995 resultados para Yeondoo Jung


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Superhydrophobic and superhydrophilic surfaces have been extensively investigated due to their importance for industrial applications. It has been reported, however, that superhydrophobic surfaces are very sensitive to heat, ultraviolet (UV) light, and electric potential, which interfere with their long-term durability. In this study, we introduce a novel approach to achieve robust superhydrophobic thin films by designing architecture-defined complex nanostructures. A family of ZnO hollow microspheres with controlled constituent architectures in the morphologies of 1D nanowire networks, 2D nanosheet stacks, and 3D mesoporous nanoball blocks, respectively, was synthesized via a two-step self-assembly approach, where the oligomers or the constituent nanostructures with specially designed structures are first formed from surfactant templates, and then further assembled into complex morphologies by the addition of a second co-surfactant. The thin films composed of two-step synthesized ZnO hollow microspheres with different architectures presented superhydrophobicities with contact angles of 150°-155°, superior to the contact angle of 103° for one-step synthesized ZnO hollow microspheres with smooth and solid surfaces. Moreover, the robust superhydrophobicity was further improved by perfluorinated silane surface modification. The perfluorinated silane treated ZnO hollow microsphere thin films maintained excellent hydrophobicity even after 75 h of UV irradiation. The realization of environmentally durable superhydrophobic surfaces provides a promising solution for their long-term service under UV or strong solar light irradiations.


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It is a challenge to increase the visible-light photoresponses of wide-gap metal oxides. In this study, we proposed a new strategy to enhance the visible-light photoresponses of wide-gap semiconductors by deliberately designing a multi-scale nanostructure with controlled architecture. Hollow ZnO microspheres with constituent units in the shape of one-dimensional (1D) nanowire networks, 2D nanosheet stacks, and 3D mesoporous nanoball blocks are synthesized via an approach of two-step assembly, where the oligomers or the constituent nanostructures with specially designed structures are first formed, and then further assembled into complex morphologies. Through deliberate designing of constituent architectures allowing multiple visible-light scattering, reflections, and dispersion inside the multiscale nanostructures, enhanced wide range visible-light photoresponses of the ZnO hollow microspheres were successfully achieved. Compared to the one-step synthesized ZnO hollow microspheres, where no nanostructured constituents were produced, the ZnO hollow microspheres with 2D nanosheet stacks presented a 50 times higher photocurrent in the visible-light range (λ > 420 nm). The nanostructure induced visible-light photoresponse enhancement gives a direction to the development of novel photosensitive materials.


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Morphology-controlled bilayer TiO2 nanostructures consisting of one-dimensional (1D) nanowire bottom arrays and a three-dimensional (3D) dendritic microsphere top layer were synthesized via a one-step hydrothermal method. These novel 1D-3D bilayer photoanodes demonstrated the highest energy conversion efficiency of 7.2% for rutile TiO2 dye-sensitized solar cells to date, with TiCl4 post-treatment.


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One-dimensional (1D) TiO2 nanostructures are very desirable for providing fascinating properties and features, such as high electron mobility, quantum confinement effects, and high specific surface area. Herein, 1D mesoporous TiO2 nanofibres were prepared using the electrospinning method to verify their potential for use as the photoelectrode of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). The 1D mesoporous nanofibres, 300 nm in diameter and 10-20 μm in length, were aggregated from anatase nanoparticles 20-30 nm in size. The employment of these novel 1D mesoporous nanofibres significantly improved dye loading and light scattering of the DSSC photoanode, and resulted in conversion cell efficiency of 8.14%, corresponding to an ∼35% enhancement over the Degussa P25 reference photoanode.


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Strategies for improving the photovoltaic performance of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) are proposed by modifying highly transparent and highly ordered multilayer mesoporous TiO 2 photoanodes through nitrogen-doping and top-coating with a light-scattering layer. The mesoporous TiO 2 photoanodes were fabricated by an evaporation-induced self-assembly method. In regard to the modification methods, the light-scattering layer as a top-coating was proved to be superior to nitrogen-doping in enhancing not only the power conversion efficiency but also the fill factor of DSSCs. The optimized bifunctional photoanode consisted of a 30-layer mesoporous TiO 2 thin film (4.15 μm) and a Degussa P25 light-scattering top-layer (4 μm), which gives rise to a ∼200% higher cell efficiency than for unmodified cells and a fill factor of 0.72. These advantages are attributed to its higher dye adsorption, better light scattering, and faster photon-electron transport. Such a photoanode configuration provides an efficient way to enhance the energy conversion efficiency of DSSCs.


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Controlling the morphology and size of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanostructures is crucial to obtain superior photocatalytic, photovoltaic, and electrochemical properties. However, the synthetic techniques for preparing such structures, especially those with complex configurations, still remain a challenge because of the rapid hydrolysis of Ti-containing polymer precursors in aqueous solution. Herein, we report a completely novel approach-three- dimensional (3D) TiO2 nanostructures with favorable dendritic architectures-through a simple hydrothermal synthesis. The size of the 3D TiO2 dendrites and the morphology of the constituent nano-units, in the form of nanorods, nanoribbons, and nanowires, are controlled by adjusting the precursor hydrolysis rate and the surfactant aggregation. These novel configurations of TiO2 nanostructures possess higher surface area and superior electrochemical properties compared to nanoparticles with smooth surfaces. Our findings provide an effective solution for the synthesis of complex TiO2 nano-architectures, which can pave the way to further improve the energy storage and energy conversion efficiency of TiO 2-based devices.


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Methylammonium bismuth (III) iodide single crystals and films have been developed and investigated. We have further presented the first demonstration of using this organic–inorganic bismuth-based material to replace lead/tin-based perovskite materials in solution-processable solar cells. The organic–inorganic bismuth-based material has advantages of non-toxicity, ambient stability, and low-temperature solution-processability, which provides a promising solution to address the toxicity and stability challenges in organolead- and organotin-based perovskite solar cells. We also demonstrated that trivalent metal cation-based organic–inorganic hybrid materials can exhibit photovoltaic effect, which may inspire more research work on developing and applying organic-inorganic hybrid materials beyond divalent metal cations (Pb (II) and Sn (II)) for solar energy applications.


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WO3 nanoplate arrays with (002) oriented facets grown on fluorine doped SnO2 (FTO) glass substrates are tailored by tuning the precursor solution via a facile hydrothermal method. A 2-step hydrothermal method leads to the preferential growth of WO3 film with enriched (002) facets, which exhibits extraordinary photoelectrochemical (PEC) performance with a remarkable photocurrent density of 3.7 mA cm–2 at 1.23 V vs. revisable hydrogen electrode (RHE) under AM 1.5 G illumination without the use of any cocatalyst, corresponding to ~93% of the theoretical photocurrent of WO3. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations together with experimental studies reveal that the enhanced photocatalytic activity and better photo-stability of the WO3 films are attributed to the synergistic effect of highly reactive (002) facet and nanoplate structure which facilitates the photo–induced charge carrier separation and suppresses the formation of peroxo-species. Without the use of oxygen evolution cocatalysts, the excellent PEC performance, demonstrated in this work, by simply tuning crystal facets and nanostructure of pristine WO3 films may open up new opportunities in designing high performance photoanodes for PEC water splitting.


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Yksinäisyyden merkitys hyvinvointia uhkaavana tekijänä on viimeaikoina noussut esiin yhä enenevissä määrin. Yksinäiset korkeakouluopiskelijat ovat erityisen haavoittuvassa elämäntilanteessa, sillä nuoren aikuisen elämään liittyvät erityiset kehitykselliset haasteet. Tärkeää on, että opiskelijat saavat tukea tilanteeseensa, jotta yksinäisyyden kauaskantoisilta vaikutuksilta vältyttäisiin. Vertaistuki voi monen kohdalla olla tärkeää, ja Internet mahdollistaa matalan kynnyksen paikan avun hakemiseen. Tutkielmassani perehdyn Nyyti ry:n ylläpitämään, korkeakouluopiskelijoille tarkoitettuun Yksinäisyys-nettiryhmään, ja siinä esiintyvään vertaistukeen. Erityisen tutkimusasetelmastani tekee vertaistuen tarkastelu sen kaksijakoisuuden kautta: millaisia avunsaajana olemisen ja avunantajana toimimisen tapoja kirjoituksista on löydettävissä, ja miten ne suhteutuvat toisiinsa. Näin voidaan ymmärtää paremmin keskustelijoiden tarpeita ja odotuksia, ja sitä, miten ryhmä pystyy niihin vastaamaan. Aineistoa on tutkittu sisällönanalyysin menetelmin. Näyttäisi siltä, että ryhmään kohdistetaan enemmän odotuksia ja tarpeita kuin mihin se pystyy vastaamaan. Avunsaajana olemisen luokkia oli yhteensä 15, jotka kuvasivat viittä eri ulottuvuutta. Ulottuvuudet olivat kokemuksellisuus, kontrolliodotus, vaikeusaste, suhde tietoon ja odotuksellisuus. Avunantajana toimimisen kohdalla luokkia muodostui kahdeksan, jotka kuvasivat neljää ulottuvuutta. Näitä olivat empatia, eteenpäin suuntaavuus, opastus ja kyseenalaistus. Avunsaajana oleminen hallitsi nettiryhmän keskusteluja, ja sitä kuvastavat tekstit olivat paitsi määrällisesti pidempiä, myös sisällöllisesti rikkaampia. Suhteutettaessa avunsaajan ja avunantajan tapoja toisiinsa havaitaan, että ryhmässä osoitettu tuki pystyy hyvin vastaamaan moniin odotuksiin, mutta toisaalta jokin tuenmuoto saattaa olla päinvastainenkin joidenkin luokkien tarpeille. Voikin olla, että vertaistuesta on keskustelijoille hyötyä tiettyyn tasoon asti, mutta suuri määrä erilaisia tarpeita ja odotuksia tekee mahdottomaksi niihin kaikkiin vastaamisen. Hyvä jatkotutkimuksen aihe olisi haastatteluin selvittää kirjoittajien omia näkemyksiä siitä, mistä kokevat ryhmään kirjoittaessaan hyötyvänsä. Tutkielman keskeisimpiä lähteitä ovat olleet: Weiss, R.S. (1973). Loneliness: the experience of emotional and social isolation, Kraut, R. ym (1998). Internet paradox. A social technology that reduces social involvement and psychological well-being?, Jung, J. (1987) Toward a social psychology of social support., Dennis, C-L. (2003). Peer support within a health care context: a concept analysis.


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Enantioselective formal synthesis of macrolactone palmerolide A, a polyketide marine natural product, is described. Key strategies in the synthesis include the oxidative furan ring-opening of a chiral furyl carbinol for the installation of the 1,4-dienol core and a Jung nonaldol-aldol reaction for the dienamide core.


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The rapid disruption of tropical forests probably imperils global biodiversity more than any other contemporary phenomenon(1-3). With deforestation advancing quickly, protected areas are increasingly becoming final refuges for threatened species and natural ecosystem processes. However, many protected areas in the tropics are themselves vulnerable to human encroachment and other environmental stresses(4-9). As pressures mount, it is vital to know whether existing reserves can sustain their biodiversity. A critical constraint in addressing this question has been that data describing a broad array of biodiversity groups have been unavailable for a sufficiently large and representative sample of reserves. Here we present a uniquely comprehensive data set on changes over the past 20 to 30 years in 31 functional groups of species and 21 potential drivers of environmental change, for 60 protected areas stratified across the world's major tropical regions. Our analysis reveals great variation in reserve `health': about half of all reserves have been effective or performed passably, but the rest are experiencing an erosion of biodiversity that is often alarmingly widespread taxonomically and functionally. Habitat disruption, hunting and forest-product exploitation were the strongest predictors of declining reserve health. Crucially, environmental changes immediately outside reserves seemed nearly as important as those inside in determining their ecological fate, with changes inside reserves strongly mirroring those occurring around them. These findings suggest that tropical protected areas are often intimately linked ecologically to their surrounding habitats, and that a failure to stem broad-scale loss and degradation of such habitats could sharply increase the likelihood of serious biodiversity declines.


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Molybdenum disulphide is a layered transition metal dichalcogenide that has recently raised considerable interest due to its unique semiconducting and opto-electronic properties. Although several theoretical studies have suggested an electronic phase transition in molybdenum disulphide, there has been a lack of experimental evidence. Here we report comprehensive studies on the pressure-dependent electronic, vibrational, optical and structural properties of multilayered molybdenum disulphide up to 35 GPa. Our experimental results reveal a structural lattice distortion followed by an electronic transition from a semiconducting to metallic state at similar to 19 GPa, which is confirmed by ab initio calculations. The metallization arises from the overlap of the valance and conduction bands owing to sulphur-sulphur interactions as the interlayer spacing reduces. The electronic transition affords modulation of the opto-electronic gain in molybdenum disulphide. This pressure-tuned behaviour can enable the development of novel devices with multiple phenomena involving the strong coupling of the mechanical, electrical and optical properties of layered nanomaterials.


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Controlling the band gap by tuning the lattice structure through pressure engineering is a relatively new route for tailoring the optoelectronic properties of two-dimensional (2D) materials. Here, we investigate the electronic structure and lattice vibrational dynamics of the distorted monolayer 1T-MoS2 (1T') and the monolayer 2H-MoS2 via a diamond anvil cell (DAC) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The direct optical band gap of the monolayer 2H-MoS2 increases by 11.7% from 1.85 to 2.08 eV, which is the highest reported for a 2D transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) material. DFT calculations reveal a subsequent decrease in the band gap with eventual metallization of the monolayer 2H-MoS2, an overall complex structureproperty relation due to the rich band structure of MoS2. Remarkably, the metastable 1T'-MoS2 metallic state remains invariant with pressure, with the J(2), A(1g), and E(2)g modes becoming dominant at high pressures. This substantial reversible tunability of the electronic and vibrational properties of the MoS2 family can be extended to other 2D TMDs. These results present an important advance toward controlling the band structure and optoelectronic properties of monolayer MoS2 via pressure, which has vital implications for enhanced device applications.


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The addition of small amount of boron to Ti and it alloys refines the as-cast microstructure and enhances the mechanical properties. In this paper, we employ nanoindentation on each of the constituent phases in the microstructure and `rule-of-mixture' type analysis to examine their relative contributions to the strength enhancement in a Ti-6Al-4V alloy modified with 0.3 wt% B. Our results indicate to two main contributors to the relatively higher flow strength of B-modified alloy vis-a-vis the base alloy: (a) strengthening of alpha phase due to the reduction in the effective slip length that occurs as a result of the microstructural refinement that occurs upon B addition, and (b) composite strengthening caused by the TiB whiskers present in the alloy. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Time-dependent nanoscale plasticity of nanocrystalline nickel at room temperature was critically explored through a series of micropillar creep and quasi-static compression experiments on rod and tube specimens fabricated by electron beam lithography and electroplating. Enhanced creep rates in tubes as compared to rods, establishes the facilitating role played by the free surface in time-dependent deformation. Creep stress exponent, n, and strain-rate sensitivity, m, were compared to examine connections between creep and the rate-dependent plasticity, if any. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.