972 resultados para administrative cooperation


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Contient : Pièces sur les Jésuites (f. 1), — sur les Frères Prêcheurs, impr. (f. 34), — sur la Sorbonne (f. 48) ; Pièces sur Descartes ; Extrait des Registres du Conseil d'État relatif à l'acquisition, pour la Bibliothèque du roi, d'une partie de la bibliothèque de Mazarin, 1668 ; « Epistola » R. Rapini, S. J., « ad... Cl. Pelterium », impr., 1684, in-8° ; Extraits de Registres du Parlement ; « Procédures faites... contre Antoine, comte de Shaftsbury », 1681 ; Sur la « Prévention » en Anjou ; Factums divers impr., affaire Bruant des Carrières ; Pièces relatives à la Compagnie des Indes orientales ; Factums impr., affaire Marcara Avachins ; Pièces relatives au commerce : « Avis sur le fait des ardoises », impr., 1683, in-4° ; Notes sur « Les édits et règlements des libraires, imprimeurs, relieurs et doreurs » ; Note sur le commerce des harengs


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Seven Years ofInnovation, Technological Advances, Enhanced Service & Fluid Commerce in the Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division.


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Annual Report for the Iowa Department of Administrative Services


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Report on the Iowa Department of Administrative Services for the year ended June 30, 2009


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Information and Communication Technologies provide public administrations new ways to meet their users' needs. At the same time, e-Government practices support the public sector in improving the quality of service provision and of its internal operations. In this paper we discuss the impacts of digitization on the management of administrative procedures. The theoretical framework and the research model that we will use in this study help us tackle the question of how digitization transforms administrative procedures as, for example, in terms of time and roles. The multiplicity of institutions involved in issuing building permits led us to consider this administrative procedure as a very interesting case study. An online survey was first addressed to Swiss civil servants to explore the field, and here we present some of its results. We are currently undertaking an in-depth case study of the building permit procedures in three Swiss Cantons, which we will also present in this paper. We will conclude with a discussion and the future steps of this project.


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En aquest treball presentem dues caracteritzacions de dos valors diferents en el marc dels jocs coalicionals amb cooperació restringida. Les restriccions són introduïdes com una seqüència finita de particions del conjunt del jugadors, de manera que cada una d'elles eés més grollera que l'anterior, formant així una estructura amb diferents nivells d'unions a priori.


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Report on the Iowa Department of Administrative Services for the year ended June 30, 2010


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A key, yet often neglected, component of digital evolution and evolutionary models is the 'selection method' which assigns fitness (number of offspring) to individuals based on their performance scores (efficiency in performing tasks). Here, we study with formal analysis and numerical experiments the evolution of cooperation under the five most common selection methods (proportionate, rank, truncation-proportionate, truncation-uniform and tournament). We consider related individuals engaging in a Prisoner's Dilemma game where individuals can either cooperate or defect. A cooperator pays a cost, whereas its partner receives a benefit, which affect their performance scores. These performance scores are translated into fitness by one of the five selection methods. We show that cooperation is positively associated with the relatedness between individuals under all selection methods. By contrast, the change in the performance benefit of cooperation affects the populations' average level of cooperation only under the proportionate methods. We also demonstrate that the truncation and tournament methods may introduce negative frequency-dependence and lead to the evolution of polymorphic populations. Using the example of the evolution of cooperation, we show that the choice of selection method, though it is often marginalized, can considerably affect the evolutionary dynamics.


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Annual Report for the Iowa Department of Administrative Services


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Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the Iowa Department of Administrative Service’s (DAS) Human Resource Information System (HRIS), Payroll, Integrated Information for Iowa (I/3) and E-Payment Engine Systems for the periods April 13, 2009 through May 15, 2009 and April 5, 2010 through May 7, 2010


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Cleft palate is a common congenital disorder that affects up to 1 in 2,500 live human births and results in considerable morbidity to affected individuals and their families. The etiology of cleft palate is complex, with both genetic and environmental factors implicated. Mutations in the transcription factor-encoding genes p63 and interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6) have individually been identified as causes of cleft palate; however, a relationship between the key transcription factors p63 and IRF6 has not been determined. Here, we used both mouse models and human primary keratinocytes from patients with cleft palate to demonstrate that IRF6 and p63 interact epistatically during development of the secondary palate. Mice simultaneously carrying a heterozygous deletion of p63 and the Irf6 knockin mutation R84C, which causes cleft palate in humans, displayed ectodermal abnormalities that led to cleft palate. Furthermore, we showed that p63 transactivated IRF6 by binding to an upstream enhancer element; genetic variation within this enhancer element is associated with increased susceptibility to cleft lip. Our findings therefore identify p63 as a key regulatory molecule during palate development and provide a mechanism for the cooperative role of p63 and IRF6 in orofacial development in mice and humans.


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This document produced by the Iowa Department of Administrative Services has been developed to provide a multitude of information about executive branch agencies/department on a single sheet of paper. The facts provides general information, contact information, workforce data, leave and benefits information and affirmative action data.