938 resultados para Y-ZR ALLOYS


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El magnesio y sus aleaciones representan un interesante campo de investigación dentro de la ingeniería de materiales debido a los retos que plantean tanto su conformabilidad como durabilidad. Las características físicas y mecánicas del magnesio y sus aleaciones los convierten en materiales de gran interés desde el punto de vista industrial al tratarse de uno de los materiales más abundantes y ligeros en un mundo en el que día a día los recursos y materias primas son más escasos por lo que el acceso a materiales abundantes y ligeros que permitan economizar el uso de energía cobrará mayor importancia en el futuro. En la coyuntura actual es por tanto necesario revisar procesos y procedimientos, investigando y tratando de ampliar desde este punto de vista si es posible mejorar los procedimientos de fabricación de los materiales disponibles actualmente o el desarrollo de nuevos, mejores que los anteriores, que permitan ayudar a la sostenibilidad del planeta. El magnesio, pese a ser un material muy abundante y relativamente barato, presenta una serie de inconvenientes que limitan de manera muy seria su aplicación industrial, su alta reactividad en presencia de oxígeno y su mal comportamiento frente a la corrosión así como limitaciones en su conformabilidad han estado limitando su uso y aplicaciones, los investigaciones dentro del campo de la metalurgia física de este material y el desarrollo de nuevas aleaciones han permitido su empleo en múltiples aplicaciones dentro de la industria aeroespacial, militar, automovilística, electrónica, deportiva y médica. La motivación para esta tesis doctoral ha sido tratar de aportar más luz sobre el comportamiento de una de las aleaciones comerciales base magnesio más empleadas, la AZ31B, tratando de modelizar como le afectan los procesos de soldadura y estudiando desde un punto de vista experimental como se ve modificada su microestructura, su comportamiento mecánico y su resistencia frente a la corrosión. Aunque en un principio se pensó en el empleo de métodos electroquímicos para el estudio de la corrosión de estos materiales, rápidamente se decidió prescindir de su uso dada la dificultad observada tanto durante los trabajos de investigación de esta Tesis como los encontrados por otros investigadores. Mediante microdurezas se han caracterizado mecánicamente las soldaduras de aleación de magnesio tipo AZ31 en función de diferentes materiales de aporte, observándose que el empleo de las aleaciones con mayor contenido de aluminio y zinc no contribuye a una mejora significativa de las propiedades mecánicas. Se han podido establecer correlaciones entre los modelos de simulación desarrollados y las microestructuras resultantes de los procesos reales de soldadura que permiten definir a priori que estructuras se van a obtener. De igual forma ha sido posible completar un estudio micrográfico y químico completo de las diferentes fases y microconstituyentes originados durante los procesos de soldadura, gracias a estos resultados se ha propuesto como hipótesis una explicación que justifica el comportamiento frente a la corrosión de estas aleaciones una vez soldadas. Los ensayos de corrosión realizados han permitido determinar correlaciones matemáticas que indican las velocidades de corrosión esperables de este tipo de aleaciones. Desde el punto de vista del diseño, los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo permitirán a otros investigadores y diseñadores tomar decisiones a la hora de decidir qué materiales de aporte emplear junto con las implicaciones que conllevan desde el punto de vista metalúrgico, mecánico o corrosivo las diferentes alternativas. Por último indicar que gracias al trabajo desarrollado se han definido modelos matemáticos para predecir el comportamiento frente a la corrosión de estas aleaciones, se han determinado las posibles causas y mecanismos por las que se gobierna la corrosión en la soldadura de chapas de aleación AZ31B y los motivos por los que se debe considerar el empleo de un material de aporte u otro. Los modelos de simulación desarrollados también han ayudado a comprender mejor la microestructura resultante de los procesos de soldadura y se han determinado que fases y microconstituyentes están presentes en las soldaduras de estas aleaciones. ABSTRACT Magnesium and its alloys represent and interesting research field in the material science due to the challenges of their fabrication and durability. The physical and mechanical properties of magnesium and its alloys make them a very interesting materials from and industrial point of view being one of the most abundant and lightest materials in a world in which day by day the lacking of resources and raw materials is more important, the use of light materials which allow to save energy will become more important in a near future. So that it is necessary to review processes and procedures, investigating and trying to improve current fabrication procedures and developing new ones, better than the former ones, in order to help with the sustainability of the planet. Although magnesium is a very common and relatively cheap material, it shows some inconveniences which limit in a major way their industrial application; its high reactivity in presence of oxygen, its poor corrosion resistance and some manufacturing problems had been limiting their use and applications, metallurgical investigations about this material and the development of new alloys have allowed its use in multiple applications in the aerospacial, military, automobile, electronics, sports and medical industry. The motivation for this thesis has been trying to clarify the behavior of one most used commercial base magnesium alloys, the AZ31, trying to modeling how its affected by thermal cycles of the welding process and studying from an experimental point of view how its microstructure is modified and how these modifications affect its mechanical behavior and corrosion resistance. Although at the beginning of this works it was though about the using of electrochemical techniques to evaluate the corrosion of these materials, rapidly it was decided not to use them because of the difficulty observed by during this research and by other investigators. The results obtained in this thesis have allowed to characterize mechanically AZ31 magnesium welding alloys considering different filler metals, according to this study using filler metals with a high content of aluminum and zinc does not represent an important improve It has been possible to establish correlations between simulation models and the resultant microstructures of the real melting processes originated during welding processes which allow to predict the structures which will be obtained after the welding. In addition to that it is possible to complete a complete micrographic and chemical analysis of the different phases and microconstituents created during welding, due to these results and hypothesis to explain the corrosion behavior of these welded alloys. Corrosion tests carried out have allowed defining mathematical correlations to predict corrosion rates of this kind of alloys. From a designing point of view, the results obtained in this work will let other investigators and designers to make decisions taking into account which implications have the different options from a metallurgical, mechanic and corrosive point of view. Finally we would like to indicate that thanks to this work it has been possible to define mathematical models to predict the corrosion behavior, the causes and the mechanism of this corrosion in the AZ31 welding sheets have been also determined and the reasons for using of one filler metal or another, the developed simulation models have also help to get a better understanding of the result microstructure determining the phases and the microconstituents present in the welding of this alloys.


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Los recubrimientos lubricantes sólidos son requeridos para reducir la fricción y prevenir el desgaste en componentes que operan a altas temperaturas o en vacío (vehículos espaciales, industria química, motores diésel, turbinas aeronáuticas y de generación de energía…). Los lubricantes líquidos pierden sus características cuando las condiciones de presión, temperatura o ambientales son severas (oxidación, inestabilidad térmica, volatilidad,…), por ejemplo los aceites minerales convencionales se descomponen a temperaturas próximas a 200 ºC. Por tanto, la única manera de poder conseguir una adecuada lubricación a temperaturas extremas es por medio de sólidos, que cada vez más, se aplican en forma de recubrimientos. Estos recubrimientos podrían ser empleados en componentes de vehículos espaciales reutilizables, donde se pueden alcanzar, en la reentrada en la atmósfera, temperaturas de 700 ºC (bisagras, rodamientos, articulaciones y zonas de sellado en las superficies de control, y rodamientos de las turbobombas y las cajas de engranajes). Dichos recubrimientos también deberían ser capaces de proporcionar una lubricación efectiva a bajas temperaturas para las operaciones en tierra, para las operaciones de arranque en frío, incluso en el espacio. El conjunto de requisitos que tendrían que satisfacer las capas tribológicas relacionadas con estas condiciones extremas es muy diverso, lo que hace que el concepto de capas tipo composite (aquéllas constituidas por varios componentes) sea, en principio, muy adecuado para estas aplicaciones. Recubrimientos composite proyectados térmicamente constituidos por una matriz dura y conteniendo lubricantes sólidos pueden ser una buena solución desde el punto de vista tribológico. El “Lewis Research Centre” de la NASA ha estado desarrollando recubrimientos autolubricantes tipo composite, constituidos por la combinación de materiales duros como el carburo de cromo, junto con lubricantes sólidos como plata o la eutéctica de fluoruros de calcio y bario, en una matriz de NiCr, para su uso en aplicaciones terrestres a alta temperatura. Estos recubrimientos han sido aplicados mediante proyección térmica, siendo denominados como series PS100, PS200, PS300 y PS400, reduciendo de forma significativa el coeficiente de fricción y mejorando la resistencia al desgaste en un amplio margen de temperaturas. Otra nueva familia de materiales con comportamiento tribológico prometedor son las aleaciones cuasicristalinas (QC). Presentan características muy atractivas: alta dureza, baja fricción, alto límite elástico de compresión... Son muy frágiles como materiales másicos, por lo que se intentan aplicar en forma de recubrimientos. Se pueden depositar mediante proyección térmica. Algunos de estos materiales cuasicristalinos, como AlCoFeCr, poseen coeficientes de dilatación próximos al de los materiales metálicos, alta estabilidad térmica, baja conductividad térmica y una elevada resistencia a la oxidación y a la corrosión en caliente. En esta tesis se han desarrollado recubrimientos tipo composite conteniendo cuasicristales como componente antidesgaste, NiCr como componente tenaz, y Ag y la eutéctica de BaF2-CaF2, como lubricantes sólidos. Estos recubrimientos han sido depositados con diferentes composiciones (denominadas TH100, TH103, TH200, TH400, TH600…) mediante distintos procesos de proyección térmica: plasma en aire (PS), plasma en baja presión (LPPS) y combustión a alta velocidad (HVOF). Los recubrimientos se han generado sobre el sustrato X-750, una superaleación base níquel, endurecible por precipitación, con muy buena resistencia mecánica y a la oxidación hasta temperaturas de 870 ºC y, además, es empleada en aplicaciones aeroespaciales e industriales. Los recubrimientos han sido caracterizados microestructuralmente en INTA (Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial), mediante SEM-EDS (Scanning Electronic Microscopy-Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) y XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), y tribológicamente mediante medidas de microdureza y ensayos en tribómetro POD (Pin On Disc) para determinar los coeficientes de fricción y de desgaste. Los recubrimientos han sido ensayados tribológicamente a alta temperatura en INTA y en vacío en AMTTARC (Aerospace and Space Materials Technology Testhouse – Austrian Research Centres), en Seibersdorf (Austria). Se ha estudiado la influencia de la carga normal aplicada, la velocidad lineal y el material del pin. De entre las diferentes series de recubrimientos cuasicristalinos tipo composite desarrolladas, dos de ellas, TH100 y TH103 han presentado una excelente calidad microestructural (baja porosidad, distribución uniforme de fases…) y se han mostrado como excelentes recubrimientos antidesgaste. Sin embargo, estas capas presentan un pobre comportamiento como autolubricantes a temperatura ambiente, aunque mejoran mucho a alta temperatura o en vacío. Los resultados del trabajo presentado en esta tesis han proporcionado nuevo conocimiento respecto al comportamiento tribológico de recubrimientos autolubricantes cuasicristalinos tipo composite depositados por proyección térmica. Sin embargo, dichos resultados, aunque son muy prometedores, no han puesto de manifiesto el adecuado comportamiento autolubricante que se pretendía y, además, como ocurre en cualquier trabajo de investigación, durante el desarrollo del mismo siempre aparecen nuevas dudas por resolver. Se proponen nuevas líneas de trabajo futuro que complementen los resultados obtenidos y que puedan encaminar hacia la obtención de un recubrimiento que mejore su comportamiento autolubricante. ABSTRACT Solid lubricant coatings are required to reduce friction and prevent wear in components that operate at high temperatures or under vacuum (space vehicles, chemical industry, diesel engines, power generation turbines and aeronautical turbines, for instance). In these cases neither greases nor liquid lubricants can be employed and the only practicable approach to lubrication in such conditions is by means of solids. These are increasingly applied in the form of coatings which should exhibit low shear strength, whilst maintaining their chemical stability at extremes temperatures and in the space environment. In the space field, these coatings would be employed in re-usable space plane applications, such as elevon hinges, where temperatures of 700 ºC are reached during re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. These coatings should also be capable of providing effective lubrication at lower temperatures since “cold start” operation may be necessary, even in the space environment. The diverse and sometimes conflictive requirements in high temperature and space-related tribological coatings make the concept of composite coatings highly suitable for these applications. Thermal-sprayed composites containing solid lubricants in a hard matrix perform well tribologically. NASA‘s Lewis Research Centre had developed self-lubricating composite coatings for terrestrial use, comprising hard materials like chromium carbide as well as solid lubricant additives such as silver and BaF2-CaF2 eutectic on a Ni-Cr matrix. These coatings series, named PS100, PS200, PS300 and PS400, are applied by thermal spray and significantly reduce friction coefficients, improving wear resistance over a wide temperature range. Quasicrystalline alloys (QC) constitute a new family of materials with promising tribological behaviour. Some QC materials exhibit a combination of adequate antifriction properties: low friction coefficient, high hardness and high yield strength under compression, and can be easily produced as coatings on top of metallic and non-metallic materials. Among these QC alloys, AlCoFeCr has high hardness (700 HV0.1), a thermal expansion coefficient close to that of metals, high thermal stability, low thermal conductivity and good oxidation and hot corrosion resistance. However most QC materials have the disadvantage of being very brittle. In order to take advantage of the excellent tribological properties of QCs, thick composite lubricant coatings were prepared containing them as the hard phase for wear resistance, Ag and BaF2-CaF2 eutectic as lubricating materials and NiCr as the tough component. These coatings were deposited in different composition mixtures (named TH100, TH103, TH200, TH400, TH600…) by different thermal spray processes: air plasma spray (PS), low pressure plasma spray (LPPS) and high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF), on X-750 substrates. X-750 is an age-hardenable nickel-base superalloy with very good strength and a good resistance to oxidising combustion gas environments at temperatures up to about 870 ºC and it is widely used in aerospace and industrial applications. Coatings have been characterized microstructurally, at INTA (National Institute for Aerospace Technology), by means of SEM-EDS (Scanning Electronic Microscopy- Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) and XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), and tribologically by microhardness measurements and pin-on-disc testing to determine friction coefficients as well as wear resistance. The coatings were tested tribologically at high temperature at INTA and under vacuum at AMTT-ARC (Aerospace and Space Materials Technology Testhouse – Austrian Research Centres), in Seibersdorf (Austria). Different loads, linear speeds and pin materials were studied. TH100 and TH103 QC alloy matrix composite coatings were deposited by HVOF with excellent microstructural quality (low porosity, uniform phase distribution) and showed to be excellent wear resistant coatings. However these QC alloy matrix composite coatings are poor as a self-lubricant at room temperature but much better at high temperature or in vacuum. The results from the work performed within the scope of this thesis have provided new knowledge concerning the tribological behavior of self-lubricating quasicrystalline composite coatings deposited by thermal spraying. Although these results are very promising, they have not shown an adequate self-lubricating behavior as was intended, and also, as in any research, the results have in addition raised new questions. Future work is suggested to complement the results of this thesis in order to improve the selflubricating behaviour of the coatings.


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Self-passivating tungsten based alloys will provide a major safety advantage compared to pure tungsten when used as first wall armor of future fusion reactors, due to the formation of a protective oxide layer which prevents the formation of volatile and radioactive WO3 in case of a loss of coolant accident with simultaneous air ingress. Bulk WCr10Ti2 alloys were manufactured by two different powder metallurgical routes: (1) mechanical alloying (MA) followed by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) of metallic capsules, and (2) MA, compaction, pressureless sintering in H2 and subsequent HIPing without encapsulation. Both routes resulted in fully dense materials with homogeneous microstructure and grain sizes of 300 nm and 1 μm, respectively. The content of impurities remained unchanged after HIP, but it increased after sintering due to binder residue. It was not possible to produce large samples by route (2) due to difficulties in the uniaxial compaction stage. Flexural strength and fracture toughness measured on samples produced by route (1) revealed a ductile-to-brittle-transition temperature (DBTT) of about 950 °C. The strength increased from room temperature to 800 °C, decreasing significantly in the plastic region. An increase of fracture toughness is observed around the DBTT.


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En los últimos años, diversos autores han citado la existencia de rocas silíceas de origen orgánico (diatomitas, s.l.) en las proximidades de Esquivias (Toledo, Cuenca de Madrid). En esta zona, dichos materiales se encuentran acompañados también por otros niveles de rocas silíceas de origen inorgánico. Los objetivos del presente trabajo se centran en el estudio comparativo, desde un punto de vista petrológico y geoquímico, de ambos tipos de rocas silíceas, con el fin de establecer su caracterización, así como las posibles diferencias en función de su génesis, origen de la sílice y ambiente de constitución. La columna estratigráfica estudiada presenta tres tipos de niveles opalinos, cada uno de ellos con una génesis diferente de acuerdo con sus características petrológicas y geoquímicas. El nivel inferior se forma por silicificación de una calcreta, siendo la fuente de la sílice externa al ámbito de constitución. La génesis del nivel intermedio es problemática, dada la compleja mineralogía del ámbito de constitución, estando la fuente de la sílice probablemente relacionada con la neoformación y /o desestabilización de minerales de la arcilla. El nivel opalino superior, incluido en sedimentos biosilíceos, se produce por envejecimiento de los organismos silíceos y cementación por sílice. En los sedimentos biosilíceos, los elementos traza se concentran, en general, en las fracciones carbonáticas y/o arcillosas, no estando presentes en los microfósiles silíceos. Por último, la evolución de los elementos traza en el proceso de silicificación es semejante en los tres tipos de ópalos estudiados, observándose una disminución de los contenidos en Sr, Zr, Rb y Zn al aumentar el índice de sílice libre definido en este trabajo (I,1). A su vez, el estudio de las relaciones CaO/MgO y Ca0/Al20 3 pone de manifiesto una posible selectividad en dicho proceso, sustituyéndose preferentemente las fases carbonáticas y posteriormente las arcillas.


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5% copper catalysts with Ce0.8M0.2Oδ supports (M = Zr, La, Ce, Pr or Nd) have been studied by rapid-scan operando DRIFTS for NOx Storage and Reduction (NSR) with high frequency (30 s) CO, H2 and 50%CO + 50%H2 micropulses. In the absence of reductant pulses, below 200–250 °C NOx was stored on the catalysts as nitrite and nitro groups, and above this temperature nitrates were the main species identified. The thermal stability of the NOx species stored on the catalysts depended on the acid/basic character of the dopant (M more acidic = NOx stored less stable ⇒ Zr4+ < none < Nd3+ < Pr3+ < La3+ ⇐ M more basic = NOx stored more stable). Catalysts regeneration was more efficient with H2 than with CO, and the CO + H2 mixture presented an intermediate behavior, but with smaller differences among the series of catalyst than observed using CO alone. N2 is the main NOx reduction product upon H2 regeneration. The highest NOx removal in NSR experiments performed at 400 °C with CO + H2 pulses was achieved with the catalyst with the most basic dopant (CuO/Ce0.8La0.2Oδ) while the poorest performing catalyst was that with the most acidic dopant (CuO/Ce0.8Zr0.2Oδ). The poor performance of CuO/Ce0.8Zr0.2Oδ in NSR experiments with CO pulses was attributed to its lower oxidation capacity compared to the other catalysts.


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It is generally accepted that growth of eutectic silicon in aluminium-silicon alloys occurs by a twin plane re-entrant edge (TPRE) mechanism. It has been proposed that modification of eutectic silicon by trace additions occurs due to a massive increase in the twin density caused by atomic effects at the growth interface. In this study, eutectic microstructures and silicon twin densities in samples modified by elemental additions of barium (Ba), calcium (Ca), yttrium (Y) and ytterbium (Yb) (elements chosen due to a near-ideal atomic radii for twinning) in an A356.0 alloy have been determined by optical microscopy, thermal analysis, X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Addition of barium or calcium caused the silicon structure to transform to a fine fibrous morphology, while the addition of yttrium or ytterbium resulted in a refined plate-like eutectic structure. Twin densities in all modified samples are higher than in unmodified alloys, and there are no significant differences between fine fibrous modification (by Ba and Ca) and refined plate-like modification (by Y and Yb). The twin density in all modified samples is less than expected based on the predictions by the impurity induced twining model. Based on these results it is difficult to explain the modification with Ba, Ca, Y and Yb by altered twin densities alone.


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To capitalise on the strengthening potential of zirconium as a potent grain refiner for magnesium alloys, the mechanisms of adding zirconium to magnesium and its subsequent grain refining action need to be understood. Using a Mg-33.3Zr master alloy (Zirmax supplied by Magnesium Elektron Ltd) as a zirconium alloying additive, the influence of different alloying conditions on the dissolution of zirconium in magnesium was investigated. It was found that owing to the highly alloyable microstructure of Zirmax, the dissolution of zirconium was generally complete within a few minutes in the temperature range 730 to 780degreesC. Prolonging and/or intensifying stirring were found to have no conspicuous influence on further enhancing the dissolution of zirconium. In all cases studied, the average grain size increased with increasing holding time at temperature while the total zirconium content decreased. The finest grain structure and highest total zirconium content corresponded to sampling immediately after stirring. Pick up of iron by molten magnesium from the mild steel crucibles used for melting and holding, was significantly delayed or avoided in the temperature range 730 to 780degreesC by coating the crucibles with boron nitride. It is therefore feasible to conduct zirconium alloying at 730degreesC without the need of a considerable excess of Zirmax addition using a properly coated or lined steel crucible.


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The effects of different concentrations of individual additions of rare earth metals (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu) on eutectic modification in Al-10mass%Si has been studied by thermal analysis and optical microscopy. According to the twin-plane re-entrant edge (TPRE) and impurity induced twinning mechanism, rare earth metals with atomic radii of about 1.65 times larger than that of silicon, are possible candidates for eutectic modification. All of the rare earth elements caused a depression of the eutectic growth temperature, but only Eu modified the eutectic silicon to a fibrous morphology. At best, the remaining elements resulted in only a small degree of refinement of the plate-like silicon. The samples were also quenched during the eutectic arrest to examine the eutectic solidification modes. Many of the rare-earth additions significantly altered the eutectic solidification mode from that of the unmodified alloy. It is concluded that the impurity induced twinning model of modification, based on atomic radius alone, is inadequate and other mechanisms are essential for the modification process. Furthermore, modification and the eutectic nucleation and growth modes are controlled independently of each other.


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The flow stress in tension and compression has been measured as a function of plastic strain in Mg-2Zn castings with grain sizes ranging from 55 to 340 mum. Hall-Petch parameters have been calculated and are compared to those previously reported. In contrast to the behaviour of pure Mg grain refined with Zr and of hot-worked and recrystallised pure Mg and Mg-Zn alloys, the cast material shows little tension/compression asymmetry of the flow stress. The possible effects of texture and of twinning are noted. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mg65Cu25Er10 and Mg65Cu15Ag10Er10 bulk amorphous alloys were produced by a copper mould casting method. The alloys have high glass-forming ability and good thermal stability. The maximum diameter of glass formation (D-c), glass transition temperature (T-g), crystallization onset temperature (T-x), temperature interval of the supercooled region (Delta T-x), melting temperature (T-m), liquidus temperature (T-1) as well as heats of crystallization (Delta H-x) and melting (Delta H-m) are reported for these alloys. Both alloys exhibit high hardness and high strength at room temperature. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effects of over-doped yttrium on the microstructure, mechanical properties and thermal behaviour of an oxygen-contaminated Zr51Cu20.7Ni12Al16.3 bulk metallic glass are studied systematically. It has been found that, when yttrium doping is beyond the optimum doping, the glass-forming ability enhancement effect induced by yttrium addition decreases and the mechanical properties are adversely affected. In this study, a new phase with an orthorhombic structure (a = 0.69 nm, b = 0.75 nm and c = 0.74 nm) is identified in the yttrium over-doped alloys. (c) 2006 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A significant enhancement in glass formation in a newly developed Zr51Cu20.7Ni12Al16.3 alloy has been achieved by yttrium doping. With just 0.5 at.% yttrium doping, the critical diameter of the as-cast alloys for glass formation has been increased from 3 mm to at least 10 mm. In the undoped, large-sized alloys, massive oxygen stabilized crystalline phases are observed but disappear in yttrium doped alloys. Very small amounts of stable alpha-Y2O3 phases found in the yttrium doped alloys, and their negligible effect on the metallic glasses' properties, provide a superior solution to achieve metallic glasses with a high glass formability. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.