438 resultados para Whitby Abbey.


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FIR spectroscopy is an alternative way of collecting spectra of many inorganic pigments and corrosion products found on art objects, which is not normally observed in the MIR region. Most FIR spectra are traditionally collected in transmission mode but as a real novelty it is now also possible to record FIR spectra in ATR (Attenuated Total Reflectance) mode. In FIR transmission we employ polyethylene (PE) for preparation of pellets by embedding the sample in PE. Unfortunately, the preparation requires heating of the PE in order to produces at transparent pellet. This will affect compounds with low melting points, especially those with structurally incorporated water. Another option in FIR transmission is the use of thin films. We test the use of polyethylene thin film (PETF), both commercial and laboratory-made PETF. ATR collection of samples is possible in both the MIR and FIR region on solid, powdery or liquid samples. Changing from the MIR to the FIR region is easy as it simply requires the change of detector and beamsplitter (which can be performed within a few minutes). No preparation of the sample is necessary, which is a huge advantage over the PE transmission method. The most obvious difference, when comparing transmission with ATR, is the distortion of band shape (which appears asymmetrical in the lower wavenumber region) and intensity differences. However, the biggest difference can be the shift of strong absorbing bands moving to lower wavenumbers in ATR mode. The sometimes huge band shift necessitates the collection of standard library spectra in both FIR transmission and ATR modes, provided these two methods of collecting are to be employed for analyses of unknown samples. Standard samples of 150 pigment and corrosion compounds are thus collected in both FIR transmission and ATR mode in order to build up a digital library of spectra for comparison with unknown samples. XRD, XRF and Raman spectroscopy assists us in confirming the purity or impurity of our standard samples. 24 didactic test tables, with known pigment and binder painted on the surface of a limestone tablet, are used for testing the established library and different ways of collecting in ATR and transmission mode. In ATR, micro samples are scratched from the surface and examined in both the MIR and FIR region. Additionally, direct surface contact of the didactic tablets with the ATR crystal are tested together with water enhanced surface contact. In FIR transmission we compare the powder from our test tablet on the laboratory PETF and embedded in PE. We also compare the PE pellets collected using a 4x beam condenser, focusing the IR beam area from 8 mm to 2 mm. A few samples collected from a mural painting in a Nepalese temple, corrosion products collected from archaeological Chinese bronze objects and samples from a mural paintings in an Italian abbey, are examined by ATR or transmission spectroscopy.


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L’oggetto di ricerca della presente tesi di dottorato è costituito dall’analisi dell’opera Gesta Regum Anglorum, del monaco benedettino Guglielmo di Malmesbury, all’interno della quale sono stati esplorati e verificati i temi di legittimazione, di patronage e di propaganda. L’opera, infatti, rimane senza un manifesto committente, ad eccezione di una primissima versione. Il titolo della tesi rivela fin da subito questo aspetto, giacché estrae un passaggio del prologo al I libro: «propter adhorantium auctoritatem voluntate», traducibile con «per le autorevoli esortazioni che ricevetti». Dopo un’analisi delle lettere dedicatorie premesse all’opera, si è ipotizzata la volontà dell’autore di dedicare le Gesta Regum Anglorum, nella loro versione definitiva, a Roberto conte di Gloucester, approfondendo in tal senso l’aspetto legittimatorio dell’opera e la possibilità che essa potesse servire come strumento per ottenere un patronage dal conte nei confronti dell’abbazia di Malmesbury. La seconda parte della tesi è incentrata sulla comparazione tra le due principali redazioni dell’opera – quella conclusa intorno al 1126/27 e quella rivista tra 1135 e 1140 – per analizzarne le modifiche, ipotizzandone la funzione come volta mitigare aspetti relativi ai principali antenati di Roberto di Gloucester (Guglielmo I e Guglielmo II). La terza parte della tesi si è concentrata sull’aspetto propagandistico dell’opera in favore del monastero di appartenenza di Guglielmo (Malmesbury) e soprattutto in favore del clero regolare, nella dicotomia che caratterizzò questo e il clero secolare durante gli anni in cui l’autore viveva. Nell’ultima parte della tesi, è stato ripreso l’aspetto legittimatorio delle Gesta Regum, tentando di fornire un’analisi delle tre raffigurazioni dei sovrani normanni d’Inghilterra, che punteggiano i tre libri finali dell’opera.


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Doubly charged ion mass spectra of alkyl-substituted furans and pyrroles were obtained using a double-focusing magnetic mass spectrometer operated at 3.2 kV accelerating voltage. Molecular ions were the dominant species found in doubly charged spectra of lower molecular weight heterocydic compounds, whereas the spectra of the higher weight homologues were typified by abundant fragment ions from extensive decomposition. Measured doubly charged ionization and appearance energies ranged from 22.8 to 47.9 eV. Ionization energies were correlated with values calculated using self-consistent field–molecular orbital techniques. A multichannel diabatic curve-crossing model was developed to investigate the fundamental organic ion reactions responsible for development of doubly charged ion mass spectra. Probabilities for Landau–Zener type transitions between reactant and product curves were determined and used in the collision model to predict charge-transfer cross-sections, which compared favorably with experimental cross-sections obtained using time-of-flight techniques.


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Background Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is the most common AIDS-defining tumour in HIV-infected individuals in Africa. Kaposi sarcoma herpes virus (KSHV) infection precedes development of KS. KSHV co-infection may be associated with worse outcomes in HIV disease and elevated KSHV viral load may be an early marker for advanced HIV disease among untreated patients. We examined the prevalence of KSHV among adults initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) and compared immunological, demographic and clinical factors between patients seropositive and seronegative for KSHV. Results We analyzed cross-sectional data collected from 404 HIV-infected treatment-naïve adults initiating ART at the Themba Lethu Clinic, Johannesburg, South Africa between November 2008 and March 2009. Subjects were screened at ART initiation for antibodies to KSHV lytic K8.1 and latent Orf73 antigens. Seropositivity to KSHV was defined as positive to either lytic KSHV K8.1 or latent KSHV Orf73 antibodies. KSHV viremia was determined by quantitative PCR and CD3, 4 and 8 lymphocyte counts were determined with flow cytometry. Of the 404 participants, 193 (48%) tested positive for KSHV at ART initiation; with 76 (39%) reactive to lytic K8.1, 35 (18%) to latent Orf73 and 82 (42%) to both. One individual presented with clinical KS at ART initiation. The KSHV infected group was similar to those without KSHV in terms of age, race, gender, ethnicity, smoking and alcohol use. KSHV infected individuals presented with slightly higher median CD3 (817 vs. 726 cells/mm3) and CD4 (90 vs. 80 cells/mm3) counts than KSHV negative subjects. We found no associations between KSHV seropositivity and body mass index, tuberculosis status, WHO stage, HIV RNA levels, full blood count or liver function tests at initiation. Those with detectable KSHV viremia (n = 19), however, appeared to present with signs of more advanced HIV disease including anemia and WHO stage 3 or 4 defining conditions compared to those in whom the virus was undetectable. Conclusions We demonstrate a high prevalence of KSHV among HIV-infected adults initiating ART in a large urban public-sector HIV clinic. KSHV viremia but not KSHV seropositivity may be associated with markers of advanced HIV disease.


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BACKGROUND The possible impact of coinfection with the Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpes virus (KSHV) on the response to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is unknown. Prospective studies are rare, particularly in Africa. METHODS We enrolled a prospective cohort of HIV-infected adults initiating ART in Johannesburg, South Africa. The subjects were defined as seropositive to KSHV if they were reactive to either KSHV lytic K8.1 or latent Orf73 antigen or to both. The subjects were followed from ART initiation until 18 months of treatment. HIV viral load and CD4 counts were tested 6 monthly. Linear generalized estimating and log-binomial regression models were used to estimate the effect of KSHV infection on immunologic recovery and response and HIV viral load suppression within 18 months after ART initiation. RESULTS Three hundred eighty-five subjects initiating ART from November 2008 to March 2009 were considered to be eligible including 184 (48%) KSHV+. The KSHV+ group was similar to the KSHV- in terms of age, gender, initiating CD4 count, body mass index, tuberculosis, and hemoglobin levels. The KSHV+ group gained a similar number of cells at 6 [difference of 10 cells per cubic millimeter, 95% confidence interval (CI): -11 to 31], 12 (3 cells per cubic millimeter, 95% CI: -19 to 25), and 18 months (24 cells per cubic millimeter, 95% CI: -13 to 61) compared with that gained by the KSHV- group. Adjusted relative risk of failure to suppress viral load to <400 copies per milliliter (1.03; 95% CI: 0.90 to 1.17) were similar for KSHV+ and KSHV- by 6 months on treatment. CONCLUSIONS In a population with a high KSHV prevalence, HIV-positive adults coinfected with KSHV achieved similar immunologic and virologic responses to ART early after treatment initiation compared with those with KSHV-.


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Vorbesitzer: William Stuart of Tempsford Hall & Aldenham Abbey; Abraham Merzbacher oder Wilhelm Carl von Rothschild


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Profiles of Mo/total organic carbon (TOC) through the Lower Toarcian black shales of the Cleveland Basin, Yorkshire, United Kingdom, and the Posidonia shale of Germany and Switzerland reveal water mass restriction during the interval from late tenuicostatum Zone times to early bifrons Zone times, times which include that of the putative Early Toarcian oceanic anoxic event. The degree of restriction is revealed by crossplots of Mo and TOC concentrations for the Cleveland Basin, which define two linear arrays with regression slopes (ppm/%) of 0.5 and 17. The slope of 0.5 applies to sediment from the upper semicelatum and exaratum Subzones. This value, which is one tenth of that for modern sediments from the Black Sea (Mo/TOC regression slope 4.5), reveals that water mass restriction during this interval was around 10 times more severe than in the modern Black Sea; the renewal frequency of the water mass was between 4 and 40 ka. The Mo/TOC regression slope of 17 applies to the overlying falciferum and commune subzones: the value shows that restriction in this interval was less severe and that the renewal frequency of the water mass was between 10 and 130 years. The more restricted of the two intervals has been termed the Early Toarcian oceanic anoxic event but is shown to be an event caused by basin restriction local to NW Europe. Crossplots of Re, Os, and Mo against TOC show similar trends of increasing element concentration with increase in TOC but with differing slopes. Together with modeling of 187Os/188Os and d98Mo, the element/TOC trends show that drawdown of Re, Os, and Mo was essentially complete during upper semicelatum and exaratum Subzone times (Mo/TOC regression slope of 0.5). Drawdown sensitized the restricted water mass to isotopic change forced by freshwater mixing so that continental inputs of Re, Os, and Mo, via a low-salinity surface layer, created isotopic excursions of up to 1.3 per mil in d98Mo and up to 0.6 per mil for 187Os/188Os. Restriction thereby compromises attempts to date Toarcian black shales, and possibly all black shales, using Re-Os chronology and introduces a confounding influence in the attempts to use d98Mo and initial 187Os/188Os for palaeo-oceanographic interpretation.


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