1000 resultados para Wood, Fernando, 1812-1881.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a densidade e o tamanho populacional de quatro espécies de primatas [Alouatta clamitans Cabrera, 1940; Callicebus nigrifrons (Spix, 1823); Callithrix aurita (É. Geoffroy, 1812); Cebus nigritus (Goldfuss, 1809)] que ocorrem em um fragmento de Mata Atlântica de aproximadamente 350 ha, localizado no município de Pouso Alegre, estado de Minas Gerais e reunir subsídios para a conservação dessas espécies na região. O levantamento populacional foi realizado através do método de amostragem de distâncias em transecções lineares (Distance Sampling). Os dados foram coletados entre os meses de abril e agosto de 2008 a partir de quatro transecções implantadas na área de estudo. Os cálculos de densidade e tamanho populacional foram realizados empregando-se o programa Distance 5.0. As densidades foram estimadas em 23,83 ± 9,78 ind./km² para Callicebus nigrifrons, 14,76 ± 5,92 ind./km² para Callithrix aurita e 7,71 ± 2,13 ind./km² para Cebus nigritus. O tamanho populacional foi estimado em 83,0 ± 34,0 indivíduos para C. nigrifrons, 52,0 ± 20,8 indivíduos para Callithrix aurita e 27,0 ± 7,4 indivíduos para Cebus nigritus. Com relação ao bugio (A. guariba clamitans), constatou-se que apenas um grupo com seis indivíduos sobrevive na área. Conclui-se que, no caso de continuarem isoladas, essas populações têm poucas chances de sobrevivência no futuro frente aos riscos de eventos estocásticos. A criação de corredores ecológicos conectando a área de estudo aos outros fragmentos em seu entorno e a translocação de indivíduos de outras áreas da Mata Atlântica para esta região poderão constituir alternativas para garantir a viabilidade dessas populações em longo prazo. Para tanto, é necessário que se consolide uma política pública no município de Pouso Alegre voltada à criação, ampliação e gestão de Unidades de Conservação, e ao incentivo para a adoção de práticas produtivas sob critérios de sustentabilidade no entorno dessas áreas de interesse ecológico.
Article VII
O presente trabalho é um estudo taxinômico de ácaros admitidos ou não como alergizantes, encontrados em amostras de poeira domiciliar, colhidas em todas as capitais do Brasil e Território Fernando de Noronha por guardas da SUCAM e enviadas por essa entidade ao Professor Leonidas de Mello Deane. Foram classificadas dez espécies pertencentes a cinco famílias, cujas posições sistemáticas são determinadas por definições e chaves: Pyroglyphus africanus, Euroglyphus maynei, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae, Dermatophagoides deanei, Sturnophagoides brasiliensis, Blomia tropicalis, Suidasia pontifica, Chortoglyphus arcuatus e Cheyletus malaccensis.
Water transport in wood is vital for the survival of trees. With synchrotron radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM), it has become possible to characterize and quantify the three-dimensional (3D) network formed by vessels that are responsible for longitudinal transport. In the present study, the spatial size dependence of vessels and the organization inside single growth rings in terms of vessel-induced porosity was studied by SRXTM. Network characteristics, such as connectivity, were deduced by digital image analysis from the processed tomographic data and related to known complex network topologies.
Twenty-six species of white-rotting Agaricomycotina fungi (Basidiomycota) were screened for their ability to produce calcium-oxalate (CaOx) crystals in vitro. Most were able to produce CaOx crystals in malt agar medium in the absence of additional calcium. In the same medium enriched with Ca2+, all the species produced CaOx crystals (weddellite or whewellite). Hyphae of four species (Ganoderma lucidum, Polyporus ciliatus, Pycnoporus cinnabarinus, and Trametes versicolor) were found coated with crystals (weddellite/whewellite). The production of CaOx crystals during the growth phase was confirmed by an investigation of the production kinetics for six of the species considered in the initial screening (Pleurotus citrinopileatus, Pleurotus eryngii, Pleurotus ostreatus, P. cinnabarinus, Trametes suaveolens, and T. versicolor). However, the crystals produced during the growth phase disappeared from the medium over time in four of the six species (P. citrinopileatus, P. eryngii, P. cinnabarinus, and T. suaveolens). For P. cinnabarinus, the disappearance of the crystals was correlated with a decrease in the total oxalate concentration measured in the medium from 0.65 μg mm−2 (at the maximum accumulation rate) to 0.30 μg mm−2. The decrease in the CaOx concentration was correlated with a change in mycelia morphology. The oxalate dissolution capability of all the species was also tested in a medium containing calcium oxalate as the sole source of carbon (modified Schlegel medium). Three species (Agaricus blazei, Pleurotus tuberregium, and P. ciliatus) presented a dissolution halo around the growth zone. This study shows that CaOx crystal production is a widespread phenomenon in white-rot fungi, and that an excess of Ca2+ can enhance CaOx crystal production. In addition, it shows that some white-rot fungal species are capable of dissolving CaOx crystals after growth has ceased. These results highlight a diversity of responses around the production or dissolution of calcium oxalate in white-rot fungi and reveal an unexpected potential importance of fungi on the oxalate cycle in the environment.
Three isosporan species are described from the double-collared seedeater, Sporophila caerulescens from Eastern Brazil. Isospora sporophilae n. sp. oocysts spherical to subspherical; oocyst wall bi-layered, smooth, inner layer colorless to pale yellowish, 21.6 × 20.9 (19.20-23.20 × 18.40-22.60) µm, shape-index 1.03 ± 0.02 (1-1.10), with no micropyle or oocyst residuum. Polar bodies splinter-like or comma-like. Sporocysts ovoidal, 15.2 × 10.6 (17.40-12.80 × 12.60-8.40) µm, shape-index 1.43 ± 0.14 (1.17-1.81), with knob-like Stieda body and residuum. Large crystalloid body in the center of the sporocyst. Isospora flausinoi n. sp. oocysts spherical to subspherical, oocyst wall bi-layered, smooth, colorless, 17.30 x 16.53 (14-20 × 13.60-20) µm, shape-index 1.05 ± 0.04 (1-1.21). Micropyle and oocyst residuum absent; presence of a large polar body. Sporocyst piriform, 14.88 x 10.70 (11.80-18 × 8-12.40) µm, shape-index 1.40 ± 0.18 (1.07-1.77), with smooth, thin, single-layered wall. Sporocyst with rounded Stieda body with no substieda body, and residuum composed of granular material. Isospora teixeirafilhoi n. sp. oocysts spherical to subspherical, oocyst wall bi-layered, smooth, colorless, 17.41 x 16.81 (15.60 19.40 × 14.20-18.80) µm. Shape-index 1.04 ± 0.08 (1-1.12). Micropyle and oocyst residuum absent; presence of a small double-lobuled polar body. Sporocyst ovoid, 11.74 × 8.12 (9-14.20 × 6.20-9.40) µm. Shape-index 1.46 ± 0.23 (1.06-1.88). Sporocyst with knob-like Stieda body, no sub-Stieda body and residuum composed of granular material.
Three new coccidian (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) species are reported from the lesser seed-finch, Oryzoborus angolensis from Brazil. Sporulated oocysts of Isospora curio n. sp. are spherical to subspherical; 24.6 × 23.6 (22-26 × 22-25) mum, shape-index (SI, length/width) of 1.04 (1.00-1.15). Oocyst wall is bilayerd, ~ 1.5 mum thick, smooth and colourless. Micropyle and oocyst residuum are absent. The sporocysts are ovoid, 13.2 × 10.9 (15-17 × 10-13) mum, SI = 1.56 (1.42-1.71), with a small Stieda body and residuum composed of numerous granules scattered among the sporozoites. Sporozoites are elongated and posses a smooth surface and two distinct refractile bodies. Oocysts of Isospora braziliensis n. sp. are spherical to subspherical, 17.8 × 16.9 (16-19 × 16-18) mum, with a shape-index of 1.06 (1.00-1.12) and a smooth, single-layered wall ~ 1 mum thick. A micropyle, oocyst residuum and polar granules are absent. Sporocysts are ellipsoid and slightly asymmetric, 13.2 × 10.8 (12-14 × 9-12) mum, SI = 1.48 (1.34-1.61). Each sporocyst contains a barely visible Stieda body and a residuum composed numerous of granules. Sporozoites are elongated and each of them contains two distinct refractile bodies. Oocysts of Isospora paranaensis n. sp. are subspherical to broadly ellipsoid 24.3 × 19.8 (22-26 × 18-22) mum, SI = 1.22 (1.15-1.38) with smooth single-layered wall ~ 1.5 mum thick. A micropyle and oocyst residuum are absent, but one distinct ellipsoid polar granule (2.5-3.5 × 1.5-2.5 mum) is present. Sporocyst are ovoid, 15.7 × 10.1 (14-18 × 8-12) mum, SI = 1.46 (1.31-1.72), with distinct Stieda and sub-Stieda bodies. Each sporocyst contains a spherical sporocyst residuum, 4 mum in diameter. All described isosporan species represent a possible cause of acute coccidiosis for O. angolensis in captivity.
Treball destinat a totes les persones interessades en la història de l’educació i la pràctica quotidiana del mètode Freinet. El centre d’interès és una publicació sobre experiències de mestres durant la Segona República Espanyola. Les sis experiències són el fruit de les entrevistes que en Fernando Jiménez va realitzar a alguns mestres que van tenir contacte amb la impremta escolar durant aquest període