855 resultados para Whole Body
Influence of magnetically-induced E-fields on cardiac electric activity during MRI: A modeling study
In modern magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), patients are exposed to strong, time-varying gradient magnetic fields that may be able to induce electric fields (E-fields)/currents in tissues approaching the level of physiological significance. In this work we present theoretical investigations into induced E-fields in the thorax, and evaluate their potential influence on cardiac electric activity under the assumption that the sites of maximum E-field correspond to the myocardial stimulation threshold (an abnormal circumstance). Whole-body cylindrical and planar gradient coils were included in the model. The calculations of the induced fields are based on an efficient, quasi-static, finite-difference scheme and an anatomically realistic, whole-body model. The potential for cardiac stimulation was evaluated using an electrical model of the heart. Twelve-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) signals were simulated and inspected for arrhythmias caused by the applied fields for both healthy and diseased hearts. The simulations show that the shape of the thorax and the conductive paths significantly influence induced E-fields. In healthy patients, these fields are not sufficient to elicit serious arrhythmias with the use of contemporary gradient sets. However, raising the strength and number of repeated switching episodes of gradients, as is certainly possible in local chest gradient sets, could expose patients to increased risk. For patients with cardiac disease, the risk factors are elevated. By the use of this model, the sensitivity of cardiac pathologies, such as abnormal conductive pathways, to the induced fields generated by an MRI sequence can be investigated. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Área de especialização: Proteção Contra as Radiações.
Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear - Área de especialização: Tomografia por Emissão de Positrões.
Introdução – O presente estudo avaliou o efeito da cafeína no valor da razão contraste ruído (CNR) em imagens SWI. Objetivos – Avaliar o efeito da cafeína qualitativamente e quantificado pelo cálculo do valor CNR em imagens de magnitude e MIP para as estruturas: veia cerebral interna, seio sagital superior, tórcula e artéria cerebral média. Metodologia – A população do estudo incluiu 24 voluntários saudáveis que estiveram pelo menos 24h privados da ingestão de cafeína. Adquiriram-se imagens SWI antes e após a ingestão de 100ml de café. Os voluntários foram subdivididos em quatro grupos de seis indivíduos/grupo e avaliados separadamente após decorrido um intervalo de tempo diferente para cada grupo (15, 25, 30 ou 45min pós-cafeína). Utilizou-se um scanner Siemens Avanto 1,5 T com bobine standard de crânio e os parâmetros: T2* GRE 3D de alta resolução no plano axial, TR=49; TE=40; FA=15; FOV=187x230; matriz=221x320. O processamento de imagem foi efetuado no software OsiriX® e a análise estatística no GraphPadPrism®. Resultados e Discussão – As alterações de sinal e diferenças de contraste predominaram nas estruturas venosas e não foram significantes na substância branca, LCR e artéria cerebral média. Os valores CNR pré-cafeína diferiram significativamente do pós-cafeína nas imagens de magnitude e MIP na veia cerebral interna e nas imagens de magnitude do seio sagital superior e da tórcula (p<0,0001). Não se verificaram diferenças significativas entre os grupos avaliados nos diferentes tempos pós-cafeína. Conclusões – Especulamos que a cafeína possa vir a ser usada como agente de contraste nas imagens SWI barato, eficaz e de fácil administração.
Adipose tissue is no longer considered to be an inert tissue that stores fat. This tissue is capable of expanding to accommodate increased lipids through hypertrophy of existing adipocytes and by initiating differentiation of pre-adipocytes. Adipose tissue metabolism exerts an impact on whole-body metabolism. As an endocrine organ, adipose tissue is responsible for the synthesis and secretion of several hormones. These are active in a range of processes, such as control of nutritional intake (leptin, angiotensin), control of sensitivity to insulin and inflammatory process mediators (tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), resistin, visfatin, adiponectin, among others) and pathways (plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) and acylation stimulating protein (ASP) for example). This paper reviews some of the biochemical and metabolic aspects of adipose tissue and its relationship to inflammatory disease and insulin resistance.
Background: Brown adipose tissue (BAT) plays an important role in whole body metabolism and could potentially mediate weight gain and insulin sensitivity. Although some imaging techniques allow BAT detection, there are currently no viable methods for continuous acquisition of BAT energy expenditure. We present a non-invasive technique for long term monitoring of BAT metabolism using microwave radiometry. Methods: A multilayer 3D computational model was created in HFSS™ with 1.5 mm skin, 3-10 mm subcutaneous fat, 200 mm muscle and a BAT region (2-6 cm3) located between fat and muscle. Based on this model, a log-spiral antenna was designed and optimized to maximize reception of thermal emissions from the target (BAT). The power absorption patterns calculated in HFSS™ were combined with simulated thermal distributions computed in COMSOL® to predict radiometric signal measured from an ultra-low-noise microwave radiometer. The power received by the antenna was characterized as a function of different levels of BAT metabolism under cold and noradrenergic stimulation. Results: The optimized frequency band was 1.5-2.2 GHz, with averaged antenna efficiency of 19%. The simulated power received by the radiometric antenna increased 2-9 mdBm (noradrenergic stimulus) and 4-15 mdBm (cold stimulus) corresponding to increased 15-fold BAT metabolism. Conclusions: Results demonstrated the ability to detect thermal radiation from small volumes (2-6 cm3) of BAT located up to 12 mm deep and to monitor small changes (0.5°C) in BAT metabolism. As such, the developed miniature radiometric antenna sensor appears suitable for non-invasive long term monitoring of BAT metabolism.
The present study describes a method for labeling Salmonella typhymurium with iodine-131 to evaluate both the morphological and the functional characteristics of the reticulo-endothelial system. A suspension containing 2 x 10(9) bacteria per ml was labeled with carrier-free Na131I without reductor, with a labeling yield of 46.5 ± 3% and 3.5 ± 1.3% of free Iodine-131. The biodistribution of the labeled bacteria in rats was studied with a large field-of-view scintillation camera equiped with a pinhole collimator. Whole body images were obtained 15 and 30 minutes after intravenous injection of the labeled microorganisms. Images showed accumulation of bacteria in the liver and both normal and transplanted spleens of the animals. Autoradiographs of liver and spleen demonstrated labeled bacteria within the cells of the reticulo-endothelial system. The method described is easy to perform, has a good labeling yield and allows the functional evaluation of the reticulo-monophagocytic system, including transplanted spleens.
A 26 year-old female was admitted with abdominal pain, fever and weight loss. The clinical and laboratory investigations led to the diagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis. Gallium-67 whole body images correlated well with the clinical course of the disease and with the patient's prognosis.
Innate attack to Schistosoma mansoni cercariae was evaluated in irradiated mice. It was observed that 70% of the larvae from mice sacrificed one day after whole body irradiation with 400 or 800 rads were surrounded by cluster reactivities, without difference from controls. Differences were apparent on day 5 after irradiation with sub lethal (400 rads) or lethal doses (800 rads) suggesting that innate defence to infection take at least 5 days to be affected by low dose whole-body radiation.
Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain a Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering
RESUMO: Na sociedade contemporânea a diabetes tipo 2 e a obesidade estão a aumentar exponencialmente, representando um grave problema de saúde pública. De acordo com a IDF “A diabetes e a obesidade são o principal problema de saúde pública do século XXI’. Para além destas duas patologias, a prevalência de esteatose hepática não-alcoólica (NAFLD), entre a população obesa e diabética, é de cerca de 90%. O aumento da obesidade, diabetes e NAFLD tem uma forte correlação com o aumento do consumo de gorduras e açúcares, acompanhado de um decréscimo acentuado da actividade física. A obesidade, diabetes e NAFLD tem sido escrupolosamente investigada mas as terapêuticas disponíveis continuam a ser muito limitadas. Tendo em conta o número crescente e alarmante de obesos e diabéticos o conhecimento detalhado da patofisiologia da obesidade, diabetes e NAFLD, tendo em vista a necessidade extrema de desenvolvimento de novas estratégias terapêuticas, é da mais elevada urgência. O fígado é reconhecido como um orgão primordial no controlo da homeostase. No estado pós-prandial, o fígado converte a glucose em glicogénio e lípidos. Em contraste, no estado de jejum, o fígado promove a produção de glucose. Sistemas neuronais e hormonais, bem como o estado metabólico do fígado, controlam de forma muito precisa a alternância entre os diferentes substratos metabólicos, dependente do estado prandial. A insulina tem um papel central no controlo do metabolismo energético no fígado; se, por um lado, inibe a produção hepática de glucose e corpos cetónicos, por outro, promove a glicólise e a lipogénese. O metabolismo energético no fígado é também regulado por vários factores de transcrição e co-reguladores que, por sua vez, são regulados pela insulina, glucagina e outras hormonas metabólicas. Em conjunto, todos estes factores e reguladores vão controlar de forma muito estreita a gluconeogénese, a β-oxidação e a lipogénese, no fígado. Para além dos já conhecidos reguladores do metabolismo hepático, novas moléculas têm sido estudadas como tendo um papel fundamental na regulação do metabolismo energético no fígado. Qualquer desequilíbrio no metabolismo hepático vai contribuir para a insulino-resistência, NAFLD e diabetes tipo 2. O principal objectivo do trabalho de investigação aqui apresentado é o contributo para o estudo detalhado da patogénese da diabetes e obesidade, num contexto de dietas ricas em açúcares e gorduras, e com a perspectiva de explorar novas estratégias terapêuticas. Os objectivos específicos deste trabalho eram: primeiro, determinar se o tratamento com glutationo (GSH) e óxido nítrico (NO) era suficiente para melhorar a insulino-resistência associada ao elevado consumo de sacarose; segundo, determinar o papel da Rho-kinase 1 (ROCK1) na regulação do metabolismo hepático da glucose e dos lípidos; e terceiro, estudar o efeito do metilsulfonilmetano (MSM) em doenças metabólicas associadas à obesidade. Na primeira parte deste trabalho de investigação foram utilizados ratos Wistar machos sujeitos a uma dieta rica em sacarose (HS). Tal como esperado, estes animais apresentavam insulino-resistência e hiperinsulinémia. A dieta HS levou ao aumento dos níveis hepáticos de NO e ao decréscimo dos níveis de GSH no fígado. Em jejum, a administração intraportal de GSH e NO, a animais saudáveis promoveu um aumento significativo da sensibilidade à insulina. Também nestes animais, a administração intravenosa de S-nitrosotióis, compostos orgânicos que contém um grupo nitroso acoplado a um átomo de enxofre de um tiol, promoveu o aumento significativo da sensibilidade à insulina. Pelo contrário, em animais sujeitos à dieta HS, as doses padrão de GSH + NO e de S-nitrosotióis não conseguiram promover o aumento da sensibilidade à insulina. No entanto, ao aumentar a dose de S-nitrosotióis administrados por via intravenosa, foi possível observar o aumento da sensibilidade à insulina dependente da dose, indicando um possível papel dos S-nitrosotióis como sensibilizadores de insulina. O estudo detalhado do papel dos S-nitrosotióis na via de sinalização da insulina revelou que há um aumento da fosforilação do receptor da insulina (IR) e da proteína cinase B (Akt), sugerindo um efeito dos S-nitrosotióis nesta via de sinalização. Os resultados apresentados nesta primeira parte sugerem que os S-nitrosotióis promovem a correcta acção da insulina, podendo vir a ser importantes alvos terapêuticos. Na segunda parte deste trabalho de investigação utilizámos murganhos, com uma delecção específica da ROCK1 no fígado, e sujeitos a uma dieta rica em lípidos (HFD). Foi possível concluir que a ausência da ROCK1 no fígado previne a obesidade, melhora a sensibilidade à insulina e protege contra a esteatose hepática. A ausência de ROCK1 no fígado levou a um decréscimo significativo da expressão génica de genes associados à lipogénese, com uma diminuição acentuada do fluxo metabólico associado a esta via. Pelo contrário, a sobreexpressão de ROCK1, exclusivamente no fígado, promove a insulino-resistência e a esteatose hepática no contexto de obesidade induzida pela dieta. Para além disto, a delecção da ROCK1 no fígado de animais obesos e diabéticos, os murganhos deficientes em leptina, corroborou os dados obtidos no primeiro modelo animal, com a franca melhoria da hiperglicémia, hiperinsulinémia e esteatose hepática. Os dados que compõem esta parte do trabalho de investigação sugerem que a ROCK1 tem um papel crucial na regulação do metabolismo lipídico. Na terceira e última parte deste trabalho de investigação foi investigado o efeito do composto metilsulfunilmetano (MSM), um composto organosulfúrico naturalmente presente em plantas e utilizado também como suplemento dietético, em murganhos obesos e insulino-resistentes, por exposição a uma dieta rica em lípidos (DIO). O tratamento com MSM melhorou a insulino-resistência e protegeu contra a esteatose hepática. O conteúdo hepático em triglicéridos e colesterol também diminuíu de forma significativa nos animais DIO sujeitos ao tratamento com MSM, bem como a expressão génica associada à lipogénese. Para além disto, o tratamento com MSM levou a uma diminuição da expressão génica associada à inflamação. De realçar que o tratamento com MSM levou a uma melhoria do perfil hematopoiético destes animais, tanto na medula óssea como no sangue. Para comprovar o efeito benéfico do MSM na obesidade e insulino-resistência utilizámos murganhos deficientes no receptor da leptina, e por isso obesos e diabéticos, tendo observado um perfil semelhante ao obtido para murganhos sujeitos a uma dieta rica em lípidos e tratados com MSM. Concluímos, através dos dados recolhidos, que o MSM como suplemento pode ter efeitos benéficos na hiperinsulinémia, insulino-resistência e inflamação que caracterizam a diabetes tipo 2. Em resumo, os dados obtidos neste trabalho de investigação mostram que os S-nitrosotióis podem ter um papel importante como sensibilizadores da insulina, promovendo um aumento da sensibilidade à insulina num contexto de dietas ricas em sacarose. Para além disto, estudos in vitro, sugerem que os S-nitrosotióis regulam, especificamente, a via de sinalização da insulina. Este trabalho teve também como objectivo o estudo da ROCK1 como regulador do metabolismo da glucose e dos lípidos no fígado. Através do estudo de animais com uma delecção ou uma sobreexpressão da ROCK1 no fígado mostrou-se que esta tem um papel crucial na patogénese da obesidade e diabetes tipo 2, especificamente através do controlo da lipogénese de novo. Finalmente, foi também objectivo deste trabalho, explorar o efeito do MSM em animais DIO e deficientes em leptina. O tratamento com MSM protege de forma evidente contra a obesidade e insulino-resistência, com especial enfâse para a capacidade que esta molécula demonstrou ter na protecção contra a inflamação. Em conjunto os vários estudos aqui apresentados mostram que tanto os S-nitrosotióis como a ROCK1 têm um papel na patogénese da obesidade e diabetes tipo 2 e que a utilização de MSM como suplemento às terapêuticas convencionais pode ter um papel no tratamentos de doenças metabólicas.-------------------------------ABSTRACT: In modern western societies type 2 diabetes and obesity are increasing exponentially, representing a somber public concern. According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) ‘Diabetes and Obesity are the biggest public health challenges of the 21st century’. Aside from these the prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), among the diabetic and obese population, is as high as 90%. It is now well established that the increase in obesity, diabetes and NAFLD strongly correlates with an increase in fat and sugar intake in our diet, alongside physical inactivity. The pathogenesis of obesity, diabetes and NAFLD has been thoroughly studied but the treatment options available are still narrow. Considering the alarming number in the obese and diabetic population the complete understanding of the pathogenesis, keeping in mind that new therapeutic strategies need to be attained, is of the highest urgency. The liver has been well established as a fundamental organ in regulating whole-body homeostasis. In the fed state the liver converts the glucose into glycogen and lipids. Conversely, in the fasted state, glucose will be produced in the liver. Neuronal and hormonal systems, as well as the hepatic metabolic states, tightly control the fast to fed switch in metabolic fuels. Insulin has a central role in controlling hepatic energy metabolism, by suppressing glucose production and ketogenesis, while stimulating glycolysis and lipogenesis. Liver energy metabolism is also regulated by various transcription factors and coregulators that are, in turn, regulated by insulin, glucagon and other metabolic hormones. Together, these regulators will act to control gluconeogenesis, β-oxidation and lipogenesis in the liver. Aside from the well-established regulators of liver energy metabolism new molecules are being studied has having a role in regulating hepatic metabolism. Any imbalance in the liver energy metabolism is a major contributor to insulin resistance, NAFLD and type 2 diabetes. The overall goal of this research work was to contribute to the understanding of the pathogenesis of diabetes and obesity, on a setting of high-sucrose and high-fat diets, and to explore potential therapeutic options. The specific aims were: first, to determine if treatment with glutathione (GSH) and nitric oxide (NO) was sufficient to ameliorate insulin resistance induced by high-sucrose feeding; second, to determine the physiological role of rho-kinase 1 (ROCK1) in regulating hepatic and lipid metabolism; and third, to study the effect of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) on obesity-linked metabolic disorders. In the first part of this research work we used male Wistar rats fed a high-sucrose (HS) diet. As expected, rats fed a HS diet were insulin resistant and hyperinsulinemic. HS feeding increased hepatic levels of NO, while decreasing GSH. In fasted healthy animals administration of both GSH and NO, to the liver, was able to increase insulin sensitivity. Intravenous administration of S-nitrosothiols, organic compounds containing a nitroso group attached to the sulfur atom of a thiol, in fasted control animals also increased insulin sensitivity. Under HS feeding the standard doses of GSH + NO and S-nitrosothiols were unable to promote an increase in insulin sensitivity. However, the intravenous administration of increasing concentrations of S-nitrosothiols was able to restore insulin sensitivity, suggesting that S-nitrosothiols have an insulin sensitizing effect. Investigation of the effect of S-nitrosothiols on the insulin signaling pathway showed increased phosphorylation of the insulin receptor (IR) and protein kinase B (Akt), suggesting that S-nitrosothiols may have an effect on the insulin signaling pathway. Together, these data showed that S-nitrosothiols promote normal insulin action, suggesting that they may act as potential pharmacological tools. In the second part of this research work we used liver-specific ROCK1 knockout mice fed a high-fat (HF) diet. Liver-specific deletion of ROCK1 prevented obesity, improved insulin sensitivity and protected against hepatic steatosis. Deficiency of ROCK1 in the liver caused a significant decrease in the gene expression of lipogenesis associated gene, ultimately leading to decreased lipogenesis. Contrariwise, ROCK1 overexpression in the liver promoted insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis in diet-induced obesity. Furthermore, liver-specific deletion of ROCK1 in obese and diabetic mice, the leptin-deficient mice, improved the typical hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia and liver steatosis. Together, these data identify ROCK1 as a crucial regulator of lipid metabolism. In the third and final part of this research work we investigated the effect of MSM, an organosulfur compound naturally found in plants and used as a dietary supplement, on diet-induced obese (DIO) and insulin resistant mice. MSM treatment ameliorated insulin resistance and protected against hepatosteatosis. Hepatic content in triglycerides and cholesterol was significantly decreased by MSM treatment, as well as lipogenesis associated gene expression. Furthermore, MSM treated mice had decreased inflammation associated gene expression in the liver. Importantly, FACS analysis showed that MSM treatment rescued the inflammatory hematopoietic phenotype of DIO mice in the bone marrow and the peripheral blood. Moreover, MSM treatment of the obese and diabetic mice, the leptin-deficient mice, resulted in similar effects as the ones observed for DIO mice. Collectively, these data suggest that MSM supplementation has a beneficial effect on hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance and inflammation, which are often found in type 2 diabetes. In conclusion, this research work showed that S-nitrosothiols may play a role as insulin sensitizers, restoring insulin sensitivity in a setting of high-sucrose induced insulin resistance. Furthermore, in vitro studies suggest that S-nitrosothiols specifically regulate the insulin signaling pathway. This research work also investigated the role of hepatic ROCK1 in regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism. Using liver-specific ROCK 1 knockout and ROCK1 overexpressing mice it was shown that ROCK1 plays a role in the pathogenesis of obesity and type 2 diabetes, specifically through regulation of the de novo lipogenesis pathway. Finally, this research work aimed to explore the effect of MSM in DIO and leptin receptor-deficient mice. MSM strongly protects against obesity and insulin resistance, moreover showed a robust ability to decrease inflammation. Together, the individual studies that compose this dissertation showed that S-nitrosothiols and ROCK1 play a role in the pathogenesis of obesity and type 2 diabetes and that MSM supplementation may have a role in the treatment of metabolic disorders.
The preclinical development of nanomedicines raises several challenges and requires a comprehensive characterization. Among them is the evaluation of the biodistribution following systemic administration. In previous work, the biocompatibility and in vitro targeting ability of a glycol chitosan (GC) based nanogel have been validated. In the present study, its biodistribution in the mice is assessed, using near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence imaging as a tool to track the nanogel over time, after intravenous administration. Rapid whole body biodistribution of both Cy5.5 labeled GC nanogel and free polymer is found at early times. It remains widespreadly distributed in the body at least up to 6 h postinjection and its concentration then decreases drastically after 24 h. Nanogel blood circulation half-life lies around 2 h with the free linear GC polymer presenting lower blood clearance rate. After 24 h, the blood NIR fluorescence intensity associated with both samples decreases to insignificant values. NIR imaging of the organs shows that the nanogel had a body clearance time of 48 h, because at this time point a weak signal of NIR fluorescence is observed only in the kidneys. Hereupon it can be concluded that the engineered GC nanogel has a fairly long blood circulation time, suitable for biomedical applications, namely, drug delivery, simultaneously allowing efficient and quick body clearance.
Body composition, resting energy expenditure (REE), and whole body protein metabolism were studied in 26 young and 28 elderly Gambian men matched for body mass index during the dry season in a rural village in The Gambia. REE was measured by indirect calorimetry (hood system) in the fasting state and after five successive meals. Rates of whole body nitrogen flux, protein synthesis, and protein breakdown were determined in the fed state from the level of isotopic enrichment of urinary ammonia over a period of 12 h after a single oral dose of [15N]glycine. Expressed in absolute value, REE was significantly lower in the elderly compared with the young group (3.21 +/- 0.07 vs. 4.04 +/- 0.07 kJ/min, P < 0.001) and when adjusted to body weight (3.29 +/- 0.05 vs. 3.96 +/- 0.05 kJ/min, P < 0.0001) and fat-free mass (FFM; 3.38 +/- 0.01 vs. 3.87 +/- 0.01 kJ/min, P < 0.0001). The rate of protein synthesis averaged 207 +/- 13 g protein/day in the elderly and 230 +/- 13 g protein/day in the young group, whereas protein breakdown averaged 184 +/- 13 g protein/day in the elderly and 203 +/- 13 g protein/day in the young group (nonsignificant). When values were adjusted for body weight or FFM, they did not reveal any difference between the two groups. It is concluded that the reduced REE adjusted for body composition observed in elderly Gambian men is not explained by a decrease in protein turnover.
OBJECTIVE: Contemporary free-breathing non contrast enhanced cardiovascular magnetic resonance angiography (CMRA) was qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated to ascertain the reproducibility of the method for coronary artery luminal dimension measurements. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Twenty-two healthy volunteers (mean age 32 +/- 7 years, 12 males) without coronary artery disease were imaged at 2 centers (1 each in Europe and North America) using navigator-gated and corrected SSFP CMRA on a commercial whole body 1.5T System. Repeat images of right (RCA, n = 21), left anterior descending (LAD, n = 14) and left circumflex (LCX, n = 14) coronary arteries were obtained in separate sessions using identical scan protocol and imaging parameters. True visible vessel length, signal-to-noise (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratios (CNR) and the average luminal diameter over the first 4 cm of the vessel were measured. Intra-observer, inter-observer and inter-scan reproducibility of coronary artery luminal diameter were determined using Pearson's correlation, Bland-Altman analysis and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC). RESULTS: CNR, SNR and the mean length of the RCA, LAD and LCX imaged for original and repeat scans were not significantly different (all p > 0.30). There was a high degree of intra-observer, inter-observer and inter-scan agreements for RCA, LAD and LCX luminal diameter respectively on Bland-Altman and ICC analysis (ICC's for RCA: 0.98. 0.98 and 0.86; LAD: 0.89, 0.89 and 0.63; LCX: 0.95, 0.94 and 0.79). CONCLUSION: In a 2-center study, we demonstrate that free-breathing 3D SSFP CMRA can visualize long continuous segments of coronary vessels with highly reproducible measurements of luminal diameter.
The liver secretes triglyceride-rich VLDLs, and the triglycerides in these particles are taken up by peripheral tissues, mainly heart, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissue. Blocking hepatic VLDL secretion interferes with the delivery of liver-derived triglycerides to peripheral tissues and results in an accumulation of triglycerides in the liver. However, it is unclear how interfering with hepatic triglyceride secretion affects adiposity, muscle triglyceride stores, and insulin sensitivity. To explore these issues, we examined mice that cannot secrete VLDL [due to the absence of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (Mttp) in the liver]. These mice exhibit markedly reduced levels of apolipoprotein B-100 in the plasma, along with reduced levels of triglycerides in the plasma. Despite the low plasma triglyceride levels, triglyceride levels in skeletal muscle were unaffected. Adiposity and adipose tissue triglyceride synthesis rates were also normal, and body weight curves were unaffected. Even though the blockade of VLDL secretion caused hepatic steatosis accompanied by increased ceramides and diacylglycerols in the liver, the mice exhibited normal glucose tolerance and were sensitive to insulin at the whole-body level, as judged by hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp studies. Normal hepatic glucose production and insulin signaling were also maintained in the fatty liver induced by Mttp deletion. Thus, blocking VLDL secretion causes hepatic steatosis without insulin resistance, and there is little effect on muscle triglyceride stores or adiposity