887 resultados para advanced glycosylation end-product receptor
In dieser Arbeit werden neue Rylenimide und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für diese Farbstoffklasse beschrieben, die sich durch hohe Photostabilitäten und hohe Fluoreszenzquantenausbeute auszeichnet. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, durch systematische Wahl der Substituenten in den Imidstrukturen und/oder den bay-Regionen von Rylendiimidfarbstoffen vollkommen neue Produkteigenschaften zu verwirklichen, Reaktionen bzw. Anwendungen zu ermöglichen und den Aufbau von komplexeren Chromophorarchitekturen zu gestatten. Das Strukturmotiv des Terrylendiimids nahm dabei die zentrale Rolle ein. Die Arbeit wurde in vier Kapitel aufgeteilt. Das Ziel des ersten Kapitels war es, wasserlösliche Terrylendiimide zur Untersuchung von biologischen Proben im Wellenlängenbereich über 600 nm einzusetzen. Ein wasserlösliches Terrylendiimid erwies sich dabei als deutlich photostabiler als zwei weitverbreitete Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe. Eine erste Proteinmarkierung mit monofunktionellem Farbstoff wurde an Proteinmolekülen erfolgreich durchgeführt. Durch gezielte Modifikationen konnten zwei Terrylendiimide hergestellt werden, die sich noch deutlich besser zum Abbilden von Zellstrukturen eignen. In dem zweiten Kapitel spielte die Löslichkeit von Rylendiimiden in organischen Lösungsmitteln eine zentrale Rolle. Es wurde eine Rylendiimidserie hergestellt, deren löslichkeitssteigernde Gruppen eine Organisation der Moleküle in ausgedehnten Stapelstrukturen nicht verhindern. Mit dieser Serie konnte das flüssigkristalline Verhalten und die Selbstorganisation in der Rylendiimidreihe untersucht werden. Aufbauend auf diesen Ergebnissen wurde die Selbstorganisation der Diimide in Donor-Akzeptor Gemischen untersucht. In STM-Experimenten konnten für alle drei Diimide selbstorganisierte Monoschichten mit dem Rastertunnelmikroskop mit molekularer Auflösung abgebildet werden. Darüber hinaus wurden in diesem Kapitel die ersten organischen Feldeffekttransistoren (OFET) auf der Basis des synthetisierten Terrylendiimids beschrieben. Im Rahmen eines Projektes in dem die elektronische Energieübertragung in Donor-Akzeptor-Diaden mit Hilfe von Einzelmolekülspektroskopie untersucht wird, wurde eine Perylendiimid-Terrylediimid Diade hergestellt. Die geringere Photostabilität des Donors ermöglichte zeitaufgelöste Einzelmolekül-messungen der Akzeptoremission mit und ohne Energietransfer vom Donor auf den Akzeptor. Durch diese Messungen konnten die Zeitkonstanten des Energietransfers für einzelne Diaden ermittelt werden. Ein weiterer Chromophor aus diesem Donor-Akzeptor-Paar soll die Möglichkeit eröffnen, den Energiefluß im Molekül gezielt zu manipulieren. Dazu wurde ein Donorchromophor mit zwei Akzeptoren in einem Multichromophor kombiniert. Im Rahmen der Synthesen dieser Arbeit wurden Terrylendiimide hergestellt, die in einer Imidstruktur eine Halogenfunktion trugen. Diese waren wichtige Synthesebausteine zum Aufbau von komplexen Chromophorarchitekturen. Ziel eines weiteren Kapitels war es, ein Terrylendiimid herzustellen, das als Sensibilisatorfarbstoff gemeinsam mit dem Haupt-Antennenkomplex von höheren Pflanzen LHCII in einer photoelektrochemischen Farbstoff-Solarzelle integriert werden konnte. Das hergestellte Terrylendiimid mit Carbonsäuregruppe eignete sich für Farbstoffsolarzellen auf Zinndioxidbasis.
Differentiation between external contamination and incorporation of drugs or their metabolites from inside the body via blood, sweat or sebum is a general issue in hair analysis and of high concern when interpreting analytical results. In hair analysis for cannabinoids the most common target is Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), sometimes cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinol (CBN) are determined additionally. After repeated external contamination by cannabis smoke these analytes are known to be found in hair even after performing multiple washing steps. A widely accepted strategy to unequivocally prove active cannabis consumption is the analysis of hair extracts for the oxidative metabolite 11-nor-9-carboxy-THC (THC-COOH). Although the acidic nature of this metabolite suggests a lower rate of incorporation into the hair matrix compared to THC, it is not fully understood up to now why hair concentrations of THC-COOH are generally found to be much lower (mostly <10 pg/mg) than the corresponding THC concentrations. Delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid A (THCA A) is the preliminary end product of the THC biosynthesis in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC it is non-psychoactive and can be regarded as a 'precursor' of THC being largely decarboxylated when heated or smoked. The presented work shows for the first time that THCA A is not only detectable in blood and urine of cannabis consumers but also in THC positive hair samples. A pilot experiment performed within this study showed that after oral intake of THCA A on a regular basis no relevant incorporation into hair occurred. It can be concluded that THCA A in hair almost exclusively derives from external contamination e.g. by side stream smoke. Elevated temperatures during the analytical procedure, particularly under alkaline conditions, can lead to decarboxylation of THCA A and accordingly increase THC concentrations in hair. Additionally, it has to be kept in mind that in hair samples tested positive for THCA A at least a part of the 'non-artefact' THC probably derives from external contamination as well, because in condensate of cannabis smoke both THC and THCA A are present in relevant amounts. External contamination by side stream smoke could therefore explain the great differences in THC and THC-COOH hair concentrations commonly found in cannabis users.
BACKGROUND: Familial isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) is a disorder with about 5-30% of patients having affected relatives. Among those familial types, IGHD type II is an autosomal dominant form of short stature, associated in some families with mutations that result in missplicing to produce del32-71-GH, a GH peptide which cannot fold properly. The mechanism by which this mutant GH may alter the controlled secretory pathway and therefore suppress the secretion of the normal 22-kDa GH product of the normal allele is not known in detail. Previous studies have shown variance depending on cell type, transfection technique used, as well as on the method of analysis performed. AIM: The aim of our study was to analyse and compare the subcellular distribution/localization of del32-71-GH or wild-type (wt)-GH (22-kDa GH), each stably transfected into AtT-20, a mouse pituitary cell line endogenously producing ACTH, employed as the internal control for secretion assessment. METHODS: Colocalization of wt- and del32-71 mutant GH form was studied by quantitative confocal microscopy analysis. Using the immunofluorescent technique, cells were double stained for GH plus one of the following organelles: endoplasmic reticulum (ER anti-Grp94), Golgi (anti-betaCOP) or secretory granules (anti-Rab3a). In addition, GH secretion and cell viability were analysed in detail. RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that in AtT-20 neuroendocrine cells, in comparison to the wt-GH, the del32-71-GH has a major impact on the secretory pathway not only affecting GH but also other peptides such as ACTH. The del32-71-GH is still present at the secretory vesicles' level, albeit in reduced quantity when compared to wt-GH but, importantly, was secretion-deficient. Furthermore, while focusing on cell viability an additional finding presented that the various splice site mutations, even though leading eventually to the same end product, namely del32-71-GH, have different and specific consequences on cell viability and proliferation rate.
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) causes hepatic injury that is mediated, in part, by upregulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). Ketamine has been shown to prevent these effects. Because upregulation of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) has hepatoprotective effects, as does carbon monoxide (CO), an end product of the HO-1 catalytic reaction, we examined the effects of HO-1 inhibition on ketamine-induced hepatoprotection and assessed whether CO could attenuate LPS-induced hepatic injury. One group of rats received ketamine (70 mg/kg ip) or saline concurrently with either the HO-1 inhibitor tin protoporphyrin IX (50 micromol/kg ip) or saline. Another group of rats received inhalational CO (250 ppm over 1 h) or room air. All rats were given LPS (20 mg/kg ip) or saline 1 h later and euthanized 5 h after LPS or saline. Liver was collected for iNOS, COX-2, and HO-1 (Western blot), NF-kappaB and PPAR-gamma analysis (EMSA), and iNOS and COX-2 mRNA analysis (RT-PCR). Serum was collected to measure alanine aminotransferase as an index of hepatocellular injury. HO-1 inhibition attenuated ketamine-induced hepatoprotection and downregulation of iNOS and COX-2 protein. CO prevented LPS-induced hepatic injury and upregulation of iNOS and COX-2 proteins. Although CO abolished the ability of LPS to diminish PPAR-gamma activity, it enhanced NF-kappaB activity. These data suggest that the hepatoprotective effects of ketamine are mediated primarily by HO-1 and its end product CO.
Child abuse and neglect are universal risk factors for delinquency, violence and aggression; this phenomenon is known as the cycle of violence. Despite a wide body of research demonstrating this phenomenon, the processes which mediate this relationship remain largely unknown. One potentially relevant result of abuse and neglect may be disruptions in the development of the body’s stress response, specifically the function of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis. The HPA-axis, and its end-product, cortisol, may play a role in regulating aggressive behavior, but this function may be disrupted following abuse and neglect. Another risk factor for aggression, psychopathy, may mediate the cycle of violence or independently contribute to aggressive behavior. This study examined the relationship between child abuse and neglect, HPA-axis function, psychopathy and aggression. History of abuse was measured using a self-report questionnaire, the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire. Using a within-subject, placebo-controlled, counter-balanced dosing design, 67 adults were given an acute dose of 20mg cortisol as a challenge to the HPA-axis. Following dosing, measures of cortisol response were obtained through saliva samples, and state-aggressive behavior was measured by a laboratory task, the Point-Subtraction Aggression Paradigm (PSAP). Basal measures of cortisol were obtained prior to dosing. Psychopathy and a trait-measure of aggression were assessed through self-report questionnaires. PSAP data and trait-aggression scores were normalized and summed for an overall aggression score. Linear regression analyses indicated that a history of abuse and neglect robustly predicted aggression, supporting the cycle of violence hypothesis. Further, abuse and neglect predicted a diminished HPA-axis response to the cortisol challenge. Although a diminished HPA-axis response significantly predicted increased aggression, mediation analysis revealed that HPA-axis reactivity did not mediate a significant portion of the effect of abuse and neglect on aggression. However, HPA-axis reactivity did mediate part of the effect, indicating that HPA-axis function may be a factor in the cycle of violence. Psychopathy robustly predicted increased aggression. Although the results indicate that cortisol, psychopathy and HPA-axis function are involved in the cycle of violence, further research is required to better understand the complex interaction of these factors.
This dissertation presents evidence to support the hypothesis that cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase (MDH-1) is the enzyme in humans which catalyzes the reduction of aromatic alpha-keto acids in the presence of NADH, and the enzyme which has been described in the literature as aromatic alpha-keto acid reductase (KAR; E.C. is actually a secondary activity of cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase.^ Purified MDH and purified KAR have the same molecular weight, subunit structure, heat-inactivation profile and tissue distribution. After starch gel electrophoresis, and using p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid (HPPA) as substrate, KAR activity co-migrates with MDH-1 in all species studied except some marine animals. Inhibition with malate, the end-product of malate dehydrogenase, substantially reduces or totally eliminates KAR activity. Purified cytoplasmic MDH from human erythrocytes has an alpha-keto acid reductase activity with identical mobility. All electrophoretic variants of MDH-1 seen in the fresh-water bony fish Xiphophorus, the amphibians Rana and humans exhibited identical variation for KAR, and the two traits co-segregated in the small group of offspring from one Rana heterozygote studied. Both enzymes show almost no electrophoretic variation among humans from many ethnic groups, and among several inbred strains of mice both MDH-s and KAR co-migrate with no variation. MDH-1 and KAR in mouse and Chinese hamster fibroblasts show identical mobility differences between species. Antisera raised against purified chicken cytoplasmic MDH totally inhibited both MDH-1 and KAR in chickens and humans. Mitochondrial MDH from tissue homogenates has no detectable KAR activity but purified MDH-2 does.^ The previous claim that the gene for KAR is on human chromosome 12 is disputed because both MDH-1 and LDH bands appear with slightly different mobility approximately midway between the human and hamster controls in somatic cell hybrid studies, and the meaning of this artifact is discussed. ^
In this paper, we are concerned about the short-term scheduling of industrial make-and-pack production processes. The planning problem consists in minimizing the production makespan while meeting given end-product demands. Sequence-dependent changeover times, multi-purpose storage units with finite capacities, quarantine times, batch splitting, partial equipment connectivity, material transfer times, and a large number of operations contribute to the complexity of the problem. Known MILP formulations cover all technological constraints of such production processes, but only small problem instances can be solved in reasonable CPU times. In this paper, we develop a heuristic in order to tackle large instances. Under this heuristic, groups of batches are scheduled iteratively using a novel MILP formulation; the assignment of the batches to the groups and the scheduling sequence of the groups are determined using a priority rule. We demonstrate the applicability by means of a real-world production process.
Kinases are part of a complex network of signaling pathways that enable a cell to respond to changes in environmental conditions in a regulated and coordinated way. For example, Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 beta (GSK3β) modulates conformational changes, protein-protein interaction, protein degradation, and activation of unique domains in proteins that transduce signals from the extracellular milieu to the nucleus. ^ In this project, I investigated the expression and function that GSK3β exhibits in prostate cells. The capacity of GSK3β to regulate two transcription factors (JUN and CREB), which are known to be inversely utilized in prostate tumor cells, was measured. JUN/AP1 is constitutively activated in PC-3 cells; whereas, CREB/CRE activity is ∼20 fold less than the former. GSK3β overexpression obliterates JUN/AP1 activity. With respect to CREB GSK3β increases CREB/CRE activity. Cellular levels of active GSK3β can determine whether JUN or CREB is preferentially active in the PC-3s. Theoretically, in response to a particular cellular context or stimulus, a cell may coordinate JUN and CREB function by regulating GSK3β.^ A comparison of various prostate cell lines showed that active GSK3β is less expressed in normal prostate epithelial cells than in tumor cells. Differentially expressed active (GSK3β) may correlate with progression of prostate carcinoma. If a known marker associated with carcinoma of the prostate could be shown to be regulated by GSK3β then, further study of GSK3β may lead to a better understanding of both possible prevention of the disease and improved therapy for advanced stages. ^ The androgen receptor (AR) is an intriguing phosphoprotein whose regulation is potentially determined by a variety of kinases. One of these is (GSK3β) I found that (GSK3β) is a regulator of the androgen receptor in both the unliganded and liganded states. It can inhibit AR function as measured by reporter assays. Also, GSK3β associates with the AR at the DNA binding domain because deletion constructs expressing either the n-terminus or the c-terminus (both having the DBD in common) immunoprecipitated with GSK3β. Increased understanding of how GSK3β functions in prostate cancer would provide clues into how (1) certain signal pathways are coordinated and (2) the androgen receptor may be regulated. ^
Background. Today modern day slavery is known as human trafficking and is a growing pandemic that is a grave human rights violation. Estimates suggest that 12.3 million people are working under conditions of force, fraud or coercion. Working toward eradication is a worthy effort; it would free millions of humans from slavery, mostly women and children, as well as uphold basic human rights. One tactic to eradicating human trafficking is to increase identification of victims among those likely to encounter victims of human trafficking.^ Purpose. This study aims to develop an intervention that improves certain stakeholders' ability, in the health clinic setting, to appropriately identify and report victims of human trafficking to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center.^ Methods. The Intervention Mapping (IM) process was used by program planners to develop an intervention for health professionals. This methodology is a six step process that guides program planners to develop an intervention. Each step builds on the others through the execution of a needs assessment, and the development of matrices based on performance objectives and determinants of the targeted health behavior. The end product results in an ecological, theoretical, and evidence based intervention.^ Discussion. The IM process served as a useful protocol for program planners to take an ecological approach as well as incorporate theory and evidence into the intervention. Consultation with key informants, the planning group, adopters, implementers, and individuals responsible for institutionalization also contributed to the practicality and feasibility of the intervention. Program planners believe that this intervention fully meets recommendations set forth in the literature.^ Conclusions. The intervention mapping methodology enabled program planners to develop an intervention that is appropriate and acceptable to the implementer and the recipients.^
An HPLC/GC–MS/MS technique (high-pressure liquid chromatography in combination with gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry) has been worked out to analyze indole-3-acetamide (IAM) with very high sensitivity, using isotopically labelled IAM as an internal standard. Using this technique, the occurrence of IAM in sterile-grown Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. was demonstrated unequivocally. In comparison, plants grown under non-sterile conditions in soil in a greenhouse showed approximately 50% higher average levels of IAM, but the differences were not statistically significant. Thus, microbial contributions to the IAM extracted from the tissue are likely to be minor. Levels of IAM in sterile-grown seedlings were highest in imbibed seeds and then sharply declined during the first 24 h of germination and further during early seedling development to remain below 20–30 pmol g–1 fresh weight throughout the rosette stage. The decline in indole-3-aetic acid (IAA) levels during germination was paralleled by a similar decline in IAM levels. Recombinant nitrilase isoforms 1, 2 and 3, known to synthesize IAA from indole-3-acetonitrile, were shown to produce significant amounts of IAM in vitro as a second end product of the reaction besides IAA. NIT2 was earlier shown to be highly expressed in developing and in mature A. thaliana embryos, and NIT3 is the dominantly active gene in the hypocotyl and the cotyledons of young, germinating seedlings. Collectively, these data suggest that the elevated levels of IAM in seeds and germinating seedlings result from nitrilase action on indole-3-acetonitrile, a metabolite produced in the plants presumably from glucobrassicin turnover.
Air Mines The sky over the city's port was the color of a faulty screen, only partly lit up. As the silhouette of nearby buildings became darker, but more clearly visible against the fading blur-filter of a background, the realization came about how persistent a change had been taking place. Slowly, old wooden water reservoirs and rattling HVAC systems stopped being the only inhabitants of roofs. Slightly trembling, milkish jellyfish-translucent air volumes had joined the show in multiples. A few years ago artists and architects seized upon the death of buildings as their life-saving media. Equipped with constructive atlases and instruments they started disemboweling their subjects, poking about their systems, dumping out on the street the battered ugliness of their embarrassing bits and pieces, so rightly hidden by facades and height from everyday view. But, would you believe it? Even ?old ladies?, investment bankers or small children failed to get upset. Of course, old ladies are not what they used to be. It was old ladies themselves that made it happen after years of fights with the town hall, imaginative proposals and factual arguments. An industry with little financial gains but lots of welcome externalities was not, in fact, the ground for investment bankers. But they too had to admit that having otherwise stately buildings make fine particulate pencils with their facades was not the worse that could happen. Yes, making soot pencils had been found an interesting and visible end product of the endeavor, a sort of mining the air for vintage writing tools one can actually touch. The new view from the street did not seem as solid or dignified as that of old, and they hated that the market for Fine Particulates Extraction (FPE, read efpee) had to be applied on a matrix of blocks and streets that prevented undue concentration of the best or worse solutions. It had to be an evenly distributed city policy in order for the city to apply for cleaning casino money. Once the first prototypes had been deployed in buildings siding Garden Avenue or Bulwark Street even fast movers appreciated the sidekick of flower and plant smell dripping down the Urban Space Stations (USS, read use; USSs, read uses) as air and walls cooled off for a few hours after sunset. Enough. It was all nice to remember, but it was now time to go up and start the lightweight afternoon maintenance of their USS. Coop discussions had taken place all through the planning and continued through the construction phase as to how maintenance was going to be organized. Fasters had voted for a pro, pay a small amount and let them use it for rent and produce. In the end some neighbors decided they were slow enough to take care and it was now the turn. Regret came periodically, sometimes a week before, and lasted until work actually started. But lately it had been replaced by anxiety when it needed to be passed over to the next caretaker. It did not look their shift was good enough and couldn?t wait to fix it. Today small preparations needed to be made for a class visit next day from a nearby cook school. They were frequenters. It had not been easy, but it shouldn?t have been that hard. In the end, even the easiest things are hard if they involve a city, buildings and neighbors. On the face of the data, the technicalities and the way final designs had been worked out for adaptation to the different settings, the decision of where to go was self evident, but organization issues and the ever-growing politics of taste in a city of already-gentrified-rodents almost put the project in the frozen orbit of timeless beautiful future possibilities. This is how it was. A series of designs by XClinic and OSS had made it possible to adapt to different building structures, leave in most cases the roof untouched and adapted a new technology of flexing fiberglass tubes that dissipated wind pressure in smooth bending.......
La creación de esta aplicación web empresarial surge con la necesidad de optimizar el tiempo en el proceso de creación de una campaña publicitaria de email marketing. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es automatizar el proceso de validación de los campos de un formulario web. Un formulario web [6] es un documento digital en el que los usuarios introducen sus datos personales como nombre, apellido, dirección, documento de identidad, entre otros. Estos datos posteriormente serán procesados y almacenados en un base de datos para luego ser enviados al anunciante. El proceso de validación se refiere a la programación del formulario web en la parte del cliente usando tecnologías web como JavaScript y HTML5, para controlar que los datos introducidos por el usuario en el formulario, sean correctos. Cada campo de un formulario web tiene una validación específica que depende de varios factores, como son el país de lanzamiento de la campaña y el campo a validar. De esta forma dependiendo del tipo de validación se genera un fichero JavaScript con todas las validaciones de dicho formulario. Una de las finalidades de este trabajo es que cualquier usuario de la empresa pueda programar un formulario web, sin tener conocimientos previos de programación, ya que la programación se realiza de forma transparente al usuario. Este es un resumen básico de la aplicación web, sin embargo se debe tener en cuenta una serie de requisitos y parámetros para hacerlo más eficiente y personalizable dependiendo de las necesidades del producto final de cada campaña publicitaria. Todos estos aspectos se explicaran en detalle en los siguientes apartados. Este trabajo se realizó en el corporativo Media Response Group, para la empresa Canalmail S.L, situada en Alcobendas, supervisado por los tutores profesionales Daniel Paz y Jorge Lázaro Molina y por el tutor académico Rafael Fernández Gallego de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.---ABSTRACT---The creation of this enterprise Web application arises from the need to optimize the time in the process of creating an online advertising campaign. The main objective of this work is to automate the process of validating fields in a web form. A web form [6] is a digital document that users enter data such as name, surname, address, ID number among others. These data will subsequently be processed and stored in a database and then be sent to the client. These data will subsequently be processed and stored in a database and then be sent to the advertiser. This validation process refers to programming the online form on the client‟s side using web technologies such as JavaScript, HTML5 to control that the data entered by the user in this form are correct. Each field in a web form has a specific validation that depends on several factors; like being a nationwide launch of the campaign and validating data, thus depending on the type of validation a JavaScript file is generated with all validation web form. This file is integrated into the web form by calling the service. One purpose of this work is that any business user can program a web form, without prior knowledge of web programming, since programming is transparent to the user. This is a basic summary of the web application; however we must consider a number of requirements and parameters to make it more efficient and customizable depending on the needs of the end product of each advertising campaign. All these aspects are explained in detail in the following sections. This work was performed in the corporate Media Response Group, for the company Canalmail S.L, located in Alcobendas, supervised by professional tutors Daniel Paz and Jorge Lázaro Molina and PhD Assistant Lecturer at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Rafael Fernández Gallego.
A recognized feature of psoriasis and other proliferative dermatoses is accumulation in the skin of the unusual arachidonic acid metabolite, 12R-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12R-HETE). This hydroxy fatty acid is opposite in chirality to the product of the well-known 12S-lipoxygenase and heretofore in mammals is known only as a product of cytochrome P450s. Here we provide mechanistic evidence for a lipoxygenase route to 12R-HETE in human psoriatic tissue and describe a 12R-lipoxygenase that can account for the biosynthesis. Initially we demonstrated retention of the C-12 deuterium of octadeuterated arachidonic acid in its conversion to 12R-HETE in incubations of psoriatic scales, indicating the end product is not formed by isomerization from 12S-H(P)ETE via the 12-keto derivative. Secondly, analysis of product formed from [10R-3H] and [10S-3H]-labeled arachidonic acids revealed that 12R-HETE synthesis is associated with stereospecific removal of the pro-R hydrogen from the 10-carbon of arachidonate. This result is compatible with 12R-lipoxygenase-catalyzed formation of 12R-HETE and not with a P450-catalyzed route to 12R-HETE in psoriatic scales. We cloned a lipoxygenase from human keratinocytes; the cDNA and deduced amino acid sequences share ≤50% identity to other human lipoxygenases. This enzyme, when expressed in Hela cells, oxygenates arachidonic acid to 12-HPETE, >98% 12R in configuration. The 12R-lipoxygenase cDNA is detectable by PCR in psoriatic scales and as a 2.5-kilobase mRNA by Northern analysis of keratinocytes. Identification of this enzyme extends the known distribution of R-lipoxygenases to humans and presents an additional target for potential therapeutic interventions in psoriasis.
The last unidentified gene encoding an enzyme involved in ergosterol biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been cloned. This gene, designated ERG27, encodes the 3-keto sterol reductase, which, in concert with the C-4 sterol methyloxidase (ERG25) and the C-3 sterol dehydrogenase (ERG26), catalyzes the sequential removal of the two methyl groups at the sterol C-4 position. We developed a strategy to isolate a mutant deficient in converting 3-keto to 3-hydroxy-sterols. An ergosterol auxotroph unable to synthesize sterol or grow without sterol supplementation was mutagenized. Colonies were then selected that were nystatin-resistant in the presence of 3-ketoergostadiene and cholesterol. A new ergosterol auxotroph unable to grow on 3-ketosterols without the addition of cholesterol was isolated. The gene (YLR100w) was identified by complementation. Segregants containing the YLR100w disruption failed to grow on various types of 3-keto sterol substrates. Surprisingly, when erg27 was grown on cholesterol- or ergosterol-supplemented media, the endogenous compounds that accumulated were noncyclic sterol intermediates (squalene, squalene epoxide, and squalene dioxide), and there was little or no accumulation of lanosterol or 3-ketosterols. Feeding experiments in which erg27 strains were supplemented with lanosterol (an upstream intermediate of the C-4 demethylation process) and cholesterol (an end-product sterol) demonstrated accumulation of four types of 3-keto sterols identified by GC/MS and chromatographic properties: 4-methyl-zymosterone, zymosterone, 4-methyl-fecosterone, and ergosta-7,24 (28)-dien-3-one. In addition, a fifth intermediate was isolated and identified by 1H NMR as a 4-methyl-24,25-epoxy-cholesta-7-en-3-one. Implications of these results are discussed.
Three of the four deoxynucleoside kinases required for growth of Lactobacillus acidophilus R-26 exist as heterodimeric pairs specific for deoxyadenosine (dAK) and deoxycytidine (dCK) or dAK and deoxyguanosine (dGK). However, only two tandem genes, dak/dgk, are found, and are expressed only as dAK/dGK in transformed Escherichia coli. Sequencing peptides spanning 63% of the native dCK subunit revealed a sequence identical to that deduced from dgk (beginning MTVIVL···), except that dCK lacks residues 2 and 3 (dCK is M··IVL; dGK is ·TVIVL). Also, mass spectrometry indicates that native dCK and dGK subunits are identical in mass adjusted for the first three residues. Furthermore, the native enzymes have identical isoelectric pH values, indicating an equal number of charged residues. To enable E. coli to express peptide having the native dCK sequence, codons 2 and 3 were deleted from the dgk portion of the tandem genes, resulting in expression of protein having the specificities and regulatory properties of native dAK/dCK, including heterotropic stimulation of dAK activity by deoxycytidine or dCTP (not deoxyguanosine or dGTP) and end-product inhibition of the respective activities by dATP and dCTP. Subcloning normal and mutant dgk yielded homodimeric dGK and dCK, respectively. The dCK homodimer strongly resembles human dCK, with a low Km for deoxycytidine, the ability to phosphorylate deoxyadenosine and deoxyguanosine at much higher Km values, and end-product inhibition by dCTP. Thus two distinct and specific enzymes evidently are derived from a single Lactobacillus gene. The mechanism by which this occurs in vivo has yet to be elucidated.