938 resultados para Working class women


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A presente tese tem como objeto de estudo o Conselho Municipal de Educação, com a finalidade de compreender o papel desempenhado por este Órgão, na gestão descentralizada da política educacional de Castanhal – PA. O problema de pesquisa circunscreve sobre a organização da gestão da política educacional do município, assim como a institucionalidade política do Colegiado em referência, para o exercício do controle social; a forma de participação da sociedade civil, especialmente as classes subalternizadas na definição, execução e avaliação das políticas educacionais; e as políticas educacionais desenvolvidas a partir de 2000 quando se inicia o processo de delegação de competência conferida ao município locus da pesquisa, até o ano de 2011, compreendendo 06 (seis) mandatos de 02 (dois) anos, o que perfaz um total de 12 (doze) anos de gestão de descentralização das políticas educacionais, com a institucionalização do Sistema Municipal de Ensino. Para tanto, estabeleceu-se como hipótese orientadora: o Conselho Municipal de Educação de Castanhal – PA, mesmo com a delegação de competência, continuou exercendo um papel que se aproxima de um controle-gerencial na gestão das políticas educacionais, em detrimento de dimensões constitutivas de controle social, quais sejam: fiscalização, proposição e avaliação. Elegeram-se como eixos de análise para a compreensão do fenômeno investigado as dimensões: técnico-fiscalizadora; político-propositiva e ético-avaliativa. Trata-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, que tem como foco um estudo de caso, cujos dados foram revelados por meio de pesquisa bibliográfico-documental, além de entrevistas com os sujeitos sociais. Os resultados da pesquisa confirmaram a hipótese de que a classe trabalhadora não conseguiu exercer o controle social, no período analisado, a partir das dimensões aventadas neste trabalho, em razão do modelo de estado gerencial burocrático, que passou a influenciar as ações e procedimentos do Órgão ora aludido. Com efeito, a dimensão técnico-fiscalizadora se encerrou ao nível micro, na gestão da política educacional, sem a participação efetiva da classe trabalhadora; a dimensão político-propositiva, por sua vez, estava muito mais relacionada à necessidade de desburocratização dos processos de credenciamento e de autorização de instituições educacionais; e a dimensão ético-avaliativa foi inviabilizada em razão de alguns problemas que foram constatados, entre os quais a metodologia utilizada para avaliação de políticas educacionais deixando, assim, de favorecer a participação mais direta dos principais usuários dos serviços educacionais.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Over the past five decades several different interpretative traditions have taken on the task of trying to explain the origin of industrialists in Brazil and to analyze their behavior pattern from a business perspective, as well as in response to the country's biggest political issues. Although this is a stimulating subject, considering the important role to be played by these social actors in weaving the fabric of capitalist modernization in 20th century Brazil, not much of substance has been written about it, in contrast with, for instance, research about the working class. This paper makes a brief assessment of what we believe to be one of the most significant among the possible variables for interpreting the experience of the industrialist class, which demands the complexity inherent to the topic as a counterpoint to the simplified generalization which is recurrent in most writings about this subject.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In 2008 two laws that changed the didactic- pedagogic and administrative organization of vocational schools were enacted: the Law 11.741/2008, which incorporated the Technical Professional Education for the Middle Level to Basic Education; and Law 11.892/2008,which has transformed Agrotechnical Schools, the CEFET 's and some technical schools linked to universities into Colleges of Education, Science and Technology (IFs). These institutions have been operating at all levels and types of education provided in the Law of Directives and Bases of National Education number 9394/1996, with the exception of Early Childhood Education. Vocational and training schools, which gave origin to the IFs,have historically restricted youth education to teaching professional techniques, but due to the reformist laws, they were led to revise their conceptions of work and education. Thus, the goal of this article is to analyze the concepts of Basic Education and work that permeate these laws and the organization of educational work at IFCE. Have these laws been promoting a rupture with the history of vocational education in the country? Have the IFs been accomplishing a teaching job in addition to technical training? The choice for these questions was motivated by two main reasons: a) Vocational Education in the aforementioned institutions have traditionally been restricted to the qualication of the labor force for learning a technical profession, without relating it to issues that concern basic education; b) The Reform of Basic Education, from 1990 to 2013, was conducted in the context of capital's structural crisis and aimed to adapt the educational system to the demands of productive sectors. Thus, the main objective of this paper is to explain the contradictions that exist in project of formation of the working class, in the context of a conictual society divided into classes, a situation that alienates the youth to live this time forever.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Among living beings, the human species is distinguished by the need to produce material and intentionally its existence through labor, an important part of a process of humanization. However, in the current historical conditions, the work does not meet the vital needs of the vast majority, as they do not owned what they produce, they do not realize as humans beings in work activity, they dehumanize themselves. Since, even in such conditions, continue to work everyday, we ask ourselves how they support the condition in which they live. As the decision of the historical men are defined by the education process they experienced, we question whether the schooling that take places in capitalist public school has the purpose of developing an instruction in the working class graduating to be exploited at work throughout life, consenting to be bound of the relationships use of themselves by others, multiple determinate, while they are adapted to a life without the products work. Our hypothesis is that to make this education project, the public school needed to assimilate the scientific management, developed by Frederyck Taylor, in the pedagogical organization. We based on dialectical and historical materialism, which we established the public school environment as reproducing the class struggle, highlighting the teacher work. The research was conducted in a Bauru’s public school, where teachers answered questionnaires that were used to analyze the formulated hypothesis