961 resultados para Zuccotti, Susan: Under his very windows


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Mineralogical, K-Ar, Rb-Sr and stable isotope analyses have been carried out on K-white micas from Helvetic Malm limestones in order to examine their evolution during very low- to low-grade Alpine metamorphism, associated with intense ductile deformation. Metamorphic temperatures were estimated al approximately 300-degrees-C from stable isotopes (quartz-calcite thermometry), occurrence of chloritoid, and `'epizonal'' illite crystallinity index. K-white micas consist of variable mixtures of 2M, phengite and muscovite, as revealed by detailed X-ray diffraction analyses using peak decomposition of the (060, 331) spectra. K-Ar apparent ages display a strong grain-size dependence in which mainly fine-grained size fractions (< 2 mum) record Alpine ages (37-15 Ma). However, these ages provide a relative rather than an absolute chronology of the diachronous Alpine metamorphic evolution of the Helvetic nappes. The resetting of the K-Ar isotopic system of K-white micas to Alpine metamorphic conditions reflects an apparent combination of crystallization/recrystallization and radiogenic Ar-40 diffusion loss. The oxygen isotope compositions of micas (+ 15 to + 22 parts per thousand) are intermediate between detrital and O-18-enriched values expected for micas neoformed within an abundant marine carbonate matrix. No isotopic equilibrium has been reached between calcite and micas. The variable depletion of hydrogen isotope compositions (- 126 to - 82 parts per thousand) is influenced by the interaction with organic matter under closed-system conditions. Organic matter, if not removed, may also represent a serious source of error in K-Ar age determination, by introducing radiogenic Ar-40 contamination. Sr-87/Sr-86 isotope ratios of micas range from 0.70879 to 0.70902 with one outlier at 0.71794. The low values reflect Sr exchange with calcite occurring during crystallization/recrystallization of micas under closed-system conditions.


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There are several regions of the world where soil N analysis and/or N budgets are not used to determine how much N to apply, resulting in higher than needed N inputs, especially when manure is used. One such region is the North Central "La Comarca Lagunera", one of the most important dairy production areas of Mexico. We conducted a unique controlled greenhouse study using 15N fertilizer and 15N isotopic-labeled manure that was labeled under local conditions to monitor N cycling and recovery under higher N inputs. The manure-N treatment was applied only once and was incorporated in the soil before planting the first forage crop at an equivalent rate of 30, 60 and 120 Mg ha-1 dry manure. The 15N treatments were equivalent to 120 and 240 kg ha-1 (NH4)2SO4-N for each crop. The total N fertilizer for each N fertilized treatment were 360, and 720 kg ha-1 N. We found very low N recoveries: about 9 % from the manure N inputs, lower than the 22 to 25 % from the fertilizer N inputs. The manure N recovered belowground in soil and roots ranged from 82 to 88 %. The low recoveries of N by the aboveground and low soil inorganic nitrate (NO3-N) and ammonium (NH4-N) content after the third harvested suggested that most of the 15N recovered belowground was in the soil organic form. The losses from manure N inputs ranged from 3 to 11 %, lower than the 34 to 39 % lost from fertilizer N sources. Our study shows that excessive applications of manure or fertilizer N that are traditionally used in this region will not increase the rate of N uptake by aboveground compartment but will increase the potential for N losses to the environment.


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The system of no-till sowing stands out as being a technology that suits the objectives of more rational use of the soil and greater protection against the erosion. However, through till, any of it, occurs modifications of the soil's structure. This current work aims to study the influence of the energy state of the water and of the organic matter on the mechanism of compaction of Red Oxisol under no-till management system. Humid and non-deformed sample were collected in horizon AP of two agricultural areas under no-till, with and without rotation of cultures. In the laboratory, these samples were broken into fragments and sifted to obtain aggregates of 4 to 5 mm sized, which were placed in equilibrium under four matrix potentials. Thereafter, they were exposed to uni-dimensional compression with pressures varying from 32 to 1,000 kPa. The results in such a way show that the highest compressibility of aggregates both for the tilling with rotation of cultures as for the tilling without rotation of cultures, occurred for matrix potential -32 kPa (humidity of 0.29-0.32 kg kg-1, respectively), while the minor occurred for the potentials of -1 and -1,000 kPa (humidity of 0.35 and 0.27 kg kg-1, respectively), indicating that this soil should not be worked with humidity ranging around 0.29 to 0.32 kg kg-1 and the highest reduction of volume of aggregates was obtained for the mechanical pressures lower than 600 inferior kPa, indicating that these soils showed to be very influenced by compression, when exposed to mechanical work. Also, the aggregates of soil under no-till and rotation of crops presented higher sensitivity to the compression than the aggregates of soil under no-till and without rotation of crops, possibly for having better structural conditions given to a higher content of organic matter.


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We have developed a technetium labeling technology based on a new organometallic chemistry, which involves simple mixing of the novel reagent, a 99m Tc(I)-carbonyl compound, with a His-tagged recombinant protein. This method obviates the labeling of unpaired engineered cysteines, which frequently create problems in large-scale expression and storage of disulfide-containing proteins. In this study, we labeled antibody single-chain Fv fragments to high specific activities (90 mCi/mg), and the label was very stable to serum and all other challenges tested. The pharmacokinetic characteristics were indistinguishable from iodinated scFv fragments, and thus scFV fragments labeled by the new method will be suitable for biodistribution studies. This novel labeling method should be applicable not only to diagnostic imaging with 99mTc, but also to radioimmunotherapy approaches with 186/188 Re, and its use can be easily extended to almost any recombinant protein or synthetic peptide.


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No tillage systems significantly influence the soil system, but knowledge about the effects on the mineralogy of tropical and subtropical soils is limited. This study evaluated the long-term effects (26 years) of no-tillage (NT) on aluminum hydroxy-interlayered minerals of a subtropical Oxisol in Southern Brazil (Guarapuava, PR), compared to the same soil under conventional tillage (CT). The clay fraction (< 2 µm) in soil samples of the surface horizons of a field experiment under both management systems was analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) to identify and characterize Al hydroxy-interlayered minerals before and after treatment with sodium citrate to remove intra-layer material. Soil liquid (solution) and solid phases were also characterized. The contents of total organic C, exchangeable cations, P, and the values of extractable acidity and cation exchange capacity as well as electrical conductivity and levels of dissolved organic C, basic cations, aluminum, Si, and sulfur in the soil solution were higher in the NT soil. Under both soil management systems, more than 90 % of the total soluble Al was complexed with organic compounds, with similar Al activity. No significant changes were detected by 2:1 clay mineral XRD analyses in terms of extension or intercalation of Al-hydroxy-polymers in the no-tilled in comparison to the conventionally tilled soil. In both soil management systems, Al and Si activities in the soil solution indicated thermodynamic stability of 2:1 clay minerals with partially occupied by hydroxy-Al, suggesting deceleration in the intercalation process and a tendency of transforming clay minerals from extensive into partial intercalation.


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Obtaining information about soil properties under different agricultural uses to plan soil management is very important with a view to sustainability in the different agricultural systems. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in certain indicators of the physical quality of a dystrophic Red Latosol (Oxisol) under different agricultural uses. The study was conducted in an agricultural area located in northern Paraná State. Dystrophic Red Latosol samples were taken from four sites featuring different types of land use typical of the region: pasture of Brachiaria decumbens (P); sugarcane (CN); annual crops under no-tillage (CAPD); and native forest (permanent conservation area) (control (C)). For each land use, 20 completely randomized, disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected from the 0-20 cm soil layer, to determine soil texture, volume of water-dispersible clay, soil flocculation (FD), particle density, quantity of organic matter (OM), soil bulk density (Ds), soil macroporosity (Ma) and microporosity (Mi), total soil porosity (TSP), mean geometric diameter of soil aggregates (MGD), and penetration resistance (PR). The results showed differences in OM, FD, MGD, Ds, PR, and Ma between the control (soil under forest) and the areas used for agriculture (P, CN and CAPD). The soils of the lowest physical quality were those used for CN and CAPD, although only the former presented a Ma level very close to that representing unfavorable conditions for plant growth. For the purposes of this study, the physical properties studied were found to perform well as indicators of soil quality.


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A very simple model of a classical particle in a heat bath under the influence of external noise is studied. By means of a suitable hypothesis, the heat bath is reduced to an internal colored noise (OrnsteinUhlenbeck noise). In a second step, an external noise is coupled to the bath. The steady state probability distributions are obtained.


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The hypothesis of this study was that the absence of soil tillage in long-term no-tillage (NT) systems can be detrimental to soil aeration. The objective was to assess the aeration condition of an Oxisol (Rhodic Ferrasol), very clayey texture (750 g kg-1 of clay; 200 g kg-1 of sand), after 30 years of cultivation under NT. The physical property soil air permeability (Ka) is sensitive to changes in the soil pore system. Aside from Ka, the air-filled porosity (ε a) and indices of pore continuity (K1 and N), derived from the relationship between Ka and εa, were used as indices of soil aeration. From the soil layers 0.0-0.1 and 0.1-0.2 m, 240 undisturbed samples were collected along a transect perpendicular to the crop rows, at three sampling positions: corn plant row (CR); center of the interrow (INT); and the equidistant point between CR and INT (PE). The properties Ka and εa were determined at soil matric potentials (Ψm) of -2, -4, -6, -10, -30, and -50 kPa. Soil bulk density (BD) was also determined. The results confirmed the hypothesis. In the 0.0-0.1 m layer, Ka, K1, N and Ψa were significantly greater and BD significantly lower in CR than at the other sampling positions. At a Ψm of -10 kPa, the Ka of CR was 6.9 and 8.4 times higher than in PE and INT, respectively, in the 0.0-0.1 m layer. The properties Ka, K1 and N were sensitive enough to detect changes in the pore system and their differences between the sampling positions demonstrated the importance of the spatial location for soil sampling. Tilling the crop rows provides better soil aeration under NT.


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The metamorphism of the carbonate rocks of the SE Zanskar Tibetan zone has been studied by `'illite crystallinity'' and calcite-dolomite thermometry. The epizonal Zangla unit overlies the anchizonal Chumik unit. This discontinuous inverse zonation demonstrates a late to post-metamorphic thrust of the first unit over the second. The studied area underwent a complex tectonic history: - The tectonic units were stacked from the NE to the SW, generating recumbent folds, NE dipping thrusts and the regional metamorphism. The compressive movements were active under lower temperature conditions, resulting in late thrusts that disturbed the metamorphic zonation. The discontinuous inverse metamorphic zonation dates from this phase. - A NE vergent backfolding phase occurred at lower temperature conditions. It caused the uplift of more metamorphic levels. - A late extensional phase is revealed by the presence of NE dipping low angle normal faults, and a major high angle fault, the Sarchu fault. The low angle normal faults locally run along earlier thrusts (composite tectonic contacts). Their throw has been sufficient to reset a normal stratigraphic superposition (young layers overlying old ones), but insufficient to erase the inverse metamorphic relationship. However, the combined action of backfolding and normal faulting can locally lessen, or even cancel, the inverse metamorphic superposition. After deduction of the normal fault translation, the vertical component of the original thrust displacement through stratigraphy is 400 m, which is a value far too low to explain the temperature difference between the two units. The horizontal component of displacement is therefore far more important than the vertical one. The regional distribution of metamorphism within the Zangla unit points out to an anchizonal front and an epizonal inner part. This fact is in agreement with nappe tectonics.


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White under Black. Works from the imperceptible / 1. Blanca Casas Brullet: Make Say The large photographs of Espacespages (2009) work to transform the creative space of the blank page toward the enabled space of openness to the world. The image gives prominence to the emptiness of the room, almost a cell, in which an action takes place, dimly illuminated by a pair of windows that makes me think of two eyes that attentively contemplate the interior of a process of creation.


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Microsatellite loci mutate at an extremely high rate and are generally thought to evolve through a stepwise mutation model. Several differentiation statistics taking into account the particular mutation scheme of the microsatellite have been proposed. The most commonly used is R(ST) which is independent of the mutation rate under a generalized stepwise mutation model. F(ST) and R(ST) are commonly reported in the literature, but often differ widely. Here we compare their statistical performances using individual-based simulations of a finite island model. The simulations were run under different levels of gene flow, mutation rates, population number and sizes. In addition to the per locus statistical properties, we compare two ways of combining R(ST) over loci. Our simulations show that even under a strict stepwise mutation model, no statistic is best overall. All estimators suffer to different extents from large bias and variance. While R(ST) better reflects population differentiation in populations characterized by very low gene-exchange, F(ST) gives better estimates in cases of high levels of gene flow. The number of loci sampled (12, 24, or 96) has only a minor effect on the relative performance of the estimators under study. For all estimators there is a striking effect of the number of samples, with the differentiation estimates showing very odd distributions for two samples.


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Positive selection is widely estimated from protein coding sequence alignments by the nonsynonymous-to-synonymous ratio omega. Increasingly elaborate codon models are used in a likelihood framework for this estimation. Although there is widespread concern about the robustness of the estimation of the omega ratio, more efforts are needed to estimate this robustness, especially in the context of complex models. Here, we focused on the branch-site codon model. We investigated its robustness on a large set of simulated data. First, we investigated the impact of sequence divergence. We found evidence of underestimation of the synonymous substitution rate for values as small as 0.5, with a slight increase in false positives for the branch-site test. When dS increases further, underestimation of dS is worse, but false positives decrease. Interestingly, the detection of true positives follows a similar distribution, with a maximum for intermediary values of dS. Thus, high dS is more of a concern for a loss of power (false negatives) than for false positives of the test. Second, we investigated the impact of GC content. We showed that there is no significant difference of false positives between high GC (up to similar to 80%) and low GC (similar to 30%) genes. Moreover, neither shifts of GC content on a specific branch nor major shifts in GC along the gene sequence generate many false positives. Our results confirm that the branch-site is a very conservative test.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of soybean (Glycine max) in intercepting and using solar radiation under natural field conditions, in the Amazon region, Brazil. The meteorological data and the values of soybean growth and leaf area were obtained from an agrometeorological experiment carried out in Paragominas, Pará state, during 2007 and 2008. The radiation use efficiency (RUE) was obtained from the ratio between the above-ground biomass production and the intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) accumulated to 99 and 95 days after sowing, in 2007 and 2008, respectively. Climatic conditions during the experiment were very distinct, with reduction in rainfall in 2007, which began during the soybean mid-cycle, due to the El Niño phenomenon. An important reduction in the leaf area index and biomass production was observed during 2007. Under natural field conditions in the Amazon region, the values of RUE were 1.46 and 1.99 g MJ-1 PAR in the 2007 and 2008 experiments, respectively. The probable reason for the differences found between these years might be associated to the water restriction in 2007 coupled with the higher air temperature and vapor pressure deficit, and also to the increase in the fraction of diffuse radiation that reached the land surface in 2008.


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The objective of this work was to simulate maize leaf development in climate change scenarios at Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, considering symmetric and asymmetric increases in air temperature. The model of Wang & Engel for leaf appearance rate (LAR), with genotype-specific coefficients for the maize variety BRS Missões, was used to simulate tip and expanded leaf accumulated number from emergence to flag leaf appearance and expansion, for nine emergence dates from August 15 to April 15. LAR model was run for each emergence date in 100-year climate scenarios: current climate, and +1, +2, +3, +4 and +5°C increase in mean air temperature, with symmetric and asymmetric increase in daily minimum and maximum air temperature. Maize crop failure due to frost decreased in elevated temperature scenarios, in the very early and very late emergence dates, indicating a lengthening in the maize growing season in warmer climates. The leaf development period in maize was shorter in elevated temperature scenarios, with greater shortening in asymmetric temperature increases, indicating that warmer nights accelerate vegetative development in maize.


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The objective of this work was to parameterize, calibrate, and validate a new version of the soybean growth and yield model developed by Sinclair, under natural field conditions in northeastern Amazon. The meteorological data and the values of soybean growth and leaf area were obtained from an agrometeorological experiment carried out in Paragominas, PA, Brazil, from 2006 to 2009. The climatic conditions during the experiment were very distinct, with a slight reduction in rainfall in 2007, due to the El Niño phenomenon. There was a reduction in the leaf area index (LAI) and in biomass production during this year, which was reproduced by the model. The simulation of the LAI had root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.55 to 0.82 m² m-2, from 2006 to 2009. The simulation of soybean yield for independent data showed a RMSE of 198 kg ha-1, i.e., an overestimation of 3%. The model was calibrated and validated for Amazonian climatic conditions, and can contribute positively to the improvement of the simulations of the impacts of land use change in the Amazon region. The modified version of the Sinclair model is able to adequately simulate leaf area formation, total biomass, and soybean yield, under northeastern Amazon climatic conditions.