tal forma que permitiu a caracterizacao dos ecossistemas varzea baixa e varzea alta. Diferencas marcantes foram tambem observadas em certas categorias de uso da terra, de acordo com os ecossistemas, incluindo os tipos e tamanho dos cultivos e rebanho animal, titulacao da terra e tempo de permanencia no local. Foram detectadas as principais limitacoes nos sistemas, identificadas pelos proprios produtores, o que podera servir de subsidios para futuras acoes de pesquisa ou adequacoes de praticas agricolas e combinacoes de exploracao para melhoria da renda familiar.
Caracterizacao agro-socio-economica do municipio de Manaquiri (AM), por meio da caracterizacao dos produtores e dos istemas de uso da terra, em tres ecossistemas (terra firme, varzea e vazante). Com base nos resultados, concluiu-se que as unidades familiares sao ocupadas principalmente por produtores amazonidas; os cultivos de subsistencia sao caracteristicas comuns aos sistemas de uso da terra nos tres ecossistemas; as principais atividades de renda, nos tres ecossistemas, sao olericultura, na varzea, fruticultura, em terra firme, e bovinocultura, na vazante; o ecossistema vazante pode ser considerado o mais importante tanto pelo tamanho das areas dedicadas a cada uma das atividades de exploracao agricola como pelo numero de produtores entrevistados; a ocorrencia de pragas e doencas em plantas e animais foi considerada a mais seria das limitacoes tecnicas dos sistemas de uso da terra nos tres ecossistemas; e a falta de credito agricola e a comercializacao foram consideradas limitacoes struturais comuns e mais criticas dos tres ecossistemas.
Caracterizacao agricola e socioeconomica das unidades agricolas de assentamentos de Manaus (AM), por meio da caracterizacao dos assentamentos, dos produtores e dos sistemas de uso da terra. Segundo o estudo realizado, o insucesso economico e' o principal fator de migracao dos produtores para capital e/ou outro assentamento; a fragmentacao e/ou agregacao de lotes e resultado tanto da compra de lotes adjacentes como da divisao dos lotes com familiares ou venda de parte dos lotes como alternativa de viabilizar o restante; os cultivos de subsistencia e de especies perenes foram mais frequentes nos sistemas de uso da terra dos assentamentos estudados; a producao animal parece de pouca importancia comercial por serem criados mais para subsistencia que para venda; e a falta de organizacao na producao e na comercializacao, associada a falta de infra-estrutura adequada, restringem o desenvolvimento socioeconomico dos produtores nos assentamentos.
Though the motivation for developing Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) systems is incontestable, significant challenges exist in realizing the ambience that is essential to the success of such systems. By definition, an AAL system must be omnipresent, tracking occupant activities in the home and identifying those situations where assistance is needed or would be welcomed. Embedded sensors offer an attractive mechanism for realizing ambience as their form factor and harnessing of wireless technologies aid in their seamless integration into pre-existing environments. However, the heterogeneity of the end-user population, their disparate needs and the differing environments in which they inhabit, all pose particular problems regarding sensor integration and management
Spatially periodic vegetation patterns are well known in arid and semi-arid regions around the world. Mathematical models have been developed that attribute this phenomenon to a symmetry-breaking instability. Such models are based on the interplay between competitive and facilitative influences that the vegetation exerts on its own dynamics when it is constrained by arid conditions, but evidence for these predictions is still lacking. Moreover, not all models can account for the development of regularly spaced spots of bare ground in the absence of a soil prepattern. We applied Fourier analysis to high-resolution, remotely sensed data taken at either end of a 40-year interval in southern Niger. Statistical comparisons based on this textural characterization gave us broad-scale evidence that the decrease in rainfall over recent decades in the sub-Saharan Sahel has been accompanied by a detectable shift from homogeneous vegetation cover to spotted patterns marked by a spatial frequency of about 20 cycles km-1. Wood cutting and grazing by domestic animals have led to a much more marked transition in unprotected areas than in a protected reserve. Field measurements demonstrated that the dominant spatial frequency was endogenous rather than reflecting the spatial variation of any pre-existing heterogeneity in soil properties. All these results support the use of models that can account for periodic vegetation patterns without invoking substrate heterogeneity or anisotropy, and provide new elements for further developments, refinements and tests. This study underlines the potential of studying vegetation pattern properties for monitoring climatic and human impacts on the extensive fragile areas bordering hot deserts. Explicit consideration of vegetation self-patterning may also improve our understanding of vegetation and climate interactions in arid areas. © 2006 The Authors.
The performance of four common estimators of diversity are investigated using calanoid copepod data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey. The region of the North Atlantic and the North Sea was divided into squares of 400 nautical miles for each 2-month period. For each 144 possible cases, Pielou's pooled quadrat method was performed with the aims of determining asymptotic diversity and investigating the CPR sample-size dependence of diversity estimators. It is shown that the performance of diversity indices may greatly vary in space and time (at a seasonal scale). This dependence is more pronounced in higher diverse environments and when the sample size is small. Despite results showing that all estimators underestimate the `actual' diversity, comparison of sites remained reliable from a few pooled CPR samples. Using more than one CPR sample, the Gini coefficient appears to be a better diversity estimator than any other indices and spatial or temporal comparisons are highly satisfactory. In situations where comparative studies are needed but only one CPR sample is available, taxonomic richness was the preferred method of estimating diversity. Recommendations are proposed to maximise the efficiency of diversity estimations with the CPR data.
This paper examines long term changes in the plankton of the North Atlantic and northwest European shelf seas and discusses the forcing mechanisms behind some observed interannual, decadal and spatial patterns of variability with a focus on climate change. Evidence from the Continuous Plankton Records suggests that the plankton integrates hydrometeorological signals and may be used as a possible index of climate change. Changes evident in the plankton are likely to have important effects on the carrying capacity of fisheries and are of relvance to eutrophication issues and to the assessment of biodiversity. The scale of the changes seen over the past five decades emphasises the importance of maintaining existing, and establishing new, long term and wide scale monitoring programmes of the world's oceans in initiatives such as the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS).