984 resultados para Wind tunnel tests


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This paper investigates urban canopy layers (UCL) ventilation under neutral atmospheric condition with the same building area density (λp=0.25) and frontal area density (λf=0.25) but various urban sizes, building height variations, overall urban forms and wind directions. Turbulent airflows are first predicted by CFD simulations with standard k-ε model evaluated by wind tunnel data. Then air change rates per hour (ACH) and canopy purging flow rate (PFR) are numerically analyzed to quantify the rate of air exchange and the net ventilation capacity induced by mean flows and turbulence. With a parallel approaching wind (θ=0o), the velocity ratio first decreases in the adjustment region, followed by the fully-developed region where the flow reaches a balance. Although the flow quantities macroscopically keep constant, however ACH decreases and overall UCL ventilation becomes worse if urban size rises from 390m to 5km. Theoretically if urban size is infinite, ACH may reach a minimum value depending on local roof ventilation, and it rises from 1.7 to 7.5 if the standard deviation of building height variations increases (0% to 83.3%). Overall UCL ventilation capacity (PFR) with a square overall urban form (Lx=Ly=390m) is better as θ=0o than oblique winds (θ=15o, 30o, 45o), and it exceeds that of a staggered urban form under all wind directions (θ=0o to 45o), but is less than that of a rectangular urban form (Lx=570m, Ly=270m) under most wind directions (θ=30o to 90o). Further investigations are still required to quantify the net ventilation efficiency induced by mean flows and turbulence.


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A great number of studies on wind conditions in passages between slab-type buildings have been conducted in the past. However, wind conditions under different structure and configuration of buildings is still unclear and studies existed still can’t provide guidance on urban planning and design, due to the complexity of buildings and aerodynamics. The aim of this paper is to provide more insight in the mechanism of wind conditions in passages. In this paper, a simplified passage model with non-parallel buildings is developed on the basis of the wind tunnel experiments conducted by Blocken et al. (2008). Numerical simulation based on CFD is employed for a detailed investigation of the wind environment in passages between two long narrow buildings with different directions and model validation is performed by comparing numerical results with corresponding wind tunnel measurements.


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We develop a process-based model for the dispersion of a passive scalar in the turbulent flow around the buildings of a city centre. The street network model is based on dividing the airspace of the streets and intersections into boxes, within which the turbulence renders the air well mixed. Mean flow advection through the network of street and intersection boxes then mediates further lateral dispersion. At the same time turbulent mixing in the vertical detrains scalar from the streets and intersections into the turbulent boundary layer above the buildings. When the geometry is regular, the street network model has an analytical solution that describes the variation in concentration in a near-field downwind of a single source, where the majority of scalar lies below roof level. The power of the analytical solution is that it demonstrates how the concentration is determined by only three parameters. The plume direction parameter describes the branching of scalar at the street intersections and hence determines the direction of the plume centreline, which may be very different from the above-roof wind direction. The transmission parameter determines the distance travelled before the majority of scalar is detrained into the atmospheric boundary layer above roof level and conventional atmospheric turbulence takes over as the dominant mixing process. Finally, a normalised source strength multiplies this pattern of concentration. This analytical solution converges to a Gaussian plume after a large number of intersections have been traversed, providing theoretical justification for previous studies that have developed empirical fits to Gaussian plume models. The analytical solution is shown to compare well with very high-resolution simulations and with wind tunnel experiments, although re-entrainment of scalar previously detrained into the boundary layer above roofs, which is not accounted for in the analytical solution, is shown to become an important process further downwind from the source.


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The courtship behavior of the navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella, was examined in a wind tunnel. Sixty nine courtship sequences were analyzed and successful sequences divided into two categories: rapid courtship sequences, which involved few breaks in contact, short or no periods of male/female chasing and lasted <10 s between initial contact and mating; and prolonged courtship sequences, which involved many breaks in contact, extended periods of male/female chasing and lasted >10 s. Fifty six (81%) courtships were successful (50.7% rapid courtship and 30.4% prolonged courtship); the remaining 13 (18.8%) sequences were failed courtships. Of failed courtships, 9 (13.0%) were due to males losing contact with females during courtship chases and 4 (5.8%) due to females flying away immediately after male contact. Of all courtship sequences involving a break in contact during a chase, 38.5% resulted in an unsuccessful mating attempt. These findings contrast with previous studies of the courtship behavior of the navel orangeworm, potentially indicating that the type of bioassay used to study courtship may have a large effect on the behavioral sequences displayed. We evaluate several diagnostic techniques for the analysis of sequences of behavioral transitions.


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We investigated the plume structure of a piezo-electric sprayer system, set up to release ethanol in a wind tunnel, using a fast response mini-photoionizaton detector. We recorded the plume structure of four different piezo-sprayer configurations: the sprayer alone; with a 1.6-mm steel mesh shield; with a 3.2-mm steel mesh shield; and with a 5 cm circular upwind baffle. We measured a 12 × 12-mm core at the center of the plume, and both a horizontal and vertical cross-section of the plume, all at 100-, 200-, and 400-mm downwind of the odor source. Significant differences in plume structure were found among all configurations in terms of conditional relative mean concentration, intermittency, ratio of peak concentration to conditional mean concentration, and cross-sectional area of the plume. We then measured the flight responses of the almond moth, Cadra cautella, to odor plumes generated with the sprayer alone, and with the upwind baffle piezo-sprayer configuration, releasing a 13:1 ratio of (9Z,12E)-tetradecadienyl acetate and (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate diluted in ethanol at release rates of 1, 10, 100, and 1,000 pg/min. For each configuration, differences in pheromone release rate resulted in significant differences in the proportions of moths performing oriented flight and landing behaviors. Additionally, there were apparent differences in the moths’ behaviors between the two sprayer configurations, although this requires confirmation with further experiments. This study provides evidence that both pheromone concentration and plume structure affect moth orientation behavior and demonstrates that care is needed when setting up experiments that use a piezo-electric release system to ensure the optimal conditions for behavioral observations.


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This paper furthers the research of Rollo, Luther and Atkinson 1999, and Rollo, Honey, Atkinson and Luther 2003, regarding the way in which building shape appears to contribute to the collection of fire-brand debris subject to ember attack. The paper will present a range of 2D fluid-mapping and 3D wind tunnel studies (Melaragno 1982) which have been correlated with the transportation characteristics of an ember laden air-field (Cheney and Sullivan 1997). Working with a range of generic building types the paper also introduces simple spatial modelling techniques which are being developed to illustrate the relationship between ember capture and changes in wind speed and air pressure.


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This paper describes the feasibility study on the application of passive and active stack systems to enhance natural ventilation in public housing in Singapore. About 86% of the population is staying in high-rise public housing, known as Housing and Development Board (HDB) flats, which is designed for natural ventilation. The primary objective of this work is to assess the status of natural ventilation in a typical four-room HDB flat using scaled model in the wind tunnel, and to develop an effective passive or active stack system to enhance natural ventilation in the flat. Four numbers of stacks with different sizes were tested at two locations in the flat. The study shows that the passive stack, incorporating the principle of airflow due to buoyancy, does not enhance air velocity in the flat. However, the active stack which operates based on the suction effect induced by a fan fixed at the top of the stack leads to substantial increase in the air velocity at the room and thus meeting the human’s thermal comfort condition. It was noted that the velocities increase along with the increase in the stack size.


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Use of high albedo materials reduces the amount of solar radiation absorbed through building envelops and urban structures and thus keeping their surfaces cooler. The cooling energy savings by using high albedo materials have been well documented. Higher surface temperatures add to increasing the ambient temperature as convection intensity is higher. Such temperature increase has significant impacts on the air conditioning energy utilization in hot climates. This study makes use of a parametric approach by varying the temperature of building facades to represent commonly used materials and hence analyzing its effect on the air temperature through a series of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulations. A part of the existing CBD (Central Business District) area of Singapore was selected for the study. Series of CFD simulations have been carried out using the software CFX-5.6. Wind tunnel experiments were also conducted for validation. It was found that at low wind speeds, the effect of materials on the air temperature was significant and the temperature at the middle of a narrow canyon increased up to 2.52°C with the façade material having lowest albedo.


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The exposure to fumes and gases is one of the hazards associated with welding operations. Apart from research conducted on the mechanism of fume and gas formation and the relationship between fume formation rates and common welding parameters, little is known about the exposure process during welding. This research project aimed to identify the factors that influence exposure, develop an understanding of their role in the exposure process and through this understanding formulate strategies for the effective control of exposure during welding. To address these aims a literature review and an experimental program was conducted The literature review surveyed epidemiological, toxicological and exposure data. The experimental program involved three approaches, the first, an evaluation of the factors that influence exposure by assessing a metal inert gas/mild steel welding process in a workshop setting. The second approach involved the study of exposure in a controlled environment provided by a wind tunnel and simulated welding process. The final approach was to investigate workplace conditions through an assessment of exposure and control strategies in industry. The exposure to fumes and gases during welding is highly variable and frequently in excess of the health based exposure standards. Exposure is influenced by a number of a factors including the welding process, base material, arc time, electrode, arc current, arc voltage, arc length, electrode polarity, shield gas, wire-to-metal-work distance (metal inert gas), metal transfer mode, intensity of the UV radiation (ozone), the frequency of arc ignitions (ozone), thermal buoyancy generated by the arc process, ventilation (natural and mechanical), the welding environment, the position of the welder, the welders stance, helmet type, and helmet position. Exposure occurs as a result of three processes: the formation of contaminants at or around the arc region; their transport from the arc region, as influenced by the entry and thermal expansion of shield gases, the vigorous production of contaminants, thermal air currents produced by the heat of the arc process, and ventilation; and finally the entry of contaminants into the breathing zone of the welder, as influenced by the position of the welder, the welders stance, helmet type, and the helmet position. The control of exposure during welding can be achieved by several means: through the selection of welding parameters that generate low contaminant formation rates; through the limitation of arc time; and by isolating the breathing zone of the welder from the contaminant plume through the use of ventilation, welder position or the welding helmet as a physical barrier. Effective control is achieved by careful examination of the workplace, the selection of the most appropriate control option, and motivation of the workforce.


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Exhaled air temperature (T exh) has a paramount effect on respiratory water loss during flight. For migratory birds, low T exh potentially reduces water loss and increases flight range. However, only three studies provide empirical data on T exh during flight. The aim of this study was to record T exh of birds during rest and flight at a range of controlled ambient temperatures (T amb). One wigeon and two teal flew a total of 20 times in a wind tunnel at T amb ranging from 1° to 24°C. T exh during flight did not differ between the two species and was strongly correlated with T amb (T exh=1.036 T amb + 13.426; R2=0.58). In addition, body temperature had a weak positive effect on T exh. At a given T amb, T exh was about 5°C higher during flight than at rest.


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Unlike exercising mammals, migratory birds fuel very high intensity exercise (e.g., flight) with fatty acids delivered from the adipose tissue to the working muscles by the circulatory system. Given the primary importance of fatty acids for fueling intense exercise, we discuss the likely limiting steps in lipid transport and oxidation for exercising birds and the ecological factors that affect the quality and quantity of fat stored in wild birds. Most stored lipids in migratory birds are comprised of three fatty acids (16:0, 18:1 and 18:2) even though migratory birds have diverse food habits. Diet selection and selective metabolism of lipids play important roles in determining the fatty acid composition of birds which, in turn, affects energetic performance during intense exercise. As such, migratory birds offer an intriguing model for studying the implications of lipid metabolism and obesity on exercise performance. We conclude with a discussion of the energetic costs of migratory flight and stopover in birds, and its implications for bird migration strategies.


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The relationship between mass loss rate and chemical power in flying birds is analysed with regard to water and heat balance. Two models are presented: the first model is applicable to situations where heat loads are moderate. i.e. when heat balance can be achieved by regulating non-evaporative heat loss, and evaporative water loss is minimised. The second model is applicable when heat loads are high, non-evaporative heat loss is maximised. and heat balance has to be achieved by regulating evaporative heat loss. The rates of mass loss of two Thrush Nightingales Luscinia luscinia and one Teal Anas crecca were measured at various flight speeds in a wind tunnel. Estimates of metabolic water production indicate that the Thrush Nightingales did not dehydrate during experimental flights. Probably, the Thrush Nightingales maintained heat balance without actively increasing evaporative cooling. The Teal, however, most likely had to resort to evaporative cooling, although it may not have dehydrated. Chemical power was estimated from our mass loss rate data using the minimum evaporation model for the Thrush Nightingales and the evaporative heat regulation model for the Teal. For both Thrush Nightingales and the Teal, the chemical power calculated from our mass loss rate data showed a greater change with speed (more 'U-shaped' curve) than the theoretically predicted chemical power curves based on aerodynamic theory. The minimum power speeds calculated from our data differed little from theoretical predictions but maximum range speeds were drastically different. Mass loss rate could potentially be used to estimate chemical power in flying birds under laboratory conditions where temperature and humidity are controlled. However, the assumptions made in the models and the model predictions need further testing.


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O uso inadequado da tecnologia de aplicação de agrotóxicos, relacionados ao uso de pontas de pulverização e adição de adjuvantes, resulta diretamente em um maior risco de deriva. Objetivou-se como trabalho quantificar a deriva gerada por pontas de pulverização com e sem indução de ar, em aplicações de glyphosate e adjuvantes. O experimento foi realizado em túnel de vento, com o herbicida glyphosate isolado ou em mistura com ureia ou adjuvante redutor de deriva (LI700). As coletas foram realizadas, com fios de polietileno, nas distâncias de 5,0; 10,0 e 15,0 m em relação à barra e nas alturas de 0,2; 0,4; 0,6; 0,8 e 1,0 m em relação ao piso do túnel, a deriva foi aferida por meio do processo de condutividade elétrica. Os resultados apresentaram maior deriva nas menores alturas, tendo igual comportamento para todas as caldas e em todas as distâncias. A ponta de jato plano com indução de ar (AVI 110-015) proporcionou menor deriva em relação à ponta jato plano padrão (AXI 110-015), para todas as caldas avaliadas. Para a ponta de jato plano padrão o acréscimo de adjuvante reduziu a deriva para as três distâncias avaliadas em relação à calda contendo somente o herbicida. Já para a ponta de jato plano com indução de ar a ureia elevou a deriva para todas as distâncias em relação às outras caldas. A ureia pode ser utilizada em aplicações com o modelo de ponta jato plano padrão, por diminuir os riscos de deriva.


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The great importance in selecting the profile of an aircraft wing concerns the fact that its relevance in the performance thereof; influencing this displacement costs (fuel consumption, flight level, for example), the conditions of flight safety (response in critical condition) of the plane. The aim of this study was to examine the aerodynamic parameters that affect some types of wing profile, based on wind tunnel testing, to determine the aerodynamic efficiency of each one of them. We compared three types of planforms, chosen from considerations about the characteristics of the aircraft model. One of them has a common setup, and very common in laboratory classes to be a sort of standard aerodynamic, it is a symmetrical profile. The second profile shows a conFiguration of the concave-convex type, the third is also a concave-convex profile, but with different implementation of the second, and finally, the fourth airfoil profile has a plano-convex. Thus, three different categories are covered in profile, showing the main points of relevance to their employment. To perform the experiment used a wind tunnel-type open circuit, where we analyzed the pressure distribution across the surface of each profile. Possession of the drag polar of each wing profile can be, from the theoretical basis of this work, the aerodynamic characteristics relate to the expected performance of the experimental aircraft, thus creating a selection model with guaranteed performance aerodynamics. It is believed that the philosophy used in this dissertation research validates the results, resulting in an experimental alternative for reliable implementation of aerodynamic testing in models of planforms