889 resultados para Winsa, Birger: Language attitudes and social identity
When people use generic masculine language instead of more gender-inclusive forms, they communicate gender stereotypes and sometimes exclusion of women from certain social roles. Past research related gender-inclusive language use to sexist beliefs and attitudes. Given that this aspect of language use may be transparent to users, it is unclear whether people explicitly act on these beliefs when using gender-exclusive language forms or whether these are more implicit, habitual patterns. In two studies with German-speaking participants, we showed that spontaneous use of gender-inclusive personal nouns is guided by explicitly favorable intentions as well as habitual processes involving past use of such language. Further indicating the joint influence of deliberate and habitual processes, Study 2 revealed that language-use intentions are embedded in explicit sexist ideologies. As anticipated in our decision-making model, the effects of sexist beliefs on language emerged through deliberate mechanisms involving attitudes and intentions.
Despite the recent decline in adolescent pregnancy rates, adolescent pregnancy continues to be a significant public health issue in the United States. The United States consistently reports the highest rate of adolescent pregnancy among developed countries. Adolescent mothers are more likely to have multiple pregnancies, to access welfare and other social services, and to be unmarried. Teen mothers are less likely to complete high school, enter college, and typically command much less earning power throughout their lifetime as compared to women who delay childbirth until later. Moreover, the United States spends approximately $9.1 billion annually on teen pregnancies. ^ Additionally disconcerting is recent data which demonstrates that the decline in teen pregnancy rates is leveling off and that the rate of adolescent pregnancy has increased for the first time since 1993. Contraceptive use is a key component to the prevention of adolescent pregnancy. Contraceptive nonuse and failure result in unintended pregnancies among adolescents. This review sought to assess the levels of knowledge and attitudes toward contraception among adolescent females.^ Levels of knowledge of contraception among adolescents are tolerable; however, there is substantial room for improvement. Misperceptions about the side effects and mechanisms of action of contraception are pervasive among this population. Adolescents who have low levels of knowledge regarding contraception tend to discontinue usage or use inconsistently. Attitudes toward contraception are greatly influenced by levels of knowledge. As a result, adolescents tend to develop more positive attitudes as misperceptions are abated. Moreover, clear disparities persist among adolescents with minority and young adolescents being at increased risk of pregnancy, poor contraceptive use, and insufficient knowledge about contraception.^ Understanding the level of knowledge of and attitudes toward contraceptives among adolescents is essential to the development of effective pregnancy prevention programs. In order to effectively reduce adolescent pregnancy, prevention initiatives must target the vulnerable populations and incorporate the necessary cultural components.^
Se analizan los patrones de publicación y citación en ciencias humanas y sociales en Scopus en el período 2003-2012, según el alcance geográfico de la investigación. Los resultados muestran que los temas de alcance nacional tienen un predominio del español como lengua de publicación y una marcada preferencia por la autoría única frente a los patrones observados en el grupo de otros temas, no situados geográficamente, donde el inglés y la colaboración institucional es más fuerte y está más consolidada. La citación no parece estar determinada solo por el alcance geográfico de las investigaciones, sino también por el idioma de publicación, la coautoría y los perfiles de las revistas donde se publica. Se espera que los resultados den lugar a una reflexión constructiva sobre la cultura investigadora y editorial y que sean útiles como referencia para establecer criterios de evaluación en las comisiones evaluadoras y las políticas editoriales a nivel nacional
The world is changing rapidly. People today face numerous challenges in achieving a meaningful and fulfilling life. In many countries, there are enormous systemic barriers to address, such as: massive unemployment, HIV/AIDS, social disintegration, and inadequate infrastructure. One job for life is over. For many it never existed. Old metaphors and old models of career development no longer apply. New ways of thinking about careers are necessary, that take into account the context in which people are living, the reality of today's labour market, and the fact people's career-life journey contains many branching paths, barriers, and obstacles, but also allies and sources of assistance. Flexibility is important, as is keeping options open and making sure the journey is meaningful. Guidance professionals need to begin early, working with other professionals and those seeking assistance to develop attitudes that facilitate people taking charge of their own career-life paths. People need a vision for their life that will drive a purposeful approach to career-life planning and avoid floundering. Helping people achieve that direction can be most effectively accomplished when policy makers and practitioners work together to ensure that effective and accessible services are available for those who need them and when a large part of focus in on addressing the context in which marginalized people work and live.
Se analizan los patrones de publicación y citación en ciencias humanas y sociales en Scopus en el período 2003-2012, según el alcance geográfico de la investigación. Los resultados muestran que los temas de alcance nacional tienen un predominio del español como lengua de publicación y una marcada preferencia por la autoría única frente a los patrones observados en el grupo de otros temas, no situados geográficamente, donde el inglés y la colaboración institucional es más fuerte y está más consolidada. La citación no parece estar determinada solo por el alcance geográfico de las investigaciones, sino también por el idioma de publicación, la coautoría y los perfiles de las revistas donde se publica. Se espera que los resultados den lugar a una reflexión constructiva sobre la cultura investigadora y editorial y que sean útiles como referencia para establecer criterios de evaluación en las comisiones evaluadoras y las políticas editoriales a nivel nacional
The world is changing rapidly. People today face numerous challenges in achieving a meaningful and fulfilling life. In many countries, there are enormous systemic barriers to address, such as: massive unemployment, HIV/AIDS, social disintegration, and inadequate infrastructure. One job for life is over. For many it never existed. Old metaphors and old models of career development no longer apply. New ways of thinking about careers are necessary, that take into account the context in which people are living, the reality of today's labour market, and the fact people's career-life journey contains many branching paths, barriers, and obstacles, but also allies and sources of assistance. Flexibility is important, as is keeping options open and making sure the journey is meaningful. Guidance professionals need to begin early, working with other professionals and those seeking assistance to develop attitudes that facilitate people taking charge of their own career-life paths. People need a vision for their life that will drive a purposeful approach to career-life planning and avoid floundering. Helping people achieve that direction can be most effectively accomplished when policy makers and practitioners work together to ensure that effective and accessible services are available for those who need them and when a large part of focus in on addressing the context in which marginalized people work and live.
The world is changing rapidly. People today face numerous challenges in achieving a meaningful and fulfilling life. In many countries, there are enormous systemic barriers to address, such as: massive unemployment, HIV/AIDS, social disintegration, and inadequate infrastructure. One job for life is over. For many it never existed. Old metaphors and old models of career development no longer apply. New ways of thinking about careers are necessary, that take into account the context in which people are living, the reality of today's labour market, and the fact people's career-life journey contains many branching paths, barriers, and obstacles, but also allies and sources of assistance. Flexibility is important, as is keeping options open and making sure the journey is meaningful. Guidance professionals need to begin early, working with other professionals and those seeking assistance to develop attitudes that facilitate people taking charge of their own career-life paths. People need a vision for their life that will drive a purposeful approach to career-life planning and avoid floundering. Helping people achieve that direction can be most effectively accomplished when policy makers and practitioners work together to ensure that effective and accessible services are available for those who need them and when a large part of focus in on addressing the context in which marginalized people work and live.
Se analizan los patrones de publicación y citación en ciencias humanas y sociales en Scopus en el período 2003-2012, según el alcance geográfico de la investigación. Los resultados muestran que los temas de alcance nacional tienen un predominio del español como lengua de publicación y una marcada preferencia por la autoría única frente a los patrones observados en el grupo de otros temas, no situados geográficamente, donde el inglés y la colaboración institucional es más fuerte y está más consolidada. La citación no parece estar determinada solo por el alcance geográfico de las investigaciones, sino también por el idioma de publicación, la coautoría y los perfiles de las revistas donde se publica. Se espera que los resultados den lugar a una reflexión constructiva sobre la cultura investigadora y editorial y que sean útiles como referencia para establecer criterios de evaluación en las comisiones evaluadoras y las políticas editoriales a nivel nacional
Two predictive models are developed in this article: the first is designed to predict people's attitudes to alcoholic drinks, while the second sets out to predict the use of alcohol in relation to selected individual values. University students (N = 1,500) were recruited through stratified sampling based on sex and academic discipline. The questionnaire used obtained information on participants' alcohol use, attitudes and personal values. The results show that the attitudes model correctly classifies 76.3% of cases. Likewise, the model for level of alcohol use correctly classifies 82% of cases. According to our results, we can conclude that there are a series of individual values that influence drinking and attitudes to alcohol use, which therefore provides us with a potentially powerful instrument for developing preventive intervention programs.
Various sources have sought to consider the educational interventions that foster changes in perception of and attitudes toward nature, with the ultimate intent of understanding how education can be used to encourage environmentally responsible behaviours. With these in mind, the current study identified an outdoor environmental education program incorporating these empirically supported interventions, and assessed its ability to influence environmental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours. Specifically, this study considered the following research questions: 1) To what degree can participation in this outdoor education program foster environmental knowledge and encourage pro-environmental attitudes and self-reported pro-environmental behaviours? 2) How is this effect different among students of different genders, and those who have different prior experiences in nature? Two motivational frameworks guided inquiry in the current study: the Value-Belief-Norm Model of Environmentalism (VBN) and the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). The study employed a quantitative survey methodology, combining contemporary data measuring knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours with archived data collected by program staff, reflecting frequency of environmentally responsible behaviour. Further, a single qualitative item was included for which students provided “the first three words that [came] to mind when [they] think of the word nature.” Terms provided before and after the program were compared for differences in theme to detect subtle or underlying changes. Quantitative results indicated no significant change in student knowledge or attitudes through the outdoor environmental education program. However, a significant change in self-reported behaviour was identified from both the contemporary and archived data. This agreement in positive findings across the two data sets, collected using different measures and different participants, lends evidence of the program’s ability to encourage self-reported pro-environmental behaviour. Further, qualitative results showed some change in students’ perceptions of nature through the program, providing direction for future research. These findings suggest that this particular outdoor education program was successful in encouraging students’ self-reported environmentally responsible behaviour. This change was achieved without significant change in knowledge or environmental attitudes, suggesting that external factors not measured in this study might have played a role in affecting behaviour.
This course, then, investigates the effects of integration on European citizens as well as the duality of the EU as a competitive and social model. It is sensitive to the involvement of social groups, protest, and domestic politics in the study of market integration. Some of the questions we explore are: What are the effects of regulatory policy-making on social actors, how do such actors’ strategies and behaviors change as a consequence, and how to they overcome their collective action problems? Why is it that the logic of integration has at times followed a logic of “permissive consensus” while at other times it has been described as a “constraining dissensus”? What is the importance of discourse in domestic politics in order to articulate and legitimate Europeanization? How do European identities change as a consequence of policymaking as well as of protest? To what extent do ordinary Europeans matter in terms of accepting and opposing the project of European integration, how do European citizens in core and peripheral EU states experience Europeanization, and how is their involvement in the integration project to be conceptualized?
When a project is realized in a globalized environment, multiple stakeholders from different organizations work on the same system. Depending on the stakeholders and their organizations, various (possibly overlapping) concerns are raised in the development of the system. In this context a Domain Specific Language (DSL) supports the work of a group of stakeholders who are responsible for addressing a specific set of concerns. This chapter identifies the open challenges arising from the coordination of globalized domain-specific languages. We identify two types of coordination: technical coordination and social coordination. After presenting an overview of the current state of the art, we discuss first the open challenges arising from the composition of multiple DSLs, and then the open challenges associated to the collaboration in a globalized environment.
"A report of the Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia University."
Description based on: 1975-1982.