749 resultados para Wellington


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BACKGROUND Experimental learning, traditionally conducted in on-campus laboratory venues, is the cornerstone of science and engineering education. In order to ensure that engineering graduates are exposed to ‘real-world’ situations and attain the necessary professional skill-sets, as mandated by course accreditation bodies such as Engineers Australia, face-to-face laboratory experimentation with real equipment has been an integral component of traditional engineering education. The online delivery of engineering coursework endeavours to mimic this with remote and simulated laboratory experimentation. To satisfy student and accreditation requirements, the common practice has been to offer equivalent remote and/or simulated laboratory experiments in lieu of the ones delivered, face-to face, on campus. The current implementations of both remote and simulated laboratories tend to be specified with a focus on technical characteristics, instead of pedagogical requirements. This work attempts to redress this situation by developing a framework for the investigation of the suitability of different experimental educational environments to deliver quality teaching and learning. PURPOSE For the tertiary education sector involved with technical or scientific training, a research framework capable of assessing the affordances of laboratory venues is an important aid during the planning, designing and evaluating stages of face-to-face and online (or cyber) environments that facilitate student experimentation. Providing quality experimental learning venues has been identified as one of the distance-education providers’ greatest challenges. DESIGN/METHOD The investigation draws on the expertise of staff at three Australian universities: Swinburne University of Technology (SUT), Curtin University (Curtin) and Queensland University of Technology (QUT). The aim was to analyse video recorded data, in order to identify the occurrences of kikan-shido (a Japanese term meaning ‘between desks instruction’ and over-the-shoulder learning and teaching (OTST/L) events, thereby ascertaining the pedagogical affordances in face-to-face laboratories. RESULTS These will be disseminated at a Master Class presentation at this conference. DISCUSSION Kikan-shido occurrences did reflect on the affordances of the venue. Unlike with other data collection methods, video recorded data and its analysis is repeatable. Participant bias is minimised or even eradicated and researcher bias tempered by enabling re-coding by others. CONCLUSIONS Framework facilitates the identification of experiential face-to-face learning venue affordances. Investigation will continue with on-line venues.


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Velum continues material experimentation with edible materials as explored within Formations: New Practices in Australian Architecture 2012. 1 The work employs the central theme of veiling as a ‘second skin’, an intermediary agent simultaneously engaging with Heideggerian themes of ‘nearness and revealing’ (1927, 1954). This second skin creates a liminality distorting everyday objects of popular culture and technological consumption. In doing so, the work puts forth multiple considerations, the figurative play upon consumption itself; the role of the strange and obscure to affect a deepening awareness of our accelerated consumption and experience; and more tangentially, questions surrounding imminent scenarios of hybridity between body and technology. Velum represents a recent focus of the authors’ creative practice, ‘Making Strange’ (Strange Making) published and presented elsewhere. Making Strange explores the sublime process, fundamental to both the final design outcome and the designing experience. The sublime process is seen as a leading, a physiological overpowering of self to a state of intense self-presence, often leading to self-transcendence or state of otherness. As such, the work engages with the body and materials, experimentally and in a trans-disciplinary manner to inform new material practice.


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The use of geotextiles in coastal structures such as revetments and bund walls has become a common practice. The performance of these structures during their lifetime depends on the durability of geotextile used. During construction of these coastal structures, geotextiles are subjected to a drop load with high impact stress and that can damage the geotextile. In the current design practice, index tests are insufficient in predicting the performance of the geotextile. This puts the stability and performance of the coastal structures at risk. The current geotextile design guidelines are based on index tests and there is no standard procedure to account for the potential loss in the geotextile’s mechanical properties during installation (construction).This study aims to develop a standard procedure to estimate the properties of geotextile after its installation and using these properties for designing the performance of these structures. This paper describes the laboratory method of simulating large scale rock dumping on non-woven geotextiles and how to quantify the retained strength of damaged geotextiles. Results show that the reduction in retained strength of geotextile could extent up to 26% during installation.


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Aim The aim of this study was to examine the lived experience of men training to be registered nurses within a regional New Zealand context. Design This study draws upon the key principles of descriptive phenomenology. Sample Five male students enrolled from the 1st and 3rd year of the BN programme. Findings - A Career with Prospects - Gender inequality by superiors; - Developing professional boundaries with female colleagues; - Being unique has its advantages.


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Throughout history, people with intersex variations have been positioned somewhere between ‘prodigy literature and pornography, mythology and medical discourse’ (Gilbert 2000, 145). Indubitably, contemporary representations have changed in step with societal values, yet it could be argued there is still slippage, and, moreover, very little is seen or heard about intersex at all. Where once there was the awe and horror of the highly visible carnival sideshow or medical treatise, the intersex body is now rendered absent by medical intervention, which is invoked to fix the intersexed in both mind and body. This paper explores the fictional representation of people with intersex variations on screen – television and film in predominantly the genres of drama and comedy – arriving finally at characters originating from program-makers willing to work closely with the intersex community. Such texts disrupt unwarranted categorization and erasure by “owning” discursive practices, defying current medical interference and promoting ethical debates around the will-to-normalise what is considered to be aberrant, deviant and abject.


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Emotional intelligence (EI) is defined as “the ability to recognise, understand and manage emotions in ourselves and others”. Initially identified as a concept applied to leadership and management, EI is now recognised as an important skill in a number of areas, including healthcare [2]. Empathy (the ability to see the world through someone else’s eyes) is known to play an important role in the therapeutic relationship with patients [3]. As EI has been shown to improve empathy [4], it is clear that developing the EI of student health professionals should benefit patients in the long term. It is not surprising, then, that a number of studies have investigated the role of EI in medical, dental and nursing students, however there is little reported evidence relating to EI development in pre-registration radiation therapy (RT) students.


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Australian education is undergoing national reform at many levels. The school sector, where preservice teachers will be employed, are adjusting to the demands of the National Curriculum and improving teacher quality through the National Professional Standards for Teachers. In addition, the university sector, where pre-service teachers are prepared, is undergoing its own education reform through the introduction of a demand-driven system and ensuring quality for tertiary education interns through the Higher Education Standards Framework. In moving to prepare preservice teachers for the school system; universities are grappling with the double-barreled approach to teacher quality; quality within the university course and quality within the student teachers being prepared. Through a collaborative partnership including university lecturers, Department of Education central administration staff, school principals, school coordinators, practicum supervisors, mentor teachers and pre-service teachers; the stakeholders have formed an online community of learners engaging in reflective practice who are committed to improving teacher quality. This online community not only links the key stakeholders within the project, it facilitates the nexus between theory and practice often missing in our pre-service teacher placements. This paper reports preliminary data about an initiative to ensure final year pre-service teachers are aspiring to meet the graduate professional standards through the use of an innovative online community.


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This paper reports on the outcomes from a preliminary evaluation of technologies and processes intended to support the Assurance of Learning initiative in the business faculty of an Australian university. The study investigated how existing institutional information systems and operational processes could be used to support direct measures of student learning and the attainment of intended learning goals. The levels at which learning outcomes had been attained were extracted from the University Learning Management System (LMS), based on rubric data for three assessments in two units. Spreadsheets were used to link rubric criteria to the learning goals associated with the assessments as identified in a previous curriculum mapping exercise, and to aggregate the outcomes. Recommendations arising from this preliminary study are made to inform a more comprehensive pilot based on this approach, and manage the quality of student learning experiences in the context of existing processes and reporting structures.


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With the level of digital disruption that is affecting businesses around the globe, you might expect high levels of Governance of Enterprise Information and Technology (GEIT) capability within boards. Boards and their senior executives know technology is important. More than 90% of boards and senior executives currently identify technology as essential to their current businesses, and to their organization’s future. But as few as 16% have sufficient GEIT capability. Global Centre for Digital Business Transformation’s recent research contains strong indicators of the need for change. Despite board awareness of both the likelihood and impact of digital disruption, things digital are still not viewed as a board-level matter in 45% of companies. And, it’s not just the board. The lack of board attention to technology can be mirrored at senior executive level as well. When asked about their organization’s attitude towards digital disruption, 43% of executives said their business either did not recognise it as a priority or was not responding appropriately. A further 32% were taking a “follower” approach, a potentially risky move as we will explain. Given all the evidence that boards know information and technology (I&T***) is vital, that they understand the inevitably, impact and speed of digital change and disruption, why are so many boards dragging their heels? Ignoring I&T disruption and refusing to build capability at board level is nothing short of negligence. Too many boards risk flying blind without GEIT capability [2]. To help build decision quality and I&T governance capability, this research: • Confirms a pressing need to build individual competency and cumulative, across-board capability in governing I&T • Identifies six factors that have rapidly increased the need, risk and urgency • Finds that boards may risk not meeting their duty of care responsibilities when it comes to I&T oversight • Highlights barriers to building capability details three GEIT competencies that boards and executives can use for evaluation, selection, recruitment and professional development.


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Estudo solicitado pela Comissão de Agricultura, Pecuária, Abastecimento e Desenvolvimento Rural da Câmara dos Deputados sobre a possibilidade de apresentação de emenda ao Projeto de Lei Orçamentária Anual - PLOA ou ao Projeto de Lei de Diretrizes Orçamentárias - PLDO, a fim de permitir que o Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento – MAPA e/ou o Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão – MPOG “crie Gratificação de Atividade Agropecuária e de Abastecimento para beneficiar servidores administrativos, técnicos e auxiliares do MAPA”.


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Trata-se de pesquisa solicitada pelo Deputado Geraldo Resende sobre os valores contidos no PLOA/2015, referentes à Área Temática VI – Fazenda, Desenvolvimento e Turismo, bem como um comparativo com os últimos exercícios.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar a trajetória escolar de jovens de origem popular e oriundos de um bairro de periferia da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, que ingressaram em cursos de pós-graduação stricto sensu de importantes universidades públicas. Tais trajetórias serão aqui analisadas a partir das narrativas dos próprios atores sociais em questão, buscando evidenciar as marcas de sua socialização e formação escolar em um contexto social que, do ponto de vista de algumas análises no campo da sociologia da educação, não favoreceriam a aquisição do capital cultural e social necessários ao ingresso na carreira acadêmica. Desta perspectiva, além de não serem muito comuns nos meios populares, essas trajetórias também não seriam reconhecidas pelo grupo de origem que, na maioria das vezes, identifica a formação escolar como porta de entrada no mundo do trabalho, tendo no curso superior o ponto máximo de uma formação escolar bem sucedida. Busca-se aqui, a partir da análise do conjunto dessas trajetórias, apreender os elementos e experiências sociais que possibilitaram esse prolongamento na formação escolar, e, sobretudo, o impacto e o significado da inserção na carreira acadêmica, tanto do ponto de vista da mobilidade social quanto dos conflitos decorrentes dessa experiência subjetiva, quer em relação às expectativas familiares ou do grupo social de origem. O trabalho de campo de caráter etnográfico, baseado na observação participante e realização de entrevistas aprofundadas constituíram as ferramentas metodológicas básicas a partir das quais essa pesquisa foi desenvolvida. Com relação à discussão teórica aqui proposta tomou-se como referência os trabalhos de Pierre Bourdieu, Jean-Claude Passeron, Bernard Lahire, Jailson de Souza e Silva e Maria da Graça Jacintho Setton, entre outros


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O alto crescimento populacional tem desencadeado uma elevada ocupação das áreas urbanas com a expansão de edificações e estradas causando alterações no meio ambiente com a consequente minimização das áreas verdes e da infiltração de água no solo. Estes fenômenos acarretam problemas como enxurradas, inundações, aumento da temperatura local e diminuição da biodiversidade com inúmeros efeitos adversos, tanto econômicos quanto ambientais e sociais. Uma das alternativas para minimizar estes problemas é a construção de telhados verdes, que tem como uma das principais funções retardar o escoamento devido ao aumento da infiltração e retenção da água das chuvas atenuando o efeito avassalador das enchentes e das zonas de calor, principalmente em climas muito quentes, além de colaborar para recuperação de ecossistemas, através do replantio de mudas. Este projeto faz parte de um conjunto de ações integradas de cidadania e inclusão social na região hidrográfica da baixada de Jacarepaguá, especificamente envolvendo a Comunidade da Vila Cascatinha, em Vargem Grande, a fim de gerar subsídios para políticas públicas em áreas de assentamentos informais, integrado ao projeto HIDROCIDADES (CNPq, FAPERJ, FINEP), que visa a conservação da água em meios urbanos e periurbanos associado à cidadania, inclusão social e melhoria da qualidade de vida nas grandes cidades. Este trabalho utiliza uma tecnologia adaptada dos telhados verdes para edificação popular (telhado de fibrocimento) muito comum no Brasil, com o objetivo de verificar uma espécie com potencial de geração de renda (visando o social) de ecossistema regionais como restinga, em edificação; analisar o crescimento e biomassa da espécie de restinga cultivada em telhados; e avaliar qualidades das mídias em função do plantio em análise de armazenamento (retenção) de água no solo. A partir da metodologia empregada na implantação dos telhados verdes em habitações populares, os resultados obtidos são desenvolvimento da espécie Ipomoea pes caprae Brasiliensis, em três tipos de mídias de crescimento e também eficiência dessas mídias no escoamento superficial. Observou-se retenção de 69,24L de água para o bagaço de cana de açúcar e 64,7L para a fibra de coco. E foi observado também um retardo da ocorrência do pico de até 14 minutos no telhado vegetado em relação ao telhado controle (convencional).


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Esta dissertação constitui uma investigação da estrutura e da discursividade do texto poético em suas virtualidades e está dividida em duas partes, distintas, mas não estanques. Na primeira parte, estudamos o texto poético considerando seus aspectos estruturais; na segunda, tratamos dos fatores que envolvem seus aspectos discursivos. Em relação aos os aspectos estruturais, consideramos o que formalmente torna o texto um objeto de arte literária. Aqui, em primeira mão, atentamos para os estudos poéticos desenvolvidos por Roman Jakobson. Ao considerar o formalismo do texto poético, levamos em conta as noções de poética, de estilo e de sua dimensão filosófica, bem como os aspectos da literariedade da linguagem e os fatores da versificação como elementos de construção do sentido poético do texto. Além disso, consideramos as noções de determinação e predicação, onde pontuamos os efeitos estilísticos da adjetivação na formulação do sentido poético da linguagem, analisados sob uma ótica sintática e funcional. No âmbito da discursividade, abordamos o texto poético sob a esfera de uma estilística de base enunciativa, de onde procuramos extrair o sentido que certas noções engendram no processamento textual. Para levarmos a termo a dinâmica discursiva do texto poético, estabelecemos sua ligação com o universo discursivo, em que os fatores da realidade discursiva são tomados como gérmen da poeticidade, sustentada pela concepção estética da linguagem. Para tanto, consideramos os fatores da referenciação, da subjetividade da linguagem, dos gêneros discursivos, da heterogeneidade enunciativa e dos gêneros textuais. Finalizamos com a análise de um texto poético, em que aplicamos as teorias da Análise Semiolingüística do Discurso, desenvolvidas por Patrick Charaudeau