999 resultados para Winter sports
Several factors influence a driver’s decision to travel, choice of vehicle speed, and the safety of a particular trip. These factors include, among others, the trip purpose, time of day, traffic volumes, weather and roadway conditions, and the range of vehicle speeds on the roadway. The main goal of the research project summarized in this report was the investigation of winter storm event impacts on the volume, safety, and speed characteristics of interstate traffic flow.
The cultivation of crops with different capacity of P uptake and use under long-term soil tillage systems can affect the distribution of P cycling and inorganic forms in the soil, as a result of higher or lower use efficiency of P applied in fertilizers. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of long-term cultivation of different winter species under tillage systems on the distribution of inorganic P forms in the soil. In 1986, the experiment was initiated with six winter crops (blue lupin, hairy vetch, oat, oilseed radish, wheat and fallow) on a Rhodic Hapludox in southwestern Paraná, under no-tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT). The application of phosphate fertilizer in NT rows increased inorganic P in the labile and moderately labile forms, and soil disturbance in CT redistributed the applied P in the deeper layers, increasing the moderately labile P concentration in the subsurface layers. Black oat and blue lupin were the most efficient P-recyclers and under NT, they increased the labile P content in the soil surface layers.
Monthly newsletter for the Iowa Department of Public Health
Program newsletter used to communicate with parents and professionals about newborn hearing screening in Iowa, including best practice and family stories.
Program newsletter used to communicate with parents and professionals about newborn hearing screening in Iowa, including best practice and family stories.
Program newsletter used to communicate with parents and professionals about newborn hearing screening in Iowa, including best practice and family stories.
Targeted small business news from the Iowa Economic Development Authority's Targeted Small Business Program
En France, la décentralisation et la territorialisation de l'action publique ont fait des sports de nature un objet d'action publique légitime en donnant naissance à de nouveaux outils de management public dédiés à la concertation et à la planification des usages de la nature. Nés de l'article 52 de la Loi sur le sport modifiée en 2000, la Commission Départementale des Espaces, Sites et Itinéraires relatifs aux sports de nature (CDESI) et le Plan Départemental des Espaces Sites et Itinéraires relatifs aux sports de nature (PDESI) sont des outils de concertation territoriale dédiés à la gestion publique des sports de nature au niveau départemental. Un enjeu de ce travail tient à l'appréhension des transformations de l'action publique en s'attachant à l'étude des dispositifs de concertation sur les sports de nature. Un deuxième enjeu de ce travail s'attache à mettre en évidence les effets de la concertation en analysant les interactions et les différents modes d'engagements des acteurs au cours de la « chose publique en train de se faire » (Cefaï, 2002). Les acteurs s'engagent non seulement dans la concertation comprise comme une activité sociale faite d'interactions, mais ils s'engagent également dans la concertation en tant que processus d'action publique. Aussi, un autre enjeu de ce travail est d'appréhender les effets de la concertation par une analyse processuelle des engagements (Fillieule, 2004) des acteurs et des organisations. En mobilisant les outils conceptuels de la sociologie interactionniste, de la sociologie pragmatique, ainsi que de la sociologie structuraliste, l'analyse des situations interactionnelles a notamment permis d'identifier les procédures de cadrage et les techniques dramaturgiques mises en oeuvre par les interactants, ainsi que les répertoires argumentatifs mobilisés par ces acteurs pendant l « 'épreuve » de la concertation. Les confrontations des points de vue et les justifications des prises de positions des acteurs peuvent faire évoluer la configuration initiale des jeux d'acteurs même si, pour certains, ces changements ne restent parfois qu'éphémères. Les organisations s'engagent dans la concertation en fonction de la revendication d'une légitimité qui est à comprendre comme une forme militantisme institutionnel s'articulant autour de la valorisation d'une expertise militante, environnementale, institutionnelle, ou encore de leur statut de partenaire institutionnel. In France, decentralization and territorialization of public action have made outdoor sports become an object of public policies justifiable by giving birth to new tools of public management dedicated to the public consultation, the dialogue, and the planning of the uses of the landscapes. Indeed, born of article 52 of the Law on sport modified in 2000, the Departmental committee for Spaces, Sites and Routes relative to natural sports ( CDESI) and the Departmental Plan of Spaces Sites and Routes relative to natural sports ( PDESI) are governance tools dedicated to the public management of outdoor sports for counties. A challenge of this work is to understand the changes of public policy by focusing on the study of mechanisms for consultation on outdoor sports. A second item of this work is to highlight the effects of cooperation by focusing on the analysis of interactions and actor's commitments during the "public thing in the making" (Cefaï, 2002). Actors commit themselves not only in the dialogue included as a social activity made by interactions, but they also take part to the dialogue included as a process of public action. Also, another issue of this work is to understand the effects of consultation by a processual approach of individual commitments (Fillieule, 2004) of actors and organizations. Using the conceptual tools of symbolic interactionism, pragmatic sociology, and structuralist sociology, the analysis of interactional situations has highlighted the framing work and procedures implemented by the interactants, as well as the dramaturgical techniques and argumentative directories which, they mobilize during the "test" of the consultation. Confrontation of viewpoints and justifications of interactants' positions can evolve from their initial configuration sets, even if for some of them these changes are sometimes ephemeral. Organizations involve themselves according to demands of legitimacy which, are to understand as a shape institutional militancy articulating around the valuation of a militant, environmental, institutional expertise, or still around their status of institutional partner.
Newsletter by IPERS about Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System news for retirees.
Quarterly newsletter produced by the Iowa Department of Blind, about the information and activities that are on going in the department.
Cet article se veut une revue des effets ergogéniques et potentiellement délétères des principaux compléments alimentaires consommés par les sportifs populaires ou d'élite. De nombreux produits sont proposés sur le marché avec des allégations prometteuses, le plus souvent sans preuve scientifique sur leur validité ou leur innocuité. Les antioxydants n'augmentent ni la force ni l'endurance. La créatine améliore la capacité de récupération pour les exercices en intervalle anaérobie mais pas en course à pied ni en natation. L'hormone de croissance et les stéroïdes anabolisants augmentent la synthèse protéique et la masse maigre mais comportent des effets secondaires graves et souvent irréversibles. Les médecins, les diététiciens et les fédérations sportives ont un rôle important à jouer dans l'information et la prévention, afin d'éviter des attitudes néfastes pour la santé, pouvant même créer des addictions. This article reviews the evidence-based ergogenic potential adverse effects of the most common products in use by recreational and elite athletes today. This is an aggressively marketed and controversial area of sports medicine wordwide. It is therefore important for the scientific societies, clinicians, dieticians sports federations to be well versed in the more popular supplements and drugs in order to have an important role in information and prevention attitudes that can lead to health risks or addictions!