900 resultados para accelerometri magnetometri scanner 3D Kinect


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Åknes is an active complex large rockslide of approximately 30?40 Mm3 located within the Proterozoic gneisses of western Norway. The observed surface displacements indicate that this rockslide is divided into several blocks moving in different directions at velocities of between 3 and 10 cm year?1. Because of regional safety issues and economic interests this rockslide has been extensively monitored since 2004. The understanding of the deformation mechanism is crucial for the implementation of a viable monitoring system. Detailed field investigations and the analysis of a digital elevation model (DEM) indicate that the movements and the block geometry are controlled by the main schistosity (S1) in gneisses, folds, joints and regional faults. Such complex slope deformations use pre-existing structures, but also result in new failure surfaces and deformation zones, like preferential rupture in fold-hinge zones. Our interpretation provides a consistent conceptual three-dimensional (3D) model for the movements measured by various methods that is crucial for numerical stability modelling. In addition, this reinterpretation of the morphology confirms that in the past several rockslides occurred from the Åknes slope. They may be related to scars propagating along the vertical foliation in folds hinges. Finally, a model of the evolution of the Åknes slope is presented.


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Aquest projecte és una part d’un projecte més ampli consistent en estudiar un format gràfic que permeti exportar una escena modelada en Blender i importar aquesta mateixa escena en un entorn interactiu basat en Visual C++ amb OpenGL. D’aquesta forma, disposem de la capacitat de modelat de Blender i de la interacció i visualització de la llibreria OpenGL. Aquest format ha de representar geometria i textures imprescindiblement, i si és possible, d’altres factors importants com il·luminació, visualització i moviment. La part del projecte explicada en aquesta memòria consisteix en estudiar el format gràfic més adient per representar els diferents factors de realisme de l’escena (geometria, textura, etc.) havent triat el format OBJ per la seva capacitat de representació i fàcil edició. Per a provar el format, s’ha dissenyat un diorama de pessebre utilitzant les capacitats de modelatge de Blender. Pel que respecta les figures, aspecte important per a considerar l’escena com a pessebre, s’ha utilitzat un escàner 3D que ha obtingut representacions de malla 3D, a partir de figures reals de pessebre, que posteriorment han estat texturades. S’ha generat un vídeo del diorama de pessebre que permet veure’n tots els detalls navegant amb el punt de vista per l’escena. Aquest vídeo s’ha exposat en la mostra de pessebres de la Associació Pessebrista de Sabadell el Nadal del 2008.


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La industria de los videojuegos crece exponencialmente y está ya superando a otras industrias punteras del ocio. En este proyecto, nos hemos planteado la realización de un videojuego con visualización en el espacio real 3D. Para la realización del videojuego se ha usado el siguiente software: Blender para diseñar los modelos 3D, C++ como lenguaje de programación para desarrollar el código y un conjunto de librerías básicas para desarrollar un videojuego llamadas Ogre3d (Motor Gráfico). La lógica del movimiento 3D y los choques entre las partículas del juego ha sido diseñada enteramente en este proyecto acorde con las necesidades del videojuego, y de forma compatible a los ficheros de Blender y a las librerías OGRE3D.


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Au cours des 240 dernières années, 53 mouvements de versant se sont produits le long du promontoire de Québec, causant la mort de 88 personnes principalement lors de chutes de blocs. En octobre 2004, un petit éboulement a atteint la route dans une zone proche de l'éboulement de 1889 qui a tué 35 personnes et blessé 30 autres. Une image 3D a été créée par l'utilisation d'un scanner Lidar terrestre (SLT). Les sept familles de joints identifiées sont en accord avec les mesures effectuées dans de précédentes études. L'imagerie SLT a aussi permit d'estimer les volumes des instabilités passées et d'en analyser le mécanisme : un glissement rocheux qui affecte des blocs débités en parallélépipèdes par d'autres familles de joints. De plus la zone étudiée montre qu'elle est favorable aux chutes de blocs.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. Aquest treball de recerca és un projecte sobre el disseny i la creació d’un programa informàtic de codi obert amb l’objectiu de mesurar acceleracions en tres dimensions utilitzant el comandament de la wii, també conegut com a wiimote. Per tant, s'ha creat un programa que es connecta amb el wiimote, en rep les dades, les guarda i les representa per analitzar posteriorment diversos tipus de moviments i les seves acceleracions. Per tal de fer això es va aprofitar una biblioteca de funcions de codi obert ja existent que aporta les funcions principals per a la comunicació i control del comandament. El codi obert és un concepte que s’utilitza per als projectes informàtics, el codi dels quals està a la disposició de qui el necessiti. La biblioteca utilitzada està escrita en llenguatge C i per a plataforma Linux, i per tal d’aprofitar-la es va haver d’aprendre a utilitzar tant el llenguatge com la plataforma ja que no s'hi havia treballat mai abans. Gràcies a aquest projecte s'ha tingut la possibilitat de veure el funcionament d’algunes tecnologies alternatives i veure’n els avantatges sobre les convencionals o propietàries. Així doncs, des del punt de vista de l'autor, ha estat útil i enriquidor el fet de realitzar-lo.


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Aquesta memòria descriu el projecte de final de carrera anomenat "Disseny d’un Battle Chess 3D (2)", que tracta de la creació, modelat i animació de peces per a un joc d’escacs en 3 dimensions amb certes temàtiques, i que posteriorment s’integren amb el projecte "Disseny d’un Battle Chess 3D (1)" per a formar un joc interactiu d’escacs en un applet de Java. Es descriuen les eines utilitzades, les fases de creació, tècniques simbòliques, mètodes més emprats, proves sotmeses, limitacions, i finalment s’arriba una conclusió de treball aconseguit.


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Malonate, methylmalonate and propionate are potentially neurotoxic metabolites in branched-chain organic acidurias. Their effects were tested on cultured 3D rat brain cell aggregates, using dosages of 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 mM with a short but intense (twice a day over 3 days) and a longer but less intense treatment (every 3 rdday over 9 days). CNS cell-specific immunohistochemical stainings allowed the follow-up of neurons (axons, phosphorylated medium-weight neurofilament), astrocytes (glial fibrillary acidic protein) and oligodendrocytes (myelin basic protein). Methylmalonate and malonate were quantified by tandem mass spectrometry. Tandem mass spectrometry analysis of harvested brain cell aggregates revealed clear intracellular accumulation of methylmalonate and malonate. In immunohistochemical stainings oligodendrocytes appeared the most affected brain cells. The MBP signal disappeared already at 0.1 mM treatment with each metabolite. Mature astrocytes were not affected by propionate, while immature astrocytes on intense treatment with propionate developed cell swelling. 1 mM methylmalonate induced cell swelling of both immature and mature astrocytes , while 1 mM malonate only affected mature astrocytes. Neurons were not affected by methylmalonate, but 10.0 mM malonate on less intense treatment and 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 mM propionate on intense treatment affected axonal growth. Our study shows significant uptake and deleterious effects of these metabolites on brain cells, principally on astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. This may be explained by the absence of the pathway in glial cells, which thus are not able to degrade these metabolites. Further studies are ongoing to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of the observed neurotoxic effects.


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The Cinque Torri group (Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy) is an articulated system of unstable carbonatic rock monoliths located in a very important tourism area and therefore characterized by a significant risk. The instability phenomena involved represent an example of lateral spreading developed over a larger deep seated gravitational slope deformation (DSGSD) area. After the recent fall of a monolith of more than 10 000 m3, a scientific study was initiated to monitor the more unstable sectors and to characterize the past movements as a fundamental tool for predicting future movements and hazard assessment. To achieve greater insight on the ongoing lateral spreading process, a method for a quantitative analysis of rotational movements associated with the lateral spreading has been developed, applied and validated. The method is based on: i) detailed geometrical characterization of the area by means of laser scanner techniques; ii) recognition of the discontinuity sets and definition of a reference frame for each set, iii) correlation between the obtained reference frames related to a specific sector and a stable external reference frame, and iv) determination of the 3D rotations in terms of Euler angles to describe the present settlement of the Cinque Torri system with respect to the surrounding stable areas. In this way, significant information on the processes involved in the fragmentation and spreading of a former dolomitic plateau into different rock cliffs has been gained. The method is suitable to be applied to similar case studies.


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The action of various DNA topoisomerases frequently results in characteristic changes in DNA topology. Important information for understanding mechanistic details of action of these topoisomerases can be provided by investigating the knot types resulting from topoisomerase action on circular DNA forming a particular knot type. Depending on the topological bias of a given topoisomerase reaction, one observes different subsets of knotted products. To establish the character of topological bias, one needs to be aware of all possible topological outcomes of intersegmental passages occurring within a given knot type. However, it is not trivial to systematically enumerate topological outcomes of strand passage from a given knot type. We present here a 3D visualization software (TopoICE-X in KnotPlot) that incorporates topological analysis methods in order to visualize, for example, knots that can be obtained from a given knot by one intersegmental passage. The software has several other options for the topological analysis of mechanisms of action of various topoisomerases.


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En la carrera del mundo de los videojuegos por alcanzar insospechables cotas de realismo con las que seguir sorprendiendo y enganchando al público, los motores de física se han convertido en la herramienta de presente y futuro. Atraídos por el auge de esta nueva tecnología, hemos lidiado con los motores referencia hoy día en el mercado, seleccionando luego uno de ellos e implementando un humilde videojuego de carreras como muestra de su potencial y de los conocimientos adquiridos.


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This study describes the validation of a new wearable system for assessment of 3D spatial parameters of gait. The new method is based on the detection of temporal parameters, coupled to optimized fusion and de-drifted integration of inertial signals. Composed of two wirelesses inertial modules attached on feet, the system provides stride length, stride velocity, foot clearance, and turning angle parameters at each gait cycle, based on the computation of 3D foot kinematics. Accuracy and precision of the proposed system were compared to an optical motion capture system as reference. Its repeatability across measurements (test-retest reliability) was also evaluated. Measurements were performed in 10 young (mean age 26.1±2.8 years) and 10 elderly volunteers (mean age 71.6±4.6 years) who were asked to perform U-shaped and 8-shaped walking trials, and then a 6-min walking test (6MWT). A total of 974 gait cycles were used to compare gait parameters with the reference system. Mean accuracy±precision was 1.5±6.8cm for stride length, 1.4±5.6cm/s for stride velocity, 1.9±2.0cm for foot clearance, and 1.6±6.1° for turning angle. Difference in gait performance was observed between young and elderly volunteers during the 6MWT particularly in foot clearance. The proposed method allows to analyze various aspects of gait, including turns, gait initiation and termination, or inter-cycle variability. The system is lightweight, easy to wear and use, and suitable for clinical application requiring objective evaluation of gait outside of the lab environment.